Potomci od Edwin Hill

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Edwin Hill, rojen [on (day month year)] 8. februarja 1907, umrl [on (day month year)] 10. februarja 1994, Ran Albion Bakery, Albion Hill, Epworth, Lincolnshire, pokopan, Municipal Cemetery, Epworth, Lincolnshire (živel(a) 87 let). [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 6. januarja 1932, Owston Ferry, Lincolnshire - Parish Church, se je poročil z Mabel Annie Scutt, rojena [on (day month year)] 6. januarja 1913, Althorpe, Lincolnshire, krščena [on (day month year)] 5. februarja 1913, Althorpe, Lincolnshire, umrla [on (day month year)] 7. marca 1977, Epworth, Lincolnshire, pokopana, Epworth Cemetery (živel(a) 64 let) [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Edwin Hill 1907-1994)
Both Mabel and Edwin are buried in Epworth Cemetery. Their gravestone reads - "To the memory of a devoted wife & mother Mabel Annie Hill died 7 March 1977 aged 64 years also a dear husband & father Edwin Hill died 10 February 1994 aged 87 years. Dear grandparents.".

- rojstva: Dawn Gallagher
- poroke: Gainsbro’ 7a 1551

1-1 (Mabel Annie Scutt 1913-1977)
Both Mabel and Edwin are buried in Epworth Cemetery. Their gravestone reads - "To the memory of a devoted wife & mother Mabel Annie Hill died 7 March 1977 aged 64 years also a dear husband & father Edwin Hill died 10 February 1994, aged 87 years. Dear grandparents."

- oseba, smrti: Dawn Gallagher
- rojstva: Thorne 9c 1911
- poroke: Gainsbro’ 7a 1551