Potomci Bridget Anastasia Fagan

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Bridget Anastasia Fagan, narozena v 1878, St. Leonards, NSW, AUSTRALIA, zemřela dne 9. ledna 1946, Dulwich Hill, NSW, AUSTRALIA, zpopelněna, C. of E. Cemetery, Rookwood (věk v době úmrtí 68 let). [Poznámka 1]
v 1900, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA, si vzala Henry Albert Scutts, narozen kolem srpna 1874, Gainsboro, Lincolnshire, pokřtěn dne 22. září 1874, Gainsboro, Lincolnshire - Holy Trinity, zemřel dne 29. ledna 1945, Ashfield, NSW, AUSTRALIA, zpopelněn dne 30. ledna 1945, Rockwood, NSW, AUSTRALIA (věk v době úmrtí snad 70 let) [Poznámka 1-1].

Celkem: 0 osob (manželé/manželky nejsou zahrnuty).


1 (Bridget Anastasia Fagan 1878-1946)
[A S - 66yr., late of 379 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill, NSW - parents:Peter & Katherine ------.] [SCUTTS - January 9 1946 Anna Scutts of 379 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill, relict of the late Henry Albert Scutts and loving mother of Neil (dec), Bill (A I F), Roy, Les, Os, Dot, Ron (R A A F dec) and Rene, and grandmother of Wal and Peter aged 66 years.] [Thursday 9 January 1947 SCUTTS - In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, who passed away January 9, 1946. Inserted by Les, Gwen, David and Pam.] [The Sydney Morning Herald Friday 9 January 1948. SCUTTS - In loving memory of mum and dad passed away Jan 9 1946 and Jan 29 1945, Ever remembered by Dot.]

- narození: Robert Sharp
- manželství: NSW # 2707
- úmrtí: NSW # 3632 / Sydney Morning Herald 1946 Jan 10

