Afkomendur George Scutt

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George Scutt, fædd(ur)   6 nóvember 1887, Goole, WR Yorkshire, dó um ágúst 1958, Don Valley district, Yorkshire (dánaraldur kannski 70 ára). [Athugasemd 1]
Sambúð um 1913, Yorkshire, með Emma Bean, dó   1970, Mexborough, Yorkshire [Athugasemd 1-1].

Giftist um 13 mai 1940, Brampton Bierlow, WR Yorkshire - Christ Church, Zilpha Mary Walker, fædd(ur) um 16 mars 1904, Rotherham district, WR Yorkshire, dó í nóvember 1975, Rotherham district, South Yorkshire (dánaraldur kannski 71 ára) [Athugasemd 1-2].

Alls: 0 einstaklingar (undanskildir makar).


1 (George Scutt 1887-ca 1958)
G S living in 1891 at 60 Moorland Road, Goole, Yorkshire. Official Number: SS103601. G S - 70yr.

- fæðing: Goole 9c 765 / Registers of Seamen's Services
- gifting 1: BMD (Children)
- gifting 2: Rother V 9c 2060
- látin(n): Don Valley 2b 370

1-1 (Emma Bean †1970)
In 1931, she reverted to her married surname of Ashton, and took on the name of Florence and bigamously married Thomas Collinson in 1931.

- gifting 1: Thorne 9c 1384
- gifting 2: BMD (Children)
- gifting 3: Rotherham 9c 1735
- látin(n): Christine Scutt

1-2 (Zilpha Mary Walker ca 1904-1975)
- fæðing: Rotherham 9c 806 (2nd.Q.)
- gifting: Rother V 9c 2060
- látin(n): Rotherham 3 0855

- [connections] 15, vinur 15