Potomci od Thomas Jones Scutt

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Thomas Jones Scutt, rojen približno maja 1853, Tincleton, Dorset, umrl v februarja 1944, Poole district, Dorset, pokopan [on (day month year)] 23. februarja 1944, Wareham, Dorset (živel(a) verjetno 90 let). [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 11. januarja 1881, Broadwater, West Sussex, se je poročil z Alice Sarah Miller, rojena približno februarja 1850, Newington district, London, umrla približno oktobra 1913, Blandford district, Dorset, pokopana [on (day month year)] 4. oktobra 1913, Blandford Forum Cemetery (Dorset) (živel(a) verjetno 63 let) [Zapisek 1-1] ([witnesses]: James Robert Miller , Albert Reed Miller ).

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Thomas Jones Scutt ca 1853-1944)
Thomas Jones Scutt on Census 1871 Dorset. In the Matter of a Deed of Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors, executed on the 13th February, 1894, by Thomas Jones Scutt, of Fordington, Dorchester, in the county of Dorset, Agricultural Engineer. The creditors of the abovenamed Thomas Jones Scutt who have not already sent in their claims are required, on or before the 21st day of July 1894, to send in their names and addresses, and the particulars of their debts or claims, to Thomas Isaac Denman and Henry Wilson Marrillier, both of Bank-chambers, Yeovil, in the county of Somerset, Chartered Accountants, the Trustees under the said deed, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of the Dividend proposed to be declared Dated this 4th day of July, 1894. Bankruptcy: Thomas Jones Scutt of Fordington, Dorset - Agricultural Implements maker & traveller, date of 1st meeting 21 Dec 1897, date of examination 28 Jan 1898 County Hall Dorchester [London Gazette]. Bankruptcy: Thomas Jones Scutt of Fordington, Dorset, Agricultural Implements maker & traveller date of 1st meeting 21 Dec 1897 date of examination 28 Jan 1898 County Hall Dorchester [London Gazette]. [T J S 89yr.]

- rojstva: Wareham 5a 303 / Census 1871-81-91-1901-11 Dorset
- poroke: East Preston 2b 456 / Broadwater Marriages 1558-1885 / Census 1881-1901 Dorset
- smrti: Poole 5a 383 / The London Gazette [1894] / United Grand Lodge of England Freemason Membership Registers 1751-1921

1-1 (Alice Sarah Miller ca 1850-ca 1913)
A S S - 63yr.

- rojstva: Newington 4 378
- poroke: East Preston 2b 456 / Broadwater Marriages 1558-1885 / Census 1881-1901 Dorset
- smrti: Blandford 5a 235

- povprečna starost ob smrti 23, prijatelj 23