1-1 (Henry Albert Scutts ca 1874-1945)
[New South Wales Police Gazette 1902, Sea near South Head Lighthouse, dead body of man seen floating, p159.] [Friday 5 June 1908 O'Sullivan v Scutts - Mr O Coleman, for Mr J W Abigail, appeared for the plaintiff, Patrick James O'Sullivan, of Petersham, produce merchant. Mr H A Moss, appeared for the defendant. Henry Albert Scutts, of Petersham, General merchant. This was a claim for £30 10s 6d, alleged to be due as balance of an account for goods sold and delivered. Defendant paid into court £20 0s 7d, as full satisfaction of the claim, together with £1 0s 2d for costs. Verdict for plaintiff for £15 17s 2d over and above the amount paid.] [H A Scutts & Company. Bag Sack Bottle & General Marine Merchant, 382-4 Parramatta Road, Petersham, 9 Dec 1908 Scutts, Henry Albert - 17563 (2/8540)] [Friday 30 March 1923 No.2 Jury Court. (Before Mr. Justice James and jury.) Action Settled. H A Scutts and Co. v Penfold Wines, Ltd. An action was settled during the hearing in which Henry Albert Scutts, senr., Henry Albert Scutts, junr., and Co. McDonald Stoward sued Penfold Wines, Ltd., clalming £1375/16/-, on an account stated for goods hold and delivered. Defendants had paid £684/10/- into Court, and pleaded never doubted as to the balance of the claim. The terms of Settlement were not disclosed. Mr. Holman, K.C., and Mr. Bathgate (instructed by Messrs. Lee and Primrose) appeared for the plaintiffs; and Mr. Shand, K.C., Mr. J. W. Shand, and Mr. Cassidy (instructed by Messrs. Sly, and Russell) for the defendants.] [Fire at Leichhardt - Thursday 10 July 1924. A two-story shed at 2 Skelton Street, Leichhardt, owned and occupied as a bottle store by Henry Albert Scutts, was badly damaged by fire early yesterday morning. The Leichhardt Fire Brigade was called at 12.15 a.m., and subdued the flames.] [Evening News (Sydney, NSW: 1869-1931) Wednesday 9 July 1924. Leichhardt Blaze. A fire broke out early to-day in a two storeyed building, in which are offices and storerooms, in Henry Scutts bottle yard, Skelton Street, Leichhardt. The Leichhardt Brigade overcame the outbreak after the building had been severely damaged.] [Wednesday 6 January 1932 - Henry Albert Scutts, charged at Burwood Police Court with having used threatening words to his former mother-in-law, was ordered to enter into a recognisance in the sum of £20 to be of good behaviour for six months, and to pay £4/17/6 costs, the alternative being one month's imprisonment.] [The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 7 December 1932. Price for Wiring and Installation of Tennis Court labour only H. A. Scutts Pet.2467] [Town & Country Cairns Post (Qld.: 1909-1954) Thursday 10 August 1939 p3 Article. Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Scutts, of Sydney, who have been holidaying for three months in the Cairns district, staying at Hides Hotel, will return south by the Manoora on Monday.] [Item SP16/4, 1740. Petersham [Hire of ground floor area of property at 112-116 Parramatta Road, Petersham by the Australian Military Forces. Property owned by Henry Albert Scutts and required to house engineers stores for 10 Workshop and Park Company.] [The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 1 February 1945 - Scutts - January 29 1945 at a private hospital Ashfield, Henry Albert beloved husband of Bridget Anastatia Scutts of 379 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill and loving father of Nell (Mrs Surbey deceased), Bill (AIF deceased), Wal (deceased), Roy (AIF) Les, Os, Dot (Mrs O Masters), Ron (RAAF deceased) and Rene (Mrs R Pittard) aged 70 years. Cremated at Rookwood on January 30] [Scutts - Loving memories of dear dad, passed away January 29 1945, inserted by Os & Vi Scutts - In loving memory of dear dad, who passed away January 29 1945, Always remembered by his daughter, Rene & and son-in-law, Frank Scutts - In loving memory of our dear father, who passed away January 29 1945, inserted by Les and Gwen. Scutts -In memory of my dear dad, who passed away January 29 1945, Sadly missed by his loving daughter Dot. Scutts - In loving memory of dear grand-pa, passed away January 29 1945. Always remembered by Wally and Peter.] [In the SUupreme Court of New South Wales - Probate Jurisdiction - In the Will of Henry Albert Scutts formerly of Dulwich Hill, in the State of New South Wales, Builder but lately a Member of the Australian Military Forces deceased - Application will be made after fourteen days from the publication hereof that Probate of the Will of the above named deceased dated 19th February 1941 may be granted to Percival Garfield Truman (In the said Will called Percy G Truman) the sole Executor named In the said Will, and all persons having any claim against the Estate of the said deceased are required, to forward particulars thereof to the undersigned within the said period and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address P G Tuman Procter for the Executor Challie House in Martin Place, Sydney] [The Canberra Times Saturday 26 October 1946 - Daughter-in-law not to benifit, Sydney. The Equity Court held today that a Sydney builder, "who left £45,000, was "entitled to tie up a £12,000 bequest so that a daughter-in-law could not benefit. The will of the builder, Henry Albert Scutts, contained an express wish that "the present wife of my son, Royal Herbert Scutts, shall take no benefit whatever under my will". Benefits to Royal Herbert Scutts involving about £12,000, were left upon trust as life interests only but were to pass to him absolutely should he divorce his wife or should his wife die before him. The court was asked to determine the validity of both these provisos. Mr. Justice Nicholas declared In valid the clause referring to divorce on the ground that it offered inducement to the son to divorce his wife if occasion offered and was, therefore, contrary to public policy. He held however that the second proviso was valid.] [Saturday 2 November 1946 Morning Bulletin - Rockhampton, Qld. Daughter-in-law Cut from Will. Benefit. A Sydney builder who left £45,000 was entitled to tie up a £12,000 bequest so that a daughter-in-law could not benefit, the Sydney Equity Court held last week. The will of the builder, Henry Albert Scutts, former owner of the Albert Palais Dance Hall, Leichardt, and other real estate in different suburbs, contained an express wish that "the present wife of my son, Royal Herbert Scutts, shall take no benefit whatever under my will.' Benefits to Royal Herbert Scutts involving about £12,000, were left upon trust as life interests only, but, in the terms of the will, were to pass to him absolutely should he divorce his wife, or should the wife die before him. The Court was asked to determine the validity of both these provisos. Mr Justice Nicholas declared invalid the clause referring to divorce on the ground that it offered inducement to the son to divorce his wife if occasion offered; and was, therefore, contrary to public policy. The judge held, however, that the second proviso (that the son could inherit absolutely if his absolutely if his present wife died before him was valid. According to the will a separate money legacy of £1000 to Royal Herbert Scutts was to revert to the estate if the son died before the father. Benefits to two other sons, Leslie Arthur Scutts, and Oswald John Scutts, and to a daughter Emma May Masters, were left to them absolutely.]

- narození: Gainsboro 7a 699
- křest: IGI C016937
- manželství: NSW # 2707
- úmrtí: NSW # 643 / The Sydney Morning Herald

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