Potomkowie Henry Richard Skutt

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Henry Richard Skutt, urodzony dnia 6 XII 1868, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, zmarł dnia 6 X 1930, Portsmouth City, Virginia, UNITED STATES of AMERICA, pochowany, Olive Branch Cemetery, Portsmouth, Portsmouth City, Virginia - plot:B-212 (wiek: 61 lat). [Uwagi 1]
Żona (ślub: dnia 5 VIII 1891, St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, UNITED STATES of AMERICA,): Elizabeth Moss, urodzona w roku 1862, ENGLAND, zmarła dnia 29 I 1960, Portsmouth, Portsmouth City, Virginia, UNITED STATES of AMERICA, pochowana w I 1960, Olive Branch Cemetery, Portsmouth, Portsmouth City, Virginia - plot:B-212 (wiek: 98 lat) [Uwagi 1-1].

Łącznie: 0 osoby (bez wliczania małżonków).


1 (Henry Richard Skutt 1868-1930)
[Sat 27 Apr 1889, Leamington Spa Courier, Warwickshire. Presentation Mr Henry R. Skutt, who has sailed from England for Minnesota, was, Monday evening, presented with an English silver lever watch and chain, in appreciation of his services as organist at Abbey Hill Chapel for the past four years. The watch bore the inscription: "Presented to H. R. Skutt, with the best wishes friends at Abbey Hill Chapel, Kenilworth." The Rev. John Naylor, B.A. (pastor), made the presentation on behalf of the subscribers.] [Leamington Spa Courier, Warwickshire, Friday 27 December 1901. Kenilworth. Agents: Messrs. Robertson & Gray, The Square; Mr. H. R. Skutt, Bridge Street; and Messrs. TF. B. Smith and Son, Railway Bookstall. Special Rates for Kenilworth Tradesmen's Advertisements can be obtained on application to Mr. H. R. Skutt, Bridge Street. Notices of meetings and other engagements for the attendance of Reporters should be sent to Mr. H. Skutt, Bridge Street.] [Leamington Spa Courier, Warwickshire, Friday 29 May 1903. Business Announcement. The Shop occupied by MR. H. R. SKUTT, in Bridge Street, Kenilworth, for his Stationery, Fancy Goods, and News Agent's Business now undergoing enlargement, the old premises being inadequate for his requirements. During the work of alteration, the Business is being carried on at Mr. Skutt's Private Residence (adjoining). The Office of the Kenilworth Gas Company will also be established within the new building when completed.] [Leamington Spa Courier, Friday 09 August 1907. Kenilworth. Gas Co., Ltd. The Directors of the above company have appointed Mr. A. E. Dencer, of Kenilworth. secretary and manager, to fill the place of Mr. H. R. Skutt, who resigns on his impending departure for America.] [Leamington Spa Courier, Friday 11 October 1907. Kenilworth Water Company. The annual meeting of this Company was held Saturday at the registered offices of the Company, Kenilworth, when there were present Mr. G. M. Turner (chairman), Messrs. T. I. Morris, E. J. Purnell and G. H. Church (Directors), Messrs. E. Nixon. L. Hughes, J. L. Smith, J. Heale (of Leamington), H. R. Skutt, Mr. T. Pension, Coventry (auditor), and Mr. A. E. Dencer (secretary). After the auditor had presented and read his report, the Chairman, in an explanatory statement, expressed hie satisfaction with the balance-sheet submitted. The report was adopted, and on the motion the Chairman, seconded by Mr. Nixon, a dividend at the rate of per cent, was declared. The retiring directors were Messrs. T. I. Morris and J. Bagshaw, the latter not seeking re-election by reason of his residing far from Kenilworth. Mr. T. I. Morris was unanimously re-elected to the Directorate, on the motion of Mr. Turner (who paid tribute to Mr. Morris's past services), seconded by Mr. Church. A vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Bagshaw, who had for so many years served the Board. The Chairman stated that only one gentleman had given the requisite notice of his intention to become a candidate for election a director, viz., Mr. Heale, of Leamington. Mr. Smith said that before they proceeded to elect a gentleman from outside Kenilwortb they should try to obtain local men. He knew Mr. Heale personally, and had no doubt would make excellent director, but had there been more local men the Board would not have made the great mistake allowing the water tower to used an advertising station. His opinion, and that of many other shareholders, was that it was mistaken policy. Mr. Nixon stated that whatever hie opinion on the matter the water tower advertisement was, as inhabitant of the town, regretted that Mr. Smith should have raised the point, as the directors had acted in the interests the company. Mr. Morris added that the directors were elected to serve the interests of the company, and they had certainly done so in this matter. Mr. Heale was then elected a director. Messrs., and Coventry, were re-elected auditors. On motion Mr. Nixon, a vote of thanks was passed to the directors for the able manner in which they had conducted the affairs of the company. Mr. referring to their late Secretary, said Mr. Skutt had held that office for several years, and he regretted Mr. Skutt's resignation. He paid tribute to the satisfactory manner in which the duties had been tried out, and propesed a hearty vote to Mr. Skutt. Mr. Heale, seconding, said he had found Mr. Skutt a most courteous and capable Secretary, and wished him every success for the country which was about to sail to. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Peirson added that, as auditor, had had an opportunity of appreciating the care and attention which Mr. Skutt paid the accounts of the company, which were in every way satisfactory. He had been painstaking and straightforward officer of undoubted capabilities (Hear, hear.) Mr. Skutt briefly thanked the proposer and seconder of the motion and Mr Pierson for their kind references him, and thanked the meeting for passing the vote of thanks. He explained that the health of his family had very reluctantly compelled him to find change of climate. At subsequent meeting the directors. Mr. Turner, having again occupy the chair, proposed Mr. Morris, who was then elected.]

- urodzenie: Warwick 6d 531 [1869 1st.Q.] / IGI / Leamington Spa Courier, Warwickshire [1889 Apr 27] & 1907 Oct 11]
- ślub: Minnesota Marriages 1849-1950
- zgon: WorldVitalRecords.com

1-1 (Elizabeth Moss 1862-1960)
E S - 98yr., Plot: B-212.

- urodzenie: (Deaths)
- ślub: Minnesota Marriages 1849-1950