Descendents de Susan Mary Pickford

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Susan Mary Pickford, nascuda el 21 de novembre de 1941, morta, AUSTRALIA. [Nota 1]
Casada al voltant de febrer de 1963, Cheshire (North East), amb Geoffrey Clifford Scutt, nascut el 4 de setembre de 1933, Luddington, Lincolnshire, mort el/l' agost de 2010, THAILAND (a l'edat de 76 anys) [Nota 1-1].

Total: 0 persones (cònjuges no inclosos).


1 (Susan Mary Pickford 1941-)
Scutt, Geoffrey Clifford born 4 September 1933; Susan Mary (nee Pickford) born 21 November 1941; Ian born 13 January 1964; Gary Edward born 7 November 1964; travelled per aircraft departing UK on 7 October 1967 under the Assisted Passage Migration Scheme.

- casament: N E Cheshire 10a 920 / National Archives of Australia
- defunció: Patricia L Scutt

1-1 (Geoffrey Clifford Scutt 1933-2010)
Scutt, Geoffrey Clifford born 4 September 1933; Susan Mary (nee Pickford) born 21 November 1941; Ian born 13 January 1964; Gary Edward born 7 November 1964; travelled per aircraft departing UK on 7 October 1967 under the Assisted Passage Migration Scheme. G C S died of pneumonia.

- naixement: Goole 9c 1194 (4th.Q.)
- casament: N E Cheshire 10a 920 / National Archives of Australia
- defunció: Patricia L Scutt

- [connections] 6, amic 6