Potomci od Anthony R. Scutts

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Anthony R. Scutts, rojen v avgusta 1944, Camberwell, London. [Zapisek 1]
približno februarja 1966, Lewisham district, London, se je poročil z Beryl B. Sandland [Zapisek 1-1], ločena.

približno novembra 1977, Croydon, Surrey, se je poročil z Jane K. Stocker, umrla [on (day month year)] 15. junija 2011, Winkleigh, Devon [Zapisek 1-2].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Anthony R. Scutts 1944)
- rojstva: Camberwell 1d 361
- poroke 1: Lewisham 5d 776
- poroke 2: Croydon 11 1425 / Electoral Roll 2001

1-1 (Beryl B. Sandland )
- poroke 1: Lewisham 5d 776
- poroke 2: Lewisham 14 0435

1-2 (Jane K. Stocker †2011)
STOCKER-SCUTTS Jane. Passed away peacefully at home in Winkleigh on 15th June 2011 aged 64 years. Loving wife of Tony and a dear friend to many. She will be greatly missed by all. Funeral service at The North Devon Crematorium on Tuesday 28th June 2:30pm.

- poroke: Croydon 11 1425 / Electoral Roll 2001
- smrti: North Devon Journal [2011 Jun 23]

- povprečna starost ob smrti 11, prijatelj 11