Afstammelinge van Joseph Scutts

Sien: Afstammelinge | Notas

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Joseph Scutts, gebore in 1875, Newtown, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA, oorlede op 12 Mei 1944, Haberfield, Marrickville, NSW, AUSTRALIA (ouderdom by afsterwe: 69 jaar.). [Nota 1]
Getroud met op 24 Julie 1896, Petersham, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA - 36 Railway Street, Baptist Church, Margaret Emily Grant, gebore ongeveer 1875, oorlede op 6 Maart 1943, Newtown, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA (ouderdom by afsterwe: miskien 68 jaar.), (1896) domestic servant [Nota 1-1] ([witnesses]: Annie Green , Annie Grant ).

Totaal: 0 persone (eggenote weggelaat).


1 (Joseph Scutts 1875-1944)
[The Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday 23 July 1891 p7 Article. Police. Mr. Whittingdale Johnson, S.M., presided at the Central Police Court yesterday. Peter Grant 19, a groom, and Joseph Scutts, were charged with having unlawfully and violently assaulted Peter Kleeburg at Leichhardt. The first named was fined £10, in default, four months imprisonment, and the latter was remanded on bail till Friday.] [Thursday 30 July 1891 Assault at Leichhardt. At the Central Police Court yesterday, before Mr George O'Malloy Clarke, S. M., Joseph Scutts 16, Daniel Farley 25, and Charles Oliver 17, were charged with having unlawfully assaulted Peter Kleeberg at Leichhardt. The prosecutor, who resides in Marion Street Leichhardt, deposed that he went to a certain hotel in Leichhardt at about 10 30p.m. on the 18th instant. He had been there about five minutes when Farley, Oliver, and two others came in. One of them said that they could fight anyone in the bar, and witness at once received a knock in the ear from Farley. The other three joined him in assaulting witness. By Mr Williamson: This was the fourth time he had been concerned in assault cases. Accused Farley was fined £10, in default four months imprisonment and Scutts and Oliver were each fined £5, in default two months imprisonment. The fourth assailant, Pater Grant, was last Wednesday fined £10, in default four months imprisonment.] [1891 Assault at Leichhardt. Yesterday, S M Clarke, Joseph Scutts 16, Daniel Farley 25 and Charles Oliver 17, were charged with having unlawfully assaulted Peter Kleeberg at Leichhardt. Accused Farley was fined £10, in default four months imprisonment and Scutts and Oliver were each fined £5, in default two months imprisonment. The fourth assailant, Pater Grant, was last Wednesday fined £10, in default four months imprisonment.] [(1896) J S(21) bachelor, butcher, Marion Street - parents:Joseph Scutts (butcher) & Annie Bennett. M E G(21) spinster, domestic servant, Walter Street - parents:George Gordon Grant (dealer) & Elizabeth Ann Wallace. Marriage at 36 Railway Street, rites of Baptist Church. Both of Leichardt. Witnesses:Annie Green & Annie Grant.] [Sydney Morning Herald, Friday 29 March 1907. At the same court Joseph Scutts was committed for trail at the Quarter Sessions to be held on April 4 next upon a charge of malicously wounding John Peters on March 15, at Gordon.] [Sydney Quarter Sessions, Thursday 25 April 1907. James Hayes, stealing; Joseph Scutts, maliciously wounding.] [Referee (Sydney, NSW :1886-1939), Wednesday 10 November 1915 p8. About Mr Scutts, Senior. Father of the Great Lads, Joe and Wal. And there are Others. Last week I was honored by a visit from Mr. Scutts, sen., father of those great youngsters, Joe and Wal, who are to make a name for themselves in boxing when they develop a little more. But it is of the proud father I wish to write. Joe Scutts, sen., would pass for the kiddies big, brother, a fine, loosely-built man without the slightest trace of age, with a thick crop of jet-black hair. At first I thought he was an up-country boxer, who had called to solicit my aid in getting him a match. But so strong a resemblance has he to his bonny boys that I immediately said, 'Your name is Scutts,' and with a surprised look in his good-natured face he said, How do you know? The object of his visit was, to tell me that the £5 his son Wal had deposited for a match with Holmes, now that the latter had signed to meet Wills at West Maitland next Saturday night, could remain up for any other 8.6 lad, who cared to cover it. Though an unassuming man, I learned from him that he himself had figured in the fighting line, but always under E.P.R. rules, and also that his forefathers for ages back were prominent English fighters. 