Descendents de Henry John William Scutts

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Henry John William Scutts, nascut al voltant de 1832, Hackney, Middlesex, mort al voltant de novembre de 1887, Hannover Square, London (a l'edat de possiblement 55 anys), (1866-69) Solicitors Managing Clerk. [Nota 1]
Casat el 14 de juliol de 1856, Camberwell, London - St. George, amb Mary Hudson, nascuda al voltant de 1834, Lambeth district, London, morta al voltant de febrer de 1892, Lambeth district, London (a l'edat de possiblement 58 anys) [Nota 1-1] ([witnesses]: C. Stevens , P. Burrows ).

Total: 0 persones (cònjuges no inclosos).


1 (Henry John William Scutts ca 1832-ca 1887)
[David William Smith (23), Alfred Isaac Waldron (27) & William Edwards (24) - feloniously assaulting Henry Scutts, with intent to rob him, to which Waldron Pleaded Guilty. 12 Months imprisonment. Mr. Griffiths conducted the Prosecution; MR. Wood appeared for Smith, and MR. Bulley for Edwards. Henry Scutts, "I am a solicitor's clerk, and live at 92, Elsted Street, Wandsworth, on 1st July, between 1 and 2 o'clock, I was going home when I got into Rodney Road, the three prisoners came behind me. I was seized by the throat by the little prisoner and thrown on the ground, we had a struggle, and the police came to my rescue and seized Edwards and Smith, and I believe saved my life, I had money in my pocket, and I felt a hand there. I was much hurt, and am suffering still. I have no doubt about the prisoners, but Edwards was not so near to me as the others, when I first saw him he was about six paces from me, he did not come nearer at any time, they both had white handkerchiefs on". Cross-examined by MR. Bullet Q"Did you hear Edwards say, "Get up; let the man alone?" A"No, he was the length of a man from me." Cross-examined by MR.Wood. Q"Were you sober"? A"Not quite, I had taken three or four glasses of Irish whiskey and water, which I am not accustomed to, but I was perfectly composmentis, and was smoking a pipe, I lost some money, they compressed my throat, which brought blood from my mouth. I was thrown on the ground by someone's knees in my back and hands on my throat, we were fighting on the ground, and the policeman pulled this man off me. I am suffering from the compression of the throat still. I think the prisoner came from behind a doorway, because I did not hear steps previously. Charles Hunt (Policeman P9). About 1.30, on 2nd July, I was in Rodney Road, and Waldron and another man, with a white handkerchief round his neck, came up to me. When they saw me they turned and went down Dale Street. I met two constables and gave them instructions, shortly afterwards I heard a scuffle at the bottom of Dale Street, and saw the constables I had been speaking to with Waldron and Edwards, in custody. I took Edwards from him, Smith stood close by his side. I called a constable, who took him. I asked Smith what he was doing there, he said, "Nothing" I said,"I think you are concerned in the attack upon this man" he said, "I saw them scuffling, but I never touched them. Edwards said, "I helped him up, and told him he had better go away, as he had lost no money." Cross-examined by Mr. Wood. Q."Were the two men running towards you? A.No, walking when they saw me they walked back, and about seven minutes after that I heard the scuffle, and voices talking, but not quarrelling I heard no shouts of "Police!" both the prisoners wore white handkerchiefs. George Hollis (Policeman P131). On 1st July, about 10.30, I saw the three prisoners in the Duke of Suffolk public house. They remained there till it closed. They were drinking together. I am sure they are the men. I received information from Hunt, in consequence of which I went and saw Waldron on top of the prosecutor, at the corner of Dale Street, the other two prisoners were close by. I took them in custody, and the sergeant came up and took Edwards from me. Cross-examined by MR.Wood. Q."You saw them at the Duke of Suffolk? A."Yes, till 1 o'clock; there were a great many other people in the house. Smith works at Mr. Newton's, occasionally, I have heard that he bears a good character. He denied having any part in it, he was the worse for drink, and very much excited. I found him lying on the ground. Smith received an excellent character. Smith and Edwards - Not Guilty.] [H (J W) S - 53yr.]

- naixement: Census 1841 London (Middlesex)-71-81 Sry./Ldn. / Camberwell 1d 726 / The Proceedings of the Old Bailey [1869]
- casament: Camberwell 1d 726
- defunció: St. George, Hannover Square 1a 356

1-1 (Mary Hudson ca 1834-ca 1892)
M S - 57yr.

- naixement: BMD (deaths) / Census 1871-81-91 London (Surrey)
- casament: Camberwell 1d 726
- defunció: Lambeth 1d 318

- [connections] 3, amic 3