Potomkovia Thomas Scutt Graveley

Pozri: Potomkovia | Poznámky

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Thomas Scutt Graveley, narodený dňa 9. apríl 1781, Patcham, East Sussex, pokrstený dňa 27. máj 1781, Patcham, East Sussex, zomrel dňa 16. december 1842, St Pancras, London - 8 Great College Street, North (vek v dobe úmrtia 61 rokov), shopkeeper, grocer, (1841) dealer in twine.. [Poznámka 1]
dňa 7. november 1809, Godalming, Surrey, si vzal Ann Sweetapple, narodená dňa 20. júl 1785, Godalming, Surrey, zomrela dňa 15. marec 1843 (vek v dobe úmrtia 57 rokov) [Poznámka 1-1].

Spolu: 0 osoby (manželia/manželky nie sú zahrnuté).


1 (Thomas Scutt Graveley 1781-1842)
Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting between us the undersigned Thomas Scutt Gravely and Richard Wallis, carrying on the businesses of Coal-Merchants, Barge-Masters, and Carriers, at Basingstoke, in the County of Southampton, under the title and firm of Gravely and Wallis, was on the 10th of October 1816, dissolved by mutual consent: witness our hands this 13th day of February 1818. Thomas Scutt Gravely. Richard Wallis.

- narodenie: England & Wales, Quaker Birth, Marriage & Death Registