Potomci od Henry Scutts

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Henry Scutts, rojen približno 1804, Scole, Norfolk, umrl v decembra 1880, Osmondeston, Scole, Norfolk, pokopan [on (day month year)] 21. decembra 1880, Scole, Norfolk - St Andrew (živel(a) verjetno 76 let). [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 3. decembra 1827, Scole, Norfolk - St Andrew, se je poročil z Charlotte Townshend, rojena približno 1805, umrla v letu 1834, Scole, Norfolk, pokopana [on (day month year)] 2. septembra 1834, Scole, Norfolk - St Andrew (živel(a) verjetno 29 let) [Zapisek 1-1] ([witnesses]: John Nott , James Debenham ).

[on (day month year)] 3. decembra 1838, Scole, Norfolk, se je poročil z Susan Rogers, rojena približno julija 1811, umrla [on (day month year)] 8. marca 1880, Osmondeston, Scole, Norfolk, pokopana, Scole, Norfolk - St Andrew (živel(a) verjetno 68 let) [Zapisek 1-2] ([witnesses]: John Rogers , Maria Rogers ).

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Henry Scutts ca 1804-1880)
(his parentage needs to be verified). H S - 76yr.

- rojstva: Census 1871 Norfolk / BMD (Deaths)
- poroke 1: IGI I07421-5 [Scutts] / IGI [Scotts] / FreeReg 50 [Scuts]
- poroke 2: Depwade 13 141 / IGI I07421-5 / FreeReg 3
- smrti: Depwade 4b 163
- pogreb: FreeReg 789

1-1 (Charlotte Townshend ca 1805-1834)
C S - 29yr., abode:Scole.

- rojstva: (Deaths)
- poroke: IGI I07421-5 [Scutts] / IGI [Scotts] / FreeReg 50 [Scuts]
- pogreb: IGI I07421-5 / FreeReg 154

1-2 (Susan Rogers ca 1811-1880)
S S - 68yr.

- rojstva: BMD (Deaths)
- poroke: Depwade 13 141 / IGI I07421-5 / FreeReg 3
- smrti: Depwade 4b 163 / FreeReg 774

- povprečna starost ob smrti 10, prijatelj 10