Afkomendur Nancy Helen Came

Sjá: Afkomendur | Athugasemdum

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Nancy Helen Came, dó   20 júní 2012. [Athugasemd 1]
Giftist um febrúar 1945, Knutsford, Cheshire - St. Cross, Ronald Walter Babington Scutt, fædd(ur)   22 ágúst 1916, Seldown, Poole, Dorset, dó   4 desember 1987, Salisbury, Wiltshire (dánaraldur 71 ára) [Athugasemd 1-1].

Alls: 0 einstaklingar (undanskildir makar).


1 (Nancy Helen Came †2012)
- gifting: Bucklow 8a 469 / Cheshire BMD - KSC/2/75
- látin(n): Gov.UK Winchester

1-1 (Ronald Walter Babington Scutt 1916-1987)
[Western Gazette, Somerset, Fri 01 Sep 1916. SCUTT - Aug 22, at Seldown, Poole, the wife of Holmer (sic) Scutt, of a son.] [Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette Sat 11 Aug 1934. Examination Successes, the pass list for the first examination for medical degrees in the University of London appears the name of W. N. Taylor, of Monkton Combe School, the elder son of Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Taylor of North Hill House, Radstock. The list also contains the name of another Monktonian,:) Ronald Walter Babington Scutt.] [32 Bedwin Street, Salisbury, Wilts. 4th December I987 (Robert William Sykes and Christopher Dearmer Nichols).]

- fæðing: Poole 5a 391 (4th.Q.) / Western Gazette [1916 Sep 01]
- gifting: Bucklow 8a 469 / Cheshire BMD - KSC/2/75
- látin(n): Salisbury 1287 18 2115 / The London Gazette [1988]

- [connections] 10, vinur 10