Potomci William Galpin

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William Galpin, narozen v 1774, zemřel v 1837, Fordington, Dorset, pohřben dne 12. ledna 1837, Fordington, Dorset (věk v době úmrtí 63 let), cooper. [Poznámka 1]
si vzal Charlotte Clare, narozena v 1772, zemřela v 1822, Fordington, Dorset, pohřbena dne 31. prosince 1822, Fordington, Dorset (věk v době úmrtí 50 let).

Celkem: 0 osob (manželé/manželky nejsou zahrnuty).


1 (William Galpin 1774-1837)
William GALPIN (1774-1837) a cooper by trade was buried at St Georges Church, Fordington on 12th Jan 1837 and left a will dated 5th Feb 1836. He was the son of William GALPIN (1740-1818) and Sarah MASTERS (1739-1816). His wife Charlotte nee CLARE (1772-1822) was also buried at Fordington on 31st Dec 1822. Children from the marriage:(1)George GALPIN (1800-1865) born 27 July 1800, bapt 27 July 1802 married Elizabeth LEGG at Broadwey, Dorset on 17th Dec 1827. They have two children baptised at All Saints - William (20th July 1830) and George (19th Mar 1833) both of which survived him. George inherited the Pheonix Inn in Dorchester from his father as well as his business as a cooper and appears as a cooper in Pigots Directory of 1844, but he later became a butter merchant. He died at Fisherton in Wiltshire on 29th Dec 1865. His will was proved by his brother John & his 2 sons William of Dorchester and George of Stinsford both Yeomen and he was returned to All Saints Church to be buried on 3rd Jan 1866 - he left just under £25,000. (2)William bap 27 Dec 1802. He inherited property in Gaol Lane and £200 from his father in 1837. He married Hannah DIXON the daughter of Thomas Dixon. See baptism of their son Thomas Dixon Galpin bapt All Saints 13 Dec 1828 for more information. (3)Charlotte bapt 08 Jan 1808 She remained a spinster living with her younger brother John for many years and taking shares in his business as she inherited, as did her 2 sister, £1,000 each when their father died in 1837. She died in Dorchester in 1886 leaving an estate of £2,720.5s. (4) Eliza bapt 8 Jan 1808 she married George LOCK an Innkeeper from Blandford Forum at All Saints Church on 23rd Sept 1829. (5)Sarah bapt 24 May 1808 she married a Yeoman Thomas SCUTT at All Saints on 26th May 1830. (6)John GALPIN (1813-1882) bapt 22 Mar 1813, an Ironmonger and Iron Founder, JP, and Mayor of Dorchester in 1860/1. He did not marry until he was 44 years old marrying Emily HANSFORD at Holy Trinity Church, Dorchester on 8th Oct 1857. (6)Martha bapt 11 Apr 1813, she married 17th July 1837 to Edward Burch GOFFE.

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