Potomci od Florence Elizabeth Skutt

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Florence Elizabeth Skutt, rojena [on (day month year)] 1. septembra 1885, Cardiff, Glamorganshire, Wales, umrla [on (day month year)] 3. aprila 1970, Gorsley, Gloucestershire - Gorsley Baptist Chapel (živel(a) 84 let). [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 6. oktobra 1909, Gorsley, Gloucestershire - Baptist Chapel, se je poročila z Albert Edward William Bailey, rojen [on (day month year)] 24. maja 1878, Steelworks Farm, Gorsley, Gloucestershire, umrl v letu 1969, Gorsley, Gloucestershire - Gorsley Baptist Chapel (živel(a) 91 let) [Zapisek 1-1] ([witnesses]: Gertrude Hitchman , William Mortimer Skutt 1860-1932).

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Florence Elizabeth Skutt 1885-1970)
- rojstva: Cardiff 11a 361 / Census 1901 Warwickshire
- poroke: Ross 6a 1019
- smrti: Anthony Prichard

1-1 (Albert Edward William Bailey 1878-1969)
Albert Edward William Bailey married Florence Elizabeth Skutt at Gorsley Baptist Chapel on Wednesday the 6th of October 1909. Florence was 24 and the daughter of William Mortimer Skutt a farmer. Witnesses were sister Gertrude Hitchman and William Mortimer Skutt. Both Albert and Florence were resident at the Steelworks and Albert s profession was as a gardener. Albert was granted probate to the Steelworks property on Friday the 6th of June 1913. Effects were valued at �520. He then took over the farm and continued there until the 1950 s farming and market gardening and was a familiar site locally driving his horse and cart. Albert died in 1969 and is buried at Gorsley Baptist chapel with Florence who died on Thursday the 9th of April 1970.

- rojstva: Newent 6a 285
- poroke: Ross 6a 1019
- smrti: Anthony Prichard

- povprečna starost ob smrti 1, prijatelj 1