Valerie Rosemary Scutt 1937-1937

9 mēnešus vecs, 11 dienas vecs

Dzimšana datums: 1937.gada 27.februāris • Warsash, Hampshire - 4 Locks Villas, Osborne Road
Nāve datums: 1937.gada 10.decembris • St Brelades, Jersey (Channel Islands)

Piezīme(s) [V R S born at 4 Locks Villas, Osborne Road, Warsash, U.D., Hampshire - father:Seymour Vincent Scutt (aircraft welder) - mother:Leila Scutt (nee Edmonds) - informant:S Scutt (father) residing at same address as above. Registration date:March 19 - Registrar:Harold Dawkins - Registration dist.:Gosport - sub-dist.:Fareham, of Southampton.] [Thu 23 Dec 1937, Cornishman, Cornwall. SCUTT, Valerie Rosemary, beloved child of Mr. & Mrs. S. V. Scutt, passed peacefully away on December 10, aged 9 months. So beloved. Southways, St. Brelades, Jersey.]

Avoti (pirmsākums?)

  • Dzimšana: Gosport 2b 754
  • Nāve: Cornishman [1937 Dec 23]

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     ♦ Seymour Vincent Scutt ca 1887-1916
     ◊ Margaret Florence Kirby
Seymour Vincent Scutt 1909-1942
Lelia Edmunds 1912-

Brāļi/māsas Radniecības aprēķināšana 👪 [family time line]Onkuļi un tantes
  1. Valerie Rosemary 1937-1937
  2. Wendy L. 1941
  1. Lelia Edmunds-jā pusē
    ar Leopold Moreault :
  2. ------  - 
SOSA 1  X 