Potomci od Alfred Scutts

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Alfred Scutts, rojen približno novembra 1846, Newington district, Surrey (London), umrl približno februarja 1903, Camberwell, London (živel(a) verjetno 56 let), commercial traveller (Priča(1895): [marriage event], William Henry Walker in Florence Scutts ca 1873-) . [Zapisek 1]
približno avgusta 1869, Brentford, Middlesex (London), se je poročil z Fanny Emma Turner, rojena v letu 1844, City of London, umrla [on (day month year)] 22. februarja 1897, Peckham Rye, Surrey (živel(a) 53 let) [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Alfred Scutts ca 1846-ca 1903)
Census 1901 states b:Southwark, London. A S - 56yr.

- rojstva: Newington 4 375
- poroke: Brentford 3a 61
- smrti: Camberwell 1d 465

1-1 (Fanny Emma Turner 1844-1897)
F E S - 52yr., living at 172 Peckham Rye. To Alfred Scutts (husband) & Fanny Arabella Scutts (spinster).

- rojstva: BMD (Deaths)
- poroke: Brentford 3a 61
- smrti: Camberwell 1d 504 / Wills 1897

- povprečna starost ob smrti 10, prijatelj 10