Potomci od Mabel Annie Ross

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Mabel Annie Ross, rojena približno avgusta 1886, Dorchester district, Dorset, umrla [on (day month year)] 12. marca 1938, Charminster, Dorset (živel(a) verjetno 51 let). [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 20. oktobra 1908, Cheselbourne, Dorset, se je poročila z Cuthbert Harry Vernon Scutt, rojen približno junija 1875, Affpuddle, Dorset, krščen [on (day month year)] 10. oktobra 1875, Tincleton, Dorset, umrl [on (day month year)] 19. aprila 1953, Weymouth district, Dorset (živel(a) verjetno 77 let) [Zapisek 1-1] ([witnesses]: Reginald Ernest Bennett , Francis Ethel Ross ).

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Mabel Annie Ross ca 1886-1938)
M A S 51yr.

- rojstva: Dorchester 5a 343
- poroke: Dorchester 5a 771
- smrti: Dorchester 5a 419

1-1 (Cuthbert Harry Vernon Scutt ca 1875-1953)
[1875 Oct 10 Cuthbert Harry Vernon Scutt son of Henry Thomas & Cordelia Scutt, machinist of Whaddock, part of Affpiddle.] [Also noted Cuthbert Henry Venner Scutt.] [Western Gazette 1920 May 14. Dorset Farmers' Union. ..... This was seconded by Mr. C. H. Vernon Scutt.] [Western Gazette 1921 Aug 19. The Farmer and His Cottage. Legit Objection Upheld. Harry Vernon Scutt, farmer, of who was represented by Mr. H. O. Lock, sought to obtain order possession of a cottage occupied by Henry Davis, for whom Mr. J. W. Miller appeared. Mr. Scutt stated that respondent was formerly in his employ at a wage of 47s. per week, with cottage and garden, and firewood and what rabbits he liked to catch for his own consumption. As he had to complain the way in which he did his work, was given notice to leave the 6th April, but as he could not obtain other employment was kept on. There was later on further ground of complaint about the way the respondent did his work, and he was given notice to leave again. He left the applicant's employ, but he did not given up possession of the cottage. He engaged a man named Cheeseman in respondent's place, but he would not stay because he could not gain possession of the cottage. Then a man named Charles Crabb, Bere Regis, was engaged, and the cottage was required for his occupation. In answer Mr. Miller, the applicant said he believed the proper wage for a carter April last was 17s., he had never heard that the sum fixed by the Wages Board that time was 52s. On being pressed by Mr. Miller, the applicant stated that the man named Charles Crabb was not actually in his employ, although he intended to engage him if he could get possession of the cottage. On this Mr. Miller took a legal objection that the cottage was not required for a man in Mr. Scutt's actual employ. This the Bench upheld, and the application was refused.] [Western Gazette 1922 Mar 03. Cuthbert, Vernon Scutt, Broadwey, was summoned for allowing three cows to stray contrary to the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Order. P.O. Dyer stated he found the cows in question astray in North Street, Charminster, which was a scheduled area, and turned them into field. He informed Mr. Scutt who expressed his regret. The Chairman pointed out that under the present Order the maximum penalty - was 5pound per cow, but defendant would only fined him the mitigated penalty per of 5s. a cow, 15s in all.] [Western Gazette 1931 Dec 04. Dairy to Let, 30 cows, January 1st - Vernon Scutt, Charminster, Dorchester.] [Western Gazette 1937 Jan 15. Carter Wanted at once, owing to illness - Vernon Scutt, Charminster, Dorchester.] [C H V S - 77yr.]

- rojstva: Wareham 5a 311 / Western Gazette [1920 May 14, 1921 Aug 19, 1922 Mar 03, 1931 Dec 04 & 1937 Jan 15]
- krst: Tincleton Baptisms 1813-1885
- poroke: Dorchester 5a 771
- smrti: Weymouth 6a 502

- povprečna starost ob smrti 16, prijatelj 16