Potomci od John Scutt

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John Scutt, rojen približno 1620, Dorset, umrl v letu 1659, Affpuddle, Dorset (živel(a) verjetno 39 let). [Zapisek 1]
približno 1636, Dorset, se je poročil z Avice ------, umrla v letu 1691, Bryants Puddle, Dorset [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (John Scutt ca 1620-1659)
[Ancestral File states son John Scutt born 1652, wedded and died by 1659 (sic), and with John's son Robert born cira 1637/8.] [John's date of death has been established]. [1659 Oct 07 Wills - Scutt, John, Affpuddle, Dorset 1659 332. Avice Scutt, relict.]

- rojstva: Ancestral File / James F Scutt
- poroke: James F. Scutt
- smrti: Administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1655-1660 (R-Z)

1-1 (Avice ------ †1691)
Wills - Scutt, Avice, Brints Puddle 7 1691.

- poroke: James F. Scutt
- smrti: Calendar of Dorset Wills & Administrations in the Probate Registry at Blandford, Dorset

- povprečna starost ob smrti 19, prijatelj 19