Potomci od Daisy Ethel Young

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Daisy Ethel Young, rojena [on (day month year)] 19. oktobra 1897, umrla v septembra 1987, Warminster district, Wiltshire (živel(a) 89 let). [Zapisek 1]
približno maja 1922, Braintree district, Essex, se je poročila z Frank Skutt, rojen približno 18. aprila 1891, Alderbury, Wiltshire, umrl [on (day month year)] 24. aprila 1954, Andover district, Hampshire (živel(a) verjetno 63 let) [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Daisy Ethel Young 1897-1987)
- rojstva: BMD (Deaths)
- poroke: Braintree 4a 1867
- smrti: Warminster 0987 23 2267

1-1 (Frank Skutt ca 1891-1954)
Medal Card of Skutt Frank, Royal Engineers T2370 Sapper Royal Engineers 494599 Sapper & Scots Guards 11703 Private. Date range:1914-1920. F S - 63yr.

- rojstva: Alderbury 5a 173 / War Office, Armed Forces, Judge Advocate General and related bodies WO 372/18
- poroke: Braintree 4a 1867
- smrti: Andover 6b 49