Geboorte ongeveer Augustus 1893 • Mare Hill, Pulborough, West Sussex
Doop op 8 Oktober 1893 • Pulborough, West Sussex
[marriage event] ongeveer Augustus 1915 • East Preston district, West Sussex

Notas [C S bapt:1893 Oct 08 Mare Hill - father:chimney sweep.] [Sussex Agricultural Express, Saturday 05 January 1907. Petty Sessions, Monday. Before Mr. W. Powell Breach (in the chair; and Mr. F. W. Sim. Dismissed. Arthur Spiers pleaded not guilty to charge of assaulting Charlotte Scutt on 15th December at Storrington. Complainant, a girl of 13, stated that defendant smacked her face and pushed her beside the wall. She did not know what made him do it. In answer to questions by defendant, complainant denied calling him names or throwing stones at his door. Defendant said that during the past six weeks he had been subjected to great annoyance by complainant throwing stones, etc., at his door, and during the whole time his wife had been seriously ill. The case was dismissed.] [Sussex Agricultural Express, Saturday 10 October 1908. Alleged Assault. Charlotte Scutt, a girl of 14, was charged with assaulting James Leadbetter at Storrington, 20th September. Defendant pleaded not guilty. Prosecutor said that at 7.20 in the morning of the 20th he was going to work and when passing the backdoor where defendant lived next door to witness, she squirted water over him with a syringe and when he returned home to dinner at 12.20 she did the same thing again. The wife of prosecutor corroborated. William Scutt, father of the defendant, said that his daughter did not go out of the house as she had got a bad foot. The case was dismissed. Rose Scutt, sister of last defendant, pleaded not guilty to assaulting Alice Amelia Leadbetter, wife of last complainant. Prosecutrix said that on the 22nd September defendant threw stone at her striking her between the shoulders, hurting her very much. The case was dismissed, complainants to pay costs in both cases.]


  • Geboorte: Thakeham 2b 337
  • Doop: Pulborough Baptisms
  • [marriage event] met Philip Henson: East Preston 2b 1027

tot by 46 à 12 geslagte, 2 [implexes]
Voorouers      3  4 [ascendants tree][horizontal tree][table] voorouersUitgebreide weergaweOuderdom by afsterwe[surnames branch]Menu [tools] voorouers
     ♦ Frederick Scutt 1820-1886
     ♦ Phoebe Daughtrey 1824-1908
William Scutt 1858-1932
Jane Daughtrey ca 1859-1932
     ♦ William Daughtrey ca 1823-ca 1869
     ◊ Sarah Ayling ca 1827-ca 1894
bloedverwantskap: 3,13 %
Broers en susters Bereken verwantskappe 👪 [family time line]Ooms en tantesBroers- en susterskinders
  1. Ethel Jane 1878-ca 1945
  2. William Thomas 1880-1893
  3. Harry 1882-ca 1975
  4. Sarah Annie ca 1883-1948
  5. Rose 1884-ca 1963
  6. Walter Frederick ca 1886-1892
  7. Caroline Phoebe 1888-1948
  8. Mark Leonard 1889-ca 1963
  9. Frank 1892-1918
  10. Charlotte ca 1893-
  11. Edward Hamilton 1898-
  12. John ca 1901-ca 1985
tot by 11 à 2 geslagte
Afstammelinge  1  2 [descendants tree][descendant tree view][table] AfstammelingeUitgebreide weergaweMenu [tools] Afstammelinge