Potomci od Alice Dunderdale

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Alice Dunderdale, rojena, Burringham, Lincolnshire, umrla v januarja 1739, Althorpe, Lincolnshire, pokopana [on (day month year)] 8. januarja 1739, Cottle Hall, Althorpe, Lincolnshire - St Oswald . [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 20. maja 1695, Althorpe, Lincolnshire, se je poročila z Thomas Scutt, rojen približno decembra 1672, krščen [on (day month year)] 12. januarja 1673, Luddington, Lincolnshire - St Oswald, umrl, pokopan [on (day month year)] 4. septembra 1724, Crowle, Lincolnshire - St Oswald's (živel(a) verjetno 51 let) [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Alice Dunderdale †1739)
- poroke: Althorpe Parish Records
- pogreb: National Burial Index (Isle of Axholme)

1-1 (Thomas Scutt ca 1672-1724)
[LCC Admons/1694/101. Reference Name LCC ADMONS/1694/101 - Name: Scutt, Thomas - Profession: Bachelor - Place: Winteringham, Lincolnshire - Date: 1694 - Repository: Lincolnshire Archives (057).] [Reference Name STOW WILLS/1717-27/293 - Name: Scutt, Thomas - Place: Burringham, Lincolnshire - Repository: Lincolnshire Archives [057].]

- rojstva: LCC Admons/1694/101
- krst: Brace's Transcripts 1599-1812 / IGI C030031
- poroke 1: (Children & Remarriage)
- poroke 2: Althorpe Parish Records
- pogreb: Stow Wills 1717-27/293 / National Burial Index (Isle of Axholme)

- povprečna starost ob smrti 13, prijatelj 13