Etterkommere av Marmaduke Scutt

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Marmaduke Scutt, født ca 1810, Broomfleet, ER Yorkshire, død den 17. juli 1875, Howden, ER Yorkshire, begravet, Broomfleet, ER Yorkshire - St Mary's (alder muligens 65 år). [Notat 1]
Gift den 19. desember 1845, South Cave, ER Yorkshire, med Sarah Bathia Purdon, født, South Cave, ER Yorkshire, døpt den 1. juli 1821, South Cave, ER Yorkshire, død den 25. januar 1881, Howden district, ER Yorkshire, begravet, Broomfleet, ER Yorkshire - St Mary's (alder muligens 59 år) [Notat 1-1].

Totalt: 0 personer (ektefeller utelatt).


1 (Marmaduke Scutt ca 1810-1875)
[M S staying with relative John Wainman in Census 1851 Yorkshire.] [Stamford Mercury, Friday 23 October 1863. All that Moiety of the Manor of Bromfleet, containing about 1200 Acres. Also that well-built Farm-House, with convenient and suitable Out buildings. Also those several Closes & Farmlands, Out buildings. Also those several Closes & Farmlands, 141 Acres or 32P. of which are rich Pasture and Meadow Land will be offered in the following or such other lots may be agreed on at the time sale: Descriptions etc. Aggregate = l78 2 38. Part of the Estate adjoins the River Humber and the Market Weighton Canal. The Hull and Selby Railway runs through Bromfleet, and Market Train stops there. The Staddletborpe Station is within three miles. Bromfleet adjoins Wallingfen, and there are valuable beds of Clay in lots 10 and 11, which adjoin the Market Weighton Canal, and are between Wallingfen and the Outlet into the Humber. Borings have been made in those lots. On boring in lot 10 to the depth of 26ft 6in. the Clay was found to be 17ft 6in. in thickness and of superior quality for red bricks; and 3ft. and a half thickness and of superior quality for white bricks. On boring lot 11 to the depth 28 the Clay waa found to be 24ft. fat thickness and superior quality for red bricks. Mr. Marmaduke Scutt, one of the tenants, will show the Estate; and further particulars may had on applying to SamL Veasey, Esq., Manor House, Helton, near Spilsby; Mr. Rt. Brown, of Howden, the Auctioneer; or at the Offices Messrs.] [M S 65yr.]

- fødsel: BMD (Deaths) / Census 1841-51-61-71 Yorkshire / The London Gazette [1879]
- ekteskap: Howden 23 130
- død: Howden 9d 65
- begravelse: Yorkshire Burials

1-1 (Sarah Bathia Purdon 1821-1881)
S S 59yr.

- ekteskap: Howden 23 130

- koblinger 4, venner 4