Potomci od Edward Scutt

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Edward Scutt, rojen v letu 1856, Rawcliffe, Goole, WR Yorkshire, krščen [on (day month year)] 27. decembra 1856, Rawcliffe, Goole, WR Yorkshire - St James, umrl [on (day month year)] 3. februarja 1920, Goole, WR Yorkshire, pokopan v februarja 1920, Hook Road Cemetery (živel(a) 64 let). [Zapisek 1]
približno novembra 1873, Hull, ER Yorkshire - St. Matthew's, se je poročil z Elizabeth Gibbins, rojena v letu 1857, Goole, WR Yorkshire, umrla [on (day month year)] 1. novembra 1927, Goole, WR Yorkshire, pokopana v novembra 1927, Hook Road Cemetery (živel(a) 70 let) [Zapisek 1-1].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Edward Scutt 1856-1920)
[E S b:Bridge? IGI also states E S baptised 1858 Dec 27.] [E S & E S living in 1881 at Gleadows Houses, Marshland Road, Goole, and 1891 at 60 Moorland Road, Goole, Yorkshire.] [E S - 63yr., bur:Hook Road Cemetery with wife Elizabeth and daughter (Charlotte) Annie Scutt.]

- krst: IGI C109411
- poroke: Hull 9d 484 / Yorkshire BMD - HW/1/45
- smrti: Goole 9c 1050
- pogreb: Cemetery photo

1-1 (Elizabeth Gibbins 1857-1927)
E S - 71yr., bur:Hook Road Cemetery with husband Edwin and daughter (Charlotte) Annie Scutt and an unidentified daughter.

- poroke: Hull 9d 484 / Yorkshire BMD - HW/1/45
- smrti: Goole 9c 887
- pogreb: Cemetery photo

- povprečna starost ob smrti 8, prijatelj 8