Potomci od Grace Buckingham

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Grace Buckingham, umrla, Devon. [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 1. januarja 1715, Exeter, Devon - St Petrock, se je poročila z Gilbert Scutt, rojen v letu 1690, Devon, umrl, Devon [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Grace Buckingham )
In 1723 Grace Scut (Scutt) of Chagford [marked] - Oaths sworn at Crokerton Well, Cheriton Bishop, 24 September 1723 before William Oxenham and Andrew Davy esq.

- poroke: IGI M050501 / Oaths sworn QS17/2/2/14c

1-1 (Gilbert Scutt 1690-)
[(his parents still needs verification)] [Gilbert Scutt of Chagford [marked] - Oaths sworn at Crokerton Well, Cheriton Bishop, 24 September 1723 before William Oxenham and Andrew Davy esq.]

- rojstva: Musgrove Family Tree
- poroke: IGI M050501 / Oaths sworn QS17/2/2/14c

- povprečna starost ob smrti 30, prijatelj 30