Descendants of James Scutt

See: Descendants | Notes

Select generation.  

James Scutt, born in 1738, Crowle, Lincolnshire, baptized on 26 October 1738, Crowle, Lincolnshire - St Oswald's, died. [Note 1]
Married on 4 April 1770, Hull, East Yorkshire, to Mary Farnell, died [Note 1-1].

Total: 0 individuals (spouses not included).


1 (James Scutt 1738-)
Leeds Intelligencer, Tuesday 01 December 1778. (f=s) Shipping from London to Hull and York, And all Places contiguous to the River Humber, in Yorkfhire, Lancafhire, Lincolnfhire, Nottinglumfhire, Derbyfhire, Staffordfhire, Leicefterfhire, &c. The Owners of the under-mentioned Veffels, old and conftant Traders, defire to return Thanks to all Merchants and Traders who have favoured them with the Freight of their Goods, and beg Leave to inform them that they are all now compleatly armed with fix to eight carriage Guns, Swivels, Small-Arms and Clofe-Quarters, and Mann'd in Proportion; that two of them will fail from London to Hull every Tuefday, viz. One from each of the undermentioned Keys; and two of them will fail every Week from Hull for London. And for their better Security the Matters have pofitive Orders to fail together, and keep in Company with each other, by which Meant they will be of Force fulficitent to protect them from any Privateers they are likely to meet with. The raid Owners therefore folicit a Continuance of the Shippers Favours; and affure them, nothing fhall be wanting that will contribute to Safety and Difpatch.

- baptism: Hull City Archives ref:CQE/2/146 / IGI C027751 / FreeReg
- spouse: IGI M10748-4

1-1 (Mary Farnell )
- spouse: IGI M10748-4

- connections 6, friends 6