Descendenti pentru Albert Scutt

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Albert Scutt, născut la 29. julie 1881, Badjeros, Grey, Ontario, CANADA, a decedat in februarie 1955, Hawarden, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, CANADA, inmormintat, Hawarden Cemetery (etate la deces 73 ani). [Nota 1]
Casatorit la 15. decembrie 1915, Hawarden, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, CANADA, cu Estella Judson, născută la 18. martie 1895, Feversham, Grey, Ontario, CANADA, a decedat la 4. aprilie 1996, Hawarden, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, CANADA (etate la deces 101 ani) [Nota 1-1].

In total: 0 persoane (conjugati exclusi).


1 (Albert Scutt 1881-1955)
Albert Scutt arrived in the Hawarden District from Badjernas, Ontario in the spring of 1906. He took out a homestead and purchased land and married Estella Hudson on December 15, 1915 and they had a family of three daughters. He had a paralytic stroke in 1938 and left the farm in 1949, moving into the village of Hawarden.

- nastere: Ontario Births 1869-1913 / Census 1901 Ontario-16-21 Saskatchewan
- casatorie: IGI PRF
- deces: Anderson family tree

1-1 (Estella Judson 1895-1996)
A E S 101yr. Hudson instead of Judson stated here.

- nastere, deces: Saskatoon S-P
- casatorie: IGI PRF

- conexiuni 6, amic 6