Ättlingar till Robert Scutt ca 1670-1727

Till den 12:e generationen

Robert Scutt ca 1670-1727
Födelse · omkring 1670 · Dorset
Bröllop · omkring 1700 · Tolpuddle, Dorset · med Sarah Vye
Död · i maj 1727 · kanske 57 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
Begravning · den 23 maj 1727 · Affpuddle, Dorset
[Robert Scutt & his wife Elizabeth v. John Hardy & his wife Jane, Elizth Seare, Edward Lawrence: Copyhold tenement situate within and parcel of the manor of Affpuddle (Dorset) called "Roberts." Customs of manor, &c.] [The names of Eleanor Scutt (daughter of plaintiff Robert by a former wife (Vye), and late sister of defendant Jane), Saml Seare, late of Affpuddle, miller, and Thos. E 134/5Geo1/Mich37 (1714).]

Källor • födelse : Winfrid H Scutt / James F Scutt • Bröllop med Sarah Vye : IGI • begravning : Dorset Baptisms, Marriages & Burials 1538-1812

&ca 1700 Sarah Vye, Scutt 1681-ca 1712
föräldrar : Andrew Vye och ------ ------
Födelse · [in (year)] 1681 · Dorset
Bröllop · omkring 1700 · Tolpuddle, Dorset · med Robert Scutt
Död · omkring 1712 · kanske 31 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
National Archives - Robert Scutt & his wife Elizabeth. v. John Hardy & his wife Jane, Elizth Seare, Edward Lawrence.: Copyhold tenement situate within and parcel of the manor of Affpuddle (Dorset) called "Roberts." Customs of manor, &c., &c. [The names of Eleanor Scutt (daughter of plaintiff Robert by a former wife (Vye), and late sister of defendant Jane), Saml Seare, late of Affpuddle, miller, and Thos. E 134/5Geo1/Mich37 (1714).

Källor • födelse : IGI • Bröllop med Robert Scutt : IGI

  1. Eleanor Scutt ca 1704-ca 1713
    Födelse · omkring 1704 · Affpuddle, Dorset
    Död · omkring 1713 · kanske 9 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
    Robert Scutt & his wife Elizabeth. v. John Hardy & his wife Jane, Elizth Seare, Edward Lawrence.: Copyhold tenement situate within and parcel of the manor of Affpuddle (Dorset) called "Roberts." Customs of manor, &c., &c. [The names of Eleanor Scutt (daughter of plaintiff Robert by a former wife (Vye), and late sister of defendant Jane), Saml Seare, late of Affpuddle, miller, and Thos. E 134/5Geo1/Mich37 (1714).

    Källor • födelse : National Archives • död : National Archives

  2. Robert Scutt 1704-ca 1784
    Födelse · [in (year)] 1704 · Dorset
    Bröllop · omkring 1736 · Dorset · med Mary Ester
    Död · omkring november 1784 · kanske 80 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
    1785 also possible. R S - 'wealthy, first recorded owner of freehold land'.

    Källor • födelse : IGI PRF • Bröllop med Mary Ester : (Birth children) / Ancestal File • död : Affpuddle Burials 1731-1812 / Calendar of Dorset Wills & Administrations in the Probate Registry at Blandford, Dorset (1885) / IGI PRF

    &ca 1736
    Ancestal File states circa 1730 but is too early
    Mary Ester ca 1714-1796
    föräldrar : Daniel Ester och ------ ------
    Födelse · omkring 1714 · Dorset
    Bröllop · omkring 1736 · Dorset · med Robert Scutt
    Död · i januari 1796 · kanske 82 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
    Begravning · den 13 januari 1796 · Affpuddle, Dorset

    Källor • födelse : Birth (Children) • Bröllop med Robert Scutt : (Birth children) / Ancestal File • död : Affpuddle Burials 1731-1812 • begravning : Affpuddle Burials 1731-1812

    1. Thomas Scutt 1738-ca 1763
      Födelse · [in (year)] 1738 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      Dop · den 28 december 1738 · Affpuddle, Dorset - St Lawrence
      Död · omkring oktober 1763 · kanske 25 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
      Begravning · den 5 november 1763 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      T S - 25yr.

      Källor • födelse : Ancestal File • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 / FreeReg • död : Ancestal File • begravning : Affpuddle Burials 1731-1812 / Ancestal File

    2. Edward Scutt, Edmund 1740-1746
      Födelse · den 1 augusti 1740 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      Död · i oktober 1746 · 6 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
      Begravning · den 18 oktober 1746 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      (illegible), (soiled).

      Källor • födelse : Dorset Baptisms / Ancestal File • död : Ancestal File • begravning : Ancestal File

    3. Robert Scutt ca 1742-1801
      Födelse · omkring 1742 · Dorset
      Bröllop · omkring 9 december 1766 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Betty Baker
      Död · [in (year)] 1801 · kanske 59 år · Affpuddle, Dorset

      Källor • födelse : IGI • Bröllop med Betty Baker : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 / IGI • död : National Burial Index (Dorset) / IGI PRF

      &ca 1766
      Betty Baker, Eliza/Elizabeth, Scutt ca 1746-
      Födelse · omkring 1746 · Dorset
      Bröllop · omkring 9 december 1766 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Robert Scutt
      Elisa and Elizabeth also noted.

      Källor • födelse : IGI • Bröllop med Robert Scutt : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 / IGI

      1. Jane Scutt, Cheek 1768-1833
        Födelse · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 17 januari 1768 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Bröllop · den 28 april 1802 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Oliver Cheek
        [witnesses] : Thomas Halls , George Harris
        Död · i december 1833 · kanske 65 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Begravning · den 30 december 1833 · Affpuddle, Dorset

        Källor • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 / IGI • Bröllop med Oliver Cheek : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 / Dorset Marriages • begravning : Andrew Clifford Scutt

        Licence. Oliver Cheek of Dewlish.
        Oliver Cheek, Chick
        Bröllop · den 28 april 1802 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Jane Scutt
        [witnesses] : Thomas Halls , George Harris

        Källor • Bröllop med Jane Scutt : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 / Dorset Marriages

        1. John Chick, Cheek 1804-ca 1875
          Födelse · [in (year)] 1804 · Dewlish, Dorset
          Dop · den 30 juli 1804 · Dewlish, Dorset
          Död · omkring november 1875 · kanske 71 år · Weymouth district, Dorset

          Källor • död : Weymouth 5a 208

      2. Thomas Scutt, Thomas (junior), labourer 1774-1848
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1774 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 3 april 1774 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Bröllop · den 23 december 1801 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Catherine Pearce
        [witnesses] : John Scutt 1777-1860, Thomas Meager
        Död · i juli 1848 · 74 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Begravning · den 7 juli 1848 · Affpuddle, Dorset

        Källor • födelse : IGI • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 • Bröllop med Catherine Pearce : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 / IGI • död : Wareham & c. 8 69 / IGI PRF • begravning : Affpuddle Burials 1813-1880

        Banns. T S & C P both of Affpuddle.
        Catherine Pearce, Kitty, Scutt 1774-ca 1844
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1774
        Bröllop · den 23 december 1801 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Thomas Scutt
        [witnesses] : John Scutt 1777-1860, Thomas Meager
        Död · omkring mars 1844 · kanske 70 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Begravning · den 3 april 1844 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        K S - 69yr.

        Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) • Bröllop med Thomas Scutt : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 / IGI • död : Wareham & C 8 105 (1st.Q.) • begravning : Affpuddle Burials 1813-1880

        1. Jane Scutt 1802-1879
          Födelse · [in (year)] 1802 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Dop · den 18 juni 1802 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Död · den 23 juli 1879 · 77 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Begravning · den 25 juli 1879 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          mother stated as Kitty Scutt here. J S - 77yr., unmarried.

          Källor • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 • begravning : Wareham 5a 177 / Affpuddle Burials 1813-1880

        2. Charles Scutt, (1851) agricultural labourer 1805-1879
          Födelse · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Dop · den 10 februari 1805 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 17 april 1830 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Elizabeth Hussey
          [witnesses] : Edward Meager , Sarah Hussey
          Död · i januari 1879 · kanske 73 år · Briantspuddle, Dorset
          Begravning · den 10 januari 1879 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          C S - 73yr.

          Källor • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 / Dorset Baptisms • Bröllop med Elizabeth Hussey : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 • begravning : Wareham 5a 239 / Affpuddle Burials 1813-1880 / National Burial Index (Dorset)

          Banns 1829 Mar 21. C S batchelor of Martinstown & E H spinster of Affpuddle. Consent of parents.
          Elizabeth Hussey, Scutt ca 1811-1874
          Födelse · omkring 1811 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 17 april 1830 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Charles Scutt
          [witnesses] : Edward Meager , Sarah Hussey
          Död · i juli 1874 · kanske 63 år · Briantspuddle, Dorset
          Begravning · den 9 juli 1874 · Briantspuddle, Dorset
          E S 67yr.

          Källor • födelse : Census 1851 Dorset • Bröllop med Charles Scutt : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 • begravning : Affpuddle Burials 1813-1880

          1. Robert Charles Scutt, Robert, (1851) carpenter 1830-1912
            Födelse · [in (year)] 1830 · Affpuddle, Dorset
            Dop · den 10 oktober 1830 · Affpuddle, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 28 oktober 1854 · Wimborne St Giles, Dorset · med Harriett Herrington
            Död · den 16 maj 1912 · 82 år · Southampton, Hampshire
            Census 1851 Dorset-1891 Hampshire. R C S living in 1860-64 in Woolston, Hampshire, and living in 1875 in Southampton, Hampshire. R C S - 81yr., living at St.Mary's Hotel, 65 East Street, Southampton. To Robert Frederick Ernest Scutt (son).

            Källor • födelse : Census 1851 Dorset • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1813-1880 • Bröllop med Harriett Herrington : Wimborne 5a 615 / Census 1881 Hampshire • död : Southampton 2c 29 / Wills 1912

            R S - father:Charles Scutt
            Harriett Herrington ca 1833-1908
            Födelse · omkring 1833 · Woodyates, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 28 oktober 1854 · Wimborne St Giles, Dorset · med Robert Charles Scutt
            Död · den 10 maj 1908 · kanske 75 år · Shirley, Southampton, Hampshire - 22 Carlton Road
            H S - 76yr.

            Källor • Bröllop med Robert Charles Scutt : Wimborne 5a 615 / Census 1881 Hampshire • död : South Stoneham 2c 45

            1. Amelia Jane Scutt, Amelia ca 1858-ca 1948
              Födelse · omkring september 1858 · Eston, Southampton, Hampshire
              Dop · den 5 december 1858 · Wimborne, Dorset - St Giles
              Bröllop · den 24 mars 1883 · Shirley, Southampton, Hampshire - St James · med George Arthur Looker
              Död · omkring februari 1948 · kanske 89 år · Southampton district, Hampshire
              A J L 89yr.

              Källor • födelse : Southampton 2c 33 / Census 1881 Dorset • Bröllop med George Arthur Looker : South Stoneham 2c 96 • död : Southampton 6b 610

              &1883 George Arthur Looker, George 1855-1924
              Födelse · [in (year)] 1855 · Milton, Berkshire
              Bröllop · den 24 mars 1883 · Shirley, Southampton, Hampshire - St James · med Amelia Jane Scutt
              Död · den 16 juli 1924 · 69 år · Southampton, Hampshire

              Källor • Bröllop med Amelia Jane Scutt : South Stoneham 2c 96

              1. Amelia Constance Rogers Looker, Amelia ca 1885-1922
                Födelse · omkring februari 1885 · Southampton, Hampshire
                Död · den 22 oktober 1922 · kanske 37 år · Southampton, Hampshire

                Källor • födelse : S. Stoneham 2c 64

            2. Mary Elizabeth Scutt, Mary ca 1858-1939
              Födelse · omkring september 1858 · Eston, Southampton, Hampshire
              Dop · den 5 december 1858 · Wimborne, Dorset - St Giles
              Bröllop · den 17 oktober 1897 · South Stoneham, Hampshire - Register Office · med Edwin Goodfellow
              Död · den 26 december 1939 · kanske 81 år · Downend, Gloucestershire
              Census 1881 Dorset states 4 years older. M E G 81yr.

              Källor • födelse : Southampton 2c 33 / Census 1901 Hampshire • Bröllop med Edwin Goodfellow : South Stoneham 2c 182 • död : Kingswood 6a 466

              &1897 Edwin Goodfellow, (1901) coal merchant ca 1854-
              Födelse · omkring maj 1854 · Chilmark, Wiltshire
              Bröllop · med Edith Mary Jarvis
              Bröllop · den 17 oktober 1897 · South Stoneham, Hampshire - Register Office · med Mary Elizabeth Scutt
              Family living in 1901 at Shirley, Hampshire.

              Källor • födelse : Census 1901 Hampshire • Bröllop med Mary Elizabeth Scutt : South Stoneham 2c 182

              1. Edwin Robert Harold Goodfellow, Edwin 1898-1990
                Födelse · den 24 augusti 1898 · Shirley, Southampton, Hampshire
                Död · den 2 augusti 1990 · 91 år · Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset

                Källor • födelse : Census 1901 Hampshire

            3. Harriett Katherine Scutt, Harriett Catherine/Harriett 1861-ca 1929
              Födelse · den 11 november 1861 · South Stoneham, Southampton, Hampshire - Wesleyan Chapel
              Dop · den 28 september 1862 · Affpuddle, Dorset
              Bröllop · den 11 november 1884 · South Stoneham, Hampshire - Wesleyan Chapel · med John Alexander Cateley
              Död · omkring november 1929 · kanske 68 år · Southampton, Hampshire
              H C C - 68yr.

              Källor • födelse : South Stoneham 2c 45 • Bröllop med John Alexander Cateley : South Stoneham 2c 122 • död : Southampton 2c 11

              &1884 John Alexander Cateley, John, (1887) master builder ca 1861-1945
              Födelse · omkring maj 1861 · Southampton district, Hampshire
              Bröllop · den 11 november 1884 · South Stoneham, Hampshire - Wesleyan Chapel · med Harriett Katherine Scutt
              Död · den 1 juli 1945 · kanske 84 år · Southampton, Hampshire

              Källor • födelse : Southampton 2c 37 • Bröllop med Harriett Katherine Scutt : South Stoneham 2c 122 • död : Southampton 2c 2

              1. Harriett Catherine Cateley, Harriett ca 1885-1950
                Födelse · omkring november 1885 · Woolston, Southampton, Hampshire
                Död · den 24 januari 1950 · kanske 64 år · Southampton, Hampshire

                Källor • födelse : South Stoneham 2c 42

              2. John Alexander Robert Cateley, John 1887-ca 1961
                Födelse · den 24 januari 1887 · Woolston, Southampton, Hampshire - Obelisk Road
                Bröllop · omkring november 1910 · South Stoneham district, Hampshire · med Amy S. Simpson
                Död · omkring januari 1961 · kanske 74 år · Greenwich district, Kent (London)
                J A R C - 74yr.

                Källor • födelse : S. Stoneham 2c 43 • Bröllop med Amy S. Simpson : S. Stoneham 2c 204 • död : Greenwich 5c 718

                &ca 1910 Amy S. Simpson, Amy
                Bröllop · omkring november 1910 · South Stoneham district, Hampshire · med John Alexander Robert Cateley
                Bröllop · omkring mars 1961 · Southampton district, Hampshire · med Louis W. G. Potter

                Källor • Bröllop med John Alexander Robert Cateley : S. Stoneham 2c 204 • Bröllop med Louis W. G. Potter : Southampton 6b 1396

              3. Cyril Archibald Cateley, Cyril ca 1895-ca 1965
                Födelse · omkring november 1895 · Woolston, Southampton, Hampshire
                Död · omkring februari 1965 · kanske 69 år · Southampton, Hampshire
            4. Florence Mabel Scutt, Florence 1864-ca 1895
              Födelse · den 23 juli 1864 · Woolston, Southampton, Hampshire
              Bröllop · den 18 juli 1886 · South Stoneham, Hampshire - Register Office · med William George Simmonds
              Död · omkring 19 juni 1895 · kanske 30 år · Southampton, Hampshire
              F S - 30yr.

              Källor • födelse : South Stoneham 2c 44 • Bröllop med William George Simmonds : South Stoneham 2c 121 • död : South Stoneham 2c 46

              &1886 William George Simmonds, William
              Bröllop · den 18 juli 1886 · South Stoneham, Hampshire - Register Office · med Florence Mabel Scutt
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1898 · Isle of Wight · med Julia Parke

              Källor • Bröllop med Florence Mabel Scutt : South Stoneham 2c 121 • Bröllop med Julia Parke : Isle of Wight 2b 1227

              1. William Charles Simmonds, William ca 1887-ca 1887
                Födelse · omkring februari 1887 · South Stoneham, Hampshire
                Död · omkring maj 1887 · kanske 3 månader · South Stoneham, Hampshire
                W C S - 0yr.

                Källor • födelse : South Stoneham 2c 54 • död : South Stoneham 2c 33

              2. Florence Mabel Simmonds, Florence ca 1888-
                Födelse · omkring maj 1888 · South Stoneham, Hampshire

                Källor • födelse : South Stoneham 2c 60

              3. William George Simmonds, William 1890-ca 1890
                Födelse · den 2 oktober 1890 · South Stoneham, Hampshire
                Död · omkring november 1890 · kanske en månad · South Stoneham, Hampshire
                W G S - 0yr.

                Källor • födelse : South Stoneham 2c 49 • död : South Stoneham 2c 35

              4. Kathleen Herrington Simmonds, Kathleen 1893-1974
                Födelse · den 9 november 1893 · South Stoneham, Hampshire
                Död · den 4 oktober 1974 · 80 år · Southampton, Hampshire

                Källor • födelse : South Stoneham 2c 78

            5. Mabel Kate Herrington Scutt, Mabel ca 1870-1870
              Födelse · omkring 7 oktober 1870 · Woolston, Hampshire
              Dop · den 27 oktober 1870 · Woolston, Hampshire
              Död · den 28 november 1870 · kanske en månad · Woolston, Hampshire
              M K H S - 3wks.

              Källor • födelse : South Stoneham 2c 39 • dop : IGI I01348-8 • död : South Stoneham 2c 34

            6. Robert Frederick Ernest Scutt, Robert ca 1876-1928
              Födelse · omkring 12 januari 1876 · Southampton, Hampshire - St Marks Road
              Dop · den 6 september 1876 · Southampton, Hampshire - Holy Trinity
              Bröllop · den 7 april 1901 · Southampton, Hampshire · med Alice Mary Edwards
              Död · den 29 oktober 1928 · kanske 52 år · Southampton, Hampshire
              Begravning · Hollybrook Cemetery, Shirley, Southampton Unitary Authority
              R F E S 51yr., lived at The Brewery Bar, Birmingham Street, Southampton. To Alice Mary Scutt (widow) & John Arthur Russell (furniture dealer).

              Källor • födelse : Southampton 2c 21 / United Grand Lodge of England Freemason Membership Registers 1751-1921 • dop : IGI • Bröllop med Alice Mary Edwards : Southampton 2c 21 • död : Southampton 2c 74 / Wills 1928

              &1901 Alice Mary Edwards, Alice, Scutt ca 1874-1958
              Födelse · omkring juli 1874
              Bröllop · den 7 april 1901 · Southampton, Hampshire · med Robert Frederick Ernest Scutt
              Död · den 8 februari 1958 · kanske 83 år · Southampton, Hampshire - 97 Regents Park Road
              A M S - 83yr.

              Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) • Bröllop med Robert Frederick Ernest Scutt : Southampton 2c 21 • död : Southampton 6b 783

              1. Robert Bruce Scutt, Robert 1902-1972
                Födelse · den 30 april 1902 · Southampton, Hampshire
                Bröllop · den 12 oktober 1927 · Southampton, Hampshire - St Mary's · med Edith Hilda Luckes
                Bröllop · den 1 april 1960 · Willesden, London · med Dorothy Jean Roberts
                Död · den 20 april 1972 · 69 år · Manchester, Lancashire
                Cheltenham Chronicle Sat 11 Jan 1941. COLLISION SEQUEL. Frederick Thomas Pethers, of London, who did not appear, was fined 10s. for having no red rear light on motor-lorry on the Cirencester-Cheltenham road on the night of December 11. Robert Bruce Scutt, designer, of 17, Leckhampton Road, Cheltenham, stated that at 6.45 p m he was driving his car towards Cheltenham, and when about five miles from Cirencester there was a collision with large lorry which was parked on the road, and which had no red rear light! His passenger and himself were injured by glass from the broken wind-screen of his car. P.C. Morgan, of North Cerney also gave evidence.

                Källor • Bröllop med Edith Hilda Luckes : Southampton 2c 42 • Bröllop med Dorothy Jean Roberts : Willesden 5f 533 • död : Manchester 10e 429

                &1927 Edith Hilda Luckes, Edith ca 1901-ca 1958
                Födelse · omkring augusti 1901 · Bridgwater district, Somerset
                Bröllop · den 12 oktober 1927 · Southampton, Hampshire - St Mary's · med Robert Bruce Scutt
                Död · omkring 21 juni 1958 · kanske 56 år · Bristol, Gloucestershire - Frenchay Hospital
                E H S - 56yr.

                Källor • födelse : Bridgwater 5c 319 • Bröllop med Robert Bruce Scutt : Southampton 2c 42 • död : Bristol 7b 214

                1. Robert Walter Scutt, Robert/Bob 1932-1998
                  Födelse · den 28 juni 1932 · Manchester South, Lancashire
                  Bröllop · den 2 april 1955 · Whittington, Gloucestershire - St. Bartholomew · med Brenda Mary Allen
                  Död · den 3 december 1998 · 66 år · Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales

                  Källor • födelse : Manchester S 8d 138 (3rd.Q.) • Bröllop med Brenda Mary Allen : Cirencester 7b 701 • död : Glamorgan 8911C C10A

                  &1955 Brenda Mary Allen, Brenda
                  Bröllop · den 2 april 1955 · Whittington, Gloucestershire - St. Bartholomew · med Robert Walter Scutt

                  Källor • födelse : Electoral Roll 2002 • Bröllop med Robert Walter Scutt : Cirencester 7b 701

                2. Pamela Joyce Scutt, Pamela/Pam, Martyn 1933-1971
                  Födelse · den 3 oktober 1933 · Manchester South, Lancashire
                  Bröllop · den 20 juni 1959 · Cheltenham, Gloucestershire - St Paul's · med Peter Henry Martyn
                  Död · den 4 januari 1971 · 37 år · Barnsley, WR Yorkshire
                  P J M b:1933 Oct 03 - killed, car accident.

                  Källor • födelse : Manchester S 8d 125 • Bröllop med Peter Henry Martyn : Cheltenham 7b 464 • död : Barnsley 2b 121

                  &1959 Peter Henry Martyn, Peter
                  Bröllop · den 20 juni 1959 · Cheltenham, Gloucestershire - St Paul's · med Pamela Joyce Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Pamela Joyce Scutt : Cheltenham 7b 464

                  1. Susan Jane Martyn, Susan 1960
                    Födelse · den 25 april 1960 · 64 år · Nottinghamshire
                    Bröllop · med ------ ------
                    Bröllop · med ------ Wicks
                    (two children).
                    & ------ ------
                    Bröllop · med Susan Jane Martyn
                    & ------ Wicks
                    Bröllop · med Susan Jane Martyn
                  2. Stephen Peter John Martyn, Stephen 1962
                    Födelse · den 3 april 1962 · 62 år · Cheltenham district, Gloucestershire

                    Källor • födelse : Cheltenham 7b 587

                  3. Jenny Clair Martyn, Jenny 1963
                    Födelse · den 31 december 1963 · 60 år · Nottinghamshire
                    Bröllop · med ------ ------

                    Källor • födelse : Cheltenham 7b 624 1964 (1st.Q.)

                    three children
                    ------ ------
                    Bröllop · med Jenny Clair Martyn
                  4. Antony Robert Alan Martyn, Antony 1966
                    Födelse · den 2 mars 1966 · 58 år · Basford district, Norfolk
                    Bröllop · med ------ ------

                    Källor • födelse : Basford 3C 26

                    three children
                    ------ ------
                    Bröllop · med Antony Robert Alan Martyn
                &1960 Dorothy Jean Roberts, Dorothy, Kelly/James 1924-2007
                Födelse · den 5 maj 1924 · Swansea district, Glamorgan, WALES
                Bröllop · omkring november 1945 · Cheltenham district, Gloucestershire · med Reginald T. Kelly
                Bröllop · den 1 april 1960 · Willesden, London · med Robert Bruce Scutt
                Död · den 23 december 2007 · 83 år · Manchester, Lancashire
                D J S 83yr., living in 2002 at 38 Scarsdale Road, Manchester.

                Källor • födelse : Swansea 11a 2081 • Bröllop med Reginald T. Kelly : Cheltenham 6a 1121 / Andrew Clifford Scutt • Bröllop med Robert Bruce Scutt : Willesden 5f 533 • död : Andrew Clifford Scutt / Electoral Roll 2002-03

                1. Andrew Clifford Scutt, Andrew 1956
                  Födelse · den 5 december 1956 · 67 år · Coventry, Warwickshire
                  Bröllop · den 7 maj 1977 · Winton, Eccles, Lancashire - St. Mary Magdalene · med Karen Elizabeth Shaw

                  Källor • födelse : Coventry 9c 1074 (1957 1st.Q.) • Bröllop med Karen Elizabeth Shaw : Barton upon Irwell 39 0573 [Lancashire]

                  &1977 Karen Elizabeth Shaw, Karen, Scutt 1953
                  Födelse · den 6 juni 1953 · 71 år · Salford, Lancashire
                  Bröllop · den 7 maj 1977 · Winton, Eccles, Lancashire - St. Mary Magdalene · med Andrew Clifford Scutt

                  Källor • födelse : Andrew C Scutt • Bröllop med Andrew Clifford Scutt : Barton upon Irwell 39 0573 [Lancashire]

                  1. Paul James Scutt, Paul 1981
                    Födelse · den 24 februari 1981 · 43 år · Salford, Lancashire
                    Sambo · omkring 2007 · Lancashire · med Marie Hupton

                    Källor • födelse : Salford 39 0783 • Sambo med Marie Hupton : Andrew Clifford Scutt

                    &ca 2007 Marie Hupton, Scutt 1983
                    Födelse · den 27 mars 1983 · 41 år · Salford, Lancashire
                    Sambo · omkring 2007 · Lancashire · med Paul James Scutt

                    Källor • Sambo med Paul James Scutt : Andrew Clifford Scutt

                    1. Callum James Scutt, Callum 2009
                      Födelse · den 18 juli 2009 · 14 år · Wigan, Lancashire

                      Källor • födelse : Andrew Clifford Scutt

                    2. Isabelle Amber Scutt, Isabelle 2012
                      Födelse · den 14 september 2012 · 11 år · Wigan, Lancashire

                      Källor • födelse : Andrew Clifford Scutt

                  2. Jonathan Andrew Scutt, Jonathan 1982
                    Födelse · den 31 juli 1982 · 41 år · Salford, Lancashire

                    Källor • födelse : Salford 39 1118

                  3. Christopher Philip Scutt, Christopher 1985
                    Födelse · den 21 september 1985 · 38 år · Salford, Lancashire

                    Källor • födelse : Salford 0985 39 0893

              2. Frank Ernest Scutt, Frank 1910-1986
                Födelse · den 25 februari 1910 · Southampton, Hampshire
                Bröllop · den 4 juli 1961 · North Stoneham, Hampshire - St Nicholas · med Joan Mary Rimmer
                Död · den 14 juli 1986 · 76 år · Romsey, Hampshire
                10 Durban Close, Romsey, Hampshire, 14th July 1986.

                Källor • födelse : Southampton 2c 4 • Bröllop med Joan Mary Rimmer : Winchester 6b 1892 • död : Romsey 0786 20 0938 / The London Gazette [1986]

                &1961 Joan Mary Rimmer, Joan 1909-ca 1980
                Födelse · den 13 augusti 1909 · South Stoneham district, Hampshire
                Bröllop · den 4 juli 1961 · North Stoneham, Hampshire - St Nicholas · med Frank Ernest Scutt
                Död · omkring augusti 1980 · kanske 71 år · Southampton district, Hampshire

                Källor • födelse : South Stoneham 2c 110 (3rd.Q.) • Bröllop med Frank Ernest Scutt : Winchester 6b 1892 • död : Southampton 20 1194

        3. Elisha Scutt, Eliza, Norris 1807-
          Födelse · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Dop · den 2 augusti 1807 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 17 oktober 1839 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med William Norris

          Källor • dop : Dorset Baptisms, Marriages & Burials 1538-1812 • Bröllop med William Norris : Wareham & C 8 175 / Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849

          Banns 1839 Sep 22 Affpuddle & Tyneham. W N groom, of Tyneham, Dorset.
          William Norris
          Bröllop · den 17 oktober 1839 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Elisha Scutt

          Källor • Bröllop med Elisha Scutt : Wareham & C 8 175 / Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849

          1. Henry Norris 1841-
            Födelse · [in (year)] 1841 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          2. Thomas Scutt Norris, Thomas ca 1851-1853
            Födelse · omkring augusti 1851 · Affpuddle, Dorset
            Dop · den 5 oktober 1851 · Affpuddle, Dorset
            Död · den 26 april 1853 · kanske 20 månader · Grange, Affpuddle, Dorset
            T S N - 20mth.

            Källor • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1813-1880 • död : Affpuddle Burials 1813-1880

        4. Betsy Scutt, Elizabeth/Betsey 1810-ca 1882
          Födelse · [in (year)] 1810 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Dop · den 29 juli 1810 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Död · omkring 12 juli 1882 · kanske 72 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Begravning · den 16 juli 1882 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          [Betsy Scutt was witness to the marriage 1831 Jul 19 between Thomas Meager, bachelor of this Parish & Maria Legg, spinster of this Parish.] [Betsey S - 72yr., unmarried.]

          Källor • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 / IGI • död : Wareham 5a 161 / National Burial Index (Dorset)

        5. Robert Scutt ca 1816-1884
          Födelse · omkring 1816 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Dop · den 23 oktober 1823 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Död · den 18 april 1884 · kanske 68 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Begravning · den 22 april 1884 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Father, labourer - Mother: Kitty Scutt stated here. R S 69yr.

          Källor • födelse : Census 1841-51-61-71-81 Dorset • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1813-1880 • död : Wareham 5a 211 (2nd.Q.)

      3. John Scutt 1777-1860
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1777 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 2 februari 1777 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Bröllop · den 1 juli 1805 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Sarah Cosh
        Död · i oktober 1860 · 83 år · Dorset
        Begravning · den 23 oktober 1860 · Wool, Dorset

        Relationer • Bröllop · 23 december 1801 · Affpuddle, Dorset : Thomas Scutt 1774-1848 och Catherine Pearce 1774-ca 1844

        J S 84yr.

        Källor • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 • Bröllop med Sarah Cosh : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 • död : Wareham 5a 177

        Banns 1805 Jun 13 Affpuddle
        Sarah Cosh, Scutt 1783-1863
        föräldrar : Edward Cosh och Mary ------
        Födelse · den 16 juli 1783 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Bröllop · den 1 juli 1805 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med John Scutt
        Död · den 28 september 1863 · 80 år · Wool, Dorset

        Relationer • Bröllop · 22 juni 1841 · Wool, Dorset : George Butcher Bushrod 1820-1877 och Mary Scutt 1809-ca 1899

        S S 82yr.

        Källor • Bröllop med John Scutt : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 • död : Wareham 5a 180 / Census 1841-51-61 Dorset

        1. Elizabeth Scutt, Edmunds 1805-1889
          Dop · den 29 september 1805 · Turners Puddle, Dorset - Holy Trinity
          Bröllop · den 15 maj 1833 · Wool, Dorset · med Nehemiah Edmunds
          [witnesses] : John Brown , Mary Scutt 1809-ca 1899
          Död · i oktober 1889 · kanske 84 år · Broadmayne, Dorset
          Begravning · den 5 oktober 1889 · Broadmayne, Dorset
          [Elizabeth daughter of John & Sarah Scutt, of Affpiddle bapt: Holy Trinity.] [E E 85yr.]

          Källor • dop : Turners Puddle Baptisms 1640-1821 / FreeReg • Bröllop med Nehemiah Edmunds : Wool Marriages 1745-1841 / IGI / Census 1851 Dorset [Broadmayne] • död : Dorchester 5a 201

          Banns. Both of Wool.
          Nehemiah Edmunds ca 1807-ca 1887
          Födelse · omkring juli 1807
          Bröllop · den 15 maj 1833 · Wool, Dorset · med Elizabeth Scutt
          [witnesses] : John Brown , Mary Scutt 1809-ca 1899
          Död · omkring februari 1887 · kanske 79 år · Dorchester district, Dorset.
          N E - 79yr.

          Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) • Bröllop med Elizabeth Scutt : Wool Marriages 1745-1841 / IGI / Census 1851 Dorset [Broadmayne] • död : Dorchester 5a 238

        2. Robert Scutt 1807-
          Födelse · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Dop · den 15 november 1807 · Affpuddle, Dorset

          Källor • dop : Dorset Baptisms

        3. Mary Scutt, Skut/Brown/Bushrod 1809-ca 1899
          Dop · den 24 september 1809 · West Knighton, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 18 juni 1834 · Wool, Dorset · med John Brown
          [witnesses] : Edward Brown , Mary Brown , Sarah Massey , Edward Meager
          Bröllop · den 22 juni 1841 · Wool, Dorset · med George Butcher Bushrod
          [witnesses] : Edward Scutt 1817-ca 1863, Sarah Cosh 1783-1863
          Död · omkring maj 1899 · kanske 89 år · Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

          Relationer • Bröllop · 15 maj 1833 · Wool, Dorset : Nehemiah Edmunds ca 1807-ca 1887 och Elizabeth Scutt 1805-1889 • Bröllop · 31 december 1833 · Wool, Dorset : Laurence P. Symonds 1809-1869 och Ellen Scutt 1811-ca 1874

          E B - 90yr.

          Källor • dop : West Knighton Baptisms 1756-1812 / Dorset Baptisms • Bröllop med John Brown : Wool Marriages 1745-1841 [Skut] / Dorset Marriages / IGI • Bröllop med George Butcher Bushrod : Wareham 8 211 [Brown] / Wool Marriages 1745-1841 • död : Chipping Norton 3a 529 [Bushrod]

          Mary Skut. Banns. Both from Wool. (IGI - 1837 Jun 18 also noted)
          John Brown, shoemaker 1811-ca 1839
          föräldrar : Christopher Brown 1780-1858 och Martha Hurst 1787-1865
          Födelse · [in (year)] 1811 · Wool, Dorset
          Dop · den 20 januari 1811 · Wool, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 18 juni 1834 · Wool, Dorset · med Mary Scutt
          [witnesses] : Edward Brown , Mary Brown , Sarah Massey , Edward Meager
          Död · omkring juni 1839 · kanske 28 år · Wool, Dorset
          Begravning · den 2 juli 1839 · Wool, Dorset

          Relationer • Bröllop · 31 december 1833 · Wool, Dorset : Laurence P. Symonds 1809-1869 och Ellen Scutt 1811-ca 1874

          Källor • Bröllop med Mary Scutt : Wool Marriages 1745-1841 [Skut] / Dorset Marriages / IGI • död : Dorchester 8 30 • begravning : Wool burials 1733-1841

          1. Jane Maria Brown, Jane 1835-
            Födelse · [in (year)] 1835 · Wool, Dorset
            Dop · den 12 juli 1835 · Wool, Dorset
          George Bushrod (full) bachelor, gamekeeper of Turnerspiddle - father:John Bushrod, gamekeeper & Mary Brown (full) widow from Wool - father:John Scutt, labourer. Many children were born here
          George Butcher Bushrod, George 1820-1877
          föräldrar : John George Bushrod och Martha Butcher
          Födelse · [in (year)] 1820 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
          Dop · den 27 augusti 1820 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 22 juni 1841 · Wool, Dorset · med Mary Scutt
          [witnesses] : Edward Scutt 1817-ca 1863, Sarah Cosh 1783-1863
          Död · [in (year)] 1877 · 57 år · Thornbury, Gloucestershire

          Källor • Bröllop med Mary Scutt : Wareham 8 211 [Brown] / Wool Marriages 1745-1841 • död : Thornbury 6a 150

          1. Oliver Bushrod ca 1842-1923
            Födelse · omkring november 1842 · Wareham district, Dorset
            Bröllop · omkring februari 1865 · Chipping Norton district, Oxfordshire · med Mary Ann Bond
            Död · i februari 1923 · kanske 80 år · Chipping Norton district, Oxfordshire
            O B - 80yr.

            Källor • födelse : Wareham 8 118 • Bröllop med Mary Ann Bond : Chipping N. 3a 807 • död : Chipping N. 3a 1204

            &ca 1865 Mary Ann Bond, Mary ca 1840-ca 1910
            Födelse · omkring juli 1840
            Bröllop · omkring februari 1865 · Chipping Norton district, Oxfordshire · med Oliver Bushrod
            Död · omkring februari 1910 · kanske 69 år · Chipping Norton district, Oxfordshire
            M A B - 69yr.

            Källor • Bröllop med Oliver Bushrod : Chipping N. 3a 807 • död : Chipping N. 3a 608

          2. Mary Butcher Bushrod, Mary ca 1845-
            Födelse · omkring februari 1845 · Wareham district, Dorset
            Bröllop · omkring februari 1867 · Chipping Norton district, Oxfordshire · med George Stratford

            Källor • födelse : Wareham 8 134 • Bröllop med George Stratford : Chipping N. 3a 823

            &ca 1867 George Stratford
            Bröllop · omkring februari 1867 · Chipping Norton district, Oxfordshire · med Mary Butcher Bushrod

            Källor • Bröllop med Mary Butcher Bushrod : Chipping N. 3a 823

          3. Sarah A. Bushrod, Sarah 1852-
            Födelse · i september 1852 · Thornbury district, Gloucestershire
            Bröllop · omkring maj 1876 · Thornbury district, Gloucestershire · med William James Cussell

            Källor • födelse : Thornbury 6a 146 • Bröllop med William James Cussell : Thornbury 6a 413

            &ca 1876 William James Cussell, William ca 1851-ca 1902
            Födelse · omkring 1851
            Bröllop · omkring maj 1876 · Thornbury district, Gloucestershire · med Sarah A. Bushrod
            Död · omkring maj 1902 · kanske 51 år · Nottingham district, Nottinghamshire
            W J C - 51yr.

            Källor • Bröllop med Sarah A. Bushrod : Thornbury 6a 413 • död : Nottingham 7b 144

        4. Ellen Scutt, Symonds/Spilling 1811-ca 1874
          Dop · den 29 september 1811 · West Knighton, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 31 december 1833 · Wool, Dorset · med Laurence P. Symonds
          [witnesses] : John Brown 1811-ca 1839, Mary Scutt 1809-ca 1899
          Bröllop · den 18 juni 1854 · Paul's Wharf, London - St Benet · med Joseph Spilling
          Död · omkring maj 1874 · kanske 62 år · Bedminster district, Somerset
          [29 Sep 1811 Ellen dau of John & Sarah Scutt. J S - labourer.] [E S - 62yr.]

          Källor • dop : West Knighton Baptisms 1756-1812 / Dorset Baptisms • Bröllop med Laurence P. Symonds : Wool Marriages 1745-1841 / IGI • Bröllop med Joseph Spilling : London 1c 183 / London Marriages 1813-1906 • död : Bedminster 5c 497

          3 children
          Laurence P. Symonds, Laurence/Lawrence 1809-1869
          Födelse · Wool, Dorset
          Dop · den 27 augusti 1809
          Bröllop · den 31 december 1833 · Wool, Dorset · med Ellen Scutt
          [witnesses] : John Brown 1811-ca 1839, Mary Scutt 1809-ca 1899
          Död · den 7 mars 1869 · kanske 59 år · Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
          L P S - bapt:1809 Aug 27 Wool, Dorset, son of John Symonds, thatcher; who was convicted of stealing twice, he was sentenced in Jan 1846 to be transported to Van Diemen's Land for 14 years. He never returned to England, d:1869 Mar 07 in Tasmania, aged 59.

          Källor • Bröllop med Ellen Scutt : Wool Marriages 1745-1841 / IGI

          1. George Scutt Symonds, George ca 1837-
            Födelse · omkring november 1837 · Wool, Dorset - Millers Close
            Dop · den 24 december 1837 · Wool, Dorset
            George Scutt son of Lawrence & Ellen Simmonds, Millers Close, baker; Henry Moule

            Källor • födelse : Dorchester 8 36 • dop : IGI

          &1854 Joseph Spilling ca 1808-1870
          föräldrar : Joseph Spilling och Sarah Jay
          Födelse · omkring 17 december 1808 · Yarmouth, Norfolk
          Dop · den 3 juli 1815 · Yarmouth, Norfolk
          Bröllop · den 18 juni 1854 · Paul's Wharf, London - St Benet · med Ellen Scutt
          Död · den 9 juli 1870 · kanske 61 år · Bedminster, Somerset

          Källor • Bröllop med Ellen Scutt : London 1c 183 / London Marriages 1813-1906 • död : Bedminster 5c 406 / Probate

        5. George Scutt 1813-
          Dop · den 6 juni 1813 · West Knighton, Dorset

          Källor • dop : Dorset Baptisms / IGI C02512-9

        6. Leonard Scutt 1815-
          Dop · den 26 februari 1815 · West Knighton, Dorset

          Källor • dop : Dorset Baptisms / IGI C02512-9

        7. Edward Scutt, Edmund, (1841-51) agricultural labourer, (1859) labourer, (1861) under gamekeeper 1817-ca 1863
          Födelse · [in (year)] 1817 · West Knighton, Dorset
          Dop · den 30 mars 1817 · West Knighton, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 22 augusti 1839 · East Lulworth, Dorset · med Sarah Runyard
          Död · omkring januari 1863 · kanske 46 år · East Lulworth, Dorset
          Begravning · den 3 januari 1863 · East Lulworth, Dorset

          Relationer • Bröllop · 22 juni 1841 · Wool, Dorset : George Butcher Bushrod 1820-1877 och Mary Scutt 1809-ca 1899

          E S - 44yr.

          Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) / Census 1841-51-61 Dorset • dop : Dorset Baptisms / IGI C02512-9 • Bröllop med Sarah Runyard : Wareham & C 8 167 / IGI M01242-6 • död : Wareham 5a 245 • begravning : East Lulworth Burials 1842-1875

          E S - father:Edward Scutt. S R - father:John Runyard
          Sarah Runyard, Scutt 1818-1904
          föräldrar : John Runyard och Sarah ------
          Födelse · [in (year)] 1818 · East Lulworth, Dorset
          Dop · den 5 december 1818 · East Lulworth, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 22 augusti 1839 · East Lulworth, Dorset · med Edward Scutt
          Död · i september 1904 · 86 år · East Lulworth, Dorset
          Begravning · den 13 september 1904 · East Lulworth, Dorset
          S S - 84yr.

          Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) / Census 1841-51-61-71-81-91-1901 Dorset • dop : IGI • Bröllop med Edward Scutt : Wareham & C 8 167 / IGI M01242-6 • död : Wareham 5a 161 • begravning : East Lulworth Burials

          1. Sarah Scutt 1839-1839
            Födelse · i augusti 1839 · Wool, Dorset
            Dop · den 24 augusti 1839 · Wool, Dorset
            Död · i augusti 1839 · Wool, Dorset
            Begravning · den 29 augusti 1839 · Wool, Dorset
            Father E S, labourer, privately. S S, an infant.

            Källor • dop : Wool Baptisms 1733-1841 • död : Wareham 8 74 • begravning : Wool Burials 1733-1841

          2. George Robert Scutt, George, (1871-1911) gamekeeper 1841-ca 1909
            Födelse · [in (year)] 1841 · Wool, Dorset
            Dop · den 21 november 1841 · Wool, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 27 maj 1868 · East Lulworth, Dorset · med Isabella Pride
            Död · omkring maj 1909 · kanske 68 år · Long Ashton, Gloucestershire
            [Father E S - Wool, labourer.] [Bristol Mercury - Sat 25 Jan 1873. TORTWORTH - Poaching Assault. At the Petty Sessional Court, Wotton-under-Edge, on Monday, Henry Jones and James Hicks, labourers, of Crossways, near Toornbury, were brought up in custody before J. Long, Esq., and Mr. Serjeant Pullin, charged with poaching in the preserves of the Earl of Ducie, at Tortworth, and with violently assaulting George Bashrod, his lordship's head gamekeeper and his assistant, George Scutt. Prisoners were committed to take their trial at the next quarter session at Gloucester.] [Diary of a shoemaker of East Lulworth by Henry Rolls 1825 to 1873".] [G R S - 67yr.]

            Källor • födelse : Wareham & C 8 120 / Census 1861-91 Dorset & 1881-1901 Devon • dop : Wool Baptisms 1733-1841 • Bröllop med Isabella Pride : Wareham 5a 527 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920 • död : Long Ashton 5c 368

            G R S (26) - father: Edward Scutt. I P (24) - father:Robert Pride
            Isabella Pride ca 1843-1887
            Födelse · omkring augusti 1843 · Wool, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 27 maj 1868 · East Lulworth, Dorset · med George Robert Scutt
            Död · den 27 januari 1887 · kanske 43 år · Huntsham, Dorset
            Begravning · den 31 januari 1887 · Huntsham, Devon
            I S buried 1887 Jan 31, game keeper's cottage Huntsham, Isabella Scutt female 43yr. Wife of George Robert Scutt, game keeper, - cause of death Pulmonary T.B. 4 years cert. by Dr W Pratt MRCS - informant:Walter Scutt, son in attendance, Reg 29 Jan 1887 Reg Samuel Bysley?

            Källor • födelse : Wareham 8 115 • Bröllop med George Robert Scutt : Wareham 5a 527 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920 • död : Tiverton 5b 349 • begravning : Huntsham Burials

            1. Walter Scutt, (1901) board of education sub-inspector ca 1869-1942
              Födelse · omkring mars 1869 · West Lulworth, Dorset
              Dop · den 7 maj 1869 · East Lulworth, Dorset
              Bröllop · omkring november 1896 · Marystowe, Devon · med Frances Jane Steer
              Död · den 30 januari 1942 · kanske 72 år · Budleigh Salterton, Devon
              [Father:gamekeeper, West Lulworth.] [The Arts and Crafts Exhibition at Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Crediton, was opened yesterday afternoon under most auspicious circumstances. Rarely, indeed ..... . No.127. In this section Mr. Walter Scutt shows, not for competition, "A Quiet Street, Coutances." which is one of the most successful gum bichromates that have ever been seen exhibition. This was hung at the Paris Salon in 1902. Mr. Scutt is also represented in Division 15 with a couple of studies. No.140 the portrait of a lady, and No.141 recently secured the gold medal at the Paris Salon, Both the phonographs are remarkable examples of the high standard efficiency which photography has attained of recent years.] [Census 1871 Dorset-81 Devon] [North Devon Journal Thu 07 Nov 1907. Mr. Walter Scutt, who has for several years acted as H.M. Assistant Inspector of Schools North Devon, and a well-known artist, has been Inspector of Drawing for the counties of Dorset, Wilts, and Somerset. The appointment has been made under a new scheme introduced by the Board Educaticn under which the supervision of drawing elementary schools will be in the hands of experts. Mr. Scutt, who while North lived at Barnstaple, has taken up his residence in Exeter.] [Western Times, Devon Friday 09 February 1912. Mr. Walter Scutt, Inspector of Schools, residing at Exeter, met with a serious accident at Crediton on Saturday afternoon, whilst returning on a motor cycle from Shobrooke Park, where he had been skating, and passing Downes is supposed that his machine slipped, for he was thrown off, and pitching on his head was rendered unconscious. Fortunately Mr. Hubert Berry, who was behind him in a motor-car, saw the accident. Mr. Scutt was conveyed by Lord Clinton's chauffeur to Mr. Berry's house at Crediton, where a doctor was summoned, and it was found that Mr. Scutt was sufferiug from concussion of the brain.] [W S - 73yr., lived at Cranford, Mansfield Terrace, Budleigh Salterton. To Frances Jane Scutt (widow).]

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 319 / Death Certificate: reg dist: Tiverton 1887 • dop : East Lulworth Baptisms 1842-1875 • Bröllop med Frances Jane Steer : Tavistock 5b 729 / Census 1901 Northumberland • död : Devon Central 5b 73 / Wills 1942 / North Devon Journal [1907 Nov 07]

              &ca 1896 Frances Jane Steer, Frances, Scutt ca 1873-1943
              Födelse · omkring 1873 · Marystowe, Devon
              Bröllop · omkring november 1896 · Marystowe, Devon · med Walter Scutt
              Död · den 4 september 1943 · kanske 70 år · Budleigh Salterton, Devon
              F J S - 70yr., lived at Cranford, Mansfield Terrace, Budleigh Salterton. To Frank Scutt (temporary civil servant).

              Källor • födelse : Tavistock 5b 374 / Census 1901 Northumberland • Bröllop med Walter Scutt : Tavistock 5b 729 / Census 1901 Northumberland • död : Devon Central 5b 34 / Wills 1943

              1. Edward Hubert Scutt, Edward 1897-ca 1899
                Födelse · i oktober 1897 · Bangor, Anglesey or Caernarvonshire
                Död · omkring mars 1899 · kanske 17 månader · Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland
                [E H S b:Anglesey & Caernarvonshire border area.] [E H S 17m.]

                Källor • födelse : Bangor 11b 412 • död : Newcastle 10b 66

              2. Frank Scutt 1901-ca 1975
                Födelse · den 1 juni 1901 · Jesmond, Northumberland
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1935 · Okehampton district, Devon · med Emma Schotte
                Död · omkring maj 1975 · kanske 73 år · Poole district, Dorset

                Källor • födelse : Newcastle 10b 100 (3rd.Q.) • Bröllop med Emma Schotte : Okehampton 5b 975 • död : Poole 23 0629

                &ca 1935
                was Emma Schotte previously married?
                Emma Schotte 1901-ca 1983
                Födelse · den 26 februari 1901
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1935 · Okehampton district, Devon · med Frank Scutt
                Död · omkring februari 1983 · kanske 82 år · Poole, Dorset

                Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) • Bröllop med Frank Scutt : Okehampton 5b 975 • död : Poole 23 0768

            2. Edward Scutt ca 1871-1942
              Födelse · omkring 1871 · Lulworth, Dorset
              Dop · den 26 mars 1871 · West Lulworth, Dorset
              Bröllop · omkring 17 april 1914 · Nottingham, Nottinghamshire · med Lucy Hilda Stone
              Död · den 19 februari 1942 · kanske 71 år · Ottery St. Mary, Devon
              [SCUTT-STONE. On April 15th, at St. Jude's Church, Nottingham, by the Rev. P. D Maddocks, Lieutenant Edward Scutt Rifles & Lucy Hilda, youngest daughter of Captain Stone (late Rifle Brigade), "Roslin," Tavistock Avenue.] [E S - 70yr., lived at Southfield Higher Metcombe, Ottery St. Mary. To Lucy Hilda Scutt (widow).]

              Källor • födelse : Census 1871 Dorset-81 Devon • dop : IGI C02296-5 • Bröllop med Lucy Hilda Stone : Nottingham 7b 745 / Nottingham Evening Post [1914 Apr 17] / Wills 1942 • död : Honiton 5b 22 / Wills 1942

              &ca 1914
              (was L H S previously married?)
              Lucy Hilda Stone, Lucy, Scutt ca 1887-ca 1967
              Födelse · omkring 1887
              Bröllop · omkring 17 april 1914 · Nottingham, Nottinghamshire · med Edward Scutt
              Död · omkring maj 1967 · kanske 80 år · Honiton district, Devon
              [SCUTT-STONE. On April 15th, at St. Jude's Church, Nottingham, by the Rev. P. D Maddocks, Lieutenant Edward Scutt Rifles & Lucy Hilda, youngest daughter of Captain Stone (late Rifle Brigade), "Roslin," Tavistock Avenue.] [L H S - 79yr.]

              Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) • Bröllop med Edward Scutt : Nottingham 7b 745 / Nottingham Evening Post [1914 Apr 17] / Wills 1942 • död : Honiton 7a 465

              1. Maurice E. Scutt, Maurice ca 1915-ca 1923
                Födelse · omkring februari 1915 · Winchester district, Hampshire
                Död · omkring november 1923 · kanske 8 år · Winchester district, Hampshire
                M E S - 8yr.

                Källor • födelse : Winchester 2c 245 • död : Winchester 2c 164

              2. ------ Scutt ca 1915-ca 1915
                Födelse · omkring februari 1915 · Winchester district, Hampshire
                Död · omkring februari 1915 · Winchester district, Hampshire

                Källor • födelse : Winchester 2c 245 • död : BMD (Births)

              3. Hubert John Scutt, Hubert 1920-1981
                Födelse · den 22 maj 1920 · Winchester district, Hampshire
                Död · den 5 juni 1981 · 61 år · Sidmouth, Devon
                Southfield, Higher Metcombe, Tipton St.John, Sidmouth, Smallholder 5th June 1981. Michelmore Davies & Bellamy & Pomcroy & Hunt, Harston, Church Street, Sidmouth, Devon (Edward George Wilson Scutt).

                Källor • födelse : Winchester 2c 294 • död : Honiton 21 1338 / [The London Gazette [1981]

            3. Robert Scutt 1874-1945
              Födelse · den 21 januari 1874 · Cromhall, Gloucestershire
              Bröllop · den 15 augusti 1910 · Weston Super Mare, Somerset - St John · med Alice Nellie Yeo
              Död · den 1 maj 1945 · 71 år · Weston super Mare, Somerset
              R S - 71yr.

              Källor • födelse : Thornbury 6a 217 • Bröllop med Alice Nellie Yeo : Axbridge 5c 980 • död : Weston 5c 423

              R S - father:George Robert Scutt. A N Y - father:Isaac Yeo.
              Alice Nellie Yeo, Alice, Scutt 1885-ca 1975
              Födelse · den 15 december 1885 · Winnepeg, CANADA
              Bröllop · den 15 augusti 1910 · Weston Super Mare, Somerset - St John · med Robert Scutt
              Död · omkring augusti 1975 · kanske 89 år · Bournemouth, Dorset

              Källor • födelse : Census 1911 Glamorgan / BMD (Deaths) • Bröllop med Robert Scutt : Axbridge 5c 980 • död : Bournemouth 23 0332 23

              1. Edward George Wilson Scutt, Edward 1913-1984
                Födelse · den 6 november 1913 · Axbridge district, Somerset
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1940 · Weston district, Somerset · med Dorothy M. Sturton
                Bröllop · omkring november 1976 · Mendip district, Somerset · med Norma M. Hall
                Död · i januari 1984 · 70 år · Weymouth district, Dorset

                Källor • födelse : Axbridge 5c 752 • Bröllop med Dorothy M. Sturton : Weston 5c 1729 • Bröllop med Norma M. Hall : Mendip 23 0701 • död : Weymouth 0184 23 0962

                &ca 1940 Dorothy M. Sturton, Dorothy ca 1919
                föräldrar : Ernest Sturton och Sarah M. Watts
                Födelse · omkring maj 1919 · Wells, Somerset
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1940 · Weston district, Somerset · med Edward George Wilson Scutt

                Källor • födelse : Wells 5c 515 • Bröllop med Edward George Wilson Scutt : Weston 5c 1729

                &ca 1976 Norma M. Hall, Norma
                Bröllop · omkring november 1976 · Mendip district, Somerset · med Edward George Wilson Scutt
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1988 · Weymouth district, Dorset · med Robert C. Gingell

                Källor • Bröllop med Edward George Wilson Scutt : Mendip 23 0701 • Bröllop med Robert C. Gingell : Weymouth 0888 23 1113

              2. Edith Gwendoline Scutt, Edith ca 1917-2000
                Födelse · omkring maj 1917 · Axbridge district, Somerset
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1940 · Weston district, Somerset · med Donald G. Westlake
                Död · [in (year)] 2000 · kanske 83 år · Weston district, Somerset

                Källor • födelse : Axbridge 5c 597 • Bröllop med Donald G. Westlake : Weston 5c 1562 • död : Ancestry.co.uk

                &ca 1940 Donald G. Westlake, Donald ca 1911-
                Födelse · omkring november 1911 · Bristol, Gloucestershire
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1940 · Weston district, Somerset · med Edith Gwendoline Scutt

                Källor • födelse : Bristol 6a 159 • Bröllop med Edith Gwendoline Scutt : Weston 5c 1562

                1. Robert G. Westlake, Robert ca 1945
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1945 · 79 år · Bristol, Gloucestershire

                  Källor • födelse : Bristol 6a 31

              3. Marjorie Ellen Scutt, Marjorie 1924-ca 1993
                Födelse · den 10 april 1924 · Axbridge, Somerset
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1946 · Weston district, Somerset · med Douglas Arthur Pyne
                Död · omkring november 1993 · kanske 69 år · Mendip, Somerset

                Källor • födelse : Axbridge 5c 647 • Bröllop med Douglas Arthur Pyne : Weston 5c 1279 • död : Andrew Clifford Scutt

                &ca 1946 Douglas Arthur Pyne, Douglas 1916-ca 1987
                Födelse · den 15 augusti 1916 · St Thomas, Devon
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1946 · Weston district, Somerset · med Marjorie Ellen Scutt
                Död · omkring februari 1987 · kanske 70 år · Weston-super-Mare, Somerset

                Källor • födelse : St Thomas 5b 46 • Bröllop med Marjorie Ellen Scutt : Weston 5c 1279 • död : Weston super Mare 22 1508

                1. Stephen G. Pyne, Stephen ca 1951
                  Födelse · omkring november 1951 · 72 år · Weston district, Somerset

                  Källor • födelse : Weston 7c 294

                2. Roger J. Pyne, Roger 1956
                  Födelse · i november 1956 · 67 år · Devon (Central)

                  Källor • födelse : Devon Central 7a 302

            4. Louisa Isabel Scutt, Louisa Jane/Louisa/Isabel Louisa/Isabel 1876-ca 1916
              Födelse · den 16 april 1876 · Huntsham, Devon
              Dop · den 13 december 1876 · Huntsham, Devon
              Bröllop · den 5 maj 1902 · Huntsham, Devon - All Saints · med William Charles Perry
              Död · omkring maj 1916 · kanske 40 år · Axbridge district, Somerset
              Known also as Louisa Jane & Isabel Louisa Scutt. Census 1881-91-1901 Devon. William Charles Perry married 1902 May 05 Isable (sic) Lousia (sic) Scutt, only daughter of Mr R G Scutt (note the reversal of initials) of Huntsham near Bampton, Devon - gamekeeper for Mr. Troyte of Huntsham. Strangely enough, despite the three censuses, baptism and marriage, no birth has yet been found on the BMD! I L P - 43yr.

              Källor • födelse : communigate.co.uk/dorset/ • dop : Huntsham Baptisms • Bröllop med William Charles Perry : Tiverton 5b 833 / Devon Banns Registers 1538-1915 • död : Axbridge 5c 569 / communigate.co.uk/dorset/

              William Charles Perry marr:1902 May 05 Isable [sic] Lousia [sic] Scutt, only daughter of Mr R G Scutt
              William Charles Perry, (1902) gamekeeper for Mr. Troyte of Huntsham 1879-
              Födelse · den 10 december 1879 · Langford Budville, Somerset
              Bröllop · den 5 maj 1902 · Huntsham, Devon - All Saints · med Louisa Isabel Scutt
              (did W C P die in 1949?).

              Källor • Bröllop med Louisa Isabel Scutt : Tiverton 5b 833 / Devon Banns Registers 1538-1915

            5. Frank Scutt ca 1879-1915
              Födelse · omkring maj 1879 · Huntsham, Devon
              Dop · den 12 september 1879 · Huntsham, Devon
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1908 · Wandsworth district, London · med Sarah Annie Davey
              Död · den 18 oktober 1915 · kanske 36 år · FRANCE
              Begravning · i oktober 1915 · St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, FRANCE
              F S - 36yr., Royal Engineers - sapper101808. Burial Ground: St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France. Other details: died of pneumonia 18th October 1915, 36yr. husband of Sarah A. Scutt of 59 Gipsy Hill, Upper Norwood, London. A.13.8.

              Källor • födelse : Tiverton 5b 434 • dop : Huntsham Baptisms • Bröllop med Sarah Annie Davey : Wandsworth 1d 1279 / Com. War Graves Com. • död : Indexes to War Deaths 1914-1921 1915 E.I. 138 / Com. War Graves Com. • begravning : Com. War Graves Com.

              &ca 1908 Sarah Annie Davey, Sarah
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1908 · Wandsworth district, London · med Frank Scutt

              Källor • Bröllop med Frank Scutt : Wandsworth 1d 1279 / Com. War Graves Com.

              1. Winifred Hilda Scutt, Winifred ca 1908-
                Födelse · omkring augusti 1908 · Tooting, (Surrey) London
                Bröllop · omkring november 1930 · Lambeth district, London · med Cyril George F. Hall

                Källor • födelse : Wandsworth 1d 639 / Census 1911 London • Bröllop med Cyril George F. Hall : Lambeth 1d 724

                &ca 1930 Cyril George F. Hall, Cyril ca 1907-
                Födelse · omkring maj 1907 · Camberwell district, London
                Bröllop · omkring november 1930 · Lambeth district, London · med Winifred Hilda Scutt

                Källor • födelse : Camberwell 1d 809 • Bröllop med Winifred Hilda Scutt : Lambeth 1d 724

              2. Edward Henry Scutt, Edward ca 1911-1942
                Födelse · omkring augusti 1911 · Lambeth district, London
                Död · den 4 september 1942 · kanske 31 år · EGYPT
                E H S - 31yr., Royal East Kent Regiment - Lance Corporal (or Private 6295459 Buffs). E H S lived in South Lambeth, London.

                Källor • födelse : Lambeth 1d 779 • död : War Deaths Army (Other Ranks) Buffs 1942 1 382 / Com. War Graves Com.

              3. Frances Isobel Scutt, Frances 1913-1984
                Födelse · den 13 augusti 1913 · Croydon, Surrey
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1934 · Camberwell district, London · med Tom O. Elliot-Brook
                Död · den 9 juni 1984 · 70 år · Devon

                Källor • födelse : Croydon 2a 674 • Bröllop med Tom O. Elliot-Brook : Camberwell 1d 2230 • död : Plumridge Family Tree

                &ca 1934 Tom O. Elliot-Brook, Tom
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1934 · Camberwell district, London · med Frances Isobel Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Frances Isobel Scutt : Camberwell 1d 2230

          3. Joseph Scutt, Skutt ca 1844-1908
            Födelse · omkring april 1844 · Wool, Dorset
            Dop · den 5 maj 1844 · Wool, Dorset
            Bröllop · i maj 1892 · Worcester, Worcestershire · med Alice Tombs
            Död · den 11 januari 1908 · kanske 63 år · Worcester, Worcestershire
            [Father:E S - Wool, labourer.] [Worcester Journal, Saturday 15 March 1873. Applications made under the Licensing Act. Mr J J Corbet applied on behalf of Mrs Humphries, Angel Street, for permission to keep her house open until 12 o'clock during the stay of Mr Dutton's Comedy and Burlesque Company at the Theatre. A similar application was made by Mr Skutt, Shakspeare Inn.] [J S 63yr., living at the George & Dragon, The Tything in the city of Worcester. To Alice Scutt (widow).]

            Källor • födelse : Wareham 8 116 / Census 1851 Dorset • dop : VRI • Bröllop med Alice Tombs : Worcester 6c 454 • död : Worcester 6c 167 / Wills 1908

            &1892 Alice Tombs 1860-ca 1940
            Födelse · [in (year)] 1860 · Castle Merton, Worchestershire
            Bröllop · i maj 1892 · Worcester, Worcestershire · med Joseph Scutt
            Död · omkring augusti 1940 · kanske 80 år · Pershore district, Worcestershire
            A S - 80yr.

            Källor • Bröllop med Joseph Scutt : Worcester 6c 454 • död : Pershore 6c 456

          4. John Oliver Scutt, John/John Charles, brick moulder on Lulworth estate, (1873) labourer ca 1846-1938
            Födelse · omkring september 1846 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Dop · den 4 oktober 1846 · Wool, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 16 augusti 1873 · East Lulworth, Dorset · med Mary Lucas
            Död · i maj 1938 · kanske 91 år · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Begravning · [in (year)] 1938 · Coombe Keynes - Holy Rood
            [Western Gazette, Somerset, Friday 23 December 1870. County Petty Sessions, Tuesday. Before Mr. J. W. T. Fyler (chairman), Mr. M. Calcraft, and Mr. F. F. J. Morrice. John Scutt, of East Lulworth, was summoned by Elize Meaden, of West Lulworth, to show cause, &o. Mr. Reade, of Ringwood, appeared for complainant, Mr. R. N. Howard for defendant. The case broke down as the summonses had not been served six clear days before the day of hearing.] [Western Gazette, Somerset Fri 22 Aug 1873. August 16, at the Parish Church of East Lulworth, Mr. John Scutt, to Mary, third daughter of Mr Thos Lucas.] [John Charles Scutt - Census 1881 Dorset.] [J O S 91yr., Cottage Kimberts End, Coombe Keynes, Dorset. John Oliver Scutt; son of Edward and Sarah; Coombe Keynes; labourer; Isaac Urban Cooke.]

            Källor • födelse : Wareham 8 117 (4th.Q.) • dop : VRI / Coombe Keynes Baptisms 1842-1879 • Bröllop med Mary Lucas : Wareham 5a 483 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920 • död : Poole 5a 263 • begravning : Parish Church, Coombe Keynes

            J O S (26) - father:Edward Scutt. M L (23) b:1851 East Lulworth, Dorset - bur:Coombe Keynes Church with husband
            Mary Lucas, Scutt 1851-1934
            föräldrar : Thomas Lucas och Elizabeth ------
            Födelse · [in (year)] 1851 · East Lulworth, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 16 augusti 1873 · East Lulworth, Dorset · med John Oliver Scutt
            Död · den 12 mars 1934 · 83 år · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Begravning · i mars 1934 · Coombe Keynes - Holy Rood
            [Western Gazette, Somerset Fri 22 Aug 1873. August 16, at the Parish Church of East Lulworth, Mr. John Scutt, to Mary, third daughter of Mr Thos Lucas.] [M S - 83yr.]

            Källor • Bröllop med John Oliver Scutt : Wareham 5a 483 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920 • död : Wareham 5a 368 • begravning : Parish Church, Coombe Keynes

            1. Esther Mary Scutt, Esther/Ann, Lucas ca 1873-
              Födelse · omkring november 1873 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              Dop · den 4 januari 1874 · East Lulworth, Dorset
              Bröllop · den 24 juli 1897 · Coombe Keynes/Wool, Dorset · med William Lucas
              [witnesses] : Henry Scutt ca 1859-ca 1920, Frances Louise Lucas
              (Lorraine Wood notes Ann M. Scutt b:East Lulworth, Dorset.)

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 291 • dop : East Lulworth Baptisms 1842-1875 / IGI • Bröllop med William Lucas : Wareham 5a 549

              Banns. Esther Mary Scutt (24) spinster, Coombe Keynes - father:John Scutt, labourer. William Lucas (24) bachelor, Coombe Keynes, labourer - father:James Lucas, labourer (dec'd).
              William Lucas, William Lucas (24)
              Bröllop · den 24 juli 1897 · Coombe Keynes/Wool, Dorset · med Esther Mary Scutt
              [witnesses] : Henry Scutt ca 1859-ca 1920, Frances Louise Lucas

              Källor • Bröllop med Esther Mary Scutt : Wareham 5a 549

              1. Louisa Mary Lucas, Louisa 1898-
                Födelse · [in (year)] 1898 · Wareham district, Dorset
              2. Leonard William Lucas, Leonard 1899-
                Födelse · [in (year)] 1899 · Wareham district, Dorset
            2. Ellen Jane Scutt, Ellen, Mears ca 1876-ca 1959
              Födelse · omkring april 1876 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              Dop · den 16 april 1876 · Wool, Dorset
              Bröllop · den 5 april 1899 · Coombe Keynes/Wool, Dorset · med Henry William Mears
              [witnesses] : John Mears , Sarah Jane Bascombe
              Död · omkring februari 1959 · kanske 82 år · Poole district, Dorset
              E J M - 82yr.

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 315 • Bröllop med Henry William Mears : Wareham 5a 591 (3rd.Q.) • död : Poole 7c 796

              Banns. E J S (23) spinster, Coombe Keynes - father:John Oliver Scutt, labourer. H W M (19) bachelor, carter of East Lulworth - father:unknown.
              Henry William Mears, Henry, (1899) carter 1880-ca 1941
              Födelse · [in (year)] 1880
              Bröllop · den 5 april 1899 · Coombe Keynes/Wool, Dorset · med Ellen Jane Scutt
              [witnesses] : John Mears , Sarah Jane Bascombe
              Död · omkring februari 1941 · kanske 61 år · Poole district, Dorset
              H W M - 61yr.

              Källor • Bröllop med Ellen Jane Scutt : Wareham 5a 591 (3rd.Q.) • död : Poole 5a 767

              1. Norman H. T. Mears, Norman ca 1912-
                Födelse · omkring november 1912 · Blandford district, Dorset

                Källor • födelse : Blandford 5a 375

              2. Walter L. H. Mears, Walter ca 1914
                Födelse · omkring november 1914 · Blandford district, Dorset

                Källor • födelse : Blandford 5a 354

              3. Edith M. H. Mears, Edith ca 1917
                Födelse · omkring augusti 1917 · Wareham district, Dorset

                Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 393

              4. Maurice O. L. Mears, Maurice ca 1920
                Födelse · omkring augusti 1920 · Wareham district, Dorset

                Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 533

            3. Leonard Scutt, ploughboy, later gamekeeper on Lulworth Castle Estate 1878-1961
              Födelse · den 18 juni 1878 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              Dop · den 28 juli 1878 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              Bröllop · den 16 juni 1906 · Wareham, Dorset - Lady St. Mary's Church · med Ellen Nineham
              [witnesses] : Henry Thomas Nineham , Elizabeth Janet Nineham
              Död · den 25 oktober 1961 · 83 år · Hordle, Hampshire
              Begravning · [in (year)] 1961 · Hordle, Hampshire

              Relationer • Bröllop · 12 april 1909 · Coombe Keynes/Wool, Dorset : Laurence John Westmacott och Elizabeth Scutt ca 1883-1974

              Census 1881-91-1901 Dorset. L S bur: Hordle Church with wife.

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 314 • dop : Coombe Keynes Baptisms 1842-1879 • Bröllop med Ellen Nineham : Wareham 5a 691 • död : Salisbury 7c 531 / Lorraine Wood

              &1906 Ellen Nineham, Scutt 1881-1949
              Födelse · den 21 oktober 1881 · Worgret nr. Wareham, Dorset
              Bröllop · den 16 juni 1906 · Wareham, Dorset - Lady St. Mary's Church · med Leonard Scutt
              [witnesses] : Henry Thomas Nineham , Elizabeth Janet Nineham
              Död · den 9 augusti 1949 · 67 år · Hordle, Hampshire
              Begravning · Hordle, Hampshire
              E S - 67yr., bur: Hordle Church with husband.

              Källor • Bröllop med Leonard Scutt : Wareham 5a 691 • död : New Forest 6b 245

              1. Henry John Scutt, Henry/Harry 1907-ca 1968
                Födelse · den 7 april 1907 · Arn Poole, Dorset
                Bröllop · omkring november 1938 · Salisbury district, Wiltshire · med Ethel Rose Smith
                Död · omkring februari 1968 · kanske 60 år · Downton, Wiltshire
                Begravning · Downton, Wiltshire
                H J S - 60yr., lived at 36 The Borough, Downton, Wiltshire - bur:Downton, Wiltshire.

                Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 272 • Bröllop med Ethel Rose Smith : Salisbury 5a 562 • död : Salisbuty 7c 917/S

                &ca 1938 Ethel Rose Smith, Ethel/Rosie 1909-2003
                Födelse · den 2 april 1909
                Bröllop · omkring november 1938 · Salisbury district, Wiltshire · med Henry John Scutt
                Död · den 7 mars 2003 · 93 år · Downton, Wiltshire
                Begravning · Downton, Wiltshire
                E R S - 93yr., lived at 36 The Borough, Downton, Wiltshire.

                Källor • Bröllop med Henry John Scutt : Salisbury 5a 562 • död : Salisbury 7951B B59C 259 0303

                1. Anthony Leonard Charles Scutt, Anthony 1940
                  Födelse · den 2 augusti 1940 · 83 år · Bournemouth, Hampshire - Boscombe Victoria Hospital
                  Bröllop · omkring augusti 1964 · Salisbury district, Wiltshire · med Carole G. Lawman

                  Källor • födelse : Bournemouth 2b 1714 • Bröllop med Carole G. Lawman : Salisbury 7c 1335 / Electoral Roll 2001

                  &ca 1964 Carole G. Lawman, Carole
                  Bröllop · omkring augusti 1964 · Salisbury district, Wiltshire · med Anthony Leonard Charles Scutt

                  Källor • födelse : Electoral Roll 2001 • Bröllop med Anthony Leonard Charles Scutt : Salisbury 7c 1335 / Electoral Roll 2001

                  1. Angela Marie Scutt, Angela ca 1972
                    Födelse · omkring november 1972 · 51 år · Odstock, Wiltshire
                    Bröllop · omkring februari 1996 · Salisbury district, Wiltshire · med Daniel K. Crowe

                    Källor • födelse : Salisbury 7c 1777 • Bröllop med Daniel K. Crowe : Salisbury 795 Feb 0129

                    &ca 1996 Daniel K. Crowe, Daniel
                    Bröllop · omkring februari 1996 · Salisbury district, Wiltshire · med Angela Marie Scutt

                    Källor • Bröllop med Angela Marie Scutt : Salisbury 795 Feb 0129

                  2. Elizabeth Rose Scutt, Elizabeth, civil servant ca 1977
                    Födelse · omkring maj 1977 · 47 år · Salisbury district, Wiltshire

                    Källor • födelse : Salisbury 23 1367

                2. Rosemary E. M. Scutt, Rosemary ca 1942
                  Födelse · omkring november 1942 · 81 år · New Forest district, Hampshire
                  Inte nämnd · omkring 1967 · med Jerry Hockey

                  Källor • födelse : New Forest 2b 1043 • inte nämnd med Jerry Hockey : Lorraine Wood

                  &ca 1967 Jerry Hockey
                  Inte nämnd · omkring 1967 · med Rosemary E. M. Scutt

                  Källor • inte nämnd med Rosemary E. M. Scutt : Lorraine Wood

                3. Pamela E. Scutt, Pamela ca 1945
                  Födelse · omkring november 1945 · 78 år · New Forest district, Hampshire
                  Bröllop · omkring maj 1967 · Salisbury district, Wiltshire · med John G. Pinder

                  Källor • födelse : New Forest 2b 1097 • Bröllop med John G. Pinder : Salisbury 7c 1077

                  &ca 1967 John G. Pinder, John
                  Bröllop · omkring maj 1967 · Salisbury district, Wiltshire · med Pamela E. Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Pamela E. Scutt : Salisbury 7c 1077

                  1. Charles Loxley Pinder, Charles ca 1969
                    Födelse · omkring maj 1969 · 55 år · Salisbury district, Wiltshire
                    (possibly married and with daughter Louisa ------?)

                    Källor • födelse : Salisbury 7c 2405

                  2. Louisa Jane Pinder, Louisa ca 1973
                    Födelse · omkring februari 1973 · 51 år · Salisbury district, Wiltshire

                    Källor • födelse : Salisbury 7c 2174

              2. Claude Oliver Scutt, Claude 1908-1981
                Födelse · den 22 juni 1908 · Arn Poole, Dorset
                Bröllop · den 11 september 1937 · Lymington, Hampshire - Lymington Registry Office, Dorset · med Christine Noel Rose Corbin
                Död · den 6 februari 1981 · 72 år · Castle Cary, Somerset
                Begravning · i februari 1981 · Yarlington Church, Somerset
                C O S - 73yr., bur:Yarlington Church, Somerset, lived at the Bungalow Dimmer, Castle Cary, Somerset.

                Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 261 (3rd.Q.) • Bröllop med Christine Noel Rose Corbin : New Forest 2b 2383 • död : Yeovil 23 1797 / Somerset Monumental Inscriptions • begravning : Lorraine Wood

                C O S - farm worker
                Christine Noel Rose Corbin, Christine 1915-1975
                föräldrar : Walter John Corbin och Florence Kate Pilley
                Födelse · den 25 december 1915 · Christchurch district, Hampshire
                Bröllop · den 11 september 1937 · Lymington, Hampshire - Lymington Registry Office, Dorset · med Claude Oliver Scutt
                Död · den 26 april 1975 · 59 år · Sherborne, Dorset
                Begravning · Yarlington Church, Somerset
                C N R S - 59yr., d:Sherborne Hospital, Dorset, and she lived at Lillington, near Sherborne, Dorset.

                Källor • födelse : Christchurch 2b 1084 (1916 1st.Q.) • Bröllop med Claude Oliver Scutt : New Forest 2b 2383 • död : N Dorset 23 0511 / Somerset Monumental Inscriptions

                1. Leonard J. Scutt, Leonard/Lenny 1941-1943
                  Födelse · i mars 1941 · Pennington?, Hampshire
                  Död · den 14 juni 1943 · 2 år · Pennington, Hampshire
                  Begravning · Pennington, Hampshire
                  L J S - 2yr.

                  Källor • födelse : New Forest 6b 1714 • död : New Forest 2b 992

                2. Ellen Rose Scutt, Ellen/Eileen Rose 1943-1977
                  Födelse · den 19 april 1943 · Manor Farm Cottages, Lower Pennington, Hampshire
                  Bröllop · den 4 april 1964 · Wincanton, Somerset · med Robert James Warren
                  Död · den 21 november 1977 · 34 år · Yeovil, Somerset - Yeovil District Hospital
                  Begravning · i november 1977 · Yarlington Church, Somerset
                  E R W - 34yr., d:Yeovil District Hospital, Somerset - bur:Yarlington Church, Somerset. She lived at 1 Fairfield, Yarlington, nr. Wincanton, Somerset.

                  Källor • födelse : New Forest 2b 1104 • Bröllop med Robert James Warren : Wincanton 7c 697 • död : Lorraine Wood

                  Eileen R. Scutt stated here - Registry Office Wincanton, Somerset
                  Robert James Warren, Robert 1937-2004
                  föräldrar : Walter James Warren 1915-1995 och Elsie Hardiman 1918-1992
                  Födelse · [in (year)] 1937 · Woodford, Salisbury, Wiltshire
                  Bröllop · den 4 april 1964 · Wincanton, Somerset · med Ellen Rose Scutt
                  Död · den 16 januari 2004 · 67 år · Yeovil, Somerset

                  Källor • födelse : Lorraine Wood • Bröllop med Ellen Rose Scutt : Wincanton 7c 697 • död : Lorraine Wood

                  1. Lorraine Rose Warren, Lorraine 1965
                    Födelse · den 6 november 1965 · 58 år · Wincanton, Somerset
                    Bröllop · med Colin Wood

                    Källor • födelse : Lorraine Wood

                    2 children born here
                    Colin Wood 1959
                    Födelse · [in (year)] 1959 · 65 år
                    Bröllop · med Lorraine Rose Warren
                3. Phyllis May Scutt, Phyllis 1946-1986
                  Födelse · den 5 maj 1946 · Dorchester district, Dorset
                  Bröllop · den 19 oktober 1963 · Wincanton, Somerset · med Michael Henry Warren
                  Död · den 19 oktober 1986 · 40 år · Wincanton, Somerset - Yeovil District Hospital
                  Begravning · i oktober 1986 · Yarlington Church, Somerset
                  P M W - 40yr., d:Yeovil District Hospital, Somerset - bur:Yarlington Church, Somerset. She lived at the Bungalow Dimmer, Castle Cary, Somerset.

                  Källor • födelse : Dorchester 5a 585 • Bröllop med Michael Henry Warren : Wincanton 7c 690 • död : Lorraine Wood

                  Registry Office Wincanton, Somerset
                  Michael Henry Warren, Michael
                  Bröllop · den 19 oktober 1963 · Wincanton, Somerset · med Phyllis May Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Phyllis May Scutt : Wincanton 7c 690

                4. Edward John Scutt, Edward, farmer worker 1951
                  Födelse · den 11 mars 1951 · 73 år · Sydling St. Nicholas, Dorset
                  Bröllop · i augusti 1972 · Bridgwater, Somerset · med Anne Elizabeth Barrow

                  Källor • födelse : Weymouth 6a 792 • Bröllop med Anne Elizabeth Barrow : Bridgwater 7c 1028

                  &1972 Anne Elizabeth Barrow, Anne 1954
                  Födelse · [in (year)] 1954 · 70 år
                  Bröllop · i augusti 1972 · Bridgwater, Somerset · med Edward John Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Edward John Scutt : Bridgwater 7c 1028

                  1. Lucy Anne Scutt, Lucy 1973
                    Födelse · den 11 mars 1973 · 51 år · Sherborne, Dorset - Sherborne Hospital
                    Bröllop · i juli 1994 · Dorset (North) · med Phillip M. Stainer

                    Källor • födelse : Sturminster 7c 348 • Bröllop med Phillip M. Stainer : N Dorset 430 Jul 0396

                    &1994 Phillip M. Stainer, Phillip
                    Bröllop · i juli 1994 · Dorset (North) · med Lucy Anne Scutt

                    Källor • Bröllop med Lucy Anne Scutt : N Dorset 430 Jul 0396

                    1. Alisha Stainer 1998
                      Födelse · [in (year)] 1998 · 26 år
                    2. Caitlyn Rose Stainer, Caitlyn 2002
                      Födelse · i september 2002 · 21 år · Yeovil district, Somerset

                      Källor • födelse : Yeovil B23 7263B 051

                  2. Christine May Scutt, Christine 1975
                    Födelse · den 26 maj 1975 · 49 år · Sherborne, Dorset - Sherborne Hospital
                    Bröllop · i juni 1999 · Dorset (North) · med Andrew Donnelly

                    Källor • födelse : N Dorset 23 0292 • Bröllop med Andrew Donnelly : N Dorset 430 Jun 0332

                    &1999 Andrew Donnelly
                    Bröllop · i juni 1999 · Dorset (North) · med Christine May Scutt

                    Källor • Bröllop med Christine May Scutt : N Dorset 430 Jun 0332

                    1. Jessica Donnelly 1996
                      Födelse · [in (year)] 1996 · 28 år
                    2. Tara Donnelly 1999
                      Födelse · [in (year)] 1999 · 25 år
                    3. Lauren Jade Donnelly, Lauren 2003
                      Födelse · den 23 oktober 2003 · 20 år · Somerset (South)

                      Källor • födelse : S. Somerset 1C 726/1C 045

                  3. Stephen John Scutt, Stephen 1980
                    Födelse · den 17 januari 1980 · 44 år · Salisbury, Wiltshire - Salisbury Hospital
                    Bröllop · i december 2004 · Dorset (North) · med ------ Williams

                    Källor • födelse : Salisbury 23 1619 / Electoral Roll 2002-03 • Bröllop med ------ Williams : North Dorset 430 Dec 0511 018 C 59

                    &2004 ------ Williams
                    Bröllop · i december 2004 · Dorset (North) · med Stephen John Scutt

                    Källor • Bröllop med Stephen John Scutt : North Dorset 430 Dec 0511 018 C 59

                    1. Georgia Rhian Scutt, Georgia 2004
                      Födelse · den 9 januari 2004 · 20 år · Yeovil, Somerset - Yeovil District Hospital

                      Källor • födelse : South Somerset 7261A 2A 251 0204 & South Somerset 7261A 2A 251 1105 & South Somerset 7261B 5B 124 1105 [3x]

                    2. Ryan Oliver Scutt, Ryan 2005
                      Födelse · i oktober 2005 · 18 år · Yeovil, Somerset

                      Källor • födelse : South Somerset 7261A 6A 025 1005

                5. Patricia Jean Scutt, Patricia, Parsons 1952
                  Födelse · den 7 augusti 1952 · 71 år · 1 Mars Cross, Sydling St. Nicholas, Dorset
                  Bröllop · omkring augusti 1973 · Wincanton district, Somerset · med Stephen Robert Parsons

                  Källor • födelse : Weymouth 6a 788 • Bröllop med Stephen Robert Parsons : Wincanton 7c 1908

                  &ca 1973 Stephen Robert Parsons, Stephen 1945
                  Födelse · [in (year)] 1945 · 79 år
                  Bröllop · omkring augusti 1973 · Wincanton district, Somerset · med Patricia Jean Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Patricia Jean Scutt : Wincanton 7c 1908

                  1. Tina Louise Parsons, Tina, Higgins 1977
                    Födelse · den 5 mars 1977 · 47 år · Yeovil, Somerset
                    Bröllop · Ansford, Somerset - St. Andrews · med Thomas Higgins

                    Källor • födelse : Yeovil 23 1174 / Lorraine Wood

                    & Thomas Higgins
                    Bröllop · Ansford, Somerset - St. Andrews · med Tina Louise Parsons
                  2. Paul Stephen Parsons, Paul 1979
                    Födelse · den 3 mars 1979 · 45 år · Yeovil, Somerset

                    Källor • födelse : Yeovil 23 1283

              3. Laurence Edward Scutt, Laurence/Lawrence/Lawrence Edward, Navy, later gardener at Buckland Manor 1921-2002
                Födelse · den 21 mars 1921 · Tincleton, Piddleton, Dorset
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1946 · New Forest district, Hampshire · med Annie Mary Burridge
                Död · den 25 oktober 2002 · 81 år · Southampton, Hampshire - Southampton Hospital
                L E S living in 2001 at 19 Chatsworth Way, New Milton, Hampshire.

                Källor • födelse : Dorchester 5a 557 (2nd.Q.) • Bröllop med Annie Mary Burridge : New Forest 2b 2215 • död : Southampton 5001D D66A / Electoral Roll 2002

                &ca 1946 Annie Mary Burridge, Annie 1920-1999
                Födelse · den 30 maj 1920 · Christchurch district, Hampshire
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1946 · New Forest district, Hampshire · med Laurence Edward Scutt
                Död · den 25 maj 1999 · 78 år · New Forest district, Hampshire

                Källor • födelse : Christchurch 2b 13_0 • Bröllop med Laurence Edward Scutt : New Forest 2b 2215 • död : New Forest 4941A 1A

                1. Patricia E. A. Scutt, Patricia, Andrews 1947
                  Födelse · den 13 mars 1947 · 77 år · New Forest district, Hampshire
                  Bröllop · omkring maj 1972 · New Forest district, Hampshire · med Philip H. Andrews

                  Källor • födelse : New Forest 6b 586 • Bröllop med Philip H. Andrews : New Forest 6b 1192

                  &ca 1972 Philip H. Andrews, Philip
                  Bröllop · omkring maj 1972 · New Forest district, Hampshire · med Patricia E. A. Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Patricia E. A. Scutt : New Forest 6b 1192

                  1. Ian Paul Andrews, Ian ca 1973
                    Födelse · omkring februari 1973 · 51 år · Bournemouth district, Dorset

                    Källor • födelse : Bournemouth 6b 858

                  2. Kathryn Helen Andrews, Kathryn ca 1975
                    Födelse · omkring maj 1975 · 49 år · New Forest district, Hampshire

                    Källor • födelse : New Forest 20 424

            4. Thomas Scutt, Tom 1880-1970
              Födelse · den 8 juli 1880 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              Dop · den 22 augusti 1880 · Wool, Dorset
              Bröllop · omkring 13 november 1907 · Owermoigne, Dorset · med Margaret Elizabeth Loveless
              Död · den 25 juli 1970 · 90 år · East Lulworth, Dorset
              Begravning · den 30 juli 1970 · West Lulworth, Dorset - St Andrews

              Relationer • Bröllop · 12 april 1909 · Coombe Keynes/Wool, Dorset : Laurence John Westmacott och Elizabeth Scutt ca 1883-1974

              T S - 89yr.

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 308 • Bröllop med Margaret Elizabeth Loveless : Weymouth 5a 743 • död : Poole 7c 55

              &ca 1907
              Banns 1907 Oct 20 Wool, Dorset
              Margaret Elizabeth Loveless, Margaret, Scutt ca 1876-1957
              Födelse · omkring februari 1876 · Weymouth district, Dorset
              Bröllop · omkring 13 november 1907 · Owermoigne, Dorset · med Thomas Scutt
              Död · den 25 april 1957 · kanske 81 år · Weymouth district, Dorset

              Källor • födelse : Weymouth 5a 330 • Bröllop med Thomas Scutt : Weymouth 5a 743 • död : Weymouth 6a 541

              1. Agnes Mary Scutt, Agnes 1908-ca 1990
                Födelse · den 8 januari 1908 · Wareham, Dorset
                Dop · East Lulworth, Dorset
                Död · omkring februari 1990 · kanske 82 år · Poole, Dorset
                A M S, unmarried.

                Källor • död : Poole 0290 23 0821

              2. Ethel Scutt, Young 1909-1990
                Födelse · den 12 november 1909 · East Lulworth, Dorset
                Dop · den 19 december 1909 · East Lulworth, Dorset
                Bröllop · omkring november 1935 · Okehampton, Devon · med Frederick Young
                Död · i februari 1990 · 80 år · East Lulworth, Dorset
                Begravning · East Lulworth - St. Andrews

                Källor • födelse : Poole 0290 23 0821 • Bröllop med Frederick Young : Wareham 5a 796 • död : Poole 0290 23 633

                &ca 1935 Frederick Young
                Bröllop · omkring november 1935 · Okehampton, Devon · med Ethel Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Ethel Scutt : Wareham 5a 796

                1. Margaret Young, Ann ca 1936
                  Födelse · omkring februari 1936 · 88 år · Wareham district, Dorset
                  Bröllop · med Timothy Meaden

                  Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 364

                  2 children born here
                  Timothy Meaden, Tim
                  Bröllop · med Margaret Young
              3. Helen J. Scutt, Helen/Nell, Dorey ca 1912
                Födelse · omkring augusti 1912 · Wareham, Dorset
                Bröllop · omkring november 1935 · Wareham district, Dorset · med Edgar Dorey

                Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 489 • Bröllop med Edgar Dorey : Wareham 5a 761

                &ca 1935 Edgar Dorey ca 1907-ca 1967
                Födelse · omkring maj 1907 · Wareham district, Dorset
                Bröllop · omkring november 1935 · Wareham district, Dorset · med Helen J. Scutt
                Död · omkring november 1967 · kanske 60 år · Poole district, Dorset
                E D 60yr.

                Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 265 • Bröllop med Helen J. Scutt : Wareham 5a 761 • död : Poole 7c 21

                1. Geoffrey T. Dorey, Geoffrey 1936
                  Födelse · den 4 maj 1936 · 88 år · Wareham district, Dorset

                  Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 348

                2. Monica E. Dorey, Monica ca 1939
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1939 · 85 år · Poole district, Dorset

                  Källor • födelse : Poole 5a 388

                3. William Dorey 1941
                  Födelse · [in (year)] 1941 · 83 år
            5. Elizabeth Scutt, Westmacott ca 1883-1974
              Födelse · omkring april 1883 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              Dop · den 20 maj 1883 · Wool, Dorset
              Bröllop · den 12 april 1909 · Coombe Keynes/Wool, Dorset · med Laurence John Westmacott
              [witnesses] : Leonard Scutt 1878-1961, Thomas Scutt 1880-1970
              Död · den 6 april 1974 · kanske 91 år · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              E W - 91yr.

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 310 • Bröllop med Laurence John Westmacott : Wareham 5a 669 • död : Lorraine Wood

              Banns 1909 Mar 28/Apr 04/11. E S (26) spinster, of Coombe Keynes - father:John Oliver Scutt, labourer. L J W (25) bachelor, dairyman of Winifrith - father:Abraham Walter Westmacott.
              Laurence John Westmacott, Laurence
              Bröllop · den 12 april 1909 · Coombe Keynes/Wool, Dorset · med Elizabeth Scutt
              [witnesses] : Leonard Scutt 1878-1961, Thomas Scutt 1880-1970
              Död · W.W.1.
              L J W drowned 1914-1918 WW1.

              Källor • Bröllop med Elizabeth Scutt : Wareham 5a 669

              1. Mary Barbara Westmacott, Barbara/Mary ca 1910-1914
                Födelse · omkring februari 1910 · Wareham district, Dorset
                Död · i maj 1914 · kanske 4 år · Weymouth district, Dorset
                M Barbara W 4yr.

                Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 261 • död : Weymouth 5a 323

              2. Leonard Harry Westmacott, Leonard 1913-1995
                Födelse · den 25 november 1913 · Wareham district, Dorset
                Död · den 9 november 1995 · 81 år

                Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 466 (1914 1st.Q.)

            6. Sarah Scutt ca 1885-ca 1886
              Födelse · omkring oktober 1885 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              Dop · den 8 november 1885 · Wool, Dorset
              Död · omkring augusti 1886 · kanske 10 månader · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              S S 0yr.

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 299 • död : Wareham 5a 167

            7. Martha Sarah Scutt, Martha/Pat, Slack/Hendy ca 1888-
              Födelse · omkring april 1888 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              Dop · den 13 maj 1888 · Wool, Dorset
              Sambo · omkring 1908 · med ------ ------
              Bröllop · omkring november 1915 · Crewe, Cheshire - St Paul · med Albert James Slack
              Bröllop · den 24 maj 1920 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset · med Thomas Wyatt Hendy
              [witnesses] : Thomas Scutt
              Död · CANADA

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 285 • Bröllop med Albert James Slack : Nantwich 8a 777 / Cheshire Marriage indexes:915 [701/5/219] • Bröllop med Thomas Wyatt Hendy : Wareham 5a 855 / Coombe Keynes Marriages 1837-1921

              &ca 1908 ------ ------
              Sambo · omkring 1908 · med Martha Sarah Scutt
              1. Walter John Scutt, Walter/Jack, He worked on Lulworth Castle Estate 1909-1993
                Födelse · den 11 april 1909 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
                Dop · den 9 maj 1909
                Död · i oktober 1993 · 84 år · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
                Begravning · [in (year)] 1993 · Coombe Keynes - Holy Rood
                W J S - unmarried.

                Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 271 • död : Poole 4311D D12E

              &ca 1915 Albert James Slack, Albert ca 1884-ca 1916
              Födelse · omkring februari 1884 · Nantwich district, Cheshire
              Bröllop · omkring november 1915 · Crewe, Cheshire - St Paul · med Martha Sarah Scutt
              Död · omkring juli 1916 · kanske 32 år · Nottingham district, Nottinghamshire
              A J S 32yr.

              Källor • födelse : Basford 7b 181 • Bröllop med Martha Sarah Scutt : Nantwich 8a 777 / Cheshire Marriage indexes:915 [701/5/219] • död : Nottingham 7b 349

              M S S (32) widow, Coombe Keynes - father:John Oliver Scutt, labourer. T W H (33) bachelor, farmer, Coombe Keynes - father:James Hendy, labourer.
              Thomas Wyatt Hendy, Thomas
              Bröllop · den 24 maj 1920 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset · med Martha Sarah Scutt
              [witnesses] : Thomas Scutt
              Död · CANADA

              Källor • Bröllop med Martha Sarah Scutt : Wareham 5a 855 / Coombe Keynes Marriages 1837-1921

            8. Annie Amelia Scutt, Annie ca 1890-1890
              Födelse · omkring maj 1890 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              Dop · den 15 juni 1890 · Wool, Dorset
              Död · i augusti 1890 · kanske 3 månader · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              A A S 0yr.

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 298 • död : Wareham 5a 153

            9. Henry John Scutt, Henry/Harry 1891-1978
              Födelse · den 17 september 1891 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              Dop · den 25 oktober 1891 · Wool, Dorset
              Död · den 12 juli 1978 · 86 år · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              1891 Oct 25 privately noted and Navy:1892 Sep 17. Official Number: K18161. H J S (Harry) 86yr., unmarried. Navy, later general maintenance on Lulworth Castle Estate.

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 287 / Registers of Seamen's Services • död : Poole 23 0591 / Parish Church, Coombe Keynes

            10. Walter William Scutt, Walter 1894-ca 1974
              Födelse · den 16 februari 1894 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
              Dop · den 25 mars 1894 · Wool, Dorset
              Bröllop · omkring november 1917 · Harwich, Essex · med Stella Florence Muffet
              Död · omkring augusti 1974 · kanske 80 år · Dartford district, Kent
              Official Number: K15423.

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 283 / Registers of Seamen's Services • Bröllop med Stella Florence Muffet : Tendring 4a 1494 • död : Dartford 16 0772

              &ca 1917 Stella Florence Muffet, Stella, Broad/Scutt ca 1895-ca 1940
              Födelse · omkring februari 1895 · Mutford district, Suffolk
              Bröllop · omkring november 1915 · Tendring district, Essex · med Alfred H. Broad
              Bröllop · omkring november 1917 · Harwich, Essex · med Walter William Scutt
              Död · omkring maj 1940 · kanske 45 år · Harwich district, Essex
              S F S - 45yr.

              Källor • födelse : Mutford 4a 1048 • Bröllop med Alfred H. Broad : Tendring 4a 2266 • Bröllop med Walter William Scutt : Tendring 4a 1494 • död : Harwich 4a 1422 / National Burial Index (Essex)

              1. Walter William Scutt, Walter ca 1918-ca 1918
                Födelse · omkring maj 1918 · Harwich, Essex
                Död · omkring maj 1918 · Harwich, Essex
                W W S - 0yr.

                Källor • födelse : Tendring 4a 1103 • död : Tendring 4a 703 / National Burial Index (Essex)

              2. Walter William Scutt, Walter 1919-2012
                Födelse · den 17 juni 1919 · Tendring district, Essex
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1947 · Isle of Wight · med Lavinia G. Kent
                Död · den 17 november 2012 · 93 år · Sandown, Isle of Wight

                Källor • födelse : Tendring 4a 1212 (3rd.Q.) • Bröllop med Lavinia G. Kent : Isle of Wight 6b 1926a / Isle of Wight RO100/89 • död : England & Wales Death Index 2007-13

                &ca 1947
                Register Office
                Lavinia G. Kent, Lavinia, Scutt
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1947 · Isle of Wight · med Walter William Scutt

                Källor • födelse : Electoral Rolls 2002-07, 2009-13 • Bröllop med Walter William Scutt : Isle of Wight 6b 1926a / Isle of Wight RO100/89

                1. Janet Mabel Scutt, Janet, Hodgson ca 1948
                  Födelse · omkring februari 1948 · 76 år · Ryde, Isle of Wight
                  Bröllop · omkring november 1971 · Yaverland, Isle of Wight - St.John's · med Peter J. Hodgson

                  Källor • födelse : Isle of Wight 6b 1193 / R98/E28 • Bröllop med Peter J. Hodgson : Isle of Wight 6b 1944 / COE60.3/2

                  &ca 1971 Peter J. Hodgson, Peter
                  Bröllop · omkring november 1971 · Yaverland, Isle of Wight - St.John's · med Janet Mabel Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Janet Mabel Scutt : Isle of Wight 6b 1944 / COE60.3/2

                  1. Kelly Joanne Hodgson, Kelly ca 1975
                    Födelse · omkring maj 1975 · 49 år · Isle of Wight

                    Källor • födelse : [I o W 20 2555] / [B3A/E15]

                  2. Simon Andrew Hodgson, Simon ca 1979
                    Födelse · omkring 1979 · Isle of Wight

                    Källor • födelse : I o W 20 2486 & B9A/E254

                2. Alan John Scutt, Alan ca 1952
                  Födelse · omkring augusti 1952 · 71 år · North West, Isle of Wight
                  Bröllop · omkring augusti 1974 · Sandown, Isle of Wight - Christ Church · med Jayne E. Sumpter
                  Skilsmässa · omkring 1982 · med Jayne E. Sumpter
                  Bröllop · i maj 1984 · Isle of Wight · med Jill Angela Faulkner

                  Källor • födelse : Isle of Wight 6b 1021 / NW1/E412 • Bröllop med Jayne E. Sumpter : Isle of Wight 20 2362 / COE42.6/66 • Bröllop med Jill Angela Faulkner : Isle of Wight 0584 20 2248 / RO181/176

                  &ca 1974
                  Jane E. Sumpter noted here (BMD)
                  Jayne E. Sumpter, Jayne
                  Bröllop · omkring augusti 1974 · Sandown, Isle of Wight - Christ Church · med Alan John Scutt
                  Skilsmässa · omkring 1982 · med Alan John Scutt
                  Bröllop · i juni 1987 · Isle of Wight · med Martin D. Parsons

                  Källor • Bröllop med Alan John Scutt : Isle of Wight 20 2362 / COE42.6/66 • Bröllop med Martin D. Parsons : Isle of Wight 0687 20 2316 / RO188/19

                  Register Office
                  Jill Angela Faulkner, Jill, Scutt
                  Bröllop · i maj 1984 · Isle of Wight · med Alan John Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Alan John Scutt : Isle of Wight 0584 20 2248 / RO181/176

                  1. Benjamin Thomas Scutt, Benjamin 1990
                    Födelse · i juli 1990 · 34 år · Isle of Wight

                    Källor • födelse : Isle of Wight 0790 20 2739 / A37A/285/1A

                  2. Clare Louise Scutt, Clare 1995
                    Födelse · i augusti 1995 · 28 år · Isle of Wight

                    Källor • födelse : Isle of Wight 5561B B43A / B43A/216/1B

                3. Stephen William Scutt, Stephen ca 1954
                  Födelse · omkring februari 1954 · 70 år · North West, Isle of Wight
                  Bröllop · i november 1982 · Sandown, Isle of Wight - St. John · med Caroline J. Merrison

                  Källor • födelse : Isle of Wight 6b 1066 / NW4/E175 • Bröllop med Caroline J. Merrison : Isle of Wight 20 1524 / COE25.4/6

                  &1982 Caroline J. Merrison, Caroline
                  Bröllop · i november 1982 · Sandown, Isle of Wight - St. John · med Stephen William Scutt

                  Källor • födelse : Electoral Roll 2001-03 • Bröllop med Stephen William Scutt : Isle of Wight 20 1524 / COE25.4/6

                  1. Jackson James Scutt, Jackson 1992
                    Födelse · i december 1992 · 31 år · Newport, Isle of Wight

                    Källor • födelse : Isle of Wight 1292 20 2471 / B37A/179/1B

                  2. Georgette Maria Scutt, Georgette 1994
                    Födelse · [in (year)] 1994 · 30 år · Newport, Isle of Wight

                    Källor • födelse : Isle of Wight 5561B B40A / B40A/168/1B

              3. Donald Henry Albert John Scutt, Donald 1920-2010
                Födelse · den 20 september 1920 · Tendring district, Essex
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1955 · Dartford district, Kent · med Chase Denise M. Brown
                Död · den 5 juni 2010 · 89 år · Havant, Hampshire
                Kremering · den 17 juni 2010 · Chichester Crematorium, West Sussex
                Scutt, Donald Henry Albert John passed away peacefully on June 5, 2010, aged 89 years. Funeral service to be held at Chichester Crematorium on Thursday, June 17, 2010.

                Källor • födelse : Tendring 4a 1435 (4th.Q.) • Bröllop med Chase Denise M. Brown : Dartford 5b 1037 / Electoral Roll 2002 • död : PC Po9 / Gov.UK Winchester / Portsmouth News [2010 Jun 11] • Kremering : Gov.UK Winchester / Portsmouth News [2010 Jun 11]

                &ca 1955 Chase Denise M. Brown, Chase, Scutt 1923-ca 1983
                Födelse · [in (year)] 1923
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1955 · Dartford district, Kent · med Donald Henry Albert John Scutt
                Död · omkring februari 1983 · kanske 60 år · Portsmouth, Hampshire

                Källor • Bröllop med Donald Henry Albert John Scutt : Dartford 5b 1037 / Electoral Roll 2002 • död : Portsmouth 20 0896

                1. Donald G. J. Scutt, Donald ca 1956
                  Födelse · omkring augusti 1956 · 67 år · Abingdon district, Berkshire
                  Bröllop · i juli 2005 · Chichester district, West Sussex · med Denise L. Heath

                  Källor • födelse : Abingdon 6a 7 / Electoral Roll 2002 • Bröllop med Denise L. Heath : Chichester 779 1193 RBOG1

                  &2005 Denise L. Heath, Denise
                  Bröllop · i juli 2005 · Chichester district, West Sussex · med Donald G. J. Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Donald G. J. Scutt : Chichester 779 1193 RBOG1

              4. Doris F. Scutt, Doris, Venus ca 1922
                Födelse · omkring februari 1922 · Tendring district, Essex
                Bröllop · i februari 1943 · Dartford district, Kent · med Thomas E. Venus

                Källor • födelse : Tendring 4a 1430 • Bröllop med Thomas E. Venus : Dartford 2a 1623

                &1943 Thomas E. Venus, Thomas ca 1921
                Födelse · omkring maj 1921 · Dartford district, Kent
                Bröllop · i februari 1943 · Dartford district, Kent · med Doris F. Scutt

                Källor • födelse : Dartford 2a 1270 • Bröllop med Doris F. Scutt : Dartford 2a 1623

                1. Thomas W. Venus, Thomas ca 1945
                  Födelse · omkring augusti 1945 · 78 år · Dartford district, Kent

                  Källor • födelse : Dartford 2a 1578

                2. Janice Stella Venus, Janice ca 1947
                  Födelse · omkring februari 1947 · 77 år · Dartford district, Kent
                  Bröllop · i juli 1968 · Dartford, Kent · med Christopher J. Hodge

                  Källor • födelse : Dartford 5b 957 • Bröllop med Christopher J. Hodge : Timothy Topham

                  &1968 Christopher J. Hodge, Christopher
                  Bröllop · i juli 1968 · Dartford, Kent · med Janice Stella Venus

                  Källor • Bröllop med Janice Stella Venus : Timothy Topham

                3. Graham P. Venus, Graham 1954
                  Födelse · i augusti 1954 · 69 år · Dartford district, Kent

                  Källor • födelse : Dartford 5b 653

          5. Martha Scutt ca 1848-
            Födelse · omkring december 1848 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Dop · den 4 februari 1849 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 4 mars 1873 · East Lulworth, Dorset · med Robert Rose
            Martha SCUTT; daughter of Edward and Sarah; Coombe Keynes; labourer; Isaac Urban Cooke.

            Källor • födelse : Wareham & C 8 138 (1849 1st.Q.) • dop : Coombe Keynes Baptisms 1842-1879 • Bröllop med Robert Rose : Wareham 5a 409 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920 / “Diary of a shoemaker of East Lulworth by Henry Rolls 1825 to 1873"

            M S (23) - father:Edward Scutt. R R (24) - father:Robert Rose
            Robert Rose
            Bröllop · den 4 mars 1873 · East Lulworth, Dorset · med Martha Scutt
            Did Robert Rose died before 1881?

            Källor • Bröllop med Martha Scutt : Wareham 5a 409 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920 / “Diary of a shoemaker of East Lulworth by Henry Rolls 1825 to 1873"

          6. Leonard Scutt, Scott ca 1851-ca 1926
            Födelse · omkring mars 1851 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Dop · den 13 april 1851 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Bröllop · omkring november 1888 · Eston, NR Yorkshire · med Margaret Elizabeth Mays
            Död · omkring december 1926 · kanske 75 år · Middlesbrough district, Yorkshire
            Leonard Scutt bapt:1851 Apr 13 son of Edward & Sarah; Coombe Keynes; labourer; Isaac Urban Cooke. L S - 72yr.

            Källor • födelse : Wareham & c 8 146 (2nd.Q.) [Scott] / Census 1861-71 Dorset-91-1901 Yorkshire • Bröllop med Margaret Elizabeth Mays : Middlesbro' 9d 956 • död : Middlesbro' 9d 608

            &ca 1888 Margaret Elizabeth Mays, Margaret/Mary Elizabeth/Mary, Scutt ca 1860-ca 1943
            Födelse · omkring februari 1860 · Guisborough, Yorkshire
            Bröllop · omkring november 1888 · Eston, NR Yorkshire · med Leonard Scutt
            Död · omkring januari 1943 · kanske 82 år · Middlesbrough district, Yorkshire
            Mary Elizabeth Scutt - Census 1891 Yorkshire. M E S - 82yr.

            Källor • födelse : Guisbro 9d 428 • Bröllop med Leonard Scutt : Middlesbro' 9d 956 • död : Middlesbro 9d 641

            1. Edward Robert Harry Scutt, Edward/Harry ca 1889-1969
              Födelse · omkring augusti 1889 · Guisborough, nr. Middlesbrough, NR Yorkshire
              Dop · Grangetown, nr. Middlesbrough, NR Yorkshire
              Bröllop · omkring februari 1915 · Guisborough, nr. Middlesbrough, Yorkshire · med Margaret May Hillery
              Död · i februari 1969 · kanske 79 år · Cleveland district, Yorkshire
              Begravning · den 12 februari 1969 · Guisborough Cemetery (North Yorkshire)
              H S lived in 1906 at Vickers Street. E R H S - 79yr.

              Källor • födelse : Middlesbro' 9d 606 / www.middlesbrough-indexes.co.uk • Bröllop med Margaret May Hillery : Guisbro 9d 795 • död : Cleveland 1b 785

              &ca 1915
              Margaret M. Hillery stated here
              Margaret May Hillery, Margaret, Hillary/Scutt ca 1885-1944
              Födelse · omkring juni 1885 · Guisborough, nr. Middlesbrough, Yorkshire
              Bröllop · omkring februari 1915 · Guisborough, nr. Middlesbrough, Yorkshire · med Edward Robert Harry Scutt
              Död · den 21 juni 1944 · kanske 59 år · Cleveland district, Yorkshire
              M M S - 58yr. (Both Hillery and Hillary have been noted.)

              Källor • födelse : Guisbro' 9d 529 • Bröllop med Edward Robert Harry Scutt : Guisbro 9d 795 • död : Cleveland 9d 460

              1. Marjorie Scutt ca 1918
                Födelse · omkring februari 1918 · Guisborough, nr. Middlesbrough, Yorkshire

                Källor • födelse : Guisbro 9d 724

              2. Dorothy Eileen Scutt, Dorothy ca 1922
                Födelse · omkring maj 1922 · Guisborough, nr. Middlesbrough, Yorkshire
                Bröllop · den 1 oktober 1949 · Durban, Natal, SOUTH AFRICA · med John Edward Tomlinson

                Källor • födelse : Guisbro 9d 941 • Bröllop med John Edward Tomlinson : Natal Province, Civil Marriages 1845-1955

                D E S (27). J E T (36).
                John Edward Tomlinson, John ca 1913-
                Födelse · omkring 1913
                Bröllop · den 1 oktober 1949 · Durban, Natal, SOUTH AFRICA · med Dorothy Eileen Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Dorothy Eileen Scutt : Natal Province, Civil Marriages 1845-1955

            2. Phoebe Nellie Scutt, Phoebe ca 1890-ca 1907
              Födelse · omkring november 1890 · Guisborough, nr. Middlesbrough, Yorkshire
              Dop · Grangetown, nr. Middlesbrough, NR Yorkshire
              Död · omkring november 1907 · kanske 17 år · Middlesbrough, Yorkshire
              P N S - 16yr.

              Källor • födelse : Middlesbro' 9d 590 / www.middlesbrough-indexes.co.uk • död : Middlesbro' 9d 390

            3. George Ivor Scutt, George ca 1893-ca 1894
              Födelse · omkring augusti 1893 · Guisborough, nr. Middlesbrough, Yorkshire
              Dop · Grangetown, nr. Middlesbrough, NR Yorkshire
              Död · omkring maj 1894 · kanske 9 månader · Guisborough, nr. Middlesbrough, Yorkshire
              G I S - 0yr.

              Källor • födelse : Middlesbro' 9d 589 / middlesbrough-indexes.co.uk • död : Middlesbro' 9d 350

          7. Ellen Scutt ca 1853-ca 1934
            Födelse · omkring november 1853 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Dop · den 18 december 1853 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 28 oktober 1880 · East Lulworth, Dorset · med Frederick Sturmey
            Död · omkring november 1934 · kanske 81 år · Wareham district, Dorset
            [Ellen Scutt; daughter of Edward & Sarah; Coombe Keynes; labourer; Walter Kendall.] [E S - 80yr.]

            Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 265 • dop : Coombe Keynes Baptisms 1842-1879 / IGI • Bröllop med Frederick Sturmey : Wareham 5a 619 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920 • död : Wareham 5a 315

            E S - father:Edward Scutt. F S - father:John Sturmey
            Frederick Sturmey
            Bröllop · den 28 oktober 1880 · East Lulworth, Dorset · med Ellen Scutt

            Källor • Bröllop med Ellen Scutt : Wareham 5a 619 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920

            1. James Sturmey ca 1881-
              Födelse · omkring 1881 · East Lulworth, Dorset

              Källor • födelse : Census 1891 Dorset

            2. Walter E. Sturmey, Walter ca 1891-
              Födelse · omkring februari 1891 · West Whiteway, Dorset
          8. Sarah Scutt ca 1856-ca 1859
            Födelse · omkring maj 1856 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Dop · den 8 juni 1856 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Död · omkring augusti 1859 · kanske 3 år · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            S S - 3yr.

            Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 319 • dop : IGI • död : Wareham 5a 206

          9. Henry Scutt ca 1859-ca 1920
            Födelse · omkring augusti 1859 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Dop · den 1 september 1859 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 25 december 1895 · Chaldon Herring, Dorset · med Emma Jane Dorey
            Död · omkring 10 mars 1920 · kanske 60 år · East Lulworth, Dorset

            Relationer • Bröllop · 24 juli 1897 · Coombe Keynes/Wool, Dorset : William Lucas och Esther Mary Scutt ca 1873-

            Henry Scutt; Son of Edward & Sarah; Coombe Keynes; Labourer; B. Randall. H S - 60yr.

            Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 305 • dop : Coombe Keynes Baptisms 1842-1879 / IGI • Bröllop med Emma Jane Dorey : Wareham 5a 643 • död : Wareham 5a 324

            &1895 Emma Jane Dorey, Emma, Scutt ca 1863-ca 1932
            Födelse · omkring 1863 · Moreton, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 25 december 1895 · Chaldon Herring, Dorset · med Henry Scutt
            Död · omkring november 1932 · kanske 69 år · Wareham district, Dorset
            E J S 69yr.

            Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) • Bröllop med Henry Scutt : Wareham 5a 643 • död : Wareham 5a 302

      4. Mary Scutt 1780-
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1780 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 20 augusti 1780 · Affpuddle, Dorset

        Källor • födelse : IGI • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 / IGI

      5. Robert Scutt 1784-
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1784 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 19 september 1784 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        R S - d:1797 or 1812?

        Källor • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812

    4. Anne Scutt, Meager 1745-
      Födelse · [in (year)] 1745 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      Dop · den 24 mars 1745 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      Bröllop · den 16 maj 1763 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Samuel Meager

      Källor • födelse : Ancestal File / IGI - films 2034406 & 2034338 • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 / IGI - films 2034406 & 2034338 • Bröllop med Samuel Meager : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 / IGI - films 2034406 & 2034338

      Samuel Meager
      Bröllop · den 16 maj 1763 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Anne Scutt

      Relationer • Bröllop · 12 maj 1781 · Affpuddle, Dorset : Edward Scutt ca 1754-1838 och Anne Pearce 1760-

      Källor • Bröllop med Anne Scutt : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 / IGI - films 2034406 & 2034338

      1. Eliza Meager, Elizabeth, Chilcott 1769-
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1769 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 2 oktober 1769 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Bröllop · [in (year)] 1794 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Thomas Chilcott

        Källor • dop : IGI

        &1794 Thomas Chilcott
        Bröllop · [in (year)] 1794 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Eliza Meager
      2. Mary Meager 1778-
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1778 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 6 december 1778 · Affpuddle, Dorset

        Källor • dop : IGI

      3. Anne Meager 1781-
        Födelse · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 20 januari 1781 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      4. Jane Meager 1785-
        Födelse · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 25 december 1785 · Affpuddle, Dorset

        Källor • dop : IGI

    5. Sarah Scutt 1747-
      Födelse · [in (year)] 1747 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      Bröllop · omkring 1766 · Dorset · med William Sheppard
      not found in Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812.

      Källor • födelse : Dorset Baptisms / IGI • Bröllop med William Sheppard : IGI PRF

      &ca 1766 William Sheppard
      Bröllop · omkring 1766 · Dorset · med Sarah Scutt

      Källor • Bröllop med Sarah Scutt : IGI PRF

    6. Mary Scutt 1750-
      Födelse · [in (year)] 1750 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      Dop · den 26 augusti 1750 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      Bröllop · den 1 april 1766 · Milton Abbas, Dorset · med William Oxford

      Källor • födelse : IGI • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 / IGI • Bröllop med William Oxford : Milton Abbas Marriages vol:3 1754-1766 / FreeReg / IGI

      William Oxford of Milton Abbey, & Mary Scutt, of p. Affpiddle, lic. 01 Apr 1766.
      William Oxford
      Bröllop · den 1 april 1766 · Milton Abbas, Dorset · med Mary Scutt

      Källor • Bröllop med Mary Scutt : Milton Abbas Marriages vol:3 1754-1766 / FreeReg / IGI

      1. William Oxford 1767-
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1767 · Milton Abbas, Dorset
        Dop · den 25 januari 1767 · Milton Abbas, Dorset

        Källor • födelse : IGI • dop : IGI

      2. Mary Oxford 1768-
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1768 · Milton Abbas, Dorset
        Dop · den 8 januari 1769 · Milton Abbas, Dorset

        Källor • födelse : IGI • dop : IGI

      3. Jane Oxford 1770-
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1770 · Milton Abbas, Dorset
        Dop · den 16 september 1770 · Milton Abbas, Dorset

        Källor • dop : IGI

      4. John Oxford 1772-1772
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1772 · Milton Abbas, Dorset
        Dop · den 25 mars 1772 · Milton Abbas, Dorset
        Död · den 1 juni 1772 · födelse · Milton Abbas, Dorset

        Källor • födelse : IGI • dop : IGI • död : IGI

    7. Edward Scutt ca 1754-1838
      Födelse · omkring januari 1754 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      Dop · den 13 januari 1754 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      Bröllop · den 12 maj 1781 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Anne Pearce
      [witnesses] : William Hooper , Samuel Meager
      Död · den 7 januari 1838 · kanske 84 år · Affpuddle, Dorset
      Begravning · den 10 januari 1838 · Affpuddle, Dorset
      [Salisbury and Winchester Journal, Monday 09 June 1817. Dorset Sheep, Dairy, and Corn Farm To Let, and entered on at Michaelmas next. All those two Farms (united) called and Brookhill, situated in the parishes of Affpuddle and Tonerspuddle, containing about 317 acres, now in the occupation of Edward Scutt. Throop Farm tithe free, (except a small modus for cows). For a view of the premises apply to Mr. George Aitken, of Moreton; and for further particulars, to Mr. F. Oakley, attorney at law, Dorchester; or the said George Aitken.] [Oxford Journal, Saturday 23 November 1822. Reedness Corn Law Debate, Edward Scutt do, Wm Sutt do.] [E S 85yr.]

      Källor • födelse : IGI • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 / IGI • Bröllop med Anne Pearce : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 / IGI • död : Wareham & C 8 99 / IGI PRF • begravning : Affpuddle Burials 1813-1880

      Banns. E S batchelor of Affpuddle. A P spinster of Affpuddle
      Anne Pearce, Ann, Scutt 1760-
      Födelse · Dorset
      Dop · den 20 januari 1760
      Bröllop · den 12 maj 1781 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Edward Scutt
      [witnesses] : William Hooper , Samuel Meager

      Källor • Bröllop med Edward Scutt : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 / IGI

      1. Richard Scutt, 1851 - farmer ca 1781-1868
        Födelse · omkring december 1781 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 5 januari 1782 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Bröllop · den 7 maj 1812 · Bere Regis, Dorset · med Agnes Charlotte Rutter
        Död · den 18 november 1868 · kanske 86 år · Bere Regis, Dorset
        Begravning · den 23 november 1868 · Bere Regis, Dorset

        Relationer • Bröllop · 26 februari 1808 · Affpuddle, Dorset : Thomas Tizard 1786-1833 och Sarah Scutt 1788-1868

        [Salisbury & Winchester Journal, Monday 13 September 1824. Great Tithes, Bere Regis, Sold by Auction, (in Fee) by Mr. Green, at the Golden Lion Inn, Wareham, Dorset, Saturday the 2nd of October next, at four o'clock in the afternoon, in Lots. The Great Tithes of Corn and Hay, growing and arising out the following Farms, Estates, and Lands, containing altogether about 1100 Acres, situate in parish of Bere Regis, Dorset: comprising Emery's School Lands; the Lands of Drax Grosvenor, Esq. occupied by Mr. Biles, Mr. Deasant, Mr. Romain, Richard Scutt;. Printed particulars, and other information may be obtained by applying (if by letter, free of postage) either to Mr. Sparks, solicitor, Crewkerne, Somerset, or Mr. Manuel, the owner, Bloxworth, near Bere Regis. Angust 21, 1824.] [Sherborne Mercury, Dorset, Tuesday 03 October 1865. Wareham. Revision of Voers list. On Wednesday and Thursday, Edward Platt, Esq., the barrister appointed for the purpose, sat at the Townhall to revise the list of voters for the borough of Wareham and Bere Begis. Mr. Atkinson, of Blandford, Mr. Phippard, and Mr, Trevenen, appeared to support the Conservatives, Mr. Weston of Dorchester, Mr. Bartlett, and Mr. Lacey, appeared for the Liberals. There were some 160 claims and objections, a fact amply testifying that the two parties cherish the advice of the late Sir Robert Peel, to fight the battle of the hustings in the Revision Court. It would, of course, be a useless occupation of our space to give a detailed account of the claim and objection in every case, where there were so many, and we shall therefore content ourselves with giving his honour's decision on the most important points on which discussions arose. The list for Bere Regis was first taken. Richard Scutt, jun., claimed partner with his father on farm rent of £85 a year. Both names were marked on the waggons, and both names appeared in the rate-books, and claimant had been the register before but last year he lost his vote from being objected to, and having business at Woodbury Hill fair, was unable to attend at Wareham (which was on the same day) to support his right to be on the register. Claim allowed.] [R S - 86yr.] [Will 6 Nov 1869 - Blandford.]

        Källor • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 • Bröllop med Agnes Charlotte Rutter : Plymouth & West Devon Parish Registers 1538-1912 / Census 1851 Dorset • död : Wareham 5a 197 / Wills

        &1812 Agnes Charlotte Rutter, Charlotte/Agnes, Scutt 1785-1873
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1785 · Bere Regis, Dorset
        Bröllop · den 7 maj 1812 · Bere Regis, Dorset · med Richard Scutt
        Död · i augusti 1873 · 88 år · Bere Regis, Dorset
        Begravning · den 28 augusti 1873 · Bere Regis, Dorset
        Residence: Hockley in Bere Regis. A C S - 87yr.

        Källor • födelse : Census 1841-51-71 Dorset • Bröllop med Richard Scutt : Plymouth & West Devon Parish Registers 1538-1912 / Census 1851 Dorset • död : Wareham 5a 177

        1. Elizabeth Scutt ca 1812-
          Födelse · omkring 1812 · Bere Regis, Dorset

          Källor • födelse : Census 1851-81 Dorset

        2. Ann Scutt ca 1812-1878
          Födelse · omkring december 1812 · Bere Regis, Dorset
          Dop · den 9 april 1813 · Bere Regis, Dorset
          Död · i augusti 1878 · kanske 65 år · Wareham, Dorset
          Begravning · den 25 augusti 1878 · Bere Regis, Dorset
          A S - 65yr., unmarried, living at Stockley,​ Bere Regis.

          Källor • födelse : Census 1841-61-71 Dorset • dop : Dorset Baptisms • död : Wareham 5a 197

        3. Edward Scutt ca 1814-ca 1900
          Födelse · omkring 1814 · Bere Regis, Dorset
          Dop · den 27 mars 1814 · Bere Regis, Dorset
          Bröllop · omkring februari 1847 · Poole district, Dorset · med Mary Ann Martin
          Död · omkring februari 1900 · kanske 86 år · Poole, Dorset
          [North Devon Journal Thu 09 Feb 1865. Trespassing in Pursuit of Game. Walter Madge of Stowford, Langtree, was charged, on the information of Mr. Scutt, gamekeeper to the Hon. Mark Rolle, with trespassing on a certain close of land, on the 25th ult., with certain dogs and a gun, in search of game. Mr. L. Beucraft appeared on behalf of defendant. John Bawden, gamekeeper to Mr. Stevens, stated that on the 25th January, he saw defendant enter a field called Stafford Moor, in the occupation of Mr. John Madge (defendant's brother.) He had two dogs and a gun; his dogs coursed a hare. He saw defendaut tracing in the snow, carrying the gun (pointed) in his hand. He spoke to defendant and said, "Now I've got you, old fellow." Defendant said, "I'm not tracing a hare, I'm tracing a fox. What shall I give you to say nothing about it." Cross-examined by Mr Bencraft: The gun was first in two parts, and I saw him put the barrel aud stock together. Mr Bencraft made an able defence, in which he contended there was no proof that defendant was in search of game, and supposing there was such proof, there was no evidence to show that the game was reserved. If it was reserved, there must be a proof of that fact, by producing the document by which it was reserved. If there was no such proof, the game belonged to the defendant, who had a right to it. He (Mr Bencraft) then called Mr John Madge, who said he occupied Stafford Moor and rented under Mr Rolle. On the 25th defendant (who resided with him) went over the land to kill a rabbit at witness's request. He had occupied the farm for 21 years next Lady-day, and had killed the rabbits without denial. He imported the rabbits from Braunton; had no lease, but was a tenant-at-will under Mr Rolle. The Bench, after a lengthened hearing, considered the case not proved, and therefore dismissed the charge.] [E S - 86yr.]

          Källor • födelse : Census 1851 Warwickshire-61 Devon-81-91 Dorset • dop : Dorset Baptisms / IGI C02791-5 • Bröllop med Mary Ann Martin : Poole 8 129 / Wills 1895 • död : Poole 5a 210

          &ca 1847
          E S - gamekeeper
          Mary Ann Martin, Mary ca 1816-1895
          Födelse · omkring 1816 · Poole, Dorset
          Bröllop · omkring februari 1847 · Poole district, Dorset · med Edward Scutt
          Död · den 18 januari 1895 · kanske 79 år · Poole, Dorset
          M A S - 78yr., living at Taylor's Building, Lagland Street, Poole. To Edward Scutt - retired gamekeeper, effects: unknown.

          Källor • födelse : Census 1851 Warwickshire-61 Devon-81-91 Dorset • Bröllop med Edward Scutt : Poole 8 129 / Wills 1895 • död : Poole 5a 215 / Wills 1895

          1. Frederick Martin Scutt, Frederick ca 1849-1913
            Födelse · omkring augusti 1849 · Baginton, Warwickshire
            Dop · den 28 oktober 1849 · Baginton, Warwickshire
            Bröllop · omkring maj 1878 · Popham?, Hampshire · med Clara Anne Wigmore
            Död · den 20 maj 1913 · kanske 63 år · Berkeley, Somerset
            IGI states F M Scutts. F S - 63yr. headkeeper, lived at Keeper's Cottage, Lodge Hill, Berkeley. To Clara Anne Scutt.

            Källor • födelse : Warwick 16 517 [Scutt] / IGI C039771 [Scutts] / Census 1871 Hampshire-81 Wiltshire • dop : IGI (Scutts) • Bröllop med Clara Anne Wigmore : Basingstoke 2c 339 [Scott] / Census 1881-91-1901 Wiltshire • död : Frome 5c 540 / Wills 1913

            &ca 1878 Clara Anne Wigmore, Clara ca 1855-1926
            Födelse · omkring februari 1855 · Popham, Hampshire
            Bröllop · omkring maj 1878 · Popham?, Hampshire · med Frederick Martin Scutt
            Död · den 3 mars 1926 · kanske 71 år · Redlynch, near Salisbury, Wiltshire
            Begravning · i mars 1926 · Berkeley, Somerset
            [C A S - 71yr., lived in Hartle Road, Redlynch. To Frederick Scutt (farm labourer).] [Western Gazette, Somerset, Fri 12 Mar 1926. Scutt, March 3rd, Hart Hill Road, Salisbury, Clara Ann Scutt, widow of the late Frederick Scutt, of Lodge Hill, Berkley, near Frome, Somerset, aged 71 years. Interred at Berkley.]

            Källor • födelse : Basingstoke 2c 163 / Census 1881-91-1901 Wiltshire • Bröllop med Frederick Martin Scutt : Basingstoke 2c 339 [Scott] / Census 1881-91-1901 Wiltshire • död : Salisbury 5a 192 / Western Gazette [1926 Mar 12] / Wills 1926

            1. Albert Frederick Scutt, Albert, Skutt 1880-ca 1969
              Födelse · den 6 februari 1880 · Bremhill, Wiltshire
              Död · omkring maj 1969 · kanske 89 år · Salisbury district, Wiltshire
              Begravning · Redlynch Cemetery
              A Scull - Census 1901 Somerset. A F Skutt (death).

              Källor • födelse : Calne 5a 87 • död : Salisbury 7c 1927 [Skutt] / Wiltshire Memorial Inscription Index [Scutt]

            2. Elizabeth Clara Scutt, Elizabeth ca 1886-ca 1888
              Födelse · omkring juni 1886 · North Waltham, Hampshire
              Död · omkring maj 1888 · kanske 23 månader · Hartley Wintney district, Hampshire
              E C S - 1yr.

              Källor • födelse : Basingstoke 2c 206 / IGI I017246 • död : Hartley Wintney 2c 99

            3. Maud Ellen Scutt, Maud 1889-ca 1972
              Födelse · den 5 februari 1889 · Crondall, Hampshire
              Död · omkring maj 1972 · kanske 83 år · Salisbury district, Wiltshire
              Begravning · Redlynch Cemetery

              Källor • födelse : Hartley Wintney 2c 161 • död : Salisbury 7c 1937 • begravning : Wiltshire Memorial Inscription Index

            4. Julia Kate Scutt, Julia/Kate 1891-1927
              Födelse · i november 1891 · Heytesbury, Wiltshire
              Död · den 11 augusti 1927 · 35 år · Redlynch, near Salisbury, Wiltshire
              Begravning · i augusti 1927 · Berkley, near Frome, somerset
              [Census 1901 Somerset states Kate J. Scutt.] [Western Gazette - Friday 19 August 1927. Scutt, August 11th at Hartle Road, Redlynch, near Salisbury, Julia Kate Scutt, dearly loved sister of Bert and Maud Scutt, aged 35 years. Interred at Berkley near Frome. ] [J K S - 35yr., spinster, lived in Hartle Road, Redlynch. To Albert Frederick Scutt (farm labourer).]

              Källor • födelse : Warminster 5a 149 • död : Salisbury 5a 131 / Western Gazette [1927 Aug 19] / Wills 1927 • begravning : Western Gazette [1927 Aug 19]

          2. Elizabeth Scutt 1851-ca 1907
            Födelse · [in (year)] 1851 · Baginton, Warwickshire
            Dop · den 27 juli 1851 · Baginton, Warwickshire
            Död · omkring februari 1907 · kanske 56 år · Poole, Dorset
            E S - 55yr., unmarried.

            Källor • födelse : Census 1871 Wiltshire-1891 Dorset • dop : Warwick 16 593 / IGI • död : Poole 5a 202

          3. Ann Scutt, Annie ca 1852-ca 1938
            Födelse · omkring november 1852 · Baginton, Warwickshire
            Dop · den 5 december 1852 · Baginton, Warwickshire
            Död · omkring februari 1938 · kanske 85 år · Poole district, Dorset
            Annie Scutt living in 1891-1901 in Dorset. A S - 85yr., unmarried.

            Källor • födelse : Warwick 6d 411 • dop : IGI • död : Poole 5a 310

          4. Edward Scutt ca 1854-1921
            Födelse · omkring april 1854 · West Tytherley, Hampshire
            Dop · den 2 juli 1854 · West Tytherley, Hampshire
            Bröllop · omkring 13 april 1879 · Kensington, London - St Paul · med Agnes Eva Kent
            [witnesses] : Joshua W. Krul , Annie Louisa Kent
            Död · den 12 juni 1921 · kanske 67 år · Tunbridge Wells, Kent
            Begravning · den 15 juni 1921 · Tunbridge Wells Cemetery (Kent)
            [Family living in Censuses 1881-91-1901 London-31 Kent.] [E S - 67yr., lived at 8 Guildford Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. To Agnes Eva Scutt (widow).]

            Källor • födelse : Stockbridge 2c 71 / VRI / Census 1881 Surrey • dop : IGI • Bröllop med Agnes Eva Kent : Kensington 1a 151 • död : Tonbridge 2a 856 / Wills 1921

            &ca 1879
            E S (25) bachelor, dairyman, 102 Fulham Road - father:Edward Scutt, farmer. A E K (25) spinster, 102 Fulham Road - father:Thomas Kent (dec.), dairyman. Both signed
            Agnes Eva Kent, Agnes/Agnes May, Scutt ca 1853-1934
            Födelse · omkring augusti 1853 · West Harnham, Wiltshire
            Bröllop · omkring 13 april 1879 · Kensington, London - St Paul · med Edward Scutt
            [witnesses] : Joshua W. Krul , Annie Louisa Kent
            Död · den 9 juni 1934 · kanske 80 år · Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire
            Begravning · den 13 juni 1934 · Tunbridge Wells Cemetery (Kent)
            A E S 80yr., lived at The Limes, Maple Avenue, Bishop's Stortford. To Ethel May Rowles (daughter, wife of Henry Forest Rowles).

            Källor • födelse : Alderbury 5a 169 • Bröllop med Edward Scutt : Kensington 1a 151 • död : Bishops Stortford 3a 905 / Wills 1934

            1. Ethel Mary Scutt, Ethel, Freeman ca 1880-ca 1960
              Födelse · omkring maj 1880 · Clapham, London (Surrey)
              Dop · den 11 februari 1883 · Bedfont, St Mary the Virgin
              Bröllop · omkring november 1913 · Wandsworth district, London · med Henry Forrest Rowles
              Död · omkring februari 1960 · kanske 79 år · Bishops Stortford district, Hertfordshire
              E M R 79yr.

              Källor • födelse : Wandsworth 1d 622 / Census 1881 Surrey & 1891-1901 London • Bröllop med Henry Forrest Rowles : Wandsworth 1d 1343 / Wills 1934 • död : B Stortford 4b 13

              &ca 1913 Henry Forrest Rowles, Henry ca 1886-ca 1963
              Födelse · omkring maj 1886 · Wandsworth district, London
              Bröllop · omkring november 1913 · Wandsworth district, London · med Ethel Mary Scutt
              Död · omkring november 1963 · kanske 77 år · Bishop Stortford district, Hertfordshire
              H F R 77yr., Surveyor of Taxes.

              Källor • födelse : Wandsworth 1d 725 • Bröllop med Ethel Mary Scutt : Wandsworth 1d 1343 / Wills 1934 • död : Bishop Stortford 4b 17

              1. Henri Rowles 1915-
                Födelse · den 25 april 1915 · Ireland?
                (this needs verification)

                Källor • födelse : Group Registration ID 1451940

            2. Dorothy Kent Scutt, Dorothy, Pressland ca 1882-ca 1958
              Födelse · omkring maj 1882 · Bedford, Middlesex
              Dop · den 11 februari 1883 · Bedfont, Dorset - St Mary the Virgin
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1906 · Wandsworth district, London · med Frank Turner Pressland
              Död · omkring maj 1958 · kanske 76 år · Wandsworth district, London
              D K P - 76yr.

              Källor • födelse : Staines 3a 15 • Bröllop med Frank Turner Pressland : Wandsworth 1d 1391 / Census 1911 Surrey

              &ca 1906 Frank Turner Pressland, Frank, Preesland also noted ca 1870-ca 1926
              Födelse · omkring augusti 1870 · Wandsworth district, London
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1906 · Wandsworth district, London · med Dorothy Kent Scutt
              Död · omkring november 1926 · kanske 56 år · London City, London
              F T P - 56yr.

              Källor • födelse : Wandsworth 1d 505 • Bröllop med Dorothy Kent Scutt : Wandsworth 1d 1391 / Census 1911 Surrey • död : London City 1c 3

              1. Edward Frank Pressland, Edward ca 1908-
                Födelse · omkring maj 1908 · Richmond district, Surrey
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1938 · Surrey (South east) · med Audrey M. Hall

                Källor • födelse : Richmond, Surrey 2a 549 • Bröllop med Audrey M. Hall : Surrey S.E. 2a 1500

                &ca 1938 Audrey M. Hall, Audrey
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1938 · Surrey (South east) · med Edward Frank Pressland

                Källor • Bröllop med Edward Frank Pressland : Surrey S.E. 2a 1500

              2. Margaret L. Pressland, Margaret ca 1916
                Födelse · omkring maj 1916 · Richmond district, Surrey
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1938 · Watford district, Hertfordshire · med Alfred G. Moore

                Källor • födelse : Richmond 2a 1008 • Bröllop med Alfred G. Moore : Watford 3a 4264

                &ca 1938 Alfred G. Moore
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1938 · Watford district, Hertfordshire · med Margaret L. Pressland

                Källor • Bröllop med Margaret L. Pressland : Watford 3a 4264

            3. Winifred Emma Scutt, Winifred ca 1884-ca 1963
              Födelse · omkring februari 1884 · New Malden, Surrey
              Död · omkring november 1963 · kanske 79 år · Surrey (Mid East)
              W E S - 79yr.

              Källor • födelse : Kingston 2a 341 • död : Surrey Mid E 5g 315

            4. Elizabeth Marjorie Scutt, Elizabeth/Marjorie/Marjorie Elizabeth ca 1886-ca 1953
              Födelse · omkring februari 1886 · Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey
              Bröllop · den 1 november 1919 · Putney, London - St John the Evangelist · med Alberio John Camille Gyselynck
              Död · omkring november 1953 · kanske 67 år · Banbury district, Oxfordshire
              [Census 1891 London - Margery E Scutt.] [E M G 67yr.]

              Källor • födelse : Kingston 2a 338 • Bröllop med Alberio John Camille Gyselynck : Wandsworth 1d 1268 • död : Banbury 6b 740

              &1919 Alberio John Camille Gyselynck, Alberio ca 1894-
              Födelse · omkring augusti 1894 · Barnet district, Middlesex
              Bröllop · den 1 november 1919 · Putney, London - St John the Evangelist · med Elizabeth Marjorie Scutt
              Bröllop · omkring februari 1954 · Rugby district, Warwickshire · med Amy D. Peacock
              (did he remarry in 1954?).

              Källor • födelse : Barnet 3a 241 • Bröllop med Elizabeth Marjorie Scutt : Wandsworth 1d 1268 • Bröllop med Amy D. Peacock : Rugby 9c 2267

              1. Anthony J. Gyselynck, Anthony ca 1920
                Födelse · omkring november 1920 · Bishop Stortford, Hertfordshire
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1941 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Dorothy V. Plummer

                Källor • födelse : Bishop Stortford 3a 1299 • Bröllop med Dorothy V. Plummer : Birmingham 6d 497

                &ca 1941 Dorothy V. Plummer, Dorothy
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1941 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Anthony J. Gyselynck

                Källor • Bröllop med Anthony J. Gyselynck : Birmingham 6d 497

            5. Cicely Joan Scutt, Cicely/Cecilia, Esdale 1890-ca 1961
              Födelse · den 21 augusti 1890 · Wandsworth, London
              Dop · den 9 november 1890 · Clapham Park, London - St Stephen
              Bröllop · den 17 augusti 1918 · Putney, London - St John the Evangelist · med Harold Grant Esdale
              Död · omkring november 1961 · kanske 71 år · Croydon district, London
              C J E - 71yr.

              Källor • födelse : Wandsworth 1d 643 (4th.Q.) / Census 1891-1901 London (Surrey) • Bröllop med Harold Grant Esdale : Wandsworth 1d 1151 • död : Croydon 5g 19

              &1918 Harold Grant Esdale, Harold/Harry †ca 1961
              Bröllop · den 17 augusti 1918 · Putney, London - St John the Evangelist · med Cicely Joan Scutt
              Död · omkring februari 1961 · Croydon district, Surrey

              Källor • Bröllop med Cicely Joan Scutt : Wandsworth 1d 1151 • död : Croydon 5g 168

        4. Richard Scutt, farmer ca 1816-1907
          Födelse · omkring juni 1816 · Bere Regis, Dorset
          Dop · den 23 juni 1816 · Bere Regis, Dorset
          Död · den 15 augusti 1907 · kanske 91 år · Wareham, Dorset
          [Sherborne Mercury, Dorset, Tuesday 03 October 1865. Wareham. Revision of Voers list. On Wednesday and Thursday, Edward Platt, Esq., the barrister appointed for the purpose, sat at the Townhall to revise the list of voters for the borough of Wareham and Bere Begis. Mr. Atkinson, of Blandford, Mr. Phippard, and Mr, Trevenen, appeared to support the Conservatives, Mr. Weston of Dorchester, Mr. Bartlett, and Mr. Lacey, appeared for the Liberals. There were some 160 claims and objections, a fact amply testifying that the two parties cherish the advice of the late Sir Robert Peel, to fight the battle of the hustings in the Revision Court. It would, of course, be a useless occupation of our space to give a detailed account of the claim and objection in every case, where there were so many, and we shall therefore content ourselves with giving his honour's decision on the most important points on which discussions arose. The list for Bere Regis was first taken. Richard Scutt, jun., claimed partner with his father on farm rent of £85 a year. Both names were marked on the waggons, and both names appeared in the rate-books, and claimant had been the register before but last year he lost his vote from being objected to, and having business at Woodbury Hill fair, was unable to attend at Wareham (which was on the same day) to support his right to be on the register. Claim allowed.] [R S 90yr., unmarried.]

          Källor • födelse : Census 1841-51-61-71-81-91 Dorset • dop : Dorset Baptisms / IGI C02791-5 • död : Wareham 5a 149

        5. James Scutt 1819-1838
          Födelse · Bere Regis, Dorset
          Dop · den 24 januari 1819 · Bere Regis, Dorset
          Död · i december 1838 · kanske 19 år · Bere Regis, Dorset
          Begravning · den 28 december 1838 · Bere Regis, Dorset
          J S - 20yr.

          Källor • dop : Dorset Baptisms / IGI C02791-5 • död : Wareham & C 8 74 • begravning : IGI B01926-0

        6. Samuel Scutt, (1851-1901) gamekeeper 1823-1924
          Födelse · den 1 november 1823 · Bere Regis, Dorset
          Dop · den 11 januari 1824 · Bere Regis, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 23 januari 1851 · Bubbenhall, Warwickshire · med Jane Webb
          [witnesses] : Thomas Webb , Rosa Naxon
          Bröllop · omkring augusti 1894 · Plymouth, Devon - All Saints · med Bessie Perriton
          Död · den 5 april 1924 · 100 år · Cubbage Stowe, Knighton, Radnorshire - Terne Road
          [S S living as retired gamekeeper in 1901 in Stanage, Radnorshire.] [Received telegram from the King of England on his 100th birthday. He was living at Brampton Brian, Herefordshire, at the time.] [S S - 100yr., lived at Cubbage, Stowe. To James Scutt - gamekeeper (grandson). Value of effects on probate 851pounds 19s.7d.]

          Källor • födelse : Census 1851 Warwickshire-71 Herefordshire-81 Warwickshire-1901-11 Radnorshire • dop : Dorset Baptisms [1824] • Bröllop med Jane Webb : Warwick 16 583 / Marriage Certificate • Bröllop med Bessie Perriton : Plymouth 5b 429 • död : Knighton 11b 162 / Wills 1924 / Wills proved at Shrewsbury 1924 May 12

          S S (full age) bachelor, labourer - father:Richard Scutt, farmer. J W (full age) spinster, servant - father:Thomas Webb, labourer
          Jane Webb, Scutt ca 1829-1888
          föräldrar : Thomas Webb och ------ ------
          Födelse · omkring maj 1829 · Radford Semele, Warwickshire
          Bröllop · den 23 januari 1851 · Bubbenhall, Warwickshire · med Samuel Scutt
          [witnesses] : Thomas Webb , Rosa Naxon
          Död · den 16 januari 1888 · kanske 58 år · Knighton, Radnorshire, Wales
          J W - b:1829 Bubbenhall, Warwick, Warwickshire, also noted. J S - 58yr.

          Källor • födelse : Census 1881 Herefordshire • Bröllop med Samuel Scutt : Warwick 16 583 / Marriage Certificate • död : Knighton 11b 123

          1. Henry Scutt 1852-1938
            Födelse · den 26 augusti 1852 · Bubbenhall, Warwickshire
            Dop · den 24 oktober 1852 · Bubbenhall, Warwickshire
            Bröllop · i maj 1877 · Stockton district, Durham or North Yorkshire · med Harriet Wild
            Död · i augusti 1938 · 86 år · Upper Sapey, Herefordshire
            [reg:1852 Sep 26 - father:gamekeeper.] [Worcester Journal Sat 23 May 1891. Stealing Pheasant's Eggs Henry Scutt charged Edwin Merrick with taking from land at Upper Sapey pheasant's eggs on the 26th ult. Scutt stated that he was keeper to Sir Francis Winnington. He saw defendant and a boy near a coppice. They appeared to be searching for something. The boy said something to defendant, who came over the fence and put something in his pocket. Witness accused him of stealing eggs, and defendant thereupon gave him up 11 pheasant's eggs. Mr. Benbew, who appeared for defendant, cross-examined the witness for some time, and contended that his client found the eggs in ovation, and was on his way to the keeper's honse when he met him and gave the eggs up to him. John Hayes, a boy, and that he went with defendant to see where the cattle had got out. They found a pheasant's nest containing 11 eggs. Defendant said, "Let's take them up to the keeper, and he will give as a shilling for them. Fined 6d. and 9s. costs.] [H S - 86yr.]

            Källor • födelse : Warwick (Kenilworth) 6d 412 • Bröllop med Harriet Wild : Stockton 10a 91 / Census 1881 Worcestershire • död : Bromyard 6a 558 (Warwickshire)

            &1877 Harriet Wild, Scutt ca 1856-ca 1926
            Födelse · omkring september 1856 · Grindon, Durhamshire
            Bröllop · i maj 1877 · Stockton district, Durham or North Yorkshire · med Henry Scutt
            Död · omkring maj 1926 · kanske 69 år · Upper Sapey, Worcestershire
            Harriett Wylde also noted, b:Hertfordshire. H S - 69yr.

            Källor • födelse : Censuses 1881-91-1901 Worcestershire • Bröllop med Henry Scutt : Stockton 10a 91 / Census 1881 Worcestershire • död : Bromyard 6a 556 (Warwickshire) / Valerie O. Simpson

            1. Arthur Scutt ca 1878-1879
              Födelse · omkring februari 1878 · Thorpe Thewles, Grindon, Durham
              Död · i juli 1879 · kanske 17 månader · Thorpe Thewles, Grindon, Durham
              Begravning · den 23 juli 1879 · Thorpe Thewles, Grindon, Durham - St. James
              A S - 1yr.

              Källor • födelse : Stockton 10a 60 • död : Stockton 10a 23 • begravning : National Burial Index

            2. Alice Scutt ca 1880-
              Födelse · omkring februari 1880 · Grindon, Durham
              Bröllop · omkring november 1903 · Worcester, Worcestershire · med James Blair

              Källor • födelse : Stockton 10a 47 / Census 1881 Worcestershire • Bröllop med James Blair : Worcester 6c 469

              &ca 1903 James Blair
              Bröllop · omkring november 1903 · Worcester, Worcestershire · med Alice Scutt

              Källor • Bröllop med Alice Scutt : Worcester 6c 469

              1. ------ Blair
              2. ------ Blair
              3. ------ Blair
              4. Milicent Blair, Millie
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1935 · Stoke Newington district, London · med Robert J. M. Watson

                Källor • Bröllop med Robert J. M. Watson : Stoke Newington 1b 779

                &ca 1935 Robert J. M. Watson, Robert/Bob
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1935 · Stoke Newington district, London · med Milicent Blair

                Källor • Bröllop med Milicent Blair : Stoke Newington 1b 779

              5. Barbara Blair
                Bröllop · med Colin Jeffries
                & Colin Jeffries
                Bröllop · med Barbara Blair
            3. James Scutt ca 1882-1930
              Födelse · omkring maj 1882 · Stanford, Worcestershire
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1912 · Epping Forest district, Essex · med Susan Jane Gray
              Död · den 23 april 1930 · kanske 47 år · Llandrindod Wells, Radnorshire, WALES
              J S - 48yr., lived at Park Lodge, Brampton, Herefordshire - d:County Hospital Llandrindod Wells, Radnorshire. To Susan Jane Scutt(widow).

              Källor • födelse : Martley 6c 279 / Census 1901 Worcestershire • Bröllop med Susan Jane Gray : Epping 4a 829 • död : Rhayader 11b 165 / Wills 1930 [Wills proved at Shrewsbury]

              &ca 1912 Susan Jane Gray, Susan, Scutt ca 1880-ca 1964
              Födelse · omkring maj 1880 · Hitchin district, Hertfordshire
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1912 · Epping Forest district, Essex · med James Scutt
              Död · omkring augusti 1964 · kanske 84 år · Surrey (Mid East)
              S J S 84yr.

              Källor • födelse : Hitchin 3a 402a • Bröllop med James Scutt : Epping 4a 829 • död : Surrey Mid E 5g 188 / 1939 Registration

            4. Henry Samuel Francis Scutt, Henry 1884-1968
              Födelse · den 7 augusti 1884 · Park Farm, Stanford, Worcestershire
              Bröllop · den 27 april 1910 · Wood Side, Cinderford, Gloucestershire - St. Stephen · med Lily Rhoda Reed
              [witnesses] : Annie Luisa Reed , Albert John Wilcox , Annie Skegg
              Bröllop · i augusti 1943 · Martley district, Worcestershire · med Ethel Mary Bradley
              Död · den 9 maj 1968 · 83 år · Rushden, Northamptonshire
              Kremering · den 13 maj 1968 · Kettering Crematorium (Northampton)
              [Father:gamekeeper] [Initial F. is from Census 1891 Worcestershire.] [H S F S - 83yr.]

              Källor • födelse : Martley 6c 268 - reg:1884 Aug 14 • Bröllop med Lily Rhoda Reed : Westbury Severn 6a 475 • Bröllop med Ethel Mary Bradley : Martley 6c 317 • död : Kettering 3b 499

              H S (25) - carpenter - Stanford, Worcestershire. Father:Henry Scutt. Lily Rhoda Reed (22) - b:Ruerdean, Gloucestershire. Father:John Henry Reed, collier
              Lily Rhoda Reed, Lily, Scutt 1888-ca 1940
              föräldrar : John Henry Reed och ------ ------
              Födelse · den 2 maj 1888 · Ruerdean, Gloucestershire
              Bröllop · den 27 april 1910 · Wood Side, Cinderford, Gloucestershire - St. Stephen · med Henry Samuel Francis Scutt
              [witnesses] : Annie Luisa Reed , Albert John Wilcox , Annie Skegg
              Död · omkring mars 1940 · kanske 51 år · Gloucester R. district, Gloucestershire.
              L R S - 52yr.

              Källor • födelse : Westbury Severn 6a 475 • Bröllop med Henry Samuel Francis Scutt : Westbury Severn 6a 475 • död : Gloucester R 6a 1076

              1. Muriel Mabel R. Scutt, Mabel/Muriel 1911-1999
                Födelse · den 6 april 1911 · Gloucester district, Gloucestershire
                Bröllop · omkring mars 1930 · Upper Sapey, Herefordshire · med William Frederick Oatridge
                Död · den 10 oktober 1999 · 88 år · Rushden, Northamptonshire
                rootsweb.com/~otridge states M M R S b:Birmingham, Warwickshire.

                Källor • födelse : Gloucester 6a 289 • Bröllop med William Frederick Oatridge : Bromyard 6a 779 / IGI M16376-2 • död : Wellingboro 49c 6731 / homepages.rootsweb.com/~otridge

                &ca 1930
                M M R S(19) - father:Henry Samuel Scutt. W F O(24) - father:Frederick Oatridge
                William Frederick Oatridge, William 1905-1985
                föräldrar : Frederick Richard Oatridge ca 1879-ca 1951 och Fanny Elizabeth Lowe 1885-1969
                Födelse · den 7 september 1905 · Birmingham, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring mars 1930 · Upper Sapey, Herefordshire · med Muriel Mabel R. Scutt
                Död · den 21 januari 1985 · 79 år · Rushden, Northamptonshire
                M M R O was living in 1997 at 74 Shirley Road, Rushden, Northants.

                Källor • födelse : rootsweb.com/~otridge • Bröllop med Muriel Mabel R. Scutt : Bromyard 6a 779 / IGI M16376-2

                1. Eileen Joan Oatridge, Eileen ca 1930
                  Födelse · omkring december 1930 · 93 år · Bromyard district, Herefordshire
                  Bröllop · omkring 1953 · med Ivor Burger
                  Bröllop · [in (year)] 1962 · med Richard Bentley

                  Källor • födelse : Bromyard 6a 675

                  &ca 1953 Ivor Burger
                  Bröllop · omkring 1953 · med Eileen Joan Oatridge
                  &1962 Richard Bentley
                  Bröllop · [in (year)] 1962 · med Eileen Joan Oatridge
                2. Kathleen Muriel Oatridge, Kathleen ca 1932-1999
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1932 · Bromyard district, Herefordshire
                  Bröllop · med Stanley Robb
                  Bröllop · med Dennis Wall
                  Död · [in (year)] 1999 · kanske 67 år · Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

                  Källor • födelse : Bromyard 6a 742

                  & Stanley Robb
                  Bröllop · med Kathleen Muriel Oatridge
                  & Dennis Wall
                  Bröllop · med Kathleen Muriel Oatridge
                3. Frederick William H. Oatridge, Frederick/Fred ca 1935
                  Födelse · omkring februari 1935 · 89 år · Pershore district, Worcestershire
                  Bröllop · [in (year)] 1959 · med Sheila Morr

                  Källor • födelse : Pershore 6c 228

                  &1959 Sheila Morr
                  Födelse · 1939
                  Bröllop · [in (year)] 1959 · med Frederick William H. Oatridge
                4. Thelma Margaret Rose Oatridge, Thelma ca 1937
                  Födelse · omkring augusti 1937 · 86 år · Upton upon Severn district, Worcestershire
                  Bröllop · [in (year)] 1958 · med Lional Wall

                  Källor • födelse : Upton 6c 283

                  &1958 Lional Wall
                  Bröllop · [in (year)] 1958 · med Thelma Margaret Rose Oatridge
                5. John Edward Oatridge, John 1944-2001
                  Födelse · den 21 april 1944 · Gloucester district, Gloucestershire
                  Bröllop · med Patricia ------
                  Död · den 21 mars 2001 · 56 år · Newquay, Cornwall

                  Källor • födelse : Gloucester C 6a 690 • död : homepages.rootsweb.com/~otridge

                  & Patricia ------
                  Bröllop · med John Edward Oatridge
                  1. John Christopher Oatridge, John
                  2. Nicola Oatridge
                6. Valerie Mabel Oatridge, Valerie ca 1947
                  Födelse · omkring november 1947 · 76 år · Gloucester district, Gloucestershire
                  Bröllop · [in (year)] 1965 · med David Hadden
                  Bröllop · [in (year)] 1984 · med David Harrison
                  Bröllop · [in (year)] 1999 · med Michael Simpson

                  Källor • födelse : Gloucester C 7b 630

                  &1965 David Hadden
                  Bröllop · [in (year)] 1965 · med Valerie Mabel Oatridge
                  &1984 David Harrison
                  Bröllop · [in (year)] 1984 · med Valerie Mabel Oatridge
                  &1999 Michael Simpson
                  Bröllop · [in (year)] 1999 · med Valerie Mabel Oatridge
              2. Dorothy Hilda Winifred Scutt, Dorothy 1915
                Födelse · den 6 april 1915 · Gloucester district, Gloucestershire
                Bröllop · i november 1938 · Gloucester Rural district, Gloucestershire · med Reginald W. Bennett

                Källor • födelse : Gloucester 6a 563 • Bröllop med Reginald W. Bennett : Gloucester R 6a 828

                &1938 Reginald W. Bennett, Reginald
                Bröllop · i november 1938 · Gloucester Rural district, Gloucestershire · med Dorothy Hilda Winifred Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Dorothy Hilda Winifred Scutt : Gloucester R 6a 828

                1. Eileen W. Bennett, Eileen ca 1940
                  Födelse · omkring november 1940 · 83 år · Gloucester Rural district, Gloucestershire

                  Källor • födelse : Gloucester R. 6a 794

                2. Michael W. Bennett, Michael ca 1942
                  Födelse · omkring augusti 1942 · 81 år · Gloucester Rural, Gloucestershire

                  Källor • födelse : Gloucester R 6a 593

                3. Rosemary E. Bennett, Rosemary ca 1952
                  Födelse · omkring augusti 1952 · 71 år · Gloucester Rural, Gloucestershire

                  Källor • födelse : Gloucester R 7b 659

              3. Henry George Kitchener Scutt, Henry ca 1916-1942
                Födelse · omkring maj 1916 · Gloucester district, Gloucestershire
                Död · i april 1942 · kanske 25 år · Gloucester R. district, Gloucestershire
                H G S - 25yr.

                Källor • födelse : Gloucester 6a 582 • död : Gloucester R 6a 541

              4. Raymond Arty Scutt, Raymond 1921-1989
                Födelse · den 31 december 1921 · Birmingham Bromyard, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · [in (year)] 1946 · Naples, ITALY · med Guiseppina Filo
                Skilsmässa · omkring 1951 · med Guiseppina Filo
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1957 · Cheltenham, Gloucestershire - Register Office · med Jean Pattinson
                Död · i november 1989 · 67 år · Cardigan North district, Dyfed
                R A S married twice but no children were born here.

                Källor • födelse : Bromyard 6d 914 (1922 1st.Q.) • Bröllop med Guiseppina Filo : Army Returns 1946 Naples 46 3455 • Bröllop med Jean Pattinson : Cheltenham 7b 790 • död : Cardigan N 1189 24 1610

                &1946 Guiseppina Filo
                Födelse · ITALY
                Bröllop · [in (year)] 1946 · Naples, ITALY · med Raymond Arty Scutt
                Skilsmässa · omkring 1951 · med Raymond Arty Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Raymond Arty Scutt : Army Returns 1946 Naples 46 3455

                &ca 1957 Jean Pattinson
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1957 · Cheltenham, Gloucestershire - Register Office · med Raymond Arty Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Raymond Arty Scutt : Cheltenham 7b 790

              &1943 Ethel Mary Bradley, Ethel 1889-ca 1975
              Födelse · den 16 april 1889
              Bröllop · i augusti 1943 · Martley district, Worcestershire · med Henry Samuel Francis Scutt
              Död · omkring augusti 1975 · kanske 86 år · Worcester, Worcestershire

              Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) • Bröllop med Henry Samuel Francis Scutt : Martley 6c 317 • död : Worcester 29 0745

            5. Joseph Arthur Scutt, Joseph 1886-1890
              Födelse · den 14 juni 1886 · Martley, Worcestershire
              Död · den 14 mars 1890 · 3 år · Martley, Worcestershire
              J A S - 3yr.

              Källor • födelse : Martley 6c 246 • död : Martley 6c 193

            6. Leah Harriet Scutt, Leah, Powles 1887-ca 1952
              Födelse · den 12 december 1887 · Stanford, Worcestershire
              Bröllop · omkring februari 1912 · Upper Sapey, Herefordshire · med Ernest Powles
              Död · omkring augusti 1952 · kanske 64 år · Swansea district, Glamorgan
              L H P - 64yr.

              Källor • födelse : Martley 6c 216 • Bröllop med Ernest Powles : Bromyard 6d 739 / IGI M16376-2 • död : Swansea 8b 515

              &ca 1912
              L H S(24) - father:Henry Scutt. E P(24) - father:Peter Powles
              Ernest Powles ca 1887-
              Födelse · omkring augusti 1887 · Tenbury district, Worcestershire
              Bröllop · omkring februari 1912 · Upper Sapey, Herefordshire · med Leah Harriet Scutt

              Källor • födelse : Tenbury 6c 242 • Bröllop med Leah Harriet Scutt : Bromyard 6d 739 / IGI M16376-2

              1. Henry E. Powles, Henry 1914-
                Födelse · i februari 1914 · Pontardawe district, Glamorgan

                Källor • födelse : Pontardawe 11a 2225

              2. Dorothy L. Powles, Dorothy ca 1916
                Födelse · omkring maj 1916 · Pontardawe district, Breconshire or Glamorgan

                Källor • födelse : Pontardawe 11a 2030 (Breconshire/Glamorgan)

              3. Ernest Hector Powles, Hector/Ernext/Sonny ca 1918
                Födelse · omkring november 1918 · Pontardawe district, Breconshire/Glamorgan
                Bröllop · med Dorothy ------

                Källor • födelse : Pontardawe 11a 1794

                & Dorothy ------
                Bröllop · med Ernest Hector Powles
                1. Julia Powles
                2. Joanna Powles
                3. Dorothy Powles
                  Bröllop · med Henry Murphy
                  Bröllop · med Robert Watson
                  & Henry Murphy
                  Bröllop · med Dorothy Powles
                  1. Jennifer Murphy
                  2. Lynne Murphy
                  & Robert Watson, Bob
                  Bröllop · med Dorothy Powles
            7. Thomas Scutt 1889-1890
              Födelse · den 16 december 1889 · Martley, Worcestershire
              Död · den 16 juni 1890 · 6 månader · Martley, Worcestershire
              T S - 0yr.

              Källor • födelse : Martley 6c 246 • död : Martley 6c 137

            8. Hester Scutt, Hetty, Goodyear ca 1891-1980
              Födelse · omkring maj 1891 · Stanford, Worcestershire
              Bröllop · [in (year)] 1917 · UNITED STATES of AMERICA · med William Jeremiah Goodyear
              Död · i april 1980 · kanske 88 år · Great Neck, Nassau, New York, UNITED STATES of AMERICA
              Begravning · Flushing Cemetery, Queens, New York
              Hester Scutt immigrated in 1914 Mar 22 (22yr. - unmarried) ship "Cedric" and departure from Liverpool, Lancashire to U.S.A.

              Källor • person : www.ellisislandrecords • födelse : Martley 6c 272 • Bröllop med William Jeremiah Goodyear : Teresa A Martin • död : Teresa A Martin

              &1917 William Jeremiah Goodyear, William 1889-1979
              föräldrar : Walter Goodyear 1858-1939 och Mary Behague 1860-1945
              Födelse · den 9 mars 1889 · West Bromwich, Staffordshire
              Bröllop · [in (year)] 1917 · UNITED STATES of AMERICA · med Hester Scutt
              Död · den 4 september 1979 · 90 år · Great Neck, Nassau, New York, UNITED STATES of AMERICA

              Källor • födelse : Armstrong/Ballard Family • Bröllop med Hester Scutt : Teresa A Martin

            9. George Albert Scutt, George 1893-1977
              Födelse · den 27 april 1893 · Stanford, Worcestershire
              Bröllop · den 6 december 1920 · Bordesley, Aston, Warwickshire - St Andrew · med Flora Jane Scutt
              Död · den 2 oktober 1977 · 84 år · Hatfield district, Hertfordshire

              Källor • födelse : Martley 6c 269 • Bröllop med Flora Jane Scutt : Aston 6d 1019 • död : Hatfield 10 0270

              &1920 Flora Jane Scutt, Flora/Jane 1896-1985
              föräldrar : Joseph Scutt 1869-1905 och Elizabeth L. Chesterfield ca 1875-ca 1965
              Födelse · den 11 september 1896 · Shifnal, Shropshire
              Dop · Shifnal, Shropshire
              Bröllop · den 6 december 1920 · Bordesley, Aston, Warwickshire - St Andrew · med George Albert Scutt
              Död · den 9 juli 1985 · 88 år · Hitchin district, Hertfordshire

              Källor • födelse : Shifnal 6a 585 (3rd.Q.) / Census 1901 Warwickshire • dop : Shropshire Baptisms 1538-1900 • Bröllop med George Albert Scutt : Aston 6d 1019 • död : Hitchin 0785 10 0404

              1. George Arthur Scutt, George 1921-1986
                Födelse · den 26 februari 1921 · Birmingham Bromyard, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · den 5 maj 1945 · Hendon district, Middlesex/London · med Joyce Bridger
                Bröllop · i april 1986 · Isle of Wight · med Miriam A. Todman
                Död · den 15 juni 1986 · 65 år · Isle of Wight
                G A S - 65yr.

                Källor • födelse : Bromyard 6d 913 • Bröllop med Joyce Bridger : Hendon 3a 1434 • Bröllop med Miriam A. Todman : Isle of Wight 0486 20 2229 / RO186/29 • död : Isle of Wight 0686 20 2000 / A41A/E255

                no Bridger found by cross-reference, only by Scutt!
                Joyce Bridger, Scutt 1924
                föräldrar : Harold Stanley Bridger 1900-1977 och Louise Phyllis Watson 1900-1976
                Födelse · den 20 april 1924 · Tottenham, London
                Bröllop · den 5 maj 1945 · Hendon district, Middlesex/London · med George Arthur Scutt

                Källor • födelse : Hendon 3a 1434 • Bröllop med George Arthur Scutt : Hendon 3a 1434

                1. Janet Scutt, Jan, Tomsett 1949
                  Födelse · den 28 juli 1949 · 74 år · Hendon district, Middlesex (London)
                  Bröllop · den 12 december 1969 · Clophill, Bedfordshire · med Barry J. Tomsett

                  Källor • födelse : Hendon 5c 646 • Bröllop med Barry J. Tomsett : Ampthill 4a 3

                  &1969 Barry J. Tomsett, Barry
                  Bröllop · den 12 december 1969 · Clophill, Bedfordshire · med Janet Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Janet Scutt : Ampthill 4a 3

                  1. Lisa Caroline Tomsett, Lisa, Hughes/Moran 1971
                    Födelse · den 21 augusti 1971 · 52 år · Rushden, Northamptonshire
                    Bröllop · den 5 maj 1996 · Isle of Wight, Hampshire · med Jason Hughes
                    Skilsmässa · med Jason Hughes
                    Bröllop · med Stuart Moran

                    Källor • födelse : Northampton 3b 2701 / Teresa A Martin • Bröllop med Jason Hughes : Teresa A Martin

                    &1996 Jason Hughes
                    Bröllop · den 5 maj 1996 · Isle of Wight, Hampshire · med Lisa Caroline Tomsett
                    Skilsmässa · med Lisa Caroline Tomsett

                    Källor • Bröllop med Lisa Caroline Tomsett : Teresa A Martin

                    & Stuart Moran
                    Bröllop · med Lisa Caroline Tomsett
                  2. Jennifer Louise Tomsett, Jennifer/Jennie, Pearce 1974
                    Födelse · den 11 oktober 1974 · 49 år · Rushden, Northamptonshire
                    Bröllop · den 17 juni 1995 · Reddich, Worcestershire · med Jason Pearce

                    Källor • födelse : Northampton 7 2828 / Teresa A Martin • Bröllop med Jason Pearce : Teresa A Martin

                    &1995 Jason Pearce
                    Bröllop · den 17 juni 1995 · Reddich, Worcestershire · med Jennifer Louise Tomsett

                    Källor • Bröllop med Jennifer Louise Tomsett : Teresa A Martin

                2. Valerie Scutt, Phillips 1950
                  Födelse · den 25 september 1950 · 73 år · Potters Bar, Hertfordshire
                  Bröllop · omkring november 1973 · Honiton district, Devon · med Henry L. Phillips

                  Källor • födelse : Barnet 5a 916 • Bröllop med Henry L. Phillips : Honiton 7a 1128

                  &ca 1973 Henry L. Phillips, Henry 1951
                  Födelse · den 21 februari 1951 · 73 år · Luton, Bedfordshire
                  Bröllop · omkring november 1973 · Honiton district, Devon · med Valerie Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Valerie Scutt : Honiton 7a 1128

                  1. Simon Phillips 1977-1988
                    Födelse · den 28 mars 1977 · Exeter, Devon
                    Död · den 8 mars 1988 · 10 år · Alfington, East Devon

                    Källor • födelse : Honiton 21 953

                  2. Esme Phillips 1980
                    Födelse · den 17 november 1980 · 43 år · Exeter, Devon
                  3. Holly Phillips 1988
                    Födelse · den 24 september 1988 · 35 år · Exeter, Devon
                3. Teresa Ann Scutt, Teresa/Terri, Groom/Martin 1954
                  Födelse · den 19 juli 1954 · 69 år · Potters Bar, Hertfordshire
                  Bröllop · den 4 maj 1974 · Clophill, Bedfordshire · med Michael Groom
                  Skilsmässa · omkring 1978 · med Michael Groom
                  Bröllop · den 6 mars 1993 · Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk · med Kirk Stephen Martin
                  Terri Scutt visited Redborne Secondary Modern School in Ampthill and left in 1970.

                  Källor • födelse : Barnet 5a 864 • Bröllop med Michael Groom : Ampthill 9 0008 • Bröllop med Kirk Stephen Martin : Teresa A Martin

                  &1974 Michael Groom 1953
                  Födelse · den 3 november 1953 · 70 år · Bedford, Bedfordshire
                  Bröllop · den 4 maj 1974 · Clophill, Bedfordshire · med Teresa Ann Scutt
                  Skilsmässa · omkring 1978 · med Teresa Ann Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Teresa Ann Scutt : Ampthill 9 0008

                  1. Christopher Alan Groom, Christopher 1974
                    Födelse · den 21 oktober 1974 · 49 år · RAF Hospital Ely, Cambridgeshire
                    Bröllop · den 14 februari 2000 · med Emma Jayne Ham

                    Källor • födelse : Ely 9 1259 / Teresa A Martin

                    &2000 Emma Jayne Ham, Emma, Groom 1981
                    Födelse · den 20 januari 1981 · 43 år · Swindon, Wiltshire
                    Bröllop · den 14 februari 2000 · med Christopher Alan Groom
                  2. Sarah Louise Groom, Sarah 1976
                    Födelse · den 17 november 1976 · 47 år · RAF Hospital Ely, Cambridgeshire
                    Bröllop · med Darren Ackers
                    Skilsmässa · omkring 2000 · med Darren Ackers
                    Bröllop · den 1 juni 2002 · Swindon, Wiltshire · med Steven Fuller

                    Källor • födelse : Ely 9 1261 • Bröllop med Darren Ackers : Teresa A Martin

                    & Darren Ackers 1975
                    Födelse · den 22 januari 1975 · 49 år
                    Bröllop · med Sarah Louise Groom
                    Skilsmässa · omkring 2000 · med Sarah Louise Groom

                    Källor • Bröllop med Sarah Louise Groom : Teresa A Martin

                    &2002 Steven Fuller 1975
                    Födelse · den 17 april 1975 · 49 år · Swindon, Wiltshire
                    Bröllop · den 1 juni 2002 · Swindon, Wiltshire · med Sarah Louise Groom
                  &1993 Kirk Stephen Martin, Kirk 1970
                  Födelse · den 9 juni 1970 · 54 år · Redruth, Cornwall
                  Bröllop · den 6 mars 1993 · Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk · med Teresa Ann Scutt

                  Källor • födelse : Teresa A Martin • Bröllop med Teresa Ann Scutt : Teresa A Martin

                  1. Jasmine Lauren Martin, Jasmine 1994
                    Födelse · den 7 april 1994 · 30 år · Redruth, Cornwall

                    Källor • födelse : Teresa A Martin

                4. Trevor Martin Scutt, Trevor ca 1958
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1958 · 66 år · Dunstable, Bedfordshire - 33 Markham Crescent
                  Bröllop · i september 1996 · Chiltern & South Buckingshire · med Elizabeth A. Amsdon

                  Källor • födelse : Luton 4a 160 • Bröllop med Elizabeth A. Amsdon : Chit & S Bucks 325 Sep 1253

                  &1996 Elizabeth A. Amsdon, Elizabeth, Amsden 1954
                  Födelse · [in (year)] 1954 · 70 år · Slough, Berkshire
                  Bröllop · i september 1996 · Chiltern & South Buckingshire · med Trevor Martin Scutt

                  Källor • födelse : Electoral Roll 2002-2014 • Bröllop med Trevor Martin Scutt : Chit & S Bucks 325 Sep 1253

                Todman stated here. Register Office.
                Miriam A. Todman, Miriam, Larman
                Bröllop · i april 1986 · Isle of Wight · med George Arthur Scutt
                Bröllop · i februari 2000 · Isle of Wight, Hampshire · med Derek G. Williamson
                This was Miriam A. Todman/Larman's second marriage.

                Källor • Bröllop med George Arthur Scutt : Isle of Wight 0486 20 2229 / RO186/29 • Bröllop med Derek G. Williamson : Isle of Wight 556 Feb 0132

              2. Kathleen Flora Scutt, Kathleen/Kathleen Jenny 1922-1933
                Födelse · den 8 september 1922 · Droitwich district, Worcestershire
                Död · den 27 december 1933 · 11 år · Pancras district, London
                Kathleen Jenny Scutt also noted. K F S - 11yr.

                Källor • födelse : Droitwich 6c 289 (4th.Q.) • död : Pancras 1b 46

              3. Dorothy Jenny Scutt, Dorothy ca 1924
                Födelse · omkring maj 1924 · Aldsworth, Northleach, Gloucestershire

                Källor • födelse : Northleach 6a 641

              4. James Albert Scutt, James 1926
                Födelse · i februari 1926 · 98 år · Aldsworth, Gloucestershire

                Källor • födelse : Northleach 6a 601

            10. Nora Scutt ca 1895-1975
              Födelse · omkring februari 1895 · Stanford, Worcestershire
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1919 · Upper Sapey, Herefordshire · med Edward Delehay
              Död · [in (year)] 1975 · kanske 80 år

              Källor • födelse : Martley 6c 280 • Bröllop med Edward Delehay : Bromyard 6d 1573 • död : Teresa A Martin

              &ca 1919
              N S(24) - father:Henry Scutt. E D(35) - father:Richard Delahay
              Edward Delehay
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1919 · Upper Sapey, Herefordshire · med Nora Scutt

              Källor • Bröllop med Nora Scutt : Bromyard 6d 1573

            11. Frederick Scutt 1898-ca 1978
              Födelse · den 20 januari 1898 · Stanford, Worcestershire
              Bröllop · omkring november 1920 · Worcester, Worcestershire · med Rose Hill
              Död · omkring maj 1978 · kanske 80 år · Solihull South district, Warwickshire

              Källor • födelse : Martley 6c 261 • Bröllop med Rose Hill : Worcester 6c 271 • död : Solihull S 34 0139

              &ca 1920 Rose Hill 1898-ca 1982
              Födelse · den 29 september 1898 · Birmingham, Warwickshire
              Bröllop · omkring november 1920 · Worcester, Worcestershire · med Frederick Scutt
              Död · omkring februari 1982 · kanske 83 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

              Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) • Bröllop med Frederick Scutt : Worcester 6c 271 • död : Birmingham 32 1639

              1. Edward James Scutt, Edward 1921-1984
                Födelse · den 31 juli 1921 · Aston, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring november 1943 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Pamela Mary Ellis
                Död · i september 1984 · 63 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 1008 • Bröllop med Pamela Mary Ellis : Birmingham 6d 469 • död : Birmingham 0984 32 0554

                &ca 1943 Pamela Mary Ellis, Pamela, Scutt 1922-2014
                Födelse · [in (year)] 1922 · Somerset
                Bröllop · omkring november 1943 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Edward James Scutt
                Död · den 8 april 2014 · 92 år · Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire

                Källor • Bröllop med Edward James Scutt : Birmingham 6d 469 • död : PC B74 / Gov.UK Birmingham

                1. Susan G. Scutt, Susan ca 1945
                  Födelse · omkring november 1945 · 78 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire
                  Bröllop · omkring augusti 1966 · Aldridge district, Warwickshire · med Michael J. Petrie

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 770 • Bröllop med Michael J. Petrie : Aldridge 9b 61

                  &ca 1966 Michael J. Petrie, Michael
                  Bröllop · omkring augusti 1966 · Aldridge district, Warwickshire · med Susan G. Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Susan G. Scutt : Aldridge 9b 61

                  1. Sara Jane Petrie, Sara ca 1966
                    Födelse · omkring november 1966 · 57 år · Walsall district, West Midlands

                    Källor • födelse : Walsall 9b 1002

                  2. Scott James Petrie, Scott ca 1972
                    Födelse · omkring maj 1972 · 52 år · Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire

                    Källor • födelse : Sutton Coldfield 9c 4683

              2. Doreen H. Scutt, Doreen ca 1925
                Födelse · omkring maj 1925 · 99 år · Aston, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1944 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Oliver S. Cooke

                Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 878 • Bröllop med Oliver S. Cooke : Birmingham 6d 585

                &ca 1944 Oliver S. Cooke, Oliver
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1944 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Doreen H. Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Doreen H. Scutt : Birmingham 6d 585

                1. Paul S. Cooke, Paul ca 1945
                  Födelse · omkring november 1945 · 78 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 738

                2. Cheryl R. Cooke, Cheryl ca 1952
                  Födelse · omkring augusti 1952 · 71 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 9c 600

              3. Graham F. Scutt, Graham ca 1930
                Födelse · omkring mars 1930 · 94 år · Birmingham S., Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring november 1965 · Bromsgrove district, Worcestershire · med Margaret E. While

                Källor • födelse : Birmingham S 6d 181 • Bröllop med Margaret E. While : Bromsgrove 9d 92

                &ca 1965 Margaret E. While, Margaret
                Bröllop · omkring november 1965 · Bromsgrove district, Worcestershire · med Graham F. Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Graham F. Scutt : Bromsgrove 9d 92

                1. Sarah Margaret Scutt, Sarah ca 1966
                  Födelse · omkring november 1966 · 57 år · Solihull district, Warwickshire
                  Bröllop · omkring augusti 1996 · Solihull South district, Warwickshire · med Mark Wilson

                  Källor • födelse : Solihull 9c 1845 • Bröllop med Mark Wilson : Solihull S 073 Aug 0274

                  &ca 1996 Mark Wilson
                  Bröllop · omkring augusti 1996 · Solihull South district, Warwickshire · med Sarah Margaret Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Sarah Margaret Scutt : Solihull S 073 Aug 0274

                2. Richard Graham Scutt, Richard ca 1969
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1969 · 55 år · Solihull district, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Solihull 9c 4490

                3. Elizabeth Clare Scutt, Elizabeth ca 1970
                  Födelse · omkring augusti 1970 · 53 år · Solihull district, Warwickshire
                  Bröllop · omkring augusti 2001 · South Warwickshire · med Jason P. Whitson

                  Källor • födelse : Solihull 9c 4489 • Bröllop med Jason P. Whitson : S Warks 773 Aug 0625

                  &ca 2001 Jason P. Whitson, Jason
                  Bröllop · omkring augusti 2001 · South Warwickshire · med Elizabeth Clare Scutt

                  Källor • Bröllop med Elizabeth Clare Scutt : S Warks 773 Aug 0625

              4. Mavis M. Scutt, Mavis, Dodsewell ca 1934
                Födelse · omkring maj 1934 · 90 år · Birmingham S., Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring november 1954 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Douglas W. J. F. Dowdeswell

                Källor • födelse : Birmingham S 6d 544 • Bröllop med Douglas W. J. F. Dowdeswell : Birmingham 9c 863

                &ca 1954 Douglas W. J. F. Dowdeswell, Douglas ca 1934
                Födelse · omkring februari 1934 · Birmingham, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring november 1954 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Mavis M. Scutt

                Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 307 • Bröllop med Mavis M. Scutt : Birmingham 9c 863

                1. Robert W. Dowdeswell, Robert ca 1962
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1962 · 62 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 9c 484

                2. Peter F. Dowdeswell, Peter ca 1963
                  Födelse · omkring augusti 1963 · 60 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 9c 503

                3. Clare Samantha Dowdeswell, Clare ca 1966
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1966 · 58 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : [Birmingham 9c 56

          2. Charles Scutt, wheelwright 1855-1925
            Födelse · den 7 augusti 1855 · Aymestry, Herefordshire
            Dop · den 28 oktober 1855 · Aymestry, Herefordshire
            Bröllop · den 2 april 1882 · Aston, Warwickshire · med Emma Hollis
            Död · den 7 mars 1925 · 69 år · Souris, Manitoba, CANADA
            [Birmingham Daily Post, West Midlands, Friday 19 October 1888. New Patents. (Contributed by Arthur Georgy Shaw.) The following patents, among others, were sealed during the week ended October 13, 1888: Charles Scutt, Aston-combined delivery van and pleasure trap; October 1 1887.] [Bristol Mercury, Mon 19 Jun 1899. Wheelwrights - Body makers and Repairers for vans and floats - Scutt, 60 Holt Street, Birmingham.] [Arrival: 1907. Residence: The Crescent, Brandon, Manitoba.] [C S - 69yr.]

            Källor • födelse : Leominster 6a 443 • dop : IGI • Bröllop med Emma Hollis : Aston 6d 331 / IGI M00711-7 • död : Manitoba Records [Registration number: 1925-012146]

            &1882 Emma Hollis, Scutt ca 1858-1939
            Födelse · omkring 12 september 1858 · Birmingham, Warwickshire
            Bröllop · den 2 april 1882 · Aston, Warwickshire · med Charles Scutt
            Död · den 1 januari 1939 · kanske 80 år · Brandon, Manitoba, CANADA
            Arrival:1907. Residence:The Crescent, Brandon, Manitoba. E S - 80yr.

            Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) • Bröllop med Charles Scutt : Aston 6d 331 / IGI M00711-7 • död : Manitoba Records [Registration number: 1939-004002]

            1. Annie Scutt 1882-
              Födelse · den 8 juli 1882 · Birmingham, Warwickshire
              Dop · den 11 maj 1884 · Aston, Warwickshire - St Peter & St Paul
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1903 · Aston, Warwickshire · med W------ ------

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 260 / IGI • dop : IGI • Bröllop med W------ ------ : Aston 6d 585

              &ca 1903
              to William Burton or Walter Wall.
              W------ ------
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1903 · Aston, Warwickshire · med Annie Scutt

              Källor • Bröllop med Annie Scutt : Aston 6d 585

            2. Charles Scutt 1884-ca 1909
              Födelse · den 22 april 1884 · Aston, Warwickshire
              Dop · den 11 maj 1884 · Aston, Warwickshire - St Peter & St Paul
              Död · omkring augusti 1909 · kanske 25 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire
              Census 1901 Warwickshire states C S b:Birmingham. C S - 25yr.

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 426 • dop : IGI • död : Birmingham 6d 77

            3. Arthur Scutt ca 1885-ca 1886
              Födelse · omkring oktober 1885 · Aston, Warwickshire
              Död · omkring november 1886 · kanske 13 månader · Aston, Warwickshire
              A S 13m.

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 402 • död : Aston 6d 213

            4. Clare Scutt 1887-ca 1888
              Födelse · i november 1887 · Aston, Warwickshire
              Död · omkring maj 1888 · kanske 6 månader · Aston, Warwickshire
              C S 6m.

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 379 • död : Aston 6d 212

            5. Mary Jane Scutt, Mary ca 1889-ca 1891
              Födelse · omkring maj 1889 · Aston, Warwickshire
              Död · omkring augusti 1891 · kanske 2 år · Aston, Warwickshire
              Thursday 02 July 1891, Birmingham Daily Post, West Midlands. Death From a Foul Midden at Aston. Yesterday, Mr. D. R. Wynter (coroner for Central Warwickshire) held an inquest at the Waterworks Taven, Lichfield Road, as to the death of Mary Jane Scutt (2) the daughter of Charles Scutt, wheelwright, 139 Lichfield Road, Aston. Charles Scutt, father of the deceased, stated that about eleven o'clock on Friday night a midden adjoining his house, and belonging to the canal company, was emptied. The smell from the refuse was very offensive, and at half-past six o'clock on Sunday morning the deceased was taken ill with violent sickness and purging. As she was worse at midday Mr. Lumby, surgeon, was called in, and he prescribed for her. After this she appeared better, but a change took place, and she died about eleven o'clock on Sunday evening. He did not think the midden had been emptied during the last two years. Since Friday night both he and his wife as well as a neighbour and a child who had been playing with the deceased, had been suffering with diarrhea. -Mr. R.H. Lumby, surgeon, -said that he prescribed for-the child,and found it in a state of uttercollapse' He was aware that the father was suffering from diarrhoea, and the mother from diarrhea and sickness. When at the house on Sunday he noticed an objectionable smell. Death, in his opinion, resulted from collapse, consequent upon diarrhea, caused by malarial poison. He was of opinion that if the midden had not been there the child's death, in all probability, would not have taken place. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence, and added a rider that the canal company ought to have had the midden emptied oftener.] [M J S - 2yr.]

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 386 • död : Aston 6d 197 / Birmingham Daily Post [1891 Jul 02]

            6. Winifred May Scutt, Winifred/Winnifred, Lee ca 1892-1975
              Födelse · omkring april 1892 · Birmingham, Warwickshire
              Dop · den 8 maj 1892 · Aston, Warwickshire - St Peter & St Paul
              Bröllop · den 26 november 1919 · Souris, Manitoba, CANADA · med Joseph Wray Lee
              Död · den 13 april 1975 · kanske 83 år · North Saanich, B.C., CANADA

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 424 / Census 1901 Warwickshire-1916 Manitoba, Canada • Bröllop med Joseph Wray Lee : Manitoba Records [Registration number: 1919-063410] • död : British Columbia Death Index 1872-1990

              &1919 Joseph Wray Lee, Joseph
              Bröllop · den 26 november 1919 · Souris, Manitoba, CANADA · med Winifred May Scutt

              Källor • Bröllop med Winifred May Scutt : Manitoba Records [Registration number: 1919-063410]

            7. George Henry Scutt, George ca 1895-ca 1896
              Födelse · omkring april 1895 · Aston, Warwickshire
              Död · omkring februari 1896 · kanske 10 månader · Aston, Warwickshire
              [Mother's surname stated as Nollis.] [G H S 10m.]

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 416 • död : Aston 6d 619

            8. Percy Scutt 1898-
              Födelse · den 3 januari 1898 · Birmingham, Warwickshire
              Dop · den 23 januari 1898 · Birmingham, Warwickshire - Bishop Ryder
              Bröllop · den 14 januari 1925 · Souris, Manitoba, CANADA · med Violet Mae Billings

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 360 • Bröllop med Violet Mae Billings : Manitoba Records [Registration number: 1925-003172]

              &1925 Violet Mae Billings, Violet, Scutt
              Bröllop · den 14 januari 1925 · Souris, Manitoba, CANADA · med Percy Scutt

              Källor • Bröllop med Percy Scutt : Manitoba Records [Registration number: 1925-003172]

          3. James Scutt 1857-1943
            Födelse · den 18 november 1857 · Aymestry, Herefordshire
            Dop · den 13 december 1857 · Aymestry, Herefordshire
            Bröllop · den 13 mars 1889 · Penrith, Westmorland · med Mary Jane Brown
            Död · den 31 oktober 1943 · 85 år · Llandrindod W., Radnorshire
            J S - 86yr.

            Källor • födelse : Leominster 6a 451 • dop : IGI • Bröllop med Mary Jane Brown : West Ward 10b 909 / Carlisle Patriot [1889 Mar 22] • död : Radnor East 11b 109

            Carlisle Patriot, Cumbria, Fri 22 Mar 1889. At Barton Church, Penrith, on the 13th inst , the Rev. T. Hodgson, James Scutt, Herefordshire, to Mary Jane Brown, Eamont Bridge
            Mary Jane Brown, Mary, Scutt †1946
            Födelse · Askam, Westmorland
            Bröllop · den 13 mars 1889 · Penrith, Westmorland · med James Scutt
            Död · den 4 december 1946 · Llandrindod W., Radnorshire
            M J S - 79yr.

            Källor • Bröllop med James Scutt : West Ward 10b 909 / Carlisle Patriot [1889 Mar 22] • död : Radnor 8c 385

            1. Agnes Jane Scutt, Agnes, Vercoe ca 1890-ca 1934
              Födelse · omkring februari 1890 · Knighton, Radnorshire
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1914 · Knighton district, Radnorshire, Wales · med Sidney Samuel Vercoe
              Död · omkring januari 1934 · kanske 43 år · Hemel Hempstead district, Hertfordshire
              A J V - 43yr.

              Källor • födelse : Knighton 11b 132 • Bröllop med Sidney Samuel Vercoe : Knighton 11b 187 • död : Hemel Hempstead 3a 1396

              &ca 1914 Sidney Samuel Vercoe, Sidney/Sydney/Sydney J., Vercue ca 1888-ca 1951
              Födelse · omkring november 1888 · Hemel Hempstead district, Hertfordshire
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1914 · Knighton district, Radnorshire, Wales · med Agnes Jane Scutt
              Död · omkring november 1951 · kanske 63 år · Hemel Hempstead district, Hertfordshire
              S S V - 62yr.

              Källor • födelse : Hemel Hempstead 3a 583 • Bröllop med Agnes Jane Scutt : Knighton 11b 187 • död : Hemel Hempstead 4b 45

              1. Norman Lawrence Vercoe, Norman 1915-1990
                Födelse · den 22 april 1915 · Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey
                Död · i maj 1990 · 75 år · Surrey

                Källor • födelse : Kingston 2a 855

              2. Harold Frederick H. Vercoe, Harold 1916-1999
                Födelse · den 1 maj 1916 · Hampstead district, Middlesex (London)
                Död · [in (year)] 1999 · 83 år · Braintree, Essex

                Källor • födelse : Hampstead 1a 1064

              3. Jocelyn Ada Vercoe, Jocelyn 1920-1997
                Födelse · den 8 december 1920 · Hemel Hempstead district, Hertfordshire
                Död · i september 1997 · 76 år · Taunton, Somerset

                Källor • födelse : Hemel Hempstead 3a 1576 [1921 1st.Q.]

              4. Robert Charles Vercoe, Robert 1925-1990
                Födelse · den 18 maj 1925 · Hemel Hempstead district, Hertfordshire
                Död · i maj 1990 · 65 år · Eastbourne, East Sussex

                Källor • födelse : Hemel Hempstead 3a 1397

            2. Ada Scutt, East ca 1891-
              Födelse · omkring maj 1891 · Knighton, Radnorshire
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1923 · Knighton, Radnorshire · med Reginald W. East

              Källor • födelse : Knighton 11b 143 • Bröllop med Reginald W. East : Knighton 11b 219

              &ca 1923 Reginald W. East, Reginald
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1923 · Knighton, Radnorshire · med Ada Scutt

              Källor • Bröllop med Ada Scutt : Knighton 11b 219

              1. John East ca 1924
                Födelse · omkring februari 1924 · Hemel Hempstead district, Hertfordshire

                Källor • födelse : Hemel Hempstead 3a 1349

              2. Anne E. East, Anne ca 1927
                Födelse · omkring augusti 1927 · 96 år · Hemel Hempstead district, Hertfordshire
                Bröllop · omkring 1949 · med George Hoar

                Källor • födelse : Hemel Hempstead 3a 1353

                &ca 1949 George Hoar
                Bröllop · omkring 1949 · med Anne E. East
            3. Alice May Scutt, Alice Mary/Alice, Rimmer ca 1892-
              Födelse · omkring maj 1892 · Knighton, Radnorshire
              Bröllop · omkring november 1915 · Knighton, Radnorshire · med John H. Rimmer

              Källor • födelse : Knighton 11b 131 • Bröllop med John H. Rimmer : Knighton 11b 277

              &ca 1915 John H. Rimmer, John
              Bröllop · omkring november 1915 · Knighton, Radnorshire · med Alice May Scutt

              Källor • Bröllop med Alice May Scutt : Knighton 11b 277

              1. Brenda M. Rimmer, Brenda ca 1917
                Födelse · omkring november 1917 · Hemel Hempstead district, Hertfordshire

                Källor • födelse : Hemel Hempstead 3a 1139

            4. Leslie James Scutt, Leslie ca 1903-1964
              Födelse · omkring maj 1903 · Knighton, Radnorshire
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1928 · Knighton, Radnorshire · med Winifred Violet Watkins
              Död · den 19 november 1964 · kanske 61 år · Radnor East district, Radnorshire
              L J S - 61yr.

              Källor • födelse : Knighton 11b 123 • Bröllop med Winifred Violet Watkins : Knighton 11b 199 • död : Radnor E 8c 358

              &ca 1928 Winifred Violet Watkins, Winifred, Scutt 1908-ca 1970
              Födelse · den 5 januari 1908 · Knighton, Radnorshire
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1928 · Knighton, Radnorshire · med Leslie James Scutt
              Död · omkring maj 1970 · kanske 62 år · Shrewsbury, Shropshire

              Källor • födelse : Knighton 11b 111 • Bröllop med Leslie James Scutt : Knighton 11b 199 • död : Shrewsbury 9a 386

              1. Judith Patricia Scutt, Judith ca 1930
                Födelse · omkring augusti 1930 · 93 år · Knighton, Radnorshire

                Källor • födelse : Knighton 11b 162

          4. Charlotte Scutt, Evans 1859-1948
            Födelse · den 23 april 1859 · Lye Pole, Aymestry, Herefordshire
            Bröllop · den 13 augusti 1883 · Brampton Bryan, Radnorshire · med James Henry Evans
            Död · den 11 november 1948 · 89 år · North Fitzroy, Victoria, AUSTRALIA - 212 Miller Street
            [Census 1881 Gloucestershire and later lived in Shobdon - they emigrated to Australia with 3 children.] [The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. :1848-1956) Monday 30 August 1943 p2 Family Notices DIAMOND WEDDING, EVANS-SCUTT Mr. & Mrs. J Evans have much pleasure in announcing the 60th anniversary of their marriage. (Present address: Stanage, 212 Miller Street, North Fitzroy.)] [C E - 88yr.]

            Källor • födelse : Leominster 6a 480 • Bröllop med James Henry Evans : Knighton 11b 163 / The Argus [1943 Aug 30] • död : Death Index Victoria 1921-1985 [Digger] Reg Number:12604

            &1883 James Henry Evans, James, policeman 1859-1949
            föräldrar : John Evans och Charlotte Jones
            Födelse · den 11 december 1859 · Brampton Bryan, Herefordshire
            Bröllop · den 13 augusti 1883 · Brampton Bryan, Radnorshire · med Charlotte Scutt
            Död · den 1 november 1949 · 89 år · North Fitzroy, Victoria, AUSTRALIA - 212 Miller Street
            [Census 1881 Gloucestershire and later lived in Shobdon - emigrated to Australia with 3 children.] [The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. :1848-1956) Monday 30 August 1943 p2 Family Notices DIAMOND WEDDING, EVANS-SCUTT Mr. & Mrs. J Evans have much pleasure in announcing the 60th anniversary of their marriage. (Present address: Stanage, 212 Miller Street, North Fitzroy.)

            Källor • födelse : Evans Family Bible • Bröllop med Charlotte Scutt : Knighton 11b 163 / The Argus [1943 Aug 30] • död : Evans Family Bible

            1. Arthur John Evans, Arthur 1884-1977
              Födelse · den 7 oktober 1884 · Staunton on Wye, Herefordshire
              Bröllop · den 21 september 1915 · Northam, WA, AUSTRALIA · med Rose Dawson
              Död · den 30 november 1977 · 93 år · Albert Park, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
              A J E - 93yr.

              Källor • födelse : Weobly 6a 506 • Bröllop med Rose Dawson : IGI M003735 • död : Death Index Victoria 1921-1985 [Digger] Reg Number:27920

              A J E (30) bachelor - parents:Jas Evans & Charlotte Scutt. R D (24) spinster - parents:Abraham Dawson & Caroline Burrows
              Rose Dawson
              föräldrar : Abraham Dawson och Caroline Burrows
              Bröllop · den 21 september 1915 · Northam, WA, AUSTRALIA · med Arthur John Evans

              Källor • Bröllop med Arthur John Evans : IGI M003735

            2. Agnes Mary Evans, Agnes 1886-1974
              Födelse · den 18 oktober 1886 · Shobdon, Herefordshire
              Bröllop · [in (year)] 1908 · Heidelberg, Victoria, AUSTRALIA · med Albert John Farrance
              Död · den 27 januari 1974 · 87 år · Victoria, AUSTRALIA

              Källor • födelse : Evans Family Bible • död : Death Index Victoria 1921-1985 [Digger] Reg Number:5471

              &1908 Albert John Farrance, Albert/Jack
              Bröllop · [in (year)] 1908 · Heidelberg, Victoria, AUSTRALIA · med Agnes Mary Evans
            3. Charlotte Jane Evans, Charlotte 1888-1947
              Födelse · den 3 januari 1888 · Shobdon, Herefordshire
              Bröllop · den 20 augusti 1910 · North Fitzroy, Vict, AUSTRALIA · med Arthur Hugh Fraser Read
              Död · den 25 oktober 1947 · 59 år · Pascoe Vale, Victoria, AUSTRALIA

              Källor • födelse : Evans Family Bible • död : Evans Family Bible

              &1910 Arthur Hugh Fraser Read, Arthur
              Födelse · England
              Bröllop · den 20 augusti 1910 · North Fitzroy, Vict, AUSTRALIA · med Charlotte Jane Evans
            4. Reginald James Evans, Reginald 1891-1953
              Födelse · den 1 januari 1891 · Fitzroy, Victoria, AUSTRALIA - 43 Greeves Street
              Bröllop · [in (year)] 1918 · med Alice Keziah Bennet
              Död · den 8 april 1953 · 62 år · North Fitzroy, Victoria, AUSTRALIA - 212 Miller Street

              Källor • födelse : Evans Family Bible • död : Evans Family Bible

              &1918 Alice Keziah Bennet, Alice
              Bröllop · [in (year)] 1918 · med Reginald James Evans
            5. Elsie Macedon Evans, Elsie 1893-1981
              Födelse · den 25 mars 1893 · Macedon, Victoria, AUSTRALIA - Oatfield Park
              Bröllop · den 25 mars 1916 · North Fitzroy, Victoria, AUSTRALIA · med Alfred John Stringer
              Död · den 18 februari 1981 · 87 år · Brighton, Victoria, AUSTRALIA

              Källor • födelse : Evans Family Bible • död : Evans Family Bible

              &1916 Alfred John Stringer 1890-1944
              föräldrar : Arthur Stringer och Maria Comfort Nuttman
              Födelse · den 25 november 1890 · Richmond, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
              Bröllop · den 25 mars 1916 · North Fitzroy, Victoria, AUSTRALIA · med Elsie Macedon Evans
              Död · den 7 december 1944 · 54 år · Pascoe Vale, Victoria, AUSTRALIA

              Källor • död : Reg 12897

          5. Tom Scutt, Thomas, tailor 1862-
            Födelse · den 8 juli 1862 · Aymestry, Herefordshire
            Dop · den 10 augusti 1862 · Aymestry, Herefordshire
            Bröllop · den 22 maj 1893 · Stonnall, Staffordshire - St Peter · med Janet Flora Felton
            [witnesses] : Thomas Felton , William Frederick Tyler
            T S living in 1917 at 300 Slade, Birmingham, Warwickshire.

            Källor • födelse : Leominster 6a 495 • dop : IGI • Bröllop med Janet Flora Felton : Lichfield 6b 733

            Banns Apr30/May07/May14 Stonnal, Lichfield. T S (30) bachelor, tailor of Edgbaston - father:Samuel Scutt, gamekeeper. J F F (21) spinster of this parish - father:Thomas Felton, farm bailiff
            Janet Flora Felton, Janet, Scutt ca 1874-1941
            Födelse · omkring 1874 · Wellington, Shropshire
            Bröllop · den 22 maj 1893 · Stonnall, Staffordshire - St Peter · med Tom Scutt
            [witnesses] : Thomas Felton , William Frederick Tyler
            Död · [in (year)] 1941 · kanske 67 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire
            J F S 67yr.

            Källor • födelse : Census 1901 Warwickshire • Bröllop med Tom Scutt : Lichfield 6b 733 • död : Birmingham 6d 58

            1. Leslie Webb Scutt, Leslie/Lesley 1895-1969
              Födelse · den 15 september 1895 · Harborne, Warwickshire
              Död · den 21 maj 1969 · 73 år · Sarnia, Lambton, Ontario, CANADA
              Begravning · Lakeview Cemetery
              [Census 1901 Staffordshire. 1914-1918 recorded as Canadian.] [Soldiers of the First World War, CEF. No.2373388.] [L W S living in 1917 at Nanovan Club, Duluth, Minnesota, U.S.A., 5ft.7.1/2in. L W S travelled in 1923 from Southampton to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada arriving 1923 Mar 17 & 1944 May 15 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States.]

              Källor • födelse : King's N 6c 461 (4th.Q.) / Passenger lists leaving UK 1890-1960

            2. Arnold Felton Scutt, Arnold ca 1897-ca 1968
              Födelse · omkring augusti 1897 · Aston, Warwickshire
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1929 · Birmingham N., Warwickshire · med Ellen Elizabeth Wallis
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1955 · Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire · med Dorothy M. Smith
              Död · omkring februari 1968 · kanske 70 år · Lichfield, Staffordshire
              A F S - 70yr.

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 257 / Census 1901 Staffordshire • Bröllop med Ellen Elizabeth Wallis : Birmingham N 6d 1316 • Bröllop med Dorothy M. Smith : Sutton Coldfield 9c 2738 • död : Lichfield 9b 342

              &ca 1929 Ellen Elizabeth Wallis, Ellen, Scutt ca 1899-1949
              Födelse · omkring november 1899 · Birmingham, Warwickshire
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1929 · Birmingham N., Warwickshire · med Arnold Felton Scutt
              Död · den 11 juli 1949 · kanske 49 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire
              E E S - 49yr.

              Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 108 • Bröllop med Arnold Felton Scutt : Birmingham N 6d 1316 • död : Birmingham 9c 47

              &ca 1955 Dorothy M. Smith, Dorothy
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1955 · Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire · med Arnold Felton Scutt
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1969 · Lichfield, Staffordshire · med Frederick Steele

              Källor • Bröllop med Arnold Felton Scutt : Sutton Coldfield 9c 2738 • Bröllop med Frederick Steele : Lichfield 9b 833

            3. Wilfred Tom Scutt, Wilfred 1908-ca 1973
              Födelse · den 6 november 1908 · Aston, Warwickshire
              Bröllop · omkring februari 1938 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Dorothy Mabel Jones
              Skilsmässa · omkring 1950 · med Dorothy Mabel Jones
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1952 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Irene N. Nicholas
              Död · omkring februari 1973 · kanske 64 år · Wharfedale district, Yorkshire
              North Devon Journal Thu 25 Apr 1946. Ilfracombe had a very fair share of holiday makers for Easter, but was not overcrowded. Trains from London and the Midlands brought large numbers. The town welcomed their holiday guests with an abundance of sunshine and open spaces but very little entertainment. The few hotels that were available were soon full. The food situation remained very satisfactory, and there was no shortage of any kind. Chars-a-banc and car proprietors had a very busy opening, and in the opinion of an old resident the town's Victory Season began very well. The following appears in the list of new companies: Private company. Registered April 10. Capital: �10,000 in �1 shares, 6,000 Six per Cent. Cumulative Preference and 4,000 Ordinary Objects. To acquire the business of hotel proprietors, etc., heretofore carried on at Ilfracombe the Runnacleave Hotel. Ilfracombe, Ltd. The directors are: Geo. P. Jester, 47, Heathfleld Road. Handsworth, Birmingham; Wilfred T. Scutt, 172, Edmund Street, Birmingham; Stewart F. Eve, 379, Otley Road, Leeds; and Paul G. Swinburne, Runnacleave Hotel, Ilfracombe. Solicitors: T. Fairchild Day, Barclays Bank Chambers, Ilfracombe. Registered office: The Runnacleave Hotel, Ilfracombe.] [(1953) 39A Horsefair, Birmingham & 78 Westfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham.]

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 399 / North Devon Journal [1946 Apr 25] • Bröllop med Dorothy Mabel Jones : Birmingham 6d 365 • Bröllop med Irene N. Nicholas : Birmingham 9c 777 [2x] • död : Wharfedale 2d 2016

              &ca 1938
              (divorce in Warwickshire?) / (ReMarriages) / The London Gazette
              Dorothy Mabel Jones, Dorothy
              Bröllop · omkring februari 1938 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Wilfred Tom Scutt
              Skilsmässa · omkring 1950 · med Wilfred Tom Scutt
              Bröllop · omkring februari 1953 · Worcester district, Worcestershire · med Herbert P. Yarwood
              (1) Notice is hereby given that by a Deed Poll dated 9th November 1962 and enrolled in the Supreme Court of Judicature on 17th January 1963 Dorothy Mabel Yarwood of 82 Reddings Road, Moseley in the city of Birmingham, married woman, the mother and legal guardian of VERONICA JANET YARWOOD of Moseley in the city of Birmingham on behalf of the said Veronica Janet Yarwood an infant a spinster and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by birth abandoned the surname of Scutt - dated the 30th day of January 1963, Price Atkins & Price, 71 Temple Row, Birmingham 2, Solicitors for the said Dorothy Mabel Yarwood and Veronica Janet Yarwood formerly Veronica Janet Scutt. (2) Notice is hereby given that by a Deed Poll dated 9th November 1962 and enrolled in the Supreme Court of Judicature on 17th January 1963 Dorothy Mabel Yarwood of 82 Reddings Road, Moseley in the city of Birmingham, married woman, the mother and legal guardian of ELIZABETH FELTON YARWOOD of 82 Reddings Road, Moseley in the city of Birmingham on behalf the said Elizabeth Felton Yarwood an infant a spinster and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by birth abandoned the surname of Scutt - dated the 30th day of January 1963, Price Atkins & Price, 71 Temple Row, Birmingham, Solicitors for the said Dorothy Mabel Yarwood and Elizabeth Felton Yarwood, formerly Elizabeth Felton Scutt.

              Källor • Bröllop med Wilfred Tom Scutt : Birmingham 6d 365 • Bröllop med Herbert P. Yarwood : Worcester 9d 724 / The London Gazette [1963]

              1. Veronica Janet Scutt, Veronica, Yarwood 1942-2007
                Födelse · den 16 juli 1942 · Birmingham, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1965 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Charles A. E. Smallwood
                Skilsmässa · omkring 1975 · med Charles A. E. Smallwood
                Bröllop · omkring 1977 · Warwickshire? · med ------ Griffith
                Bröllop · omkring 1990 · Warwickshire? · med Ian Partridge
                Död · den 12 juli 2007 · 64 år · Solihull, Warwickshire
                Notice is hereby given that by a Deed Poll dated 9th November 1962 and enrolled in the Supreme Court of Judicature on 17th January 1963 Dorothy Mabel Yarwood of 82 Reddings Road, Moseley in the city of Birmingham, married woman, the mother and legal guardian of VERONICA JANET YARWOOD of Moseley in the city of Birmingham on behalf of the said Veronica Janet Yarwood an infant a spinster and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by birth abandoned the surname of Scutt - dated the 30th day of January 1963, Price Atkins & Price, 71 Temple Row, Birmingham 2, Solicitors for the said Dorothy Mabel Yarwood and Veronica Janet Yarwood formerly Veronica Janet Scutt.

                Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 320 / The London Gazette [1963] • Bröllop med Charles A. E. Smallwood : Birmingham 9c 351 [Scutt] • Bröllop med ------ Griffith : Colin Yarwood • Bröllop med Ian Partridge : Colin Yarwood • död : Colin Yarwood

                &ca 1965
                two children born here
                Charles A. E. Smallwood, Charles
                Bröllop · omkring maj 1965 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Veronica Janet Scutt
                Skilsmässa · omkring 1975 · med Veronica Janet Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Veronica Janet Scutt : Birmingham 9c 351 [Scutt]

                &ca 1977 ------ Griffith
                Bröllop · omkring 1977 · Warwickshire? · med Veronica Janet Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Veronica Janet Scutt : Colin Yarwood

                &ca 1990 Ian Partridge
                Bröllop · omkring 1990 · Warwickshire? · med Veronica Janet Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Veronica Janet Scutt : Colin Yarwood

              2. Elizabeth Felton Scutt, Elizabeth, Yarwood 1948
                Födelse · den 8 april 1948 · 76 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring 1970 · med Derek Evans
                Notice is hereby given that by a Deed Poll dated 9th November 1962 and enrolled in the Supreme Court of Judicature on 17th January 1963 Dorothy Mabel Yarwood of 82 Reddings Road, Moseley in the city of Birmingham, married woman, the mother and legal guardian of ELIZABETH FELTON YARWOOD of 82 Reddings Road, Moseley in the city of Birmingham on behalf the said Elizabeth Felton Yarwood an infant a spinster and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by birth abandoned the surname of Scutt - dated the 30th day of January 1963, Price Atkins & Price, 71 Temple Row, Birmingham, Solicitors for the said Dorothy Mabel Yarwood and Elizabeth Felton Yarwood, formerly Elizabeth Felton Scutt.

                Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 736 • Bröllop med Derek Evans : BMD [Yarwood] / Colin Yarwood

                &ca 1970
                both living in (2009) South Africa
                Derek Evans
                Bröllop · omkring 1970 · med Elizabeth Felton Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Elizabeth Felton Scutt : BMD [Yarwood] / Colin Yarwood

              &ca 1952
              both Hampton and Spiers noted here
              Irene N. Nicholas, Irene, Hampton/Spiers
              Bröllop · omkring november 1923 · Edmonton district, Middlesex (London) · med Cecil H. Hampton
              Bröllop · omkring februari 1945 · Wednesbury district, Staffordshire · med Albert R. Spiers
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1952 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Wilfred Tom Scutt

              Källor • Bröllop med Cecil H. Hampton : Edmonton 3a 1284 • Bröllop med Albert R. Spiers : Wednesbury 6b 1623 • Bröllop med Wilfred Tom Scutt : Birmingham 9c 777 [2x]

            4. Margery Nellie Scutt, Margery ca 1910-
              Födelse · omkring maj 1910 · Erdington, Warwickshire

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 397 / 1939 Registration

          6. Agnes Scutt 1864-1867
            Födelse · den 11 maj 1864 · Aymestry, Herefordshire
            Död · den 8 december 1867 · 3 år · Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire
            A S - 3yr. [Presteigne spans the boundaries of the counties of Herefordshire and Radnorshire].

            Källor • födelse : Leominster 6a 529 • död : Presteigne 11b 110

          7. Annie Scutt, Anne 1866-1891
            Födelse · [in (year)] 1866 · Aymestry, Herefordshire
            Dop · den 30 mars 1866 · Aymestry, Herefordshire
            Bröllop · i februari 1887 · Knighton, Radnorshire · med William Clayton
            Död · den 18 maj 1891 · 25 år · Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire
            A C - 25yr., died of renal disease.

            Källor • dop : Leominster 6a 544 / IGI • Bröllop med William Clayton : Knighton 11b 167 • död : Carmarthen 11a 724

            &1887 William Clayton
            Bröllop · i februari 1887 · Knighton, Radnorshire · med Annie Scutt

            Källor • Bröllop med Annie Scutt : Knighton 11b 167

            1. Florence Mary Clayton, Florence ca 1891-
              Födelse · omkring februari 1891 · Narberth district, Carmarthenshire

              Källor • födelse : Narberth 11a 1088

          8. Mary Scutt 1868-ca 1868
            Födelse · i maj 1868 · Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire
            Dop · den 8 maj 1868 · Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire
            Död · omkring maj 1868 · kanske födelse · Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire
            Begravning · [in (year)] 1868 · Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire
            M S - 0yr.

            Källor • födelse : Presteigne 11b 170 • dop : IGI • död : Presteigne 11b 120

          9. Joseph Scutt 1868-1868
            Födelse · den 8 maj 1868 · Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire
            Död · i maj 1868 · födelse · Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire
            Begravning · [in (year)] 1868 · Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire
            J S - 0yr.

            Källor • födelse : Presteigne 11b 170 / IGI • död : Presteigne 11b 118

          10. Joseph Scutt 1869-1905
            Födelse · den 14 juni 1869 · Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire
            Dop · den 1 augusti 1869 · Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire
            Bröllop · omkring november 1894 · Shifnal, Shropshire · med Elizabeth L. Chesterfield
            Död · den 10 februari 1905 · 35 år · Aston, Warwickshire
            J S - 35yr.

            Källor • födelse : Presteigne 11b 159 • dop : IGI C13726-1 • Bröllop med Elizabeth L. Chesterfield : Shifnal 6a 1269 • död : Aston 6d 214

            &ca 1894 Elizabeth L. Chesterfield, Elizabeth ca 1875-ca 1965
            föräldrar : ------ Chesterfield †/1901 och Mary ------ ca 1848-
            Födelse · omkring 1875 · Whampton, Staffordshire
            Bröllop · omkring november 1894 · Shifnal, Shropshire · med Joseph Scutt
            Död · omkring november 1965 · kanske 90 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire
            E S - 90yr.

            Källor • födelse : Census 1901 Warwickshire • Bröllop med Joseph Scutt : Shifnal 6a 1269 • död : Birmingham 9c 25

            1. Joseph Harry Scutt, Joseph ca 1895-1917
              Födelse · omkring augusti 1895 · Shifnal, Shropshire
              Död · den 21 maj 1917 · kanske 21 år · W.W.I. FRANCE
              Begravning · i maj 1917 · Arras Memorial, Pas-de-Calais, France - plot: bay 6
              Worcester Regiment - private 39654.

              Källor • födelse : Shifnal 6a 599 • död : Indexes to War Deaths 1914-1921 1917 I. 55 280

            2. Flora Jane Scutt, Flora/Jane 1896-1985
              Födelse · den 11 september 1896 · Shifnal, Shropshire
              Dop · Shifnal, Shropshire
              Bröllop · den 6 december 1920 · Bordesley, Aston, Warwickshire - St Andrew · med George Albert Scutt
              Död · den 9 juli 1985 · 88 år · Hitchin district, Hertfordshire

              Källor • födelse : Shifnal 6a 585 (3rd.Q.) / Census 1901 Warwickshire • dop : Shropshire Baptisms 1538-1900 • Bröllop med George Albert Scutt : Aston 6d 1019 • död : Hitchin 0785 10 0404

              &1920 George Albert Scutt, George 1893-1977
              föräldrar : Henry Scutt 1852-1938 och Harriet Wild ca 1856-ca 1926
              Födelse · den 27 april 1893 · Stanford, Worcestershire
              Bröllop · den 6 december 1920 · Bordesley, Aston, Warwickshire - St Andrew · med Flora Jane Scutt
              Död · den 2 oktober 1977 · 84 år · Hatfield district, Hertfordshire

              Källor • födelse : Martley 6c 269 • Bröllop med Flora Jane Scutt : Aston 6d 1019 • död : Hatfield 10 0270

              ⇒ se ovan
            3. William Alfred Scutt, William/Alfred/Alfred William 1897-1959
              Födelse · den 29 december 1897 · Small Heath, Birmingham, Warwickshire
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1919 · Aston, Warwickshire · med Gertrude Jane Smith
              Död · den 17 augusti 1959 · 61 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire
              Census 1901 Warwickshire states Alfred William Scutt. W A S - 61yr.

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 270 (1898 1st.Q.) • Bröllop med Gertrude Jane Smith : Aston 6d 1174 • död : Birmingham 9c 299

              &ca 1919 Gertrude Jane Smith, Gertrude, Scutt 1900-1986
              Födelse · den 22 mars 1900 · Birmingham, Warwickshire
              Bröllop · omkring augusti 1919 · Aston, Warwickshire · med William Alfred Scutt
              Död · i september 1986 · 86 år · Lancaster district, Lancashire

              Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 73 (2nd.Q.) • Bröllop med William Alfred Scutt : Aston 6d 1174 • död : Lancaster 0986 40 1419

              1. Mary A. Scutt, Mary ca 1920
                Födelse · omkring februari 1920 · Aston, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring november 1938 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Evan L. Davies

                Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 1087 • Bröllop med Evan L. Davies : Birmingham 6d 262

                &ca 1938 Evan L. Davies, Evan
                Bröllop · omkring november 1938 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Mary A. Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Mary A. Scutt : Birmingham 6d 262

                1. Raymond Davies ca 1939
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1939 · 85 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 546

                2. Mervyn Davies ca 1942
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1942 · 82 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 602

                3. Derek Davies ca 1943
                  Födelse · omkring november 1943 · 80 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 516

                4. Maurice Davies ca 1948
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1948 · 76 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 9c 604

                5. Terence A. Davies, Terence ca 1954
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1954 · 70 år · Carmarthen district, Carmarthenshire

                  Källor • födelse : Carmarthen 8a 237

                6. Clive Davies ca 1955
                  Födelse · omkring februari 1955 · 69 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 9c 300

              2. Henry Joseph Scutt, Henry 1921-1985
                Födelse · den 18 januari 1921 · Aston, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring november 1942 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Ellen Jackson
                Död · i oktober 1985 · 64 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 876 • Bröllop med Ellen Jackson : Birmingham 6d 730 • död : Birmingham 1085 32 1426

                &ca 1942 Ellen Jackson, Scutt 1920-2002
                Födelse · den 29 december 1920
                Bröllop · omkring november 1942 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Henry Joseph Scutt
                Död · [in (year)] 2002 · 82 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire - 1 Buckland End

                Källor • Bröllop med Henry Joseph Scutt : Birmingham 6d 730 • död : Birmingham 0611B B22B

                1. Ellen Scutt 1945-1991
                  Födelse · den 24 januari 1945 · Birmingham, Warwickshire
                  Död · i juni 1991 · 46 år · Solihull North district, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 542 • död : Solihull N 0691 34 0016

              3. Rene G. Scutt, Rene ca 1922
                Födelse · omkring november 1922 · Birmingham, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring februari 1945 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Thomas M. Lewis

                Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 635 • Bröllop med Thomas M. Lewis : Birmingham 6d 677

                &ca 1945 Thomas M. Lewis, Thomas
                Bröllop · omkring februari 1945 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Rene G. Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Rene G. Scutt : Birmingham 6d 677

                1. David Lewis ca 1945
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1945 · 79 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 533

                2. Carole Lewis ca 1949
                  Födelse · omkring februari 1949 · 75 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 9c 568

                3. Paul Lewis ca 1950
                  Födelse · omkring november 1950 · 73 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 9c 354

              4. Doris M. Scutt, Doris ca 1924
                Födelse · omkring maj 1924 · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                Källor • födelse : Birmingham 6d 690

              5. Hilda Beryl Scutt, Hilda ca 1928-1991
                Födelse · omkring 8 juli 1928 · Birmingham South, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring november 1948 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Frederick H. Dawes
                Död · den 19 juli 1991 · kanske 63 år · Preston, Lancashire

                Källor • födelse : Birmingham S 6d 293 • Bröllop med Frederick H. Dawes : Birmingham 9c 218 • död : Dawes Family Tree

                &ca 1948 Frederick H. Dawes, Frederick
                Bröllop · omkring november 1948 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Hilda Beryl Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Hilda Beryl Scutt : Birmingham 9c 218

                1. Derek Dawes ca 1949
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1949 · 75 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 9c 573

                2. Glenis Dawes ca 1950
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1950 · 74 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 9c 483

                3. Cheryl Dawes ca 1953
                  Födelse · omkring maj 1953 · 71 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 9c 351

                4. Jayne Dawes ca 1955
                  Födelse · omkring februari 1955 · 69 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 9c 309

                5. Pauline Dawes ca 1960
                  Födelse · omkring februari 1960 · 64 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire

                  Källor • födelse : Birmingham 9c 412

              6. Veda M. Scutt, Veda ca 1931
                Födelse · omkring november 1931 · 92 år · Birmingham South, Warwickshire
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1954 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Edward Williams

                Källor • födelse : Birmingham South 6d 313 • Bröllop med Edward Williams : Birmingham 9c 287

                &ca 1954 Edward Williams
                Bröllop · omkring augusti 1954 · Birmingham, Warwickshire · med Veda M. Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Veda M. Scutt : Birmingham 9c 287

            4. Lilian Maud Scutt, Lilian ca 1899-ca 1901
              Födelse · omkring december 1899 · Small Heath, Birmingham, Warwickshire
              Död · omkring oktober 1901 · kanske 22 månader · Small Heath, Birmingham, Warwickshire
              L M S - 1yr.

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 265 • död : Aston 6d 171

            5. Agnes May Scutt, Agnes, Ward ca 1902-1975
              Födelse · omkring februari 1902 · Small Heath, Birmingham, Warwickshire
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1930 · Bordesley, Birmingham South, Warwickshire - St Andrew · med George Arthur Ward
              Död · den 18 september 1975 · kanske 73 år

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 223 • Bröllop med George Arthur Ward : Birmingham S 6d 140 • död : Teresa A Martin

              &ca 1930 George Arthur Ward, George
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1930 · Bordesley, Birmingham South, Warwickshire - St Andrew · med Agnes May Scutt

              Källor • Bröllop med Agnes May Scutt : Birmingham S 6d 140

            6. Arthur James Scutt, Arthur ca 1903-ca 1963
              Födelse · omkring maj 1903 · Aston, Warwickshire
              Död · omkring februari 1963 · kanske 59 år · Birmingham, Warwickshire
              A J S - 59yr.

              Källor • födelse : Aston 6d 285 • död : Birmingham 9c 478

          11. Mary Scutt 1875-1893
            Födelse · den 14 maj 1875 · Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire
            Dop · den 4 juli 1875 · Staunton-on-Arrow, Herefordshire
            Död · i november 1893 · 18 år · Knighton, Radnorshire
            M S - 18yr.

            Källor • födelse : Kington 6a 561 • dop : IGI C13726-1 • död : Knighton 11b 102

          &ca 1894 Bessie Perriton ca 1860-1902
          Födelse · omkring 1860 · Plymouth, Devon
          Bröllop · omkring augusti 1894 · Plymouth, Devon - All Saints · med Samuel Scutt
          Död · den 18 december 1902 · kanske 42 år · Bicton Heath, Shropshire
          B S - 41yr., to S S, retired gamekeeper.

          Källor • födelse : Census 1901 Breconshire • Bröllop med Samuel Scutt : Plymouth 5b 429 • död : Atcham 6a 480 / Wills 1903

      2. William Scutt, dairyman (1851-1861). ca 1783-ca 1867
        Födelse · omkring december 1783 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 5 januari 1784 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Bröllop · den 27 oktober 1828 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Elizabeth Williams
        [witnesses] : Robert Meager , William Hooper
        Död · omkring februari 1867 · kanske 83 år · Wareham district, Dorset
        [Oxford Journal, Saturday 23 November 1822. Reedness Corn Law Debate, Edward Scutt do, Wm Sutt do.] [W S - 84yr.]

        Källor • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 • Bröllop med Elizabeth Williams : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 • död : Wareham 5a 251

        Banns 1828 Oct 22. W S & E W both of Affpuddle.
        Elizabeth Williams, Betsy/Ann, Scutt ca 1796-ca 1884
        Födelse · omkring december 1796 · Osmington, Dorset
        Bröllop · den 27 oktober 1828 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med William Scutt
        [witnesses] : Robert Meager , William Hooper
        Död · omkring november 1884 · kanske 87 år · Wareham district, Dorset
        E S - 87yr. Census 1841 Dorset states Betsy Scutt.

        Källor • födelse : Census 1851-61-71 Dorset • Bröllop med William Scutt : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 • död : Wareham 5a 187

        1. Anne Scutt, Ann 1828-ca 1863
          Födelse · [in (year)] 1828 · Turnerspuddle, Dorset
          Dop · den 25 december 1828 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Död · omkring augusti 1863 · kanske 35 år · Coombe Keynes, Dorset

          Relationer • Bröllop · 16 april 1861 · Wool, Dorset : Thomas Scutt ca 1832-1911 och Jane Bushrod ca 1822-ca 1882

          [Father:labourer of Throop.] [Census 1841 Dorset - Jane Scutt b:c1836.] [Sherborne Mercury - Tuesday 25 August 1863 Dorchester, 3 months, Inquest. - Alleged Wrong - Treatment by a Medical Man. Considerable excitement was caused in the village of Coombe Keynes, on Tuesday and Wednesday, by rumours that a young woman named Ann Scutt, a domestic servant recently in the employ of Mr. Nathan, surgeon, of Weymouth, had met with her death from wrong treatment by Mr. Nathan. An inquest was therefore held on Wednesday at Coombe, before the coroner, Giles Symonds, Esq. Mr. Howard, of Weymouth, appeared to watch the proceedings on behalf of Mr. Nathan. The first witness called was Ann Scutt, the mother of the deceased, who stated that she and her husband lived at Coombe. On Monday week her daughter came home from Mr. Nathan's, after being in his service a year and nine months. She complained of a pain in her side and stomach, and of being unwell. She continued until Saturday without having any medical advice, but on that day Mr. Granger, surgeon, was sent for. Deceased had been taking medicine, which she brought from Weymouth. The medicine consisted of a mixture and some pills. She was sick all the time, and complained of getting thinner and thinner. Mary Scutt, sister to the deceased, stated that she slept with her up to Sunday night, and that she had seen her take the medicine, which she brought home with her. Deceased was very sick and relaxed in her bowels after the medicine. Thomas Scutt, deceased's brother, proved that after his sister's death he took charge of the medicine, and afterwards gave it to Supt. Eeles, according to Mr. Granger's wish. Had heard deceased complained of a pain in her side, and he was anxious that Mr. Granger should see her, but she refused, saying, "No, no, I don't think I shall. I have some medicine from nay master, and when I get a little better I shall go to Mr. Nott, at Bere". Superintendent Eeles proved receiving the medicine from last witness, and giving it to Mr. Granger, who having tasted it, returned it to witness: Henry Nathan said he was formerly in practice at Weymouth, and the deceased had been his servant. She had been suffering from ill-health for some time, and went home on Monday week in consequence of his wishing it. She had never been well since she was confined, about two years ago he attended her then at her particular request, although at that time he had relinquished practice. Had known her about ten years, and had attended her when she was at service in a former situation for bilious attacks and irregular action of the heart. When she left to go home he made up some medicine for her, and he believed that now produced was the same. The pills contained six grains of calomel, and two scruples of compound rhubarb, divided into twelve pills. The mixture was composed of six drachms of sulphate of magnesia, peppermint water, and one half drachm of compound spirit of lavender, to be taken in six doses as required. It was an ordinary mild antibilious aperient, and was the proper medicine for a person troubled with sickness and constipation; Deceased was suffering from a low bilious fever, and she was one of the most delicate constructed woman he had ever seen; a poor nervous creature, delicately organised, with small face and features. He had taken her into his service from mere charity, but she was not treated as a menial. He had prescribed for her the same medicine before. The label on the bottle was not written for her, but deceased was well acquainted with the manner in which it was to be taken. William Granger, surgeon, of Wool, said he was sent for to attend deceased on Saturday. He found her dying, and beyond the reach of medical assistance. He then went on to East Lulworth but called again on his return home and found her sensible, but she had not been so before. He enquired where the pain was, when deceased put her hand on her stomach, and from what he could understand she meant that her spirits were bad or broken. He replied that there must be some cause for this, but she made no answer, - He told her mother that this was a most curious case, and that he should not be able to give a certificate, but if she could get one from Mr. Nathan, well and good. Deceased's mother showed him the medicine, but he thought it strange that deceased should take such medicines, especially when she was so relaxed. He believed the pills contained calomel and the mixture salts. The medicine was adapted for a person suffering from a bilious attack or constipation. He believed her blood was in a very bad state. She was not in the family way. Edward Mercer, surgeon off Wareham, said he had made a post mortem examination of the body, and was opinion that death was caused by pleurisy of no recent date. He found sufficient to show that death was from natural causes. He believed the foundation of the medicine was Epsom salts. Assuming the pills and mixture to be composed of what was described above, he considered the medicine was proper for anyone suffering from biliary derangement, with constipation. The Coroner briefly summed up, remarking that the medical evidence was so lucid as to death being the result of natural causes, that there was not the' slightest imputation on the medical man who had given deceased the medicine. The jury immediately returned a verdict of "Death from natural causes."]

          Källor • födelse : Census 1841-51 Dorset • dop : Turners Puddle Baptisms 1822-1880 • död : Wareham 5a 17(3) / Sherborne Mercury [1863 Aug 23]

        2. Thomas Scutt, (1853) shopkeeper ca 1832-1911
          Födelse · omkring september 1832 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 16 april 1861 · Wool, Dorset · med Jane Bushrod
          [witnesses] : John Lovelass , Anne Scutt 1828-ca 1863
          Död · den 14 maj 1911 · kanske 78 år · Lychett Minster, Dorset
          Begravning · den 17 maj 1911 · Lychett Minster, Dorset
          T S 78yr., farmer. To Mary Ann Scutt (spinster) & Ann Boatswain (widow).

          Källor • födelse : Census 1841-51-61-81-91-1901 Dorset • Bröllop med Jane Bushrod : Wareham 5a 589 • död : Poole 5a 157 / Wills 1911

          T S (28) bachelor, dairyman from Coombe Keynes - father:William Scutt, dairyman. J B (38) widow, dressmaker from Coombe Keynes - father:William Lake, labourer.
          Jane Bushrod, Scutt ca 1822-ca 1882
          Födelse · omkring 1822 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 16 april 1861 · Wool, Dorset · med Thomas Scutt
          [witnesses] : John Lovelass , Anne Scutt 1828-ca 1863
          Död · omkring februari 1882 · kanske 60 år · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
          Begravning · [in (year)] 1882 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
          J S - 59yr.

          Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) / Census 1881 Dorset • Bröllop med Thomas Scutt : Wareham 5a 589 • död : Wareham 5a 211 • begravning : Parish Church Coombe Keynes

          1. Mary Ann Scutt, Mary, (1901) housekeeper domestic ca 1861-1938
            Födelse · omkring juni 1861 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Död · den 23 juni 1938 · kanske 77 år · Dilton Lychett, Lychett Minster, Dorset
            Begravning · den 26 juni 1938 · Lychett Minster, Dorset
            Census 1881-91-1901 Dorset. M A S - 76yr., spinster, lived at 52 Woodbine Cottage, Lychett Minster, Poole, Dorset - d:Dilton Lychett. To Reginald Arthur Cole Chilcott (farmer).

            Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 304 • död : Poole 5a 266 / Wills 1938

          2. Ann Scutt, Anne, Boatswain ca 1863-ca 1938
            Födelse · omkring oktober 1863 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Dop · den 25 oktober 1863 · Coombe Keynes, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 10 juni 1900 · Melcombe Regis, Dorset - St John · med Thomas Oliver Boatswain
            Död · omkring februari 1938 · kanske 74 år · Poole district, Dorset
            Ann Scutt bapt:1853 Oct 25; daughter of Thomas & Jane; Coombe Keynes; Shopkeeper; T.E. Sainsbury. A B - 74yr.

            Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 302 • dop : Coombe Keynes Baptisms 1842-1879 / IGI • Bröllop med Thomas Oliver Boatswain : Weymouth 5a 707 • död : Poole 5a 300

            Thomas O. Boatswain was previously married and with children.
            Thomas Oliver Boatswain, Thomas, (1901) farmer ca 1846-ca 1908
            Födelse · omkring 1846 · Abbotsbury, Dorset
            Bröllop · med Annie Eliza Gillingham
            Bröllop · den 10 juni 1900 · Melcombe Regis, Dorset - St John · med Ann Scutt
            Död · omkring augusti 1908 · kanske 62 år · Dorchester district, Dorset
            T O B - 64yr.

            Källor • födelse : Census 1901 Dorset • Bröllop med Ann Scutt : Weymouth 5a 707 • död : Dorchester 5a 171

        3. Mary Scutt, Jane 1836-1914
          Födelse · [in (year)] 1836 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Dop · den 20 mars 1836 · Turnerspuddle, Dorset
          Död · den 22 januari 1914 · 78 år · Lychett Minster, Dorset
          [Father:labourer of Throofs.] [Jane Scutt - Census 1841 Dorset.] [M S - 77yr., spinster. To Mary Ann Scutt, spinster.]

          Källor • födelse : Census 1841-51-61 Dorset • dop : Turners Puddle Baptisms 1822-1880 • död : Poole 5a 382 / Wills 1914

      3. Mary Scutt 1785-
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1785 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 5 januari 1786 · Affpuddle, Dorset

        Källor • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 / IGI

      4. Sarah Scutt, Scutt 1788-1868
        Födelse · [in (year)] 1788 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Dop · den 20 april 1788 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Bröllop · den 26 februari 1808 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Thomas Tizard
        [witnesses] : James Davis , Richard Scutt ca 1781-1868
        Död · [in (year)] 1868 · 80 år · Dorchester district, Dorset
        Begravning · den 4 april 1868 · Dawlish, Devon
        S S bapt:1788 Apr 21 also noted (IGI). S T - 80yr.

        Källor • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1731-1812 / IGI • Bröllop med Thomas Tizard : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 / Dorset Marriages • död : Dorchester 5a 221 • begravning : IGI

        Banns 1808 Feb 22. S S spinster of Affpuddle & T T batchelor of Turners Piddle.
        Thomas Tizard, schoolmaster 1786-1833
        Dop · den 15 oktober 1786 · Affpuddle, Dorset
        Bröllop · den 26 februari 1808 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Sarah Scutt
        [witnesses] : James Davis , Richard Scutt ca 1781-1868
        Död · i oktober 1833 · kanske 47 år
        Begravning · den 20 oktober 1833 · Briantspuddle, Dorset
        T T - 47yr.

        Källor • Bröllop med Sarah Scutt : Affpuddle Marriages 1736-1849 / Dorset Marriages

        1. Mary Anne Tizard, Mary, Tizzard 1811-
          Födelse · [in (year)] 1811 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Dop · den 3 november 1811 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 13 december 1834 · med Joseph Riggs

          Källor • dop : IGI

          &1834 Joseph Riggs
          Bröllop · den 13 december 1834 · med Mary Anne Tizard
      5. John Scutt, (1814-1826) blacksmith of Pallington ca 1789-1849
        Födelse · omkring augusti 1789 · Moreton, Dorset
        Dop · [in (year)] 1789 · Affpuddle/Moreton, Dorset
        Bröllop · den 13 januari 1812 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med Mary Roberts
        [witnesses] : William Runyard , Elizabeth Ingram
        Död · den 4 februari 1849 · kanske 59 år · Hurst Farm, Affpuddle, Dorset
        Begravning · den 9 februari 1849 · Moreton, Dorset
        [Salisbury and Winchester Journal, Wiltshire, Monday 23 February 1829. A black hackney mare, 14 hands high, was on Thursday night stolen from the stable of Mr. John Scutt, at Waddock, in the parish of Affpuddle, Dorset.] [Salisbury & Winchester Journal, Wiltshire, Saturday 04 November 1843. As Mr. John Scutt, yeoman, of Hurst Farm, near Moreton, was returning from Dorchester Fair, Wednesday evening last, in company with his two sons and brother, the horse on which he was riding, being a spirited one, shied and threw him, and pitching the back of his head, fractured his skull, and otherwise bruised him. Medical attendance being at hand, he was conveyed to the Three Mariners Inn where every attention was paid him, but still lies in a very precarious state.] [J S - 59yr.]

        Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) / Birth Brief SofG • dop : Dorset Baptisms, Marriages & Burials 1538-1812 • Bröllop med Mary Roberts : Dorset Marriages • död : Wareham & C 8 83 • begravning : Affpuddle Burials 1813-1880

        J S & M R both of Affpuddle.
        Mary Roberts, Scutt ca 1783-1844
        Födelse · omkring oktober 1783
        Bröllop · den 13 januari 1812 · Affpuddle, Dorset · med John Scutt
        [witnesses] : William Runyard , Elizabeth Ingram
        Död · den 25 april 1844 · kanske 60 år · Hurst Farm, Moreton, Dorset
        Begravning · den 1 maj 1844 · Moreton, Dorset
        Sherborne Mercury - Saturday 04 May 1844. April 25, at Hurst Farm, near Moreton, Mary, wife of Mr. John Scutt, yeoman, aged 57 years.

        Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) • Bröllop med John Scutt : Dorset Marriages • död : Wareham & C 8 83 / Sherborne Mercury [1844 May 04] • begravning : Affpuddle Burials 1813-1880

        1. Richard Roberts Scutt, Richard Robert/Richard, (1837) bailiff ca 1813-ca 1886
          Födelse · omkring december 1813 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Dop · den 1 januari 1814 · Affpuddle, Dorset
          Bröllop · den 1 januari 1836 · Moreton, Dorset · med Sarah Maria Jones
          [witnesses] : William Scutt 1819-1872, Esther Mary Jones ca 1816-1898
          Död · omkring maj 1886 · kanske 72 år · Wareham district, Dorset

          Relationer • Bröllop · 3 augusti 1843 · Moreton, Dorset : Joseph Brownjohn och Mary Anne Scutt ca 1816-ca 1875

          [Bath Chronicle & Weekly Gazette Thu 19 Sep 1844. AGRICULTURE. A Huge Potatoe. Mr. Richard Scutt, of Chamberlaine's Mills, near Bere Regis, Dorset, dug up in his garden, a few days since, a single potatoe, solid and of fine quality, of the unprecedented weight of 7lbs., of the sort called the White Bloom.] [Census 1841-61-71-81 Dorset.] [R R S - 72yr.]

          Källor • födelse : IGI (Marriages) • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1813-1880 • Bröllop med Sarah Maria Jones : Moreton Marriages 1731-1846 • död : Wareham 5a 190

          Richard Scutt bachelor married Sarah Maria Jones, spinster both of this parish by licence. No:53
          Sarah Maria Jones, Sarah, Scutt †1886
          Bröllop · den 1 januari 1836 · Moreton, Dorset · med Richard Roberts Scutt
          [witnesses] : William Scutt 1819-1872, Esther Mary Jones ca 1816-1898
          Död · den 12 oktober 1886 · Bere Regis, Dorset
          [S M S 79yr.] [Reading Mercury Sat 23 Oct 1886. Alleged Murder of Grandmother. A man named Sidney Russell was charged at Wareham, Dorset with the murder of his grandmother Sarah Scutt. The prisoner gave himself up to the Police Station on Wednesday morning, and charged himself with murder. Mrs. Scutt was found lying dead at her house shot through head. The prisoner was stated to have purchased a revolver at Wareham on Tuesday. He was committed for trial Tuesday. The deceased woman was 71 years of age.] [The murder occurred in 1886 at Chamberlaynes in a cottage opposite the school, and was reported in the Dorset County Chronicle of 14 October, 1886 as follows, under the heading: Shocking Murder at Bere Regis - A YOUNG MAN SHOOTING HIS GRANDMOTHER. A young man named Sidney Russell, aged 21, on Tuesday night shot his grandmother, Sarah Scutt, aged 79, with a pistol. After committing the dreadful deed he went to the police station and gave himself into the custody of Pc. Bugby, to whom he confessed his crime, for which no motive has yet been assigned. When surrendering himself he said to the constable "I have shot my grandmother; you must go and look into it." This was at five o'clock in the morning. The young man lived with his grandmother, with whom, it is said, he was not on very friendly terms. The latter sentence appears to be something of an understatement as Russell had been about to leave his grandmother for good by emigrating to Australia. In fact his departure was so imminent that his luggage had already been taken to Wareham station, and he had spent the evening going around Bere Heath and Hyde making last farewells to various friends and acquaintances. No really clear motive emerged at his subsequent trial, but it was by some supposed that the number of farewell drinks he had taken with friends during the evening had been sufficient to unbalance him. The effect which this episode must have had on the neighbouring school can be imagined from the following relevant entries in the Heath School log book by the mistress, Miss Horth: Oct 15, "No school on Thursday afternoon as the room was required for the inquest up-on the body of Mrs Scutt who was murdered by her Grandson Sydney Russell in the cottage opposite the school on the previous Tuesday night". Nov 9th, "Compelled to close the school this afternoon as I have to go to Winchester to appear as a witness against Sydney Russell". Nov 16th, "Returned from Winchester & reopened school on Wednesday morning - was kept at Winchester 7 days waiting the trial which took place on Tuesday 16th & the unhappy young man was condemned to die, but with a recommendation to mercy on account of mental-weakness".] [Murdering a Grandmother. A Sentence of Death. At the Winchester Assizes on Tuesday, before Baron Huddleston, Sydney Richard Russell; 21, gardener, described as of imperfect education, was indicted for the wilful murder of Sarah Scutt, his grandmother, at Bere Regis, on October 12th. He was likewise charged on the Coroner's warrant. Mr. Bullen and Mr. Loveland prosecuted on behalf of the Treasury, and Mr. Mathews defended. From the opening statement of counsel it appears that for some years past the prisoner had lived with his grandfather and grandmother in a cottage at a place called Chamberlayne, two miles from Bere Rgis, in Dorsetshire, and at the time of the occurrence prisoner and his grandmother lived together, his grandfather having died some time previously. The first that was known of what had happened was owing to the prisoner calling at the house of P.C. Bugby, at Bere Regis, about 5.30 a.m on the morning of the 13th of October, whom he knocked up. The policeman looked out of window and asked what was the matter, and told him to step inside. Prisoner went into house, and on the constable coming downstairs he was informed by the prisoner that his grandmother was dead. The man made inquiries of the prisoner as to whether anyone was present at the time of death? and he replied "No." Bugby:I asked how long his grandmother had been ill, and then the prisoner said "The fact is, I shot her." The constable then went to the cottage, about two miles distant, and on arriving there examined the bed, but though it had been occupied the woman was not there. He looked about, and in a corner of the room, he found the deceased lying down perfectly dead. She at that time was in her night clothes, and there were marks of blood upon the pillowcase and on one of the sheets, and an examination showed that the unfortunate woman had been shot through the head, and that death, under the circumstances, must have been instantanteous. When asked to account for the murder the prisoner seems to have told the policeman that it was all through drink. He added that he and his grandmother had had supper together, and that she had retired to rest between nine and ten o'clock, that he had then gone down to where the spirit decanters were kept and consumed a large quantity of raw spirits which had overcome him, and beyond that he could give no further explanation. He pointed out to the police one decanter, which was empty. Inquiries had been made by the Treasury as to what motive the prisoner could have had, and absolutely none could be discovered, There was no suggestion that the deed had been committed for the purpose of theft, because the old woman, who was well off for her class of life, had a good deal of money on the premises. This cash was kept in the room occupied by the prisoner, in an unlocked drawer. The money remained untouched. Prisoner was to have started upon the morning of the 13th inst. for Australia, at 6.30, and he had been, upon the best and most intimate terms with his grandmother, so that there was an entire absence of motive, and none was suggested by the prosecution. The Treasury, too, had caused inquiries to be made as to the prisoner's state of mind, and he had been examined by several medical men, whose reports had been forwarded. Witnesses were then called to hear out the opening statement of counsel. Mary Cousins, sister-in-law of the deceased, said prisoner had been brought up by his grandparents and when at school he had been brought home more than once suffering from fits. Prisoner came to her house on the evening in question, and seemed depressed, but that was his usual condition. Mary Ann Sherring, a widow, living three quarters of a mile from the prisoner, said on the evening of the 12th the prisoner came to her house, and when about five yards off he said "Mind your eye," and fired in the direction of her as she stood at the door. She closed the door, and then heard another report; also two or three more after she got upstairs. Dr. Liss, who was called to see the deceased, deposed that there was a bullet wound in front of the right ear, and a post-mortem examination showed a corresponding wound on the left side, showing that the bullet had gone completely through the head. The right eyelid was stained with gunpowder so that the weapon must have been held close to the head when fired. Cross examined- Had known prisoner since he was about two years old, and he had always been taciturn. He thought his mental capacity was decidedly below the average. About two years ago prisoner was very violent, and had to be held by two men. Witness looked upon it as mental mania, and prisoner struck him as a person who drank to excess. By the Judge: He would not say that the prisoner was not sane. -Q. Is he a person who would know right from wrong? -A. I should say so, my Lord. -Q. I suppose you find people in all classes of society whose mental capacity is decidedly below the average? -A. Yes, my Lord. -Q. And so such people are in a very exalted position, are they not? -A. Yes, my Lord. (Laughter.). Mr. J. G. Symes, Medical Superintendent of the Dorset County Lunatic Asylum, said he examined the prisoner by direction of the Home Office, he looked upon him as a man of weak intellect, and though he could detect no insanity yet the prisoner was a mind which might be greatly disturbed by excitement. There was such a thing as homicidal mania, which often caused people on impulse to attack those to whom they were most fondly attached. Re-examined: At the time he examined the prisoner he was in a position to know right from wrong. By the Judge: He did not class the prisoner's case as one of homicidal mania. This concluded the case for the prosecution, and the Court adjourned for luncheon. On reassembling several witnesses were called to prove that the prisoner "was of a very nervous temperament", and the schoolmistress at Bere Regis said he appeared to be a man of but one idea, and when spoken to simply replied in monosyllables, "Yes," or "No". Dr. Day, who did duty for the prison surgeon at Dorchester, said he examined the prisoner and the various symptoms which he described pointed to epilepsy, which tended to weaken the intetllect. Prisoner struck him as being very indifferent, and apparently ignorant of the 'quality of the act' which he had committed. He believed the mind of the prisoner was not healthy. He believed there was some atrophy of the brain. Mr. Mathews, in an impassioned address for the defence, urged that the jury had a clear way of finding a verdict by looking at the way the prisoner had tried to frighten the witness Sherring without any intent to do any harm applying the same wanton act of carelessness in his pointing the revolver at his grandmother without any intent to murder. If they thought that would be so it would be manslaughter, but he went even further than that, and contended that prisoner at the time was not responsible for his action if they found that so they could bring in a verict that he committed this act, but without the slightest intention to do any mischief. He strongly urged that the excitement and grief at his approaching departure from England on a mind already weak caused it to give way to the strain, and prisoner was not cognisant. The jury returned a verdict of wilful murder against the prisoner and recommended him to mercy on account of his weak intellect. The prisoner was sentenced to death but the Judge promised to forward the recommendation of the jury to the proper quarter.]

          Källor • Bröllop med Richard Roberts Scutt : Moreton Marriages 1731-1846 • död : Wareham 5a 189 / Bere Regis Par.1607-1997 / bereregis.org/Murders

          1. Maria Scutt, Russell 1837-ca 1873
            Dop · den 2 april 1837 · Wool, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 31 oktober 1862 · Bere Regis, Dorset · med Robert Russell
            Död · omkring maj 1873 · kanske 36 år · Dorchester district, Dorset
            [Maria daughter of Richard & Sarah Scutt of Bovington, bailiff.] [M R 36yr.]

            Källor • dop : Wool Baptisms 1733-1841 / VRI / IGI • Bröllop med Robert Russell : Wareham 5a 623 / Census 1871 Dorset • död : Dorchester 5a 214

            Banns 1862 Sep 28.
            Robert Russell
            Bröllop · den 31 oktober 1862 · Bere Regis, Dorset · med Maria Scutt

            Källor • Bröllop med Maria Scutt : Wareham 5a 623 / Census 1871 Dorset

            1. Emma Maria Russell, Emma ca 1863-
              Födelse · omkring november 1863 · East Wellow, Hampshire
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1885 · Winchester district, Hampshire · med ------ ------

              Källor • födelse : Romsey 2c 81 / Census 1871 Hampshire • Bröllop med ------ ------ : Winchester 2c 169

              &ca 1885
              Emma Mary Russell to either George Still or William Summers
              ------ ------
              Bröllop · omkring maj 1885 · Winchester district, Hampshire · med Emma Maria Russell

              Källor • Bröllop med Emma Maria Russell : Winchester 2c 169

            2. Sidney Richard Russell, Sidney ca 1865-
              Födelse · omkring 1865 · East Wellow, Hampshire
              [The murder occurred in 1886 at Chamberlaynes in a cottage opposite the school, and was reported in the Dorset County Chronicle of 14 October, 1886 as follows, under the heading: Shocking Murder at Bere Regis - A Young Man Shooting His Grandmother. A young man named Sidney Russell, aged 21, on Tuesday night shot his grandmother, Sarah Scutt, aged 79, with a pistol. After committing the dreadful deed he went to the police station and gave himself into the custody of Pc. Bugby, to whom he confessed his crime, for which no motive has yet been assigned. When surrendering himself he said to the constable "I have shot my grandmother; you must go and look into it." This was at five o'clock in the morning. The young man lived with his grandmother, with whom, it is said, he was not on very friendly terms. The latter sentence appears to be something of an understatement as Russell had been about to leave his grandmother for good by emigrating to Australia. In fact his departure was so imminent that his luggage had already been taken to Wareham station, and he had spent the evening going around Bere Heath and Hyde making last farewells to various friends and acquaintances. No really clear motive emerged at his subsequent trial, but it was by some supposed that the number of farewell drinks he had taken with friends during the evening had been sufficient to unbalance him. The effect which this episode must have had on the neighbouring school can be imagined from the following relevant entries in the Heath School log book by the mistress, Miss Horth: Oct 15, "No school on Thursday afternoon as the room was required for the inquest up-on the body of Mrs Scutt who was murdered by her Grandson Sydney Russell in the cottage opposite the school on the previous Tuesday night". Nov 9th, "Compelled to close the school this afternoon as I have to go to Winchester to appear as a witness against Sydney Russell". Nov 16th, "Returned from Winchester & reopened school on Wednesday morning - was kept at Winchester 7 days waiting the trial which took place on Tuesday 16th & the unhappy young man was condemned to die, but with a recommendation to mercy on account of mental-weakness".] [Murdering a Grandmother. A Sentence of Death. At the Winchester Assizes on Tuesday, before Baron Huddleston, Sydney Richard Russell; 21, gardener, described as of imperfect education, was indicted for the wilful murder of Sarah Scutt, his grandmother, at Bere Regis, on October 12th. He was likewise charged on the Coroner's warrant. Mr. Bullen and Mr. Loveland prosecuted on behalf of the Treasury, and Mr. Mathews defended. From the opening statement of counsel it appears that for some years past the prisoner had lived with his grandfather and grandmother in a cottage at a place called Chamberlayne, two miles from Bere Rgis, in Dorsetshire, and at the time of the occurrence prisoner and his grandmother lived together, his grandfather having died some time previously. The first that was known of what had happened was owing to the prisoner calling at the house of P.C. Bugby, at Bere Regis, about 5.30 a.m on the morning of the 13th of October, whom he knocked up. The policeman looked out of window and asked what was the matter, and told him to step inside. Prisoner went into house, and on the constable coming downstairs he was informed by the prisoner that his grandmother was dead. The man made inquiries of the prisoner as to whether anyone was present at the time of death? and he replied "No." Bugby:I asked how long his grandmother had been ill, and then the prisoner said "The fact is, I shot her." The constable then went to the cottage, about two miles distant, and on arriving there examined the bed, but though it had been occupied the woman was not there. He looked about, and in a corner of the room, he found the deceased lying down perfectly dead. She at that time was in her night clothes, and there were marks of blood upon the pillowcase and on one of the sheets, and an examination showed that the unfortunate woman had been shot through the head, and that death, under the circumstances, must have been instantanteous. When asked to account for the murder the prisoner seems to have told the policeman that it was all through drink. He added that he and his grandmother had had supper together, and that she had retired to rest between nine and ten o'clock, that he had then gone down to where the spirit decanters were kept and consumed a large quantity of raw spirits which had overcome him, and beyond that he could give no further explanation. He pointed out to the police one decanter, which was empty. Inquiries had been made by the Treasury as to what motive the prisoner could have had, and absolutely none could be discovered, There was no suggestion that the deed had been committed for the purpose of theft, because the old woman, who was well off for her class of life, had a good deal of money on the premises. This cash was kept in the room occupied by the prisoner, in an unlocked drawer. The money remained untouched. Prisoner was to have started upon the morning of the 13th inst. for Australia, at 6.30, and he had been, upon the best and most intimate terms with his grandmother, so that there was an entire absence of motive, and none was suggested by the prosecution. The Treasury, too, had caused inquiries to be made as to the prisoner's state of mind, and he had been examined by several medical men, whose reports had been forwarded. Witnesses were then called to hear out the opening statement of counsel. Mary Cousins, sister-in-law of the deceased, said prisoner had been brought up by his grandparents and when at school he had been brought home more than once suffering from fits. Prisoner came to her house on the evening in question, and seemed depressed, but that was his usual condition. Mary Ann Sherring, a widow, living three quarters of a mile from the prisoner, said on the evening of the 12th the prisoner came to her house, and when about five yards off he said "Mind your eye," and fired in the direction of her as she stood at the door. She closed the door, and then heard another report; also two or three more after she got upstairs. Dr. Liss, who was called to see the deceased, deposed that there was a bullet wound in front of the right ear, and a post-mortem examination showed a corresponding wound on the left side, showing that the bullet had gone completely through the head. The right eyelid was stained with gunpowder so that the weapon must have been held close to the head when fired. Cross examined- Had known prisoner since he was about two years old, and he had always been taciturn. He thought his mental capacity was decidedly below the average. About two years ago prisoner was very violent, and had to be held by two men. Witness looked upon it as mental mania, and prisoner struck him as a person who drank to excess. By the Judge: He would not say that the prisoner was not sane. -Q. Is he a person who would know right from wrong? -A. I should say so, my Lord. -Q. I suppose you find people in all classes of society whose mental capacity is decidedly below the average? -A. Yes, my Lord. -Q. And so such people are in a very exalted position, are they not? -A. Yes, my Lord. (Laughter.). Mr. J. G. Symes, Medical Superintendent of the Dorset County Lunatic Asylum, said he examined the prisoner by direction of the Home Office, he looked upon him as a man of weak intellect, and though he could detect no insanity yet the prisoner was a mind which might be greatly disturbed by excitement. There was such a thing as homicidal mania, which often caused people on impulse to attack those to whom they were most fondly attached. Re-examined: At the time he examined the prisoner he was in a position to know right from wrong. By the Judge: He did not class the prisoner's case as one of homicidal mania. This concluded the case for the prosecution, and the Court adjourned for luncheon. On reassembling several witnesses were called to prove that the prisoner "was of a very nervous temperament", and the schoolmistress at Bere Regis said he appeared to be a man of but one idea, and when spoken to simply replied in monosyllables, "Yes," or "No". Dr. Day, who did duty for the prison surgeon at Dorchester, said he examined the prisoner and the various symptoms which he described pointed to epilepsy, which tended to weaken the intetllect. Prisoner struck him as being very indifferent, and apparently ignorant of the 'quality of the act' which he had committed. He believed the mind of the prisoner was not healthy. He believed there was some atrophy of the brain. Mr. Mathews, in an impassioned address for the defence, urged that the jury had a clear way of finding a verdict by looking at the way the prisoner had tried to frighten the witness Sherring without any intent to do any harm applying the same wanton act of carelessness in his pointing the revolver at his grandmother without any intent to murder. If they thought that would be so it would be manslaughter, but he went even further than that, and contended that prisoner at the time was not responsible for his action if they found that so they could bring in a verict that he committed this act, but without the slightest intention to do any mischief. He strongly urged that the excitement and grief at his approaching departure from England on a mind already weak caused it to give way to the strain, and prisoner was not cognisant. The jury returned a verdict of wilful murder against the prisoner and recommended him to mercy on account of his weak intellect. The prisoner was sentenced to death but the Judge promised to forward the recommendation of the jury to the proper quarter.]

              Källor • födelse : Romsey 2C 76 / Census 1871 Hampshire

            3. George Robert Russell, George 1867-
              Födelse · i maj 1867 · East Wellow, Hampshire

              Källor • födelse : Romsey 2c 85 / Census 1871 Hampshire

            4. Kate Annie Russell, Kate ca 1870-
              Födelse · omkring augusti 1870 · East Wellow, Hampshire

              Källor • födelse : Romsey 2c 78 / Census 1871 Hampshire

          2. William John Scutt, William/William Jones 1839-1904
            Födelse · Briantspuddle, Dorset
            Dop · den 29 januari 1839 · Briantspuddle, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 22 juli 1863 · Corfe Mullen, Dorset · med Elizabeth Nutbeam
            Död · den 4 maj 1904 · kanske 65 år · Subiaco, WA, AUSTRALIA
            Begravning · den 5 maj 1904 · Karrakatta, WA, AUSTRALIA
            [father:R R S - farmer of Briantspuddle.] [Census 1841-51-61-81 Dorset.] [Western Gazette - Saturday 01 August 1863. July 22, Corfe Mullen, by the Rev. R. Plumtree, William Jones, only son of Mr. Richard Scutt, Chamberlain's Mills, Bere Regis, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Thomas Nutbeem, of Corfe Mullen.] [Sherborne Mercury, Dorset, Tuesday 03 October 1865. Wareham. Revision of Voters List. On Wednesday and Thursday, Edward Platt, Esq., the barrister appointed for the purpose, sat at the Townhall to revise the list of voters for the borough of Wareham and Bere Begis. Mr. Atkinson, of Blandford, Mr. Phippard, and Mr, Trevenen, appeared to support the Conservatives, Mr. Weston of Dorchester, Mr. Bartlett, and Mr. Lacey, appeared for the Liberals. There were some 160 claims and objections, a fact amply testifying that the two parties cherish the advice of the late Sir Robert Peel, to fight the battle of the hustings in the Revision Court. It would, of course, be a useless occupation of our space to give a detailed account of the claim and objection in every case, where there were so many, and we shall therefore content ourselves with giving his honour's decision on the most important points on which discussions arose. The list for Bere Regis was first taken. George Stanfield Shepherd claimed in respect a house land at a rent of £10 a year. Had occupied it and paid all rates in respect thereof ever since last June 12 months. His mother-in-law was the occupier of and paid the rent for the premises for some fifteen years before this time. Mr. Weston objected to the claim, formerly a person named William Jones Scutt appeared in the rate-books, and complainant's name did not appear there, only in pencil in the August rate. Mr. Atkinson in explanation of this case, showed how votes are sometimes manufactured. The present claimant's mother-in-law not being entitled to vote, on account of her sex, the name of Wm. Jones Scutt, who had do with the property, was put on the entitle him to vote in respect to the property. There was doubt about that fact. However, things were now altered, and the claimant was the bona fide tenant. Claim allowed.] [W J S emigrated (arrived) 1884 Sep (ship Liguria), 1887 Jun (ship Chimborazo).] [W J S - 65yr., (Anglican).] [The West Australian - Perth Friday 10 January 1902 p4 Article. The R.M.S. Oroya. The Passenger List Adelaide, January 9 for Fremantle - W S Stevenson, ...., W J Scutt, McGowan, ....] [The West Australian (Perth) Thursday 5 May 1904 p1 Family Notices. Scutt - The Friends of Mr. E. W. Scutt (of Ralchim Ltd.), Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late beloved Father (William) to the place of interment, the Anglican Cemetery, Karrakatta. The Funeral is appointed to leave the Home of Peace, Hamersley Road, Subiaco, at 3.15 o'clock This (Thursday) Afternoon, per road. Donald J Chipper, Undertaker, Hay Street, Perth, and at Adelaide Street, Fremantle.]

            Källor • födelse : Index of Inward Passenger Lists for British & Foreign Ports 1852-89 (unassisted) • dop : Affpuddle Baptisms 1813-1880 • Bröllop med Elizabeth Nutbeam : Wimborne 5a 443 / Western Gazette [1863 Aug 01] • död : WA # 2598 1904 • begravning : IGI B01298-6

            &1863 Elizabeth Nutbeam, Nutbeem/Scutt ca 1836-1898
            Födelse · omkring 1836 · Canford or Moretown, Dorset
            Bröllop · den 22 juli 1863 · Corfe Mullen, Dorset · med William John Scutt
            Död · den 17 juni 1898 · kanske 62 år · Mount Gambier, Grey, SA, AUSTRALIA
            [Western Gazette - Saturday 01 August 1863. July 22, Corfe Mullen, by the Rev. R. Plumtree, William Jones, only son of Mr. Richard Scutt, Chamberlain's Mills, Bere Regis, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Thomas Nutbeem, of Corfe Mullen.] [E S emigrated (arrived) 1884 Sep (ship LIGURIA).] [E S - 61yr.]

            Källor • födelse : Census 1871-81 Dorset / Index of Inward Passenger Lists for British & Foreign Ports 1852-89 (unassisted) • Bröllop med William John Scutt : Wimborne 5a 443 / Western Gazette [1863 Aug 01] • död : SA # 253/66 [Grey]

            1. Francis Arthur Scutt, Arthur/Francis ca 1863-1950
              Födelse · omkring oktober 1863 · Dorset
              Dop · den 31 oktober 1863 · Corfe Mullen, Dorset
              Bröllop · den 21 mars 1887 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. Paul · med Anne Olliver
              Död · den 15 oktober 1950 · kanske 87 år · Millswood, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
              Begravning · Pasadena, Mitcham City, SA, AUSTRALIA
              [31-Oct, Francis Arthur Scutt, parents:William & Elizabeth Scutt, Bere Regis - miller.] [F A S bapt:1864 Feb 14 Bere Regis also noted.] [Census 1881 Essex/London - Corfuella, Dorset.] [Index of Inward Passenger Lists for British & Foreign Ports 1852-1889 (unassisted) - emigrated (arrived) 1884 Sep (ship Liguria).] [The Advertiser Saturday 15 July 1916 p15 Article. Exerpt ...... The Commission went through the books of the Commercial Milling Company with the manager Mr G. I. Wright; Others examined were Messrs. Francis A. Scutt, manager of the grocery department of Messrs. Fidler & Webb, Ltd.; John F. Palamountain, storekeeper: Charles M. Walters, manager Osbourne's Coffee Palace and bakery:] [The Argus (Melbourne) Wednesday 15 June 1932 p10 Article. Stawell - In the County Court Stephen O'Connor, painter, employed at the Ararat Asylum was examined as to an unsatisfied debt for £61/13/3 made in favour of J. J. Gollan and Co. and John Mcleod Pty. Ltd., assignees of the estate of Frank Scutt. O'Connor admitted the debt, and said that the reason it was not paid was that he had other debts. He had tried to pay by degrees. Judge Maclndoe ordered O' Connor to pay £1 a fortnight, or be imprisoned for one month.] [The Advertiser Saturday 22 October 1938 p21 Article. Tantanoola Mr. A. Scutt who has been a resident of Tantanoola for the past 19 years, was the guest of honor at a farewell held in the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Scutt is going to Glenelg. The Rev. K. C. Billing spoke in appreciation of the services Mr. Scutt had given as secretary and treasurer of the church. His remarks were supported by Messrs. H. Cameron, Walker, H. Osborn, and W. Haines. A framed address and a silver mounted walking stick were presented to Mr. Scutt.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide) Monday 16 October 1950 p16 Family Notices. Scutt, On October 15, at the residence of his daughter Mrs. A. T. Cooke, 194 Goodwood Road, Millswood Estate - Francis Arthur, loving father of Frank (Melbourne), Louie (Mrs Howland), and Olive (Mrs. A.T. Cooke) and the late Everard. Aged 87 years. The Advertiser (Adelaide) Monday 16 October 1950 p16 Family Notices. Scutt, The Friends of the late Mr. Francis Arthur Scutt are respectfully informed that his funeral will leave the residence of his daughter (Mrs. A. T. Cooke, 194 Goodwood Road, Millswood Estate, on Monday, at 2.45pm for the Centennial Park Cemetery. Alfred James & Sons, A.F.D.A., Funeral Directors.]

              Källor • dop : Wimbourne 5a 274 / Corfe Mullen Baptisms 1813-1880 / IGI • Bröllop med Anne Olliver : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 Book/Page:150/1046 • död : The Advertiser (Adelaide) [1950 Oct 16] • begravning : Centennial Park Cemetery

              Francis Arthur Scutt (23) single - father:William Jones Scutt. Ann Oliver (27) single - father:Augustus Oliver
              Anne Olliver, Ann, Oliver/Scutt 1859-1938
              föräldrar : Augustus Olliver 1821-1877 och Hannah Hocking 1832-1913
              Födelse · den 31 oktober 1859 · Inverblackie, Adelaide Hills, SA/Woodside, SA, AUSTRALIA
              Bröllop · den 21 mars 1887 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. Paul · med Francis Arthur Scutt
              Död · den 2 september 1938 · 78 år · Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA
              The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931-1954) Friday 9 September 1938 The death occurred on September 2 at a private hospital Mount Gambier of Mrs Anne Scutt (nee Olliver ) 79, wife of Mr Francis Arthur Scutt of Tantanoula and late of Mount Gambier. She was the daughter of the late Mr & Mrs Augusta Olliver and was born at Inverblackie, Adelaide Hills. During the past 19 years she had resided in Tantanoola. Last year Mr & Mrs Scutt celebrated the golden anniversary of their wedding. There were four children, Mr. Frank Scutt of Malvern, Victoria, the late Everard Scutt of Launceston, Tasmania, Mrs Arthur T. Cooke (Tantanoola) and Mrs. Arthur Howland (Glenelg, S.A.). The remains were interred in the Mount Gambier Cemetery.

              Källor • födelse : Marriage Certificate • Bröllop med Francis Arthur Scutt : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 Book/Page:150/1046 • död : SA # 605/3935 [Grey] / The Advertiser [1938 Sep 09]

              1. Frank Oliver Scutt, Frank, accountant 1888-1965
                Födelse · den 1 januari 1888 · Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA
                Bröllop · den 18 juli 1919 · Horsham, Victoria, AUSTRALIA · med Lilia Rokesky
                Död · [in (year)] 1965 · 77 år · Heid--, Vict, AUSTRALIA
                [Border Watch - Mount Gambier, SA :Wednesday 6 February 1907 An Unpleasant Experience. Whilst spending last Sunday at Port MacDonnell, Master Roy Cossons had a very unpleasant, if not dangerous, experience. He was standing at the end of the jetty, when he accidentally slipped off into the sea. Although a fairly good swimmer, he had some difficulty in reaching the jetty again owing to the weight of his clothes, and he was helped out in a very exhausted condition by Master Frank Scutt. After procuring a change of clothes and having an hour's rest he was able to return to Mount Gambier none the worse for his adventure.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Wednesday 27 November 1907 p4 Article. Mr.F. O. Scutt, son of Mr. F. Scutt, of Mount Gambier, left to-day for Adelaide. Mr. Scutt has received an appointment in the Chinese Customs Department.] [The Advertiser Tuesday 26 November 1912 p15 Article. Mr. Frank O. Scutt, son of Mr. F. Scutt, of Mount Gambier, who for five years has been in the Chinese Customs Department at Hankow, returned to Mount Gambier last week on a holiday visit.] [Scutt, Frank Oliver (accountant) :Service Number - 935 :Place of Birth - Mount Gambier, SA :Place of Enlistment - Adelaide, SA :Next of Kin - (Mother) SCUTT Anne (living at Ferrers Street, Mt.Gambier. Series number B2455 & Series number D2994. F O S - nr.1935 private - Adm. H.Q. - 1915 Nov 24 - 1919 Jan 20.] [Border Watch-Mount Gambier, SA Friday 28 February 1919. Sergt. F. O. SCUTT WELCOMED. By train on Tuesday night Sergt. Frank O. Scutt, son of Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Scutt, of Mount Gambier, returned. He was accompanied to Mount Gambier by Priv. P. Haines, of Nairne, and Priv. W. Latham, of Onkaparingo, who, having spare time, decided to see the South-East. They were met at the railway station when the train came in, and conveyed in a motor car, with a band (composed of members of the Vice-Regal and Salvation Army bands) leading to the Town Hall, where they received a public welcome. It being after 10 o'clock, the attendance of the public was smaller than it usually is on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights. On arrival at the Town Hall the soldiers were conducted to the balcony, where the Mayor (Mr. G. E. Truman), Sub-Inspector Pyne, Col. F.H. Daniel, V.D. (for the Cheer-up Society), and Col. F. H. Howland, V.D. (for R.S. & S. League) made congratulatory speeches, and cordially welcomed Sergt. Scutt home. Cheers were then given for the returned soldiers, and Sergt. Scutt and his companions replied. Following this cheers were given, at the call of the Mayor, for the boys and nurses who are yet away from Australia, and for the King. The band played the National Anthem, and the demonstration closed. Sergt. Scutt, who is 31 years of age, enlisted in October, 1915, and after several months training in camp at Adelaide left for England and the war in June, 1916. When he left he was a private connected with the 43rd Battalion, but soon after reaching England he was transferred, to the 48th Battalion, with which he remained till the close of the war. He saw a good deal of hard service in France, having been in several stunts in which the Australians covered themselves with glory, and was wounded two or three times. On one occasion, in the fighting at Paschendale Ridge, he was severely hurt and was sent to England for treatment, where he spent nearly four months in hospital. He then returned to the scenes of strife; "When the armistice was signed he was sent to England, and thence to Australia in the troopship Marvada. On the way, out he was on duty with the pay staff. He is now in very good health.] [Border Watch, Mount Gambier, SA Friday 18 July 1919. The marriage of Miss Lydia Rokesky, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Rokesky, of Harriet Street, Horsham, to Mr. Frank Scutt, of Mount Gambier, S.A., late sergeant in the A.I.F., will take, place to-day at the Horsham Methodist Church - "Horsham Times."] [The Horsham Times Friday 8 August 1919 Social. At the Horsham Methodist Church on 18th July the Rev. F. B. Oldham celebrated their marriage of ex-Sergeant F. O. Scutt, son of Mr. & Mrs. Scutt, of Mount Gambier, and Miss Lila Rokesky, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Rokesky, of "Karnak," Harriet Street, Horsham.] [Advertiser - Adelaide, SA Friday 9 February 1923. STOLEN BICYCLES. ROSS and MANN Again convicted. Further charges of bicycle stealing were preferred against Arthur Edward Mann and Richard William Newton Ross, two young men, in the Adelaide Police Court (before Mr. K. M. Sabine, S.M.), on Thursday. Both men were convicted on the previous day of stealing bicycles, and on Monday they were sentenced at the Port Adelaide Police Court for similar offences. Mann pleaded guilty to an information laid by Detective-Sergeant Alichurch charging him with the theft of a bicycle, valued at £10, the property of Frank Oliver Scutt, at Adelaide, on January 27. The evidence showed that Scutt left his bicycle in Weymouth Street at 9.30a.m. on January 27, and on returning shortly afterwards, found that it had disappeared. On the same day, at 12.45, the defendant sold the machine to a second hand dealer for £2.10./-. He was subsequently arrested at Hindmarsh by Plain-clothes constables F. F. White and Jordan and Constable Hubner. The defendant, who had nothing to say, was sent to gaol tor 12 months. The charge against Ross was that he stole a bicycle worth £8, owned by Ernest Leslie Matthews, at Adelaide, on February 3. Detective-Sergeant Alichurch said Matthews left his machine in front of 95, Grenfell Street, at 1a.m., on Saturday, but on missing it shortly afterwards, he reported his loss to the police. On the same day the bicycle was sold to a dealer in Hindley Street. In offering the bicycle to the dealer Ross said, 'I've had a bit of luck; I won a motor cycle in a raffle and therefore I do not require this machine.' He asked for 30/-, but the dealer gave him 25/-. While the dealer was giving evidence, the accused said, 'You know you are on oath?' to which the witness replied, 'Yes.' 'Then why do you say I took the bicycle into the shop?' remarked Ross, who added, 'don't you know it is perjury, and that you are there to speak the truth?' The witness said the bicycle was shown to him outside the shop. Detective-Sergeant Alichurch - This defendant was sentenced to six months imprisonment for bicycle stealing on Wednesday, and received two months at Port Adelaide on Tuesday. He has admitted taking four bicycles, but we are not proceeding further against him. Eleven months imprisonment was ordered.] [The Horsham Times (Vic.) Friday 3 June 1927 p3 Article. Property Sales. Messrs David Anderson & Co., land, stock and linante agents, report having effected the following sales of property since their last report Mr F. O. Scutt, house Wawunna Road to Mr W. Rowlands, house John Street to Mr J. P. Jensen ; Mr S. M. Rogerson business to Mr F. O. Scutt;] [The Horsham Times Friday 19 April 1929 p2 Article. Grocery Business Changes. Mr. F.O. Scutt, grocer, of Pynsent Street, Horsham, has sold his business to the well-known Fitzroy firm, Messrs. and W. ChandIer Pty. Ltd. the change takes place on May 1.] [The Horsham Times Tuesday 13 September 1927 p6 Article. Uniforms for Pipers, List of Subscribers. Good work is being done by Constable Morrison in collecting funds to provide uniforms for the members of the Ilor shua and District Pipe Band. Donations - (Exerpt) F. O. Scutt 2/-] [F O S - 77yr.]

                Källor • födelse : SA # 410/271 [Grey] / National Archives of Australia • Bröllop med Lilia Rokesky : Great War Index Victoria 1914-1920 [Digger] Reg. Number:7712 /Great War Index Victoria 1914-1920 [Digger] Reg. Number:7712 / The Horsham Times [1919 Aug 08] • död : Death Index Victoria 1921-1985 [Digger] Reg Number:21078

                &1919 Lilia Rokesky, Lila/Lydia/Lillie, Scutt ca 1897-1982
                föräldrar : Martin Rokesky och Margaret Thompson ca 1859-1919
                Födelse · omkring 1897
                Bröllop · den 18 juli 1919 · Horsham, Victoria, AUSTRALIA · med Frank Oliver Scutt
                Död · den 24 januari 1982 · kanske 85 år · St. Kilda, Vict, AUSTRALIA
                [Border Watch, Mount Gambier, SA Friday 18 July 1919. The marriage of Miss Lydia Rokesky, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Rokesky, of Harriet Street, Horsham, to Mr. Frank Scutt, of Mount Gambier, S.A., late sergeant in the A.I.F., will take, place to-day at the Horsham Methodist Church - "Horsham Times."] [The Horsham Times Friday 8 August 1919 Social. At the Horsham Methodist Church on 18th July the Rev. F. B. Oldham celebrated their marriage of ex-Sergeant F. O. Scutt, son of Mr. & Mrs. Scutt, of Mount Gambier, and Miss Lila Rokesky, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Rokesky, of "Karnak," Harriet Street, Horsham. The bride, who was given away by her father; looked pretty, in a gown of whitecrepe de chine, her veil was arranged mop cap fashion, with a wreath of orange blossom, and she carried a posy of white: flowers and fern. Miss Louie Rokesky; sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and was attired in a frock of pale pink georgette and crepe de chine, with mop cap to match, and carried a posy bouquet. The little flower girl, Phyllis Ampt, (niece of bride) looked sweet in black silk with touches of pinkand green with bonnet to match. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Albert Ampt. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a silver tea service - the bride to bridegroom; a gold curb watchchain; bridegroom to bridesmaid a heavy-weight silk scarf to flower girlgold curb bangle: After the ceremony the wedding party adjourned to Slavin's cafe, where the wedding breakfast was held. Mr. & Mrs Scutt subsequently journeyed to Adelaide to spend the honeymoon the bride travelling in a navy blue costume and emerald green pedal straw hat. Many handsome presents were received.] [Friday 3 September 1920 ROKESKY In sad and loving memory of our dear mother, who died at Harriett Street, Horsham, September 2, 1919 "Sweet Jesus, grant her eternal rest." Inserted by her loving daughter and son-in-law, Lila and Frank Scutt, Mt. Gambier.] [L S - 85yr., residence:Moorabbin.]

                Källor • födelse : BMD (Deaths) • Bröllop med Frank Oliver Scutt : Great War Index Victoria 1914-1920 [Digger] Reg. Number:7712 /Great War Index Victoria 1914-1920 [Digger] Reg. Number:7712 / The Horsham Times [1919 Aug 08] • död : Death Index Victoria 1921-1985 [Digger] Reg Number:05175

                1. Shirley Norma Margaret Scutt, Shirley 1920
                  Födelse · [in (year)] 1920 · Grey, SA, AUSTRALIA

                  Källor • födelse : SA # 67A/375 [Grey]

              2. Everard Dudley Scutt, Everard/Edward/Tasma, warehouseman 1889-1930
                Födelse · den 27 april 1889 · Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA
                Bröllop · den 19 mars 1913 · North Terrace, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Chalmers Church · med Janet Gertrude Phillips
                Död · den 4 februari 1930 · 40 år · Launceston, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
                Begravning · i februari 1930 · Carr Villa Cemetery
                [The Advertiser Monday 30 May 1904 TELEGRAPH MESSENGERS. The following are the successful candidates for the Commonwealth public service special competitive examination for telegraph messengers: Leigh's Creek (inc) Everard D. Scutt] [The Advertiser Saturday 5 April 1913 p18 Family Notices SCUTT-PHILLIPS - On the 19th March, at Chalmers Church, by the Rev A J Wade, Everard Dudley, the second son of Mr. F. A. Scutt, Mount Gambier, to Janet Gertrude, the eldest daughter of Mr. A. Phillips of Norwood.] [Examiner - Launceston, Tas. Saturday 13 August 1927 BEACONSFIELD. At the Police Court, Beaconsfield, before Messrs. H. A. Atkinson, J. U. Williams, and P. Beauchamp, E. W. Freeland of Trevallyn, proceeded against E.D. Scutt for allowing his dog to be on the plaintiff's sheep run. Mr. J. E. Heritage appeared for the plaintiff. There was no appearance of the defendant. The case was heard ex parte. Mr. Freeland, in evidence, said that he had been annoyed with dogs amongst his sheep for some time, and sheep had been killed. He said he offered to take and destroy the dog, but this offer was refused. He then decided to take proceedings as a warning to others that the practice of taking dogs on to his sheep run must stop. The bench took a serious view of the case. They said that such cases would be severely dealt with. It was well known that this was lambing season, and they hoped that the penalty in this case would be a warning to others. A fine of 10s, with 7s 6d costs, 13s witnesses expenses, and counsel's fee £2 2s was inflicted. In default distress, and in default of distress 48 hours imprisonment.] [Will 1928:AD961/16 40 4756.] [SUPREME COURT GUILTY OF ASSAULT Thursday 1 March 1928 Examiner (Launceston, Tas.: 1900-1954) Sittings of the Supreme Court in its criminal sessions were continued at Launceston yesterday. The Chief Justice (Sir Herbert Nicholls) presided, and the Solicitor-General (Mr. L. E. Chambers) prosecuted. Athol Desmond McAuley, of Launceston, pleaded not guilty to a charge of having at Launceston on October 18 last committed a serious offence against a girl, Amy Nellie Kaye, then under the age of 18 years. The following Jurymen were empaneled:- inc. Edward Dudley Scutt,] [Examiner Saturday 9 November 1929 Edition p18 Article. CITY POLICE COURT. Charge Dismissed. Mr. E. L. Hall, P.M., occupied the bench in the City Police Court yesterday morning, .... E. Dudley Scutt, manager, of the mantel department of D, & W.Murray Ltd., said that he packed 28 fur chokers and despatched them to the Melbourne branch on October 26.] [Examiner (Launceston, Tas. :1900-1954) Wednesday 5 February 1930. The death occurred yesterday at his home, Trevallyn, of Mr. E. D. Scutt, at the age of 40 years. The late Mr. Scutt had been employed for many years at the warehouse of D. & W. Murray Ltd., where he was a departmental manager, but had lately been indisposed. Mr. Scutt had figured prominently in all movements for the improvement of the suburb of Trevallyn. He was an active member of the body of enthusiasts which effected the establishment of the Trevallyn recreation ground, which is proving such an asset to the suburb. He was a keen cricketer, and was the captain of the recently-formed Trevallyn Club, Mr. Scutt had at different times interested himself in various branches of sport and was very popular with a wide circle of friends. Some years ago he was a noted poultryman, and was specially interested in Black Orpingtons. He leaves a widow and a young family.] [FUNERAL NOTICES Examiner (Launceston, Tas. :1900-1954) Wednesday 5 February 1930 Edition: DAILY p1 AND The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Thursday 6 February 1930 p8 Family Notices SCUTT - On the 4th February, at his residence, 23 Trevallyn Terrace, Launceston, Everard Dudley, dearly beloved husband of Gertrude Scutt, and second son of Mr. & Mrs. F A. Scutt, of South Australia, aged 40 years. SCUTT - The funeral of the late Mr. Everard D. Scutt is appointed to leave his late residence, 23 Trevallyn Terrace, this day (Wednesday, 5th February), at 1 o'clock, for Internment in the Carr Villa Cemetery. Friends are Invited to attend. Armitage & Armitage, Funeral Directors, 116 St John Street, Launceston.] [CRICKET TREVALLYN CLUB ANNUAL MEETING HELD. Examiner (Launceston, Tas.:1900-1954) Wednesday 10 September 1930 Edition: DAILY p2 Article. The committee regretted to record that early in the season the club sustained a great loss in the death of Mr. E. T. Scutt, the captain, who besides being a keen, skilful and popular cricketer, did a great deal of work in assisting to overcome the initial difficulties in the formation of the club. Mr. WV. T. Miller was elected captain of the club (after the death of Mr. Scutt) and Mr. B. Edwards was elected vice-captain.] [Examiner (Launceston, Tas: 1900-1954) Saturday 22 February 1930 Edition: DAILY. ALL Persons having claims against the estate of Everard Dudley Scutt late of Launceston in Tasmania Warehouseman deceased, are required to lodge same with the Public Trustee, Hobart on or before the 22nd day of April, next E. D. F. KEMP, Public Trustee.]

                Källor • födelse : SA # 437/357 [Grey] • Bröllop med Janet Gertrude Phillips : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 Book/Page:254/760 / Archives Office of Tasmania • död : Will 1928 / Examiner (Launceston, Tas. :1900-1954) [1930 Feb 05]

                Everard Dudley Scutt(24) single - father:Francis Arthur Scutt. Janet Gertrude Phillips(28) single - father Alfred Phillips
                Janet Gertrude Phillips, Janet, Scutt 1884-1961
                föräldrar : Albert Phillips 1856-1941 och Elsie Inglis 1849-1928
                Födelse · den 15 juni 1884 · Strathalbyn, SA, AUSTRALIA
                Bröllop · den 19 mars 1913 · North Terrace, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Chalmers Church · med Everard Dudley Scutt
                Död · den 17 december 1961 · 77 år · Kensington Gardens, SA, AUSTRALIA
                Begravning · i december 1961 · Pasadena, Mitcham City, SA, AUSTRALIA
                [J G S 67yr., from Kensington Gardens, bur:Pasadena, Mitcham City, SA - Plot: Acacia C, Path CD, Grave 299.] [Will 1928:AD961/16 40 4756.]

                Källor • födelse : WikiTree.com • Bröllop med Everard Dudley Scutt : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 Book/Page:254/760 / Archives Office of Tasmania • död : SA # 933/126 [Norwood] • begravning : Centennial Park Cemetery

                1. Avis Veronica Scutt, Avis/Veronica Avis/Veronica 1913-
                  Födelse · den 5 oktober 1913 · Norwood, SA, AUSTRALIA
                  Bröllop · den 25 januari 1945 · Norwood, SA, AUSTRALIA · med Donald Fraser McEwin
                  Död · SA, AUSTRALIA
                  Begravning · Victor Harbor General Cemetery
                  [Methodist Ladies College, Annual Speech Night Year of Achievement. The Mercury (Hobart, Tas.:1860-1954) Tuesday 17 December 1929 p7 Article. The following girls passed the examination of the Royal Drawing Society: London Preparatory Division Honours: V. Scutt,] [Invalid Cooking Exam. The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 13 September 1932 p13 Article - Scutt, Veronica Avis; Simpson, Marjorie Dora; Stokes, Lucy Florence Joy; ......] [Engagement Announced of - The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Monday 9 September 1940 p7 Article - MISS AVIS V. SCUTT, eldest daughter of Mrs. J. G. Scutt, of Hackney, & the late Mr. E. D. Scutt, of Launceston, Tasmania, to Mr. Donald Cameron P. McEwin, third son of Mrs. M. McEwin, of Hackney, & the late Mr. Donald McEwin.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 23 February 1943 p6 Family Notices SCUTT-McEWIN - The marriage of Avis V., eldest daughter Mr. J. G. Scutt, Hackney, & late Mr. Scutt. Tasmania, to Cameron, third son Mrs. & late Mr D McEwin, Hackney.]

                  Källor • födelse : SA # 921/153 [Norwood] / Hooper, Webb, Kelly, Tonkin & associated families • Bröllop med Donald Fraser McEwin : McEwin & Daniel

                  &1945 Donald Fraser McEwin, Cameron/Donald 1914-
                  Födelse · den 10 oktober 1914 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
                  Bröllop · den 25 januari 1945 · Norwood, SA, AUSTRALIA · med Avis Veronica Scutt
                  Död · SA, AUSTRALIA
                  Begravning · Victor Harbor General Cemetery

                  Källor • födelse : McEwin & Daniel • Bröllop med Avis Veronica Scutt : McEwin & Daniel

                2. Tasman Arthur Scutt, Tasman 1916-1942
                  Födelse · den 27 maj 1916 · Launceston, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
                  Bröllop · omkring 19 oktober 1940 · Port Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. Peter's College Chapel · med Edna Mary Clarke
                  Död · den 31 oktober 1942 · 26 år · EGYPT
                  [Examiner (Launceston, Tas. :1900-1954) Saturday 12 October 1929 Edition: DAILY p11 Article. Music Examinations THE ASSOCIATED BOARD Following are the results of the practical examination of the Associated Board of R.A.M., and the R.C.M., London, held recently in Launceston: ... (Mr. H. V. Court); Percy Harris (Mrs. C. IM. Tanner); Tas. Scutt (Miss B. Hogg, L.A.B.); Alma Alexander ...] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Saturday 24 December 1938 CLARKE SCUTT Edna M. youngest daughter of Mrs.H.M. Clarke of Harrow Road, St. Peters, and the late Mr. C.G. Clarke, announces her engagement to Tasman A only son of Mrs. J. G. Scutt, of Hackney Road, Hackney, and the late Mr. E. D. Scutt.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Friday 18 October 1940 p8 Article... WEDDING DATE THE marriage of Edna, youngest daughter of Mrs. H.M. Clarke, of Harrow Road, St Peters, and the late Mr. C.G. Clarke, to Tasman, only son of Mrs. J. G. Scutt, of Hackney Road, Hackney, and the late Mr. E. D. Scutt, of Launceston. Tasmania, will be celebrated at St. Peter s College Chapel, at 6.45 p.m. tomorrow.] [T A S - 26yr. of Prospect, SA, Australia. Scutt, Tasman Arthur: Service Number - SX8011: Date of birth - 27 May 1916: Place of birth Launceston, Tas.: Place of enlistment Adelaide, SA: Next of Kin Scutt, Edna. Barcode 6407438.] [Australian Infantry, Corporal. Aircraft - Electrical Assembler, Mrs Edna Mary Scutt - injury 24/7/1942 Control symbol:1942/3826 Location Adelaide.] [Mrs. E. M. Scutt, of Main North Road, Prospect, has been notified that her husband, Corporal Tas. Scutt, was killed in action in Egypt on October 31. Cpl. Scutt served in Palestine, Tobruk, and Syria. He was the only son of Mrs. J. G. Scutt of Norwood, and the late Mr. Scutt of Launceston, Tasmania, and before enlisting was employed by Goode Durrant & Murray Ltd.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Wednesday 30 December 1942 SCUTT, Tas - Killed in action in Egypt Oct 31. Ever remembered by his loving wife, Edna SCUTT. Cpl T. A. Dearly loved son of Mrs.J. G. Scutt, and loved brother of Avis, Eime and Veenie, killed in action in Egypt Oct 31. SCUTT in loving memory of Tas killed in action on Oct 31 - Inserted by Ron.] [The Mail (Adelaide) Saturday 30 October 1943 p14 Family Notices. SCUTT In fond memory of Cpl. Tas.Scutt, Second 48th., killed in action at El Alamein, October 31, 1942 Inserted by his loving mother-in-law, Mrs. H. Clarke, Redcliffe, Queensland.] [The Advertiser - Adelaide Wednesday 10 November 1948 ~ SCUTT, WHYTE In fond memory of Tas and Doug, killed at El Alamein, October 31, 1942. Pals of the late Max Hales Always remembered by Hales family.]

                  Källor • födelse : National Archives of Australia / Com. War Graves Com. • Bröllop med Edna Mary Clarke : The Advertiser [1940 Oct 19] / National Archives of Australia • död : Com. War Graves Com.

                  &ca 1940 Edna Mary Clarke, Edna
                  Bröllop · omkring 19 oktober 1940 · Port Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. Peter's College Chapel · med Tasman Arthur Scutt
                  [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Saturday 24 December 1938 CLARKE SCUTT Edna M. youngest daughter of Mrs.H.M. Clarke of Harrow Road, St. Peters, and the late Mr. C.G. Clarke, announces her engagement to Tasman A only son of Mrs. J. G. Scutt, of Hackney Road, Hackney, and the late Mr. E. D. Scutt.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Friday 18 October 1940 p8 Article... WEDDING DATE THE marriage of Edna, youngest daughter of Mrs. H.M. Clarke, of Harrow Road, St Peters, and the late Mr. C.G. Clarke, to Tasman, only son of Mrs. J. G. Scutt, of Hackney Road, Hackney, and the late Mr. E. D. Scutt, of Launceston. Tasmania, will be celebrated at St. Peter s College Chapel, at 6.45 p.m. tomorrow.] [Mrs. E. M. Scutt, of Main North Road, Prospect, has been notified that her husband, Corporal Tas. Scutt, was killed in action in Egypt on October 31. Cpl. Scutt served in Palestine, Tobruk, and Syria. He was the only son of Mrs. J. G. Scutt of Norwood, and the late Mr. Scutt of Launceston, Tasmania, and before enlisting was employed by Goode Durrant & Murray Ltd.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Wednesday 30 December 1942 SCUTT, Tas - Killed in action in Egypt Oct 31 Ever remembered by his loving wife, Edna SCUTT.]

                  Källor • Bröllop med Tasman Arthur Scutt : The Advertiser [1940 Oct 19] / National Archives of Australia

                3. Elfie G. Scutt, Elfie ca 1919
                  Födelse · omkring 1919 · Launceston, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
                  Förlovning · i oktober 1940 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · med Richard Johnsen
                  [Eime also noted.] [EDUCATION DEPARTMENT The Scholarship Examination List of Passes The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. :1860-1954) Friday 20 January 1928 p3 Article - Trevallyn - Elfie Scutt, ....] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Thursday 3 October 1940 p7 Advertising... MISS ELFIE G. SCUTT, second daughter of Mrs. J. G. Scutt, of Hackney, and the late Mr. E. D. Scutt, of Launceston, Tasmania, to Mr. Richard Johnsen, only son of Mr. & Mrs. R. Johnsen, of Rose Park.]

                  Källor • födelse : The Advertiser [1942 Dec 30] • Förlovning med Richard Johnsen : The Advertiser [1940 Oct 03]

                  &1940 Richard Johnsen
                  Förlovning · i oktober 1940 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA · med Elfie G. Scutt
                  The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Thursday 3 October 1940 p7 Advertising... MISS ELFIE G. SCUTT, second daughter of Mrs. J. G. Scutt, of Hackney, and the late Mr. E. D. Scutt, of Launceston, Tasmania, to Mr. Richard Johnsen, only son of Mr. & Mrs. R. Johnsen, of Rose Park.

                  Källor • Förlovning med Elfie G. Scutt : The Advertiser [1940 Oct 03]

                4. Veenie Scutt, Venie ca 1922
                  Födelse · omkring 1922 · Launceston, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
                  [Methodist Ladies College DRAWING EXAMINATIONS - Examiner (Launceston, Tas. :1900-1954) Thursday 14 November 1929 Edition: DAILY p13 Article .... Hutchins, Nora Stewart, Geraldine Gow, Joan Hart, Margaret Dugan, Veenie Scutt, Lois Wood. Honours ....] [The Advertiser Friday 27 May 1938 p 0 Article Illustrated. OLD SCHOLARS DANCE - SOCIAL NEWS, Conducted by The Social Editress. LARGE PARTIES AT PULTENEY OLD COLLEGIANS BALL. In Mr. Reginald Dollman's box were - Misses Venie Scutt. Unis Elvidge Betty Mobsby, Kathleen Nelson, Iris Nation;]

                  Källor • födelse : Examiner [1929 Nov 14] / The Advertiser [1942 Dec 30]

              3. Louie May Scutt, Louie, Howland 1890-
                Födelse · den 31 juli 1890 · Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA
                Bröllop · den 5 november 1914 · Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA - Christ Church · med Arthur Stilville Howland
                [The Register, Adelaide Monday 20 November 1905 UNIVERSITY of ADELAIDE. Musical Examination Results. Public Examinations in Practice of Music; November, 1905. Mount Gambier Centre. Pass List School Examinations - Higher Division, Louie May Scutt, Mary Catherine Smith.] [The Register, Adelaide Thursday 19 July 1906 p3 Article. The winners were: Pianoforte duet, own selection. Misses Estelle Johnson and Louie Scutt.] [The Advertiser, Adelaide Tuesday 23 July 1907 p9 Article. Mount Gambier, July 20. Last night the competitions in connection with Christ Church were concluded with a concert by the successful competitors. Dr. J. Johnson presided. The following assisted: L. Scutt,] [Border Watch, Mount Gambier, SA: 1861-1954) Wednesday 11 November 1914. At Christ Church, Mount Gambier, on Monday morning, Mr. Arthur Stilville Howland, eldest son of Colonel & Mrs. F. H. Howland, of "The Poplars," Mount Gambier, was united in marriage with Miss Louie May Scutt, eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Scutt, of Mount Gambier. The Rev. R. K. Collisson, B.A., was the officiating clergyman. Miss Olive Scutt was bridesmaid, and Mr. L. N. Boys best man. The wedding breakfast was partaken of at the residence of the bride's parents. The happy couple left by the evening train for Adelaide, where Mr. Howland is on the staff of the Adelaide Local Court].

                Källor • födelse : SA # 463/121 [Grey] • Bröllop med Arthur Stilville Howland : SA # 261/374 [Grey]

                A S H (25) single - father:Frederick Henry John Howland. L M S (24) single - father:Francis Arthur Scutt
                Arthur Stilville Howland, Arthur †1940
                föräldrar : Frederick Henry John Howland 1889- och Mary Jane Curl 1861-
                Bröllop · den 5 november 1914 · Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA - Christ Church · med Louie May Scutt
                Död · den 30 juli 1940 · Da Costa Park, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
                [The Advertiser Adelaide, SA Friday 7 July 1911 GOVERNMENT APPOINTMENTS. Mr. Arthur Stilville Howland to be acting district Registrar of birth deaths, and marriages for the district of Grey during the absence on leave of Mr J.A.G. Newbould, district registrar.] [Border Watch, Mount Gambier, SA: 1861-1954) Wednesday 11 November 1914. At Christ Church, Mount Gambier, on Monday morning, Mr. Arthur Stilville Howland, eldest son of Colonel & Mrs. F. H. Howland, of "The Poplars," Mount Gambier, was united in marriage with Miss Louie May Scutt, eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Scutt, of Mount Gambier. The Rev. R. K. Collisson, B.A., was the officiating clergyman. Miss Olive Scutt was bridesmaid, and Mr. L. N. Boys best man. The wedding breakfast was partaken of at the residence of the bride's parents. The happy couple left by the evening train for Adelaide, where Mr. Howland is on the staff of the Adelaide Local Court.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, Friday 1 August 1941) - OBITUARY Mr. Arthur S. Howland, formerly Registrar in Bankrupts Adelaide, died at his home. Da Costa Park, on Wednesday, at the age of 52 years. He left a widow, one son and 2 daughters. Another son was killed in an accident recently.]

                Källor • Bröllop med Louie May Scutt : SA # 261/374 [Grey]

                1. Frances A. Howland, Frances
                  Bröllop · den 11 april 1942 · Adelaida, SA, AUSTRALIA · med Ralph Quimby
                  QUIMBY HOWLAND Members of the Glenelg Girl Comrades, of which the bride had been a member for a number of years, decorated the Methodist Church Glenelg with pink and white flowers for the marriage on April 11 of Frances A.... elder daughter of Mrs. L.M. Howland of Da Costa Park, and the late Mr. A.S. Rowland, with Cpl. Ralph Quimby (AMF) only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Quimby of Brighton. The Rev. A.T. Strange officiated. A pale delphinium blue light weight woollen afternoon frock was worn by the bride, who was given away by her grandfather Mr. F.A. Scutt. Misses Elva Howland (bride's sister) and Gwen Quimby (bridegroom's sister) were bridesmaids in dusky pink light weight woollen afternoon frocks. Mr. Eugene Crook was best man and Sgt. Lance Howland (brides brother) groomsman.

                  Källor • Bröllop med Ralph Quimby : The Advertiser Saturday 2 May 1942

                  &1942 Ralph Quimby
                  Bröllop · den 11 april 1942 · Adelaida, SA, AUSTRALIA · med Frances A. Howland
                  QUIMBY HOWLAND Members of the Glenelg Girl Comrades, of which the bride had been a member for a number of years, decorated the Methodist Church Glenelg with pink and white flowers for the marriage on April 11 of Frances A.... elder daughter of Mrs. L.M. Howland of Da Costa Park, and the late Mr. A.S. Rowland, with Cpl. Ralph Quimby (AMF) only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Quimby of Brighton. The Rev. A.T. Strange officiated. A pale delphinium blue light weight woollen afternoon frock was worn by the bride, who was given away by her grandfather Mr. F.A. Scutt. Misses Elva Howland (bride's sister) and Gwen Quimby (bridegroom's sister) were bridesmaids in dusky pink light weight woollen afternoon frocks. Mr. Eugene Crook was best man and Sgt. Lance Howland (brides brother) groomsman.

                  Källor • Bröllop med Frances A. Howland : The Advertiser Saturday 2 May 1942

                2. Lance Howland
                3. Elva Howland
                4. Donald Eric Howland, Donald †1941
                  Död · den 27 april 1941 · SA, AUSTRALIA
                  Inquest Opened On Motor Cyclist's Death MOUNT GAMBIER, May 5 An inquest into the death of Donald Eric Howland 22 of Glenelg who was fatally injured in a collision between his motor cycle and a car near the Blue Lake on April 27 was opened by the coroner Mr. Aconley this afternoon Jack Alexander Kell 23 of Grange, "I was riding pillion with Howland" he said that they had been to a dance at Moorak. They were travelling at about 25 miles an hour on the correct side of the road on the way back to Mount Gambier. He was very hazy about the accident, he said and did not remember the actual collision. His injuries were concussion, a black eye,, bruises and cuts. The coroner adjourned the inquest to May 16. Inspector G.E. McDonald appeared for the police. Mr W.E.Pyle for relatives of the deceased and Mr W.H. Hunt for the driver of Mount Gambier.
              4. Olive Ethel Scutt, Olive 1894-
                Födelse · den 4 mars 1894 · Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA
                Bröllop · den 8 november 1915 · Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. Andrew Presbyterian Church · med Arthur Thomas Cooke
                Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA: Wednesday 10 November 1915 p2) Article MARRIAGE. COOK-SCUTT. At St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Monday afternoon the Rev. Jas. Cully, B.A., united Mr. A. T. Cooke in marriage to Miss Olive Scutt, a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Scutt, of this town. The bride was gowned in a white voile frock, and wore a white tulle hat, with streamers, and carried a shower bouquet. She was attended by Miss Mary Morris, who wore a gown of blue crepe de chine, with lace hat. Mr. F. Scutt was groomsman. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride's parents, and the Rev Jas. Cully presided over the wedding breakfast. The usual toasts were honored, and the newly wedded couple afterwards left by motor for Casterton. The honeymoon will be spent at Warrnambool and Melbourne. Mr. Cooke is the manager of the drapery department at the Cooperative Store and the assistants there presented the bride and bridegroom with an oak clock, and the directors and manager of tho company gave them a case of cutlery.

                Källor • födelse : SA # 540/138 [Grey] • Bröllop med Arthur Thomas Cooke : SA # 265/715 [Grey]

                A T C(32) single - father:Richard Cooke. O E S(22) single - father:Francis Arthur Scutt
                Arthur Thomas Cooke, Arthur
                Bröllop · den 8 november 1915 · Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. Andrew Presbyterian Church · med Olive Ethel Scutt

                Källor • Bröllop med Olive Ethel Scutt : SA # 265/715 [Grey]

            2. Amy Florence Scutt, Amy, Harden ca 1865-1958
              Födelse · omkring augusti 1865 · Bere Regis, Dorset
              Dop · den 27 augusti 1865 · Bere Regis, Dorset
              Bröllop · den 12 mars 1889 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. John's Church · med Herbert Harden
              Död · [in (year)] 1958 · kanske 93 år · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
              A F S living in 1881 in Maidstone, Kent. Index of Inward Passenger Lists for British and Foreign Ports 1852-1889 (unassisted). A F S emigrated (arrived) 1884 Sep (ship LIGURIA).

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 296 • Bröllop med Herbert Harden : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 [Digger] Book/Page:158/877

              H H (26) single - father:William George Harden. A F S (23) single - father:William Jones Scutt
              Herbert Harden 1864-1955
              Födelse · [in (year)] 1864 · Beneden, Kent
              Bröllop · den 12 mars 1889 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - St. John's Church · med Amy Florence Scutt
              Död · [in (year)] 1955 · 91 år · AUSTRALIA

              Källor • Bröllop med Amy Florence Scutt : South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 [Digger] Book/Page:158/877

              1. Percival Harden 1890-
                Födelse · [in (year)] 1890 · Albany, WA, AUSTRALIA
              2. Everard Harden 1892-1977
                Födelse · [in (year)] 1892 · Albany, WA, AUSTRALIA
                Död · [in (year)] 1977 · 85 år · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
              3. Reginald Harden 1894-1968
                Födelse · [in (year)] 1894 · Albany, WA, AUSTRALIA
                Död · [in (year)] 1968 · 74 år · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
              4. Blanche Dorothy Harden, Blanche 1896-1936
                Födelse · [in (year)] 1896 · Albany, WA, AUSTRALIA
                Bröllop · [in (year)] 1923 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · med Alexander Urquhart Martin
                Död · [in (year)] 1936 · 40 år · Plantagenet, WA, AUSTRALIA
                &1923 Alexander Urquhart Martin 1882-1941
                Födelse · [in (year)] 1882 · Gawler, SA, AUSTRALIA
                Bröllop · [in (year)] 1923 · Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA · med Blanche Dorothy Harden
                Död · [in (year)] 1941 · 59 år
            3. Ethel Maude Scutt, Ethel, Maraun ca 1867-1936
              Födelse · omkring februari 1867 · Bere Regis, Dorset
              Dop · den 24 februari 1867 · Bere Regis, Dorset
              Bröllop · den 22 februari 1892 · Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - St Paul's · med Friederich Alfred Maraun
              Död · [in (year)] 1936 · kanske 69 år · Mosman, NSW, AUSTRALIA
              [Index of Inward Passenger Lists for British and Foreign Ports 1852-1889 (unassisted). E M S emigrated (arrived) 1884 Sep (ship Liguria).] [The Advertiser - Adelaide, SA Wednesday 20 October 1915. Maraun - On 10th October at her daughter's residence (Mrs. Scutt), Western Australian Bank, Greenbushes), Anna, relict of L. Muraun, aged 76 years. E M M - father:William James Scutt.]

              Källor • födelse : Wareham 5a 306 • dop : IGI • Bröllop med Friederich Alfred Maraun : SA # 178/699 [Adelaide] • död :