Potomci od Annie Snowden

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Annie Snowden, rojena v oktobra 1910, Idle Stop, Haxey, Lincolnshire, umrla v letu 2005, AUSTRALIA (živel(a) 95 let). [Zapisek 1]
približno maja 1932, Gainsborough district, Lincolnshire, se je poročila z Albert Edward Scutt, rojen [on (day month year)] 21. junija 1911, Swinefleet, WR Yorkshire, umrl v februarja 1988, Banyule City, Victoria, AUSTRALIA, pokopan [on (day month year)] 28. februarja 1988, Templestowe Cemetery & Memorial Gardens (živel(a) 76 let), carpenter/joiner [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Annie Snowden 1910-2005)
- rojstva: Patricia L Scutt
- poroke: Gainsbro’ 7a 1640
- smrti: Patricia L. Scutt

1-1 (Albert Edward Scutt 1911-1988)
Rose Garden Circle B66. Note:Death date listed is the interment date. The actual death date is unknown.

- rojstva: Goole 9c 1873 (3rd.Q.)
- poroke: Gainsbro’ 7a 1640
- smrti: Patricia L Scutt
- pogreb: Patricia L Jones

- povprečna starost ob smrti 27, prijatelj 27