'You'd hardly believe it,' he added, for with such a name one would think I am of German descent.' 'I would like to meet friend Scutts again. I am sure he could furnish me with interesting stories' of the days when bare hands were used, and contests were not under police control. When he was taking his departure I inquired if Joe and Wal comprised his family, to which with 'a broad smile', he replied: 'Bless your heart, no, I have fourteen altogether.' Mr. Billy Law, so well known in boxing circles in Brisbane and Sydney, and also in the former city as the Queensland Government Official Interpreter, is in Sydney, enjoying a short holiday.] [Bryant & Company, Sheep Trotters Suppliers & General Scalders. Abbattoirs, Homebush Bay & Flood Street, Leichhardt, 28 Aug 1918. Bryant, Alfred; Scutts, Walter Wallace; Scutts, Joseph; Bryant, Walter Ernest; Bryant, Alfred Harold; Bryant, Walter - 31181 (2/8548)] [The Bathurst Times (NSW: 1909-1925) Thursday 5 February 1920, p1 Article. Where Trotters are cooked disgustingly. Dirty Premises, Sydney. Walter Bryant senr., Alfred Bryant senr., and Joseph Scutts senr., and others, trading as Bryant & Company of Flood Street, Leichhardt, were procceded against at the Glebe Police Court by Inspector Jackson, of Leichardt Council, for not keeping the premises clean, although food was prepared there for sale. The inspector stated that on visiting the place on January 19 he found trotters being cleaned for sale as food. The stable was very dirty. The floors of a shed under the place where food was prepared was shocking, and a table, filthy with grease and putrid matter, smelt abominably. The skirting boards were an inch thick with grease and putrid matter and alive with insects. Where the flooring was broken the holes were full of black putrid water, a drain having become choked up. Walter Bryant appeared and pleaded guilty, and was fined £10, with 12s costs, in default three months hard labor. Tho cases against Alfred Bryant and Joseph Scutts were with ......] [The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW: 1888-1950) Thursday 17 July 1930, p3 Article. John Roberts was fined £3 with 5sh costs for having used indecent language in a railway carriage between Lidcombe and Auburn. For a similar offence in Sydney Road, Granville, Joseph Scutts was lined £2.] [Scutts - May 12 1944 at a private hospital, Marrickville, Joseph Scutts husband of the late Margaret Scutts of 40 Boomerang Street, Haberfield and beloved father of Joe, Wal, Fred, Alf, Sam, Harry, Mary & Annie. Monday 15 May 1944, Scutts - The Relatives and friends of the late Joseph Scutts of 40 Boomerang Street, Haberfield are invited to attend his funeral to leave our chapel, 7 Norton Street, Leichhardt this Monday after service commencing at 1.15 pm for Church of England Cemetery, Rockwood.]

- geboorte: NSW # 4147/1875
- huwelik: NSW # 5884 / Marriage Certificate
- oorlede: NSW # 10432 / Death Certificate / The Sydney Morning Herald 1944 May 15

1-1 (Margaret Emily Grant ca 1875-1943)
[(1896) J S(21) bachelor, butcher, Marion Street - parents:Joseph Scutts (butcher) & Annie Bennett. M E G(21) spinster, domestic servant, Walter Street - parents:George Gordon Grant (dealer) & Elizabeth Ann Wallace. Marriage at 36 Railway Street, rites of Baptist Church. Both of Leichardt. Witnesses:Annie Green & Annie Grant.] [M E S 67yr. Rookwood General Cemeteries Reserve Trust. Plot:Zone D Section 13 Grave 2746.]

- geboorte: BMD (Marriages & Deaths)
- huwelik: NSW # 5884 / Marriage Certificate
- oorlede: NSW # 4372

- [connections] 16, vriend 16