Potomkovia Elizabeth Scutt

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Elizabeth Scutt, narodená v august 1840, Sutton Poyntz, Dorset, pokrstená dňa 24. august 1840, Sutton Poyntz, Dorset, zomrela okolo august 1919, Swanage, Dorset, pochovaná v august 1919, Swanage, Dorset - St. Mary's (vek v dobe úmrtia možno 79 rokov). [Poznámka 1]
dňa 26. november 1891, Bath, Somerset - St. Paul, si vzala Francis Godfrey White, narodený okolo máj 1841, Frome district, Somerset, zomrel dňa 18. august 1921, Swanage, Dorset - Havelock, Cranborne Road, pochovaný v august 1921, Swanage, Dorset - St. Mary's (vek v dobe úmrtia možno 80 rokov) [Poznámka 1-1].

Spolu: 0 osoby (manželia/manželky nie sú zahrnuté).


1 (Elizabeth Scutt 1840-ca 1919)
[Father, yeoman.] [Western Gazette, Somerset, Fri 04 Dec 1891. Nov 26, at St. Paul's Church, Bath, by the Rev. Angus Clerk, vicar, Francis Godfrey White, of Anerley, S.E., to Elizabeth, only surviving daughter of the late John Scutt, of Preston, Weymouth.] [E W - 79yrs.]

- narodenie: Weymouth 8 174
- [baptism]: Sutton Poyntz Baptisms / IGI
- manželstvo: Bath 5c 1063 / Western Gazette [1891 Dec 04]
- úmrtie: Wareham 5a 235 / IGI PRF
- pohreb: Western Gazette [1921 Aug 19]

1-1 (Francis Godfrey White ca 1841-1921)
[Western Gazette, Somerset, Fri 04 Dec 1891. Nov 26, at St. Paul's Church, Bath, by the Rev. Angus Clerk, vicar, Francis Godfrey White, of Anerley, S.E., to Elizabeth, only surviving daughter of the late John Scutt, of Preston, Weymouth.] [Fri 19 Aug 1921, Western Gazette, Somerset. Swanage, Death - Mr. F. G. White. The death occurred at Havelock, Cranborne Road. Swanage, on Thursday, Mr. Francis Godfrey White, the ripe age of 80 years. Deceased, who was the son of the late Mr. George Mitchell White, cheese factor, Warminster, Wilts, was educated at Warminster Grammar School, and was for many years in business in London, in the employ of Messrs. Copestake, lace importers. He married in 1893 Elizabeth Scutt, daughter of the late Mr. John Scutt, of Preston, Weymouth. On retiring from business he resided for about eight years in Frome, Somerset, and came to Swanage in 1903. The funeral took place Saturday, St. Mary's, Swanage, deceased being interred in the same grave as his wife. The mourners were: Mrs. S. A. (niece), Mr. P White (nephew), Mr. A. (wife's nephew), Alice Yerbury (servant), Mr. Dowdswell, and Mr R. Slade.

- narodenie: Frome 10 388
- manželstvo: Bath 5c 1063 / Western Gazette [1891 Dec 04]
- úmrtie: Wareham 5a 246 / Western Gazette [1921 Aug 19]
- pohreb: Western Gazette [1921 Aug 19]

- spojenia 26, friends 26