Descendentes de Gilbert Scutt

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Gilbert Scutt, nascido, Chagford, Devon, falecido, Devon. [Nota 1]
Casado cerca 1640, Devon, com ------ ------, falecida, Devon [Nota 1-1].

Total: 0 pessoas (cônjuges não incluídos).


1 (Gilbert Scutt )
[Scutt, Gilbert, Chagford W. 1643.] [Assessed at £10 in 1660 poll tax Chagford (Gilbert Scutt & wife). Donation to St Paul's 1678 in Chagford (Gilbert Snr donated 4d. Gilbert Jnr donated 2d).]

- nascimento, casamento: Chagford Poll Tax 1660
- morte: Wills & Administrations proved in the Bishop of Exeter 1559-1799

1-1 (------ ------ )
- casamento: Chagford Poll Tax 1660

- conexões 14, amigos 14