Potomkovia Helen F. Wright

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Helen F. Wright, narodená dňa 30. apríl 1893, zomrela dňa 22. február 1955, Rankin, Mississippi, UNITED STATES of AMERICA, pochovaná, Oak Grove Cemetery, Portsmouth, Virginia (vek v dobe úmrtia 61 rokov). [Poznámka 1]
okolo 1914, Virginia, UNITED STATES of AMERICA, si vzala George H. Skutt, narodený dňa 21. október 1892, Washington, UNITED STATES of AMERICA, zomrel dňa 27. august 1963, Gordon, Georgia, UNITED STATES of AMERICA (vek v dobe úmrtia 70 rokov) [Poznámka 1-1].

Spolu: 0 osoby (manželia/manželky nie sú zahrnuté).


1 (Helen F. Wright 1893-1955)
- manželstvo, úmrtie: Census 1930 Virginia

1-1 (George H. Skutt 1892-1963)
[G H S (14) travelled in 1907 from Liverpool to Philadelphia, USA. His parents came from England to the United States because his father did not want to be apprenticed to become a school teacher. George was born in Washington state, after which his family moved East. Reverend. Student at the Baptist Bible Institute, New Orleans. Issued:SC<1951.] [G H S 71yr.]

- narodenie: Census 1900-30 Virginia / S. S. Death Index
- manželstvo 1: Census 1930 Virginia
- manželstvo 2: zoominfo.com/directory/Skutt
- úmrtie: S. S. Death Index / Williams Community Cemetery (aka Ohatchee), Jacksonville, Calhoun, Alabama

- spojenia 3, friends 3