Potomci od John Oliver Scutt

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John Oliver Scutt, rojen približno septembra 1846, Coombe Keynes, Dorset, krščen [on (day month year)] 4. oktobra 1846, Wool, Dorset, umrl v maja 1938, Coombe Keynes, Dorset, pokopan v letu 1938, Coombe Keynes - Holy Rood (živel(a) verjetno 91 let), brick moulder on Lulworth estate, (1873) labourer. [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 16. avgusta 1873, East Lulworth, Dorset, se je poročil z Mary Lucas, rojena v letu 1851, East Lulworth, Dorset, umrla [on (day month year)] 12. marca 1934, Coombe Keynes, Dorset, pokopana v marca 1934, Coombe Keynes - Holy Rood (živel(a) 83 let) [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (John Oliver Scutt ca 1846-1938)
[Western Gazette, Somerset, Friday 23 December 1870. County Petty Sessions, Tuesday. Before Mr. J. W. T. Fyler (chairman), Mr. M. Calcraft, and Mr. F. F. J. Morrice. John Scutt, of East Lulworth, was summoned by Elize Meaden, of West Lulworth, to show cause, &o. Mr. Reade, of Ringwood, appeared for complainant, Mr. R. N. Howard for defendant. The case broke down as the summonses had not been served six clear days before the day of hearing.] [Western Gazette, Somerset Fri 22 Aug 1873. August 16, at the Parish Church of East Lulworth, Mr. John Scutt, to Mary, third daughter of Mr Thos Lucas.] [John Charles Scutt - Census 1881 Dorset.] [J O S 91yr., Cottage Kimberts End, Coombe Keynes, Dorset. John Oliver Scutt; son of Edward and Sarah; Coombe Keynes; labourer; Isaac Urban Cooke.]

- rojstva: Wareham 8 117 (4th.Q.)
- krst: VRI / Coombe Keynes Baptisms 1842-1879
- poroke: Wareham 5a 483 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920
- smrti: Poole 5a 263
- pogreb: Parish Church, Coombe Keynes

1-1 (Mary Lucas 1851-1934)
[Western Gazette, Somerset Fri 22 Aug 1873. August 16, at the Parish Church of East Lulworth, Mr. John Scutt, to Mary, third daughter of Mr Thos Lucas.] [M S - 83yr.]

- poroke: Wareham 5a 483 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920
- smrti: Wareham 5a 368
- pogreb: Parish Church, Coombe Keynes

- povprečna starost ob smrti 25, prijatelj 25