Descendentes de John Thomas Scutts

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John Thomas Scutts, nascido em 1844, Smith Square, Westminster, London, batizado em 1844, Westminster, London - St John the Evangelist, falecido a 14 de Maio de 1923, Belmore, NSW, AUSTRALIA (com a idade de 79 anos). [Nota 1]
Casado a 25 de Agosto de 1866, Sculcoates, Yorkshire - St Paul, com Emma Burton, nascida cerca 1844, Kirton in Lindsey, Lincolnshire, falecida a 12 de Agosto de 1923, Belmore, NSW, AUSTRALIA, enterrada a 14 de Agosto de 1923, Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood (com a idade de possivelmente 79 anos) [Nota 1-1] (testemunhas: Robert James Steele , Sarah Ann Steele ).

Total: 0 pessoas (cônjuges não incluídos).


1 (John Thomas Scutts 1844-1923)
[J S - father:Peter Scutts. E B - parents:Thomas & Ann Burton.] [(Parents also stated (death) as Thomas P. & Ann Scutts).] [The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 17 July 1861. £l REWARD - Strayed from Ultimo Paddocks on Friday evening, 12th July, one bay HORSE, branded W T. near shoulder; also one iron grey MARE, branded J.P off shoulder. J. SCUTTS, Pyrmont.] [Rockhampton Bulletin (Qld.: 1871-1878) Thursday 27 December 1877 p3 LIST of Unclaimed Letters at the Post Office, Rockhampton; if not claimed on or before 14th January, 1877, will be forwarded to the Dead Letter Office, Brisbane. DANIEL PETERSON, Postmaster. P.O., Rockhampton, December 14, 1876. ...................................Scutts, John:] [The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 5 December 1882 p16 Advertising, WANTED - A useful MAN to dig in a garden. Apply:- J. Scutts, Foster Street, Leichhardt.] [The Sydney Morning Herald Friday 6 May 1887. EIGHT Allotments of Land, tram termimus, Leichardt. Mr. Scutts, Forster Street, Leichhardt.] [SCUTTS - May 14, 1923 at his residence, Canterbury Road, Belmore, John Thomas dearly loved husband of Emma Scutts, aged 76 years.] [Scutts - In loving memory of my dear mother, Amy died August 12 1923; also my dear father John Thomas, died May 14 1923; also my dear brother, Herbert, died October 11 1918. At rest. Inserted by their loving daughter and sister, Gertrude Scutts.]

- nascimento: Census 1851 Somerset-61-71 Yorkshire
- casamento: Sculcoates 9d 226 / IGI I024128
- morte: NSW # 5124

1-1 (Emma Burton ca 1844-1923)
["Boomerang" of Sydney, J T Durrell, Master, Burthen 445 Tons from the Port of Rockhampton, Qld to Sydney, NSW 1877 Aug 12 Emma Scutts and four children (steerage).] [Rookwood. The Sydney Morning Herald, Tuesday 14 August 1923. Scutts - The Relatives and Friends of Miss Gertrude Scutts are invited to attend the funeral of her beloved Mother Emma, to leave her residence Canterbury Road, Belmore This Tuesday at 1pm for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood via Burwood Station. Scutts, The Relatives and Friends of Mr & Mrs H A Scutts are invited to attend the funeral of their beloved Mother Emma to leave Canterbury Road, Belmore This Tuesday at 1pm, for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood. Scutts, The Relatives and Friends of Mr & Mrs C Scutts are invited to attend the funeral of their beloved Mother Emma to leave Canterbury Road, Belmore This Tuesday at 1pm for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood. SCUTTS - The Friends of Mrs & Mr J E SCUTTS & FAMILY of George Street, Canterbury, are invited to attend the funeral of their dearly loved MOTHER and GRANDMOTHER to leave their residence, This DAY at 1 o'clock. SCUTTS - The Relatives & Friends of Mr & Mrs H A SCUTTS - Senior and Junior are invited to attend the funeral of their late dearly beloved MOTHER and GRANDMOTHER to leave her late residence at Canterbury Road, Belmore, This Afternoon at 1 o'clock for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood. SCUTTS - The friends of Mr & Mrs FRED SCUTTS are requested to attend the funeral of their MOTHER to leave her late residence, Canterbury Road, Belmore at 1pm, Today.] [The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842-1954) Monday 13 August 1923 p8. SCUTTS - August 12 1923, at her residence, Canterbury Road, Belmore, Emma, relict of the late John Thomas Scutts, aged 73 years. SCUTTS - In loving memory of my dear mother, died August 12 1923; also my dear father, died May 14 1923; also my dear brother, Herbert, died October 14 1918. At rest. Inserted by their loving daughter and sister, Gertrude Scutts. Scutts - In loving memory of our dear mother, .... .... of EMMA SCUTTS late of Canterbury Road, Campsie in the State of New South Wales. SCUTTS - In loving memory of our dear mother, who died August 12; also our dear father, died May. Inserted by their loving son and daughter, Ted and Minnie.] [The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 1 November 1923 p12 Advertising In the supreme Court of New South Wales - Probate Jurisdiction. In the Estate of EMMA SCUTTS late of Canterbury Road, Campsie in the State of New South Wales Widow deceased. Application will be made after fourteen days from the publication hereof that administration, with the Will annexed of the Estate of the above named deceased will be made to the PUBLIC TRUSTEE; and all persons having claims against the said Estate must render the same in detail to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of December 1923 T W Garrett, Publie Trustee Culwulla Chambers, Castlereagh Street, Sydney.] [The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 12 August 1924. Scutts, In loving memory of our dear mother, died August 12 1923, also our dear brother Herbert, died October 14 1918, "One year ago a message came From God above, Who thought it best To lake them from this weary world, And give them a peace and rest". Inserted by her loving son and daughter in law, Charles & Florrie Scutts.] [E S 78yr. Scutts - In loving memory of my dear mother, Amy died August 12 1923; also my dear father John Thomas, died May 14 1923; also my dear brother, Herbert, died October 11 1918. At rest. Inserted by their loving daughter and sister, Gertrude Scutts. Scutts - In loving memory of our dear mother, ... ..... of EMMA SCUTTS late of Canterbury Road, Campsie in the State of New South Wales.]

- nascimento: Census 1871 Lincolnshire
- casamento: Sculcoates 9d 226 / IGI I024128
- morte: NSW # 10678 / The Sydney Morning Herald [1923 Nov 01] [1924 Aug 12] [1925 Aug 02]
- enterro: The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842-1954) Tuesday 14 August 1923 p7 Family Notices

- conexões 18, amigos 18