Potomkowie Jane Evans

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Jane Evans, zmarła w VIII 1842, Patching, West Sussex, pochowana dnia 25 VIII 1842, Patching, West Sussex . [Uwagi 1]
Mąż (ślub: dnia 6 I 1807, Patching, West Sussex,): John Scutt, urodzony w roku 1784, Patching, West Sussex, chrzest dnia 15 XII 1784, Patching, West Sussex, zmarł w II 1857, Patching, West Sussex, pochowany dnia 20 II 1857, Patching, West Sussex (wiek: 73 lat) [Uwagi 1-1].

Łącznie: 0 osoby (bez wliczania małżonków).


1 (Jane Evans †1842)
J S - 56yr.

- ślub, pogrzeb: WSRO PR 1560-1812
- zgon: Worthing 7 352

1-1 (John Scutt 1784-1857)
[J S 68yr.] [J S, previously married, more information in original record.] [Sussex Advertiser, East Sussex, Tuesday 27 May 1845. A Sexagenarian in Trouble. John Scutt, Sen., of Patching, farm labourer, a picture of a "swink'd hedger," was charged by Jane Ruff of Clapham, singlewoman, apparently as much as five and thirty years of age, with the father of a male illegitimate child by her. The Clerk "What have you to say to this charge, Scutt". Defendant "I don't think I be, sir (laughter)". The Clerk (to complainant) "Who is the father of that child?". Complainant "John Scutt, sir". "Has he promised to marry you?". "The banns were put in at Patching and Clapham, at both churches". "Who put in the banns?". "John Scutt got a man write them out, and another person delivered them to the clerk". "Has any one seen you and Scutt in the habit of walking together, Yes?". "Sarah Clevett has once or twice, not above once, I think. We kept company together two years. I live with my father and mother, and have been working for Mr. Nourse". "Can you state of your own knowledge that Scutt promised to marry you?". This person (Clevett) can. He relieved before I had been confined a month". Mr. Boghurst, "Who saw him do so?". "My mother was in the house, but did not see him". Cross-examined by Mr. Read "Did you see the banns?". "No". "Do you know your witness's uncle, named Clevett? I believe is a day labourer?". "Yes". Were you ever in his company?". "No; he's married man". "You have been married, I presume?". "No". "Can you tell how many little ones you have?". "One besides this". Have you never had more?". "There's one dead". "Is Robert Clevett often at your house?". "No; he ha'n't been there for two or three years". "He's a favorite of yours?". "Not at all". "A bit of a relation?". "I never heard any one say he was". "Ah, you don't say he was". "Were there two fathers for your other children?". "Yes, they're both dead". Were you ever asked in church before this?"". "Yes". Often?"". "No". Only once?"". "I can't say exactly — I don't know as 'twas oftener. Afterwards, examinant said the banns between herself and both deceased fathers had been published. "When did you see Robert Clevett last?". "Three or four months ago". "The time before?". God knows; I don't remember". "Was it so repeatedly?" "Twas long ago". Sarah Clevett, of West Tarring, complainant's evidence, stood forward, and was examined. The Clerk "What are you, a single woman?". "Yes". "Do you know anything about Scutt?". "No further than I see him come to meet Jane Ruff at our house". "As that long while ago?". "Eight months". "How long has he been with her?". "Not great while". "What passed between them?". "He only said he would marry the woman". Mr. Boghurst — "He said so to my mother. Mr. Read — "Was there any conversation?" "No; no further than that". "What brought it up?". "I don't know; I did'nt hear". By Boghurst — They went away together and did not return. By the Clerk — I never saw them together at any other time. By Mr. Boghurst — I'm sure he meant Jane Ruff by "the woman." Cross-examed by Mr. Read, "I believe you are the mother of a baby?". "Yes, sir". "Whom are you living with?". "My mother and father, and in-law, Nicholas Stiller". "What is your age?". Twenty-two"". (The pertinacious crying of an infant at the door of the hall was very audible.) "Is that child yours, making a noise?". "Yes". "You are married?". "No". "You have a sister, she always at home too?". "Yes". "How old is she?". "Eighteen". "Is yours house of meeting at all?". "No". "Your mother, what does she do?". "She goes out on business. Yes". "Don't you recollect anything that was said before this promise of marriage?" "No". "The man didn't mean you" the woman, did hë?". "No; he said Ruff". The publication of the banns between the parties at Clapham Church was proved by Guardian West; after which Mr. Read addressed the Bench on the evidence. Case adjourned for further evidence.]

- chrzest, ślub 1: WSRO PR 1560-1812
- ślub 2: Patching Marriages 1838-1847 / VRI FHL 1068524 / IGI
- pogrzeb: Chichester 2b 201 / IGI GS Film number:001068524

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