Potomci od George Wilson

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George Wilson, umrl. [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 10. julija 1852, (Stepney), London, se je poročil z Elizabeth Scutts, rojena približno 1824, Lambeth, Surrey (London), krščena [on (day month year)] 28. maja 1840, Lambeth, Surrey (London) - St. Anne, umrla, (1841) streetwalker [Zapisek 1-1] ([witnesses]: William Laycock , Jane Rickie ).

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (George Wilson )
- poroke: St. George in the East 1c 878

1-1 (Elizabeth Scutts ca 1824-)
E S - c18yr., bapt:1840 May 18 - address:Ratcliff, Limehouse, (St.Anne - Commercial Road). In 1885 she witnessed the death certificate of her brother Edward Scutt at London Hospital but she is noted as Elizabeth Davies [E S - 48yr., London Hospital, Labourer, living at 13 Albert Street, Shadwell - cardiac disease, oedema of lungs. Cert.:the mark x of Elizabeth Davis, sister present at death of 13 Albert Street, Shadwell. Registrar:John Hall].

- rojstva: Census 1841 London
- krst: St. Anne Baptisms entry:1338
- poroke 1: (child)
- poroke 2: St. George in the East 1c 878
- poroke 3: Tower Hamlets BMD ScuttsC92 3.415

- povprečna starost ob smrti 3, prijatelj 3