Потомци на George Robert Scutt

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George Robert Scutt, роден през 1841, Wool, Dorset, кръстен на 21 ноември 1841, Wool, Dorset, починал около май 1909, Long Ashton, Gloucestershire (на възраст може би 68 години), (1871-1911) gamekeeper. [Бележка 1]
Встъпва в брак на 27 май 1868, East Lulworth, Dorset, с Isabella Pride, родена около август 1843, Wool, Dorset, починала на 27 януари 1887, Huntsham, Dorset, погребана на 31 януари 1887, Huntsham, Devon (на възраст може би 43 години) [Бележка 1-1].

Общо: 0 сведения за лица (без да се включват съпрузите/съпругите).


1 (George Robert Scutt 1841-ca 1909)
[Father E S - Wool, labourer.] [Bristol Mercury - Sat 25 Jan 1873. TORTWORTH - Poaching Assault. At the Petty Sessional Court, Wotton-under-Edge, on Monday, Henry Jones and James Hicks, labourers, of Crossways, near Toornbury, were brought up in custody before J. Long, Esq., and Mr. Serjeant Pullin, charged with poaching in the preserves of the Earl of Ducie, at Tortworth, and with violently assaulting George Bashrod, his lordship's head gamekeeper and his assistant, George Scutt. Prisoners were committed to take their trial at the next quarter session at Gloucester.] [Diary of a shoemaker of East Lulworth by Henry Rolls 1825 to 1873".] [G R S - 67yr.]

- раждане: Wareham & C 8 120 / Census 1861-91 Dorset & 1881-1901 Devon
- кръщение: Wool Baptisms 1733-1841
- брак: Wareham 5a 527 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920
- смърт: Long Ashton 5c 368

1-1 (Isabella Pride ca 1843-1887)
I S buried 1887 Jan 31, game keeper's cottage Huntsham, Isabella Scutt female 43yr. Wife of George Robert Scutt, game keeper, - cause of death Pulmonary T.B. 4 years cert. by Dr W Pratt MRCS - informant:Walter Scutt, son in attendance, Reg 29 Jan 1887 Reg Samuel Bysley?

- раждане: Wareham 8 115
- брак: Wareham 5a 527 / East Lulworth Marriages 1858-1920
- смърт: Tiverton 5b 349
- погребение: Huntsham Burials

- потребителски връзки 14, приятели 14