צאצאים של Henry Albert Fagan

לראות: צאצאים | הערות

פרט דור .  

Henry Albert Fagan, נלד   ב- 2  יוני 1898, Petersham, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA, נפטר   ב- 12  אוגוסט 1943, Cowra, NSW, AUSTRALIA, קבור   ב- 12  אוגוסט 1943, Cowra Cemetery ( גיל במותו/מותה 45  שנים). [ הערה 1]
התחתן  ב- 1921, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA, עם Christina Amanda Petersen, נפטרה   ב- 19  מרץ 1957, Chatswood, NSW, AUSTRALIA [ הערה 1-1], גרושים.

סה'כ: 0 אנשים ( לא כולל בני זוג).


1 (Henry Albert Fagan 1898-1943)
[In 1905 surname Fagan officially changed to Scutts.] [H A Scutts & Company Bag Sack Bottle & General Marine Merchant, 382-4 Parramatta Road, Petersham 9 Dec 1908, also Mafeking Bottle Exchange, Bag Sack Bottle & General Marine Merchant.] [H A S - nr.6313 - 1916 Mar 02-1919 Jan 06 R.T.A.] [Friday 30 March 1923 NO.2 Jury Court. (Before Mr. Justice James and jury.) Action Settled. H.A.Scutts and Co. v Penfold Wines, Ltd. An action was settled during the hearing in which Henry Albert Scutts, senr., Henry Albert Scutts, junr., and Co. McDonald Stoward sued Penfold Wines, Ltd., claiming £1375/16/-, on an account stated for goods hold and delivered. Defendants had paid £684/10/- into Court, and pleaded never doubted as to tho balance of the claim. The terms of Settlement were not disclosed. Mr. Holman, K.C., and Mr. Bathgate (instructed by Messrs. Lee and Primrose) appeared for the plaintiffs; and Mr. Shand, K.C., Mr. J. W. Shand, and Mr. Cassidy (Instructed by Messrs. Sly, and Russell) for the defendants.] [Advertising The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842-1954), Saturday 24 May 1924 p9 Assigned Estate H. R. Scutt, Bingara. All Claims in the above Estate must be received by us on or before Saturday, 7th June 1924, other wise they will not be recognized Thomas Davis, Sheedy, & Co, Public Accountants, 2 Martin Place, Sydney, Agents for Trustees Sydney 24th May, 1924] [Thursday 19 April 1928 INTOXICATED MOTORIST: KATOOMBA, Wednesday, I Henry Albert Scutts, charged with driving a motor car when under influence of liquor, said he had been shell shocked and suffered internally. He claimed that he was sick, and not drunk. Scutt's record revealed that he had a prevlous conviction for driving while intoxicated. He was fined £20, and had his license, cancelled for the balance of the term. The P.M. also made a prohibition order against his being issued with another license for a further six months.] [Thursday 5 March 1931, SCUTTS versus SCUTTS - This was a motion for permanent alimony and maintenance in the suit brought by Christina Amanda Scutts (formerly Petersen) against Henry Albert Scutts, for a dissolution of marriage on the grounds of habitual drunkenness and cruelty. A decree nisi was granted on June l8 1930, and was made absolute on February 24 1931. His Honor made an order for payment of £1 per week for petitioner and 10/- per week for the child, to date from February 23 1931, first payment to be made on March 11 with leave, by consent, to respondent to apply to suspend the order by filing and serving affidavits and giving four days notice. Mr.Toose appeared for the petitioner, and the respondent appeared in person.] [The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 6 January 1932 - Threatening Words. Henry Albert Scutts, charged at Burwood Police Court with having used threatening words to his former mother-in-law, was ordered to enter into a recognisance in the sum of £20 to be of good behaviour for six months, and to pay £4/17/6 costs, the alternative being one month's Imprisonment. Mrs. Sarah Peterson, of Great North Road, Abbotsford, said that her daughter divorced defendant, and she had had defendant bound over 21 months ago at Newtown. Defendant came to her home under the influence of drink, threatened to break the door down if it was not opened, and smashed a pane of glass. Then he rushed in and said to her, "You know my vengeance on you, you old woman. I will kill you in the end." Her daughter had been forced to leave the house. Defendant said that he was a builder, living at Dulwich Hill. His former wife and his child lived with Mrs. Peterson, and he went to see the child. Mrs. Peterson's son, he said, told him to get down the steps, and punched him, and he fell against the door and broke the glass.] [BRUTALLY ASSAULTED and ROBBED SYDNEY May 15: Thursday 16 May 1935 - Brutually punched and kicked, with his leg broken in two places and his face badly injured, Albert Henry Scutts (37), Dulwich Hill, was found tonight in a paddock in East Sydney. He was taken to the Sydney Hospital. He told the police at first that he had been robbed of £45 by his attackers. Later some money was found in his clothing. He then said that his loss may have been 15.] [Scutts, Henry Albert (clerk) Cecil Street, Abbotsford, Sydney, NSW: Service Number - 6313: Place of Birth - Petersham, NSW : Place of Enlistment - Sydney, NSW: Next of Kin :(father) Scutts, Henry Albert. Contents date range 1914-1920 (Catholic). Henry A Scutts: Service Number:N104637 - b:1898 Jun 02 Sydney: Place of enlistment: Recruiting Depot E C, NSW: Next of Kin - Scutts, Walter. Contents date range 1939-1948.] [Petersham [hire of ground floor area of property at 112-116 Parramatta Road, Petersham by the Australian Military Forces. Property owned by Henry Albert Scutts and required to house engineers stores for 10 Workshop and Park Company]. Contents date range 1942.] [H A S - 45yr., Australian Army Canteens Service, sergeant - d:1943 "N104637 Sergeant H. A. Scutts Army Canteens Service. Age 45yr.]

- לידה: NSW # 24610 [Fagan] / National Archives of Australia / NSW # 19605/1905 [Scutts]
- נישואין: NSW # 616 / www.awm.gov.au
- מוות: NSW # 18050 / Com. War Graves Com.
- קבורה: BillionGraves Index

1-1 (Christina Amanda Petersen †1957)
[Thursday 5 March 1931 SCUTTS V SCUTTS - This was a motion for permanent alimony and maintenance in the suit brought by Christina Amanda Scutts (formerly Petersen) against Henry Albert Scutts, for a dissolution of marriage on the grounds of habitual drunkenness and cruelty. A decree nisi was granted on June l8 1930, and was made absolute on February 24 1931. His Honor made an order for payment of �1 per week for petitioner and 10/- per week for the child, to date from February 23 1931, first payment to be made on March 11 with leave, by consent, to respondent to apply to suspend the order by filing and serving affidavits and giving four days notice. Mr. Toose appeared for the petitioner, and the respondent appeared in person.] [C A G late of Avalon, Sydney Morning Herald (1957 Mar 21) & D L G 72yr, death notice 1975 May 11 formerly of Roseville, Sydney Morning Herald (1975 May 16)].

- נישואין 1: NSW # 616 / www.awm.gov.au
- נישואין 2: NSW # 2865
- מוות: NSW # 2482 / Sydney Morning Herald [1957 Mar 21]

- קישורים 9, מיוחסת 9