Potomkovia Arthur Edward Scutt

Pozri: Potomkovia | Poznámky

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Arthur Edward Scutt, narodený okolo november 1868, Chute Forest, Wiltshire, zomrel dňa 6. jún 1945, Wallingford district, Berkshire (vek v dobe úmrtia možno 76 rokov). [Poznámka 1]
dňa 27. október 1897, Audlem, Cheshire - St James's, si vzal Mary Baker, narodená okolo 1872, zomrela dňa 20. november 1958, Wantage district, Oxfordshire (vek v dobe úmrtia možno 86 rokov) [Poznámka 1-1].

Spolu: 0 osoby (manželia/manželky nie sú zahrnuté).


1 (Arthur Edward Scutt ca 1868-1945)
[Census 1881-1901 Wiltshire.] [Morning Post, Wednesday 02 June 1886. Accountant, A Young Man seeks a Situation as above; well up in farm and estate accounts. A. Scutt, Chute Lodge, Andover, Hants.] [Reading Mercury Sat 30 Oct 1897. Scutt-Baker, On the 27th inst., at the parish church, Andlem, Cheshire, by the Rev. S. Cotton, vicar, Arthur Edward, youngest son of Mr. George Scutt, of Chute Lodge, Andover, to Mary, second daughter of the late George Baker, Esq., solicitor, Andlem, Cheshire.] [Reading Mercury Sat 30 Oct 1897. Aldermaston. Presentation - Mr. Arthur E. Scutt, honorary secretary of the Junior Cricket Ciub, has been the recipient of a valuable barometer from the members of the Club on the occasion of his marriage. The presentation took place on Saturday at Aldermaston Court, the interesting ceremony being performed by Mr. C. E. Keyser, the president of the club. The barometer bore a suitable inscription and was accompanied by an address signed by Mr. C. E. Keyser, president, Lionel Hoddinott, captain, and 23 other members of the club.] [Reading Mercury, Sat 17 Mar 1900, Berkshire. Horses, Live Stock, Poultry, Scutt. Padworth, Reading. Eggs for Hatching.] [Reading Mercury, Sat 20 Oct 1900, Berkshire. Pure Milk Warranty. Important to Farmers. A case of considerable importance to farmers came before the Kensington Justices, sitting at the Town Hall, Kensington, on Tuesday. Mr. Arthur E. Scutt, farmer of Lodge Farm, Padworth, Berks, was summoned by the Hammersmith Vestry, for having given false warranty with milk supplied to Mr. B. J. Vincent, a milk-seller, of 136 Shepherd's Bush Road, W. Mr. Watson appeared for the Vestry, and Mr. Reckitts defended. The facts of the case are as follows: Some weeks ago Inspector Oatley, who is in the service of the vestry, obtained a pint of milk from a lad who was in charge of one of Mr. Vincent's barrows. The milk was divided in the usual way, and the portion sent to the public analyst by the Vestry authorities was returned by that official, together with a certificate stating that it contained 11-3 percent of added water. Proceedings were taken against Mr. Vincent, who successfully defended himself by calling witnesses to prove that he sold the the milk as he received it from Mr. Scutt, and by producing the warranty given by that gentleman. The Bench dismissed the summons against Mr. Vincent; the Vestry then instituted proceedings against the present defendant. The case was heard on Tuesday. Mr. Vincent's witnesses having been called by Mr. Watson on behalf of Hammersmith Vestry. Ernest Nash, a cowman in the employ of defendant, living at Padworth was examined. Witness, who was present at the milking, said he would swear that the milk was not tampered with. Mr. Scutt, the defendant, was also called, and gave evidence to the same effect. He had, he said, been in the business eleven years, and had never had a complaint of any kind before. He sealed the churn in question up himself and delivered it to the authorities at Aldermaston Station a few minutes before the train started. He suggested that his liability in the matter ceased at Aldermaston Station. Certainly he was not responsible assuming that any of the railway officials tampered with the milk. After a short consultation, the Chairman said the Bench were of opinion the defendant honestly believed the milk to be pure when he wrote the warranty. The summons would therefore be dismissed.] [Reading Mercury Sat 03 Aug 1901 Berkshire. County Magistrates Office, Reading Saturday, July 27. (Before Captain Cobham, Chairman; G. W. Tyser, Esq., C. W. Marriott, Esq., M.D., Colonel Ward, C.I.E., and General Waddington.) Drunkenness - William and Emma Jennings, of Padworth. failed to answer a summons charging them with being drunk and disorderly on the highway at Padworth on the 17th July. Mr. A. E. Scutt, of The Lodge Farm, Padworth said that he heard a disturbance on the road outside his house on the night in question, and on going out found the defendants (who are man and wife) quarreling. He ordered them away. They went a short distance, and then both fell down drunk. Each defendant was ordered to pay 10s., including costs, or go to prison for seven days.] [A E S 77yr.]

- narodenie: Andover 2c 207
- manželstvo: Nantwich 8a 499
- úmrtie: Wallingford 2c 335

1-1 (Mary Baker ca 1872-1958)
M S 86yr. Saturday 22 November 1958, Reading Mercury, Berkshire. ****** ** November 1958, Mary widow of Arthur Edward Scutt, aged 86 years.

- narodenie: BMD (Deaths)
- manželstvo: Nantwich 8a 499
- úmrtie: Wantage 6a 191 / Reading Mercury [1958 Nov 22]

- spojenia 23, friends 23