Descendants de Sarah ------ ca 1789-ca 1857

Jusqu’à la 12ᵉ génération

Sarah ------, Scutts ca 1789-ca 1857
Naissance · vers 1789 · Gloucestershire
Mariage · vers 1810 · Gloucestershire? · avec John Scutts
Décès · vers 12 janvier 1857 · peut-être 68 ans · Westminster, London
Inhumation · Hackney, Middlesex (London)
[S S 68yr.] [S S 68yr.]

Sources • naissance : Census 1841-51 Gloucestershire • mariage avec John Scutts : (Children) / Census 1841 Gloucestershire-51 London (Middlesex) • décès : Westminster 1a 176 / Non-Conformist & Non-Parochial Registers 1567-1970

&ca 1810 John Scutts, farrier ca 1785-1864
parents : Thomas Scutts ca 1752-1833 et Sarah Holborrow ca 1754-1831
Naissance · vers 1785 · Sopworth, Wiltshire
Baptême · le 21 septembre 1786 · Sopworth, Wiltshire
Mariage · vers 1810 · Gloucestershire? · avec Sarah ------
Décès · le 11 mai 1864 · peut-être 79 ans · Westminster, London - York Street Workhouse, St. Margaret
J S - 80yr., farrier, of advanced age. (also mentioned originally as Scott as well as corrected to Scutts on the original death certificate!!! - n ** 293 Col 2 for John Scott substitute John Scutts corrected on the 27th of May 1864 by me William Ernie Needham Registrar in the presence of Catherine Hawker (nurse) X her mark & John Best. Both in attendance.

Sources • naissance : Census 1841 Gloucestershire-51-61 London (Middlesex) • baptême : Sopworth Parish Register • mariage avec Sarah ------ : (Children) / Census 1841 Gloucestershire-51 London (Middlesex) • décès : Westminster 1a 251 / Death Certificate

  1. Joseph Scutts ca 1811-ca 1839
    Naissance · vers octobre 1811 · Wiltshire?
    Mariage · le 22 février 1836 · Wolverhampton, Staffordshire · avec Sophia Wood
    Témoins : Phebe Appleby, Michael Mansell
    Décès · vers mai 1839 · peut-être 27 ans · Dudley, Staffordshire
    J S 27yr.

    Sources • naissance : BMD (Deaths) • mariage avec Sophia Wood : Staffordshire Marriages Register Number 10055 / FreeReg • décès : Dudley 18 211

    J S bachelor, of this parish. S W spinster, of this parish. Banns: recorded by G B Clare.
    Sophia Wood, Scutts/Thompson
    Mariage · le 22 février 1836 · Wolverhampton, Staffordshire · avec Joseph Scutts
    Témoins : Phebe Appleby, Michael Mansell
    Mariage · le 27 juillet 1840 · Bromsgrove, Warwickshire · avec Henry Thompson

    Sources • mariage avec Joseph Scutts : Staffordshire Marriages Register Number 10055 / FreeReg • mariage avec Henry Thompson : Bromsgrove 18 245 / IGI I03752-6

    1. William Scutts ca 1837-1839
      Naissance · vers octobre 1837 · Wolverhampton, Staffordshire
      Baptême · le 16 octobre 1837 · Wolverhampton, Staffordshire - St. George
      Décès · en février 1839 · peut-être 16 mois · Old Swinford, Worcestershire
      Inhumation · le 17 février 1839 · Old Swinford, Worcestershire - St. Mary
      [Father, carman from North Street.] [W S - 1yr.]

      Sources • naissance : Wolverhampton 17 244 / FreeReg • baptême : FreeReg • décès : Stourbridge 18 334 • inhumation : National Burial Index

  2. John Scutts ca 1813-1876
    Naissance · vers septembre 1813 · Wiltshire
    Mariage · le 10 septembre 1837 · Bristol, Gloucestershire · avec Charlotte Perry
    Décès · en mai 1876 · peut-être 62 ans · Clifton district, Gloucestershire
    Inhumation · le 7 mai 1876 · Bristol - Holy Trinity, St. Philip
    [Marriage licence 1837 Sep 09 St.Philip & Jacob, description John Scutts, cabinet-maker, & Charlotte Perry. Father:John Scutts. Father: George Perry.] [Sherborne Mercury Tue 13 Jul 1858. Bristol Destructive Fire. About half past nine, on Tuesday evening last, a most destructive fire broke out in West Steet, St Philips. The flames were first discoverd in the premises of Mr. Parry, boot and shoe maker, West Steet, and continued to rage with great fury until half past eleven, when the house was completely gutted. The neighbouring houses those of Mr. Burge, Mr Mathews, Mr Scutts and two-lodging housekeepers, also sustained much injury and the damage done amounts to thousands of pounds. The origin of the fire is unknown.] [Bath Chronicle & Weekly Gazette Thu 22 Nov 1860. Stealing a Truck: Jacob Salter was brought up under remand, charged with stealing a truck, value £2, the property Mr. Borneman, Monmouth Street. The prisoner, it appeared, was the employ of prosecutor, as porter, and had been sent to fetch some straw, with 25, and the trucks, but never returned with either. John Scutts, 72 West Street, Bristol, general dealer, deposed to the prisoner having offered the trucks to him for sale on the 13th inst., saying had a wife and family home starving, and must sell his trucks to aid them, ultimately took them, at the prisoner's suggestion, in exchange for a washing tub, a trunk, and 3s. 6d. in cash. Witness suspected the prisoner, and gave information to the Bristol Police, which led to his apprehension, by Detective Cox, the Bath Force, who found him at the Relieving Office, York Street, Bath, on Saturday last. In answer to the charge at the time, the prisoner admitted having stolen the trucks. He now also pleaded guilty and under the Summary Jurisdiction Act, was committed for three months hard labour.] [1865 Bristol Quarter Session, Friday [1865]. Before Serjeant Kinglake, M.P., Recorder. The learned Recorder proceeded with the trials of the prisoners this morning. John Jones, 17, labourer, charged with stealing, amongst other victims, Five fire shovels, value ls 3d, the property of John Scutts, on February 8th. Sentence deferred.] [J S - 62yr.]

    Sources • naissance : (Marriage) / Census 1841-61-71 Gloucestershire • mariage avec Charlotte Perry : Bristol 11 116 (Scuts) / Christ Church Parish, Bristol / VRI FHL 1596358 Dates • décès : Clifton 6a 85

    Bristol Record Office: Christ Church Parish, Bristol: Incumbent Marriage licences: FILE ref.P/Xch/I/7/51 1837 Sep 9 St. Philip & Jacob - John Scutts & Charlotte Perry
    Charlotte Perry ca 1817-ca 1876
    Naissance · vers 1817 · St. Philip & St. Jacob Out, Gloucestershire
    Mariage · le 10 septembre 1837 · Bristol, Gloucestershire · avec John Scutts
    Décès · vers août 1876 · peut-être 59 ans · Clifton district, Gloucestershire
    Inhumation · le 13 septembre 1876 · Bristol - Holy Trinity, St. Philip
    Marriage licence 1837 Sep 09 St.Philip & Jacob, description John Scutts, cabinet-maker, & Charlotte Perry. Father:John Scutts. Father: George Perry. J S - 62yr. C S - 59yr.

    Sources • naissance : Census 1861-71 Gloucestershire • mariage avec John Scutts : Bristol 11 116 (Scuts) / Christ Church Parish, Bristol / VRI FHL 1596358 Dates • décès : Clifton 6a 90

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