Descendentes de Tom Homer Scutt

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Tom Homer Scutt, nascido cerca 1853, Bere Regis, Dorset, falecido cerca Maio 1940, Lambeth district, London (com a idade de possivelmente 87 anos). [Nota 1]
Casado cerca 9 de Outubro de 1888, Newport Shifnal, Shropshire, com Elizabeth Vereker Ventris, nascida cerca 1864, Church Aston Rectory, Shropshire, falecida a 22 de Outubro de 1944, Lewisham district, London (com a idade de possivelmente 80 anos) [Nota 1-1].

Total: 0 pessoas (cônjuges não incluídos).


1 (Tom Homer Scutt ca 1853-ca 1940)
[Gloucester Citizen - Wednesday 26 September 1877. The Murder of a Constable in Dorset. Henry Lock was yesterday morning brought before the Wareham magistrates charged with wilful murder of P. 0. Thomas Bishop of Dorset constabulary, at Bere Regis on Thursday night. The evidence given was the effect that the prisoner and others were drunk and making a disturbance in the street, and that the deceased went to the prisoner, and endeavoured to take him to his home, which but short distance off. Prisoner lives with his father, and situated in yard with gateway at each end. The constable went with the prisoner through one gateway, and supposed that order to prevent his going out the other way into the street went with him to the cottage-door. Bishop called to the father, "Look, take in your son." A fellow-policeman who was with him, had remained behind at the gateway to keep back crowd of roughs. A man, however, named Ricketts, went round to the other gateway, and on reaching the yard says that he found the policeman standing a short distance from Lock, who took a large stone and flung it at the constable. The stone struck the man on the head, and rendered him insensible. Lock took another stone and flung him whilst on the ground; and on the witness lifting up the policeman, he knocked him out his arms. Dr. Lys gave evidence as to an examination which he had made of the body, and said that both deceased's eyes were black. There was a blow on each temple, on the nose, left, cheek, on the back the hand, and on the right elbow. There was a small wound on the lower lip, and a large one at the back of the left ear. There was also a fracture, about four inches length, on the left side the skull. Dr. W. F. Daniels gave similar evidence. M. Tom Scutt said he had heard prisoner threaten to "do" for the deceased. Prisoner was remanded for a week. The funeral of the deceased took place on Monday and was very numerously attended, the constable having borne a most exemplary character, and been much respected.] [Thu 18 Oct 1888, Devizes and Wiltshire Gazette, Wiltshire. Oct 9, at Church Aston Parish Church, Newport, Salop. Tom Homer Scutt, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., London, of Micklegate, York, eldest son of the late J. T. H. Scutt, of Regis and St. Mary's, Dorset, to Elizabeth Vereker Ventris, third daughter of the Rev. E. Favell Ventris, rector of Church Aston.] [Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, Saturday 10 October 1891. SAD DEATH OF A YOUNG WIFE AT YORK. An inquest was held yesterday at York upon the body of Sarah Ann Spencer, aged 18, the wife of Barry Spencer, of Pinder's Court. The deceased was confined early on Tuesday morning, and was attended only by an uncertificated midwife. Matters did not, however go on favourably, and Mr T. H. Scutt, surgeon, was called in, and found the deceased in a state of collapse. He found that the deceased had not boen properly treated, and death occurred on Thursday morning from inflammation of the womb, combined with shock and loss of blood. The midwife had made an extra-ordinary mistake as to the supposed presence of a second child; and the treatment she had employed was due to that erroneous supposition. The deceased's husband stated that he had desired to have a doctor at the confinement, but that his wife had overruled his wishes. Emma Barrett, the midwife, said she had attended confinements for nearly fifteen year. She was still under the impression that there were twins but confessed that she had never met with similar appearances before. Mr Scutt said it was possible that the circumstances in this case might have arisen naturally, but it was not probable. The jury found a verdict in accordance with the medical opinion as to the cause of death, but at their request the Coroner censured Mrs Barrett for having undertaken a confinement without a medical man. She had, he said, displayed great ignorance, and he hoped it would be a warning to her not to undertake any further confinements unless she had medical aid.] [Hull Daily Mail - Friday 01 April 1892. Messrs Walker & Son's Horse Sale. Walker and Son held their third March sale at the Repository, Lendal Bridge, Thursday. There was only a small attendance, and sales were quiet, bit prices were fairly good. The property of Dr Scutt, Kitty, mare, 6 years - 31 Gs.] [Leeds Times, West Yorkshire, Saturday 06 July 1895. Ilkley - Rockwood House, Hydro-Establishment. Splendid Situation. Romantic Scenery. Excellent Cuisine. Lawn Tennis recently added. Physician, Dr. Scutt. Terms from 30s. 6d. per week. J. Lister, Proprietor.] [The London Gazette [1908] Scutt, Tom Homer of Llantrissant, Broadstone, near Wimborne, in the county of Dorset and a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons - High Court of Justice in Bankruptcy (by transfer from Poole) 285 of 1908, Bankruptcy - buildings, Carey Street, London, W.C.] [T H S - 87yr.]

- nascimento: BMD (Deaths) / Census 1861 Dorset-1901 Middlesex-1911 Bedfordshire
- casamento: Newport Shifnal 6a 1535 / Devizes and Wiltshire Gazette [1888 Oct 18]
- morte: Lambeth 1d 177

1-1 (Elizabeth Vereker Ventris ca 1864-1944)
[Thu 18 Oct 1888, Devizes and Wiltshire Gazette, Wiltshire. Oct 9, at Church Aston Parish Church, Newport, Salop. Tom Homer Scutt, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., London, of Micklegate, York, eldest son of the late J. T. H. Scutt, of Regis and St. Mary's, Dorset, to Elizabeth Vereker Ventris, third daughter of the Rev. E. Favell Ventris, rector of Church Aston.] [E V S 80yr.]

- nascimento: BMD (Deaths) / Census 1901 Middlesex
- casamento: Newport Shifnal 6a 1535 / Devizes and Wiltshire Gazette [1888 Oct 18]
- morte: Lewisham 1d 648

- conexões 17, amigos 17