Owen Douglas Marks 1924


99 ára, 7 mánaðar gamall, 5 daga gamall

Fæðing   28 nóvember 1924 • Fremantle, WA, AUSTRALIA
[marriage event] með Vida Gwen Scudds   28 desember 1946 • Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA - Wesley Church

Athugasemdum [The West Australian Thursday 4 July 1946 - Mr. & Mrs. P. Scudds of 122 Ring William Street, Bayswater wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Vida to Owen, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. O. D. Marks of 4 Manning Street, South Fremantle.] [The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Friday 20 December 1946 p16 Article - The marriage of Vida Gwen Scudds, to Owen Douglas Marks will take place at Wesley Church, Perth, on December 28 at 4.15 p.m]


  • Fæðing: IGI
  • [marriage event] með Vida Gwen Scudds: The West Australian [1946 Dec 20 & 1951 Dec 28] / IGI

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