Potomci od Isaac Scutts

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Isaac Scutts, rojen približno 1747, umrl, pokopan [on (day month year)] 3. februarja 1817, Foxley, Wiltshire (živel(a) verjetno 70 let). [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 8. decembra 1771, Cowage, Brinkworth, Wiltshire, se je poročil z Mary Hardin, rojena, Cowage, Brinkworth, Wiltshire, umrla v letu 1790, Wiltshire, pokopana v letu 1790, Wiltshire [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Isaac Scutts ca 1747-1817)
burial date?

- rojstva, pogreb: Cilla Sherston
- poroke: Brinkworth Marriages & Banns:1754-1809

1-1 (Mary Hardin †1790)
National Burial Index - M Scuts. (this needs to be verified)

- rojstva: website
- poroke: Brinkworth Marriages & Banns:1754-1809
- pogreb: National Burial Index

- povprečna starost ob smrti 5, prijatelj 5