Potomci od Jane Catherine Spies

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Jane Catherine Spies, rojena [on (day month year)] 11. marca 1934, Papeari, Tahiti, FRENCH POLYNESIA, umrla [on (day month year)] 23. oktobra 2004, 98368 Port Townsend, Jefferson, Washington, UNITED STATES of AMERICA (živel(a) 70 let). [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 3. septembra 1963, Reno, Nevada, UNITED STATES AMERICA, se je poročila z Kenneth J. Scutts, rojen približno novembra 1927, Bury district, Lancashire [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Jane Catherine Spies 1934-2004)
She was born in Papeari, Tahiti, to Edward J. & Maioa A Hutia A Teura Spies. After growing up in Tahiti, Mrs. Scutts lived in Sacramento, Calif., and Australia before moving to Port Townsend. Port Townsend resident Jane Catherine Scutts died of cancer at age 70. Mrs. Scutts was a member of Uniting Church in Atherton, Queensland, Australia. Survivors include her husband of Port Townsend; daughter & son-in-law Nancy J. & Mark L. Grant of Port Townsend; and two grandchildren. She is also survived by sister Ella Spies and sisters and brothers-in-law Marie & Richard Poroi and Christina & Starr Teriitahi, all of Tahiti. She was preceded in death by her brother, Edward J. Spies.

- poroke: privateeye.com
- smrti: Social Security Death Index

1-1 (Kenneth J. Scutts ca 1927)
K J S travelled from Liverpool to Australia (Sydney) in 1950 and later emigrated in 1957 to U.S.A. via New York.

- rojstva: Bury 8c 638
- poroke: privateeye.com

- povprečna starost ob smrti 17, prijatelj 17