Potomci Beatrice Newing

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Beatrice Newing, narozena dne 26. ledna 1912, Elham district, Kent, zemřela kolem února 1970, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire (věk v době úmrtí snad 58 let). [Poznámka 1]
v září 1939, Gravesend, Kent, si vzala Lynton Scutts, narozen v srpna 1915, Gravesend district, Kent, zemřel dne 13. března 1958, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire (věk v době úmrtí 42 let) [Poznámka 1-1].

Celkem: 0 osob (manželé/manželky nejsou zahrnuty).


1 (Beatrice Newing 1912-ca 1970)
Beatrice (nee Newing) from a naval family, died at 58.

- narození: Elham 2a 2214
- manželství: Gravesend 2a 3664 (4th.Q.)
- úmrtí: Bishop's Stortford 4b 49

1-1 (Lynton Scutts 1915-1958)
L S - 43yr. L S optician by profession, town and county councillor, candidate for M.P. as Labour candidate, died at 42. Councillor with Bishop s Stortford UDC and Housing Officer, Councillor with Hertfordshire County Council, Trades Unionist with USDAW, Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Hertfordshire East, Norfolk South and Maldon constituencies (1950, 1951, 1955 resp.). He died on March 13 1958 after the onset of complications resulting from diabetes.

- narození: Gravesend 2a 1168
- manželství: Gravesend 2a 3664 (4th.Q.)
- úmrtí: Bishop's Stortford 4b 31

- spojenia 6, friends 6