Potomci od John Ellman

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John Ellman, rojen v letu 1787, krščen [on (day month year)] 24. junija 1787, Glynde, East Sussex, umrl [on (day month year)] 14. marca 1867, Landport, Lewes, East Sussex (živel(a) 80 let). [Zapisek 1]
se je poročil z Catherine Springett Boys, rojena v letu 1788, krščena [on (day month year)] 26. julija 1788, umrla [on (day month year)] 16. julija 1866, Landport, Lewes, East Sussex (živel(a) 78 let) [Zapisek 1-1].

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1 (John Ellman 1787-1867)
John Ellman took over his father's farm at Glynde in 1829, remaining there until 1846 when he retired to Landport. Like his father, he was a noted agriculturist who became a justice of the peace and a deputy-lieutenant of Sussex.

- krst, poroke, smrti: Ashton Emery

1-1 (Catherine Springett Boys 1788-1866)
- poroke: Ashton Emery
- smrti: Asthon Emery

- povprečna starost ob smrti 3, prijatelj 3