Potomci od John Gordon Scutt

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John Gordon Scutt, rojen približno aprila 1902, Broadstone, Wimborne, Dorset, krščen [on (day month year)] 4. maja 1902, Broadstone, Wimborne, Dorset, umrl [on (day month year)] 2. oktobra 1967, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, SOUTH AFRICA, ustvarjeno, Victoria Park Crematorium, SOUTH AFRICA (živel(a) verjetno 65 let). [Zapisek 1]
približno 5. oktobra 1928, Alice, East London, Cape Province, SOUTH AFRICA, se je poročil z Christine Amy Welch, umrla [on (day month year)] 18. decembra 1935, Alice, Cape Province, SOUTH AFRICA [Zapisek 1-1].

se je poročil z ------ ------, umrla.

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (John Gordon Scutt ca 1902-1967)
Western Gazette, Somerset, Fri 12 Oct 1928. Scutt-Welch. On October 5th. at East London, South Africa, John Gordon Scutt, son of Mr. Scutt, corn merchant, of Broadstone and Poole, to Christine Amy elder daughter of E. H. G. Welch, of Norton House, Stratton-on-the Fosse. Present address "Argyle" P.O. Alice, Cape Province, S. Africa - by cable.

- rojstva: Poole 5a 230
- poroke 1: Western Gazette, Somerset [1928 Oct 12] / National Archives of South Africa - Cape Town Archives Repository 48570
- smrti: Victoria Park Crematorium

1-1 (Christine Amy Welch †1935)
[Western Gazette, Somerset, Fri 12 Oct 1928. Scutt-Welch. On October 5th. at East London, South Africa, John Gordon Scutt, son of Mr. Scutt, corn merchant, of Broadstone and Poole, to Christine Amy elder daughter of E. H. G. Welch, of Norton House, Stratton-on-the Fosse. Present address "Argyle" P.O. Alice, Cape Province, S. Africa - by cable.] [C A S lived at Argyle Victoria Street, East District, Cape Province. To John Gordon Scutt & Henry Edward Matthews.] [Sat 21 Dec 1935, Western Daily Press, Bristol. SCUTT - December 18, at Alice, Cape Province, South Africa, Christine Amy, wife of Gordon Scutt and daughter of Mr & Mrs E. H. Welch, Kuling, Winscombe, Somerset, passed away after pneumonia; aged 34.]

- poroke: Western Gazette, Somerset [1928 Oct 12] / National Archives of South Africa - Cape Town Archives Repository 48570
- smrti: Western Daily Press, Bristol [1935 Dec 21] / Cape Estates Death Notice Index 1834-1951 / Wills 1936

- povprečna starost ob smrti 14, prijatelj 14