Potomci od Doreen Ada Elizabeth Scutts

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Doreen Ada Elizabeth Scutts, rojena približno maja 1906, Bristol, Gloucestershire, umrla. [Zapisek 1]
približno novembra 1935, Bristol, Gloucestershire, se je poročila z Sidney Henry J. Hurcombe, rojen [on (day month year)] 15. aprila 1903, Chipping Sudbury district, Gloucestershire, umrl približno februarja 1975, Chipping Sudbury district, Gloucestershire (živel(a) verjetno 71 let) [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Doreen Ada Elizabeth Scutts ca 1906-)
- rojstva: Bristol 6a 203
- poroke: Bristol 6a 188 / Western Daily Press [1943 Dec 04]

1-1 (Sidney Henry J. Hurcombe 1903-ca 1975)
Sat 04 Dec 1943, Western Daily Press, Bristol. Ford, Howes & Williams are instructed by the Trustee of the above Estate to Sell By Auction the Fleur-de-Lys Inn, Pucklechurch, on Wednesday, the 15th December 1943, at Six o'clock in the Evening, and in one or more Lots the Valuable Freehold Pasture and Arable Lands, situate at Coxgrove Hill, Pucklechurch, the occupation of Mr S. H. J. Hurcombe, and containing about 10a. 2r. Op. Further particulars will appear in future advertisements, meanwhile apply to the Auctioneers, Small Street. Bristol: or to Messrs FOox, Whittuck, Pitt & Elwell. Solicitors, Orchard House, Orchard Lane, Bristol.

- rojstva: Chipping Sudbury 6a 266
- poroke: Bristol 6a 188 / Western Daily Press [1943 Dec 04]
- smrti: Sodbury 22 1346

- povprečna starost ob smrti 7, prijatelj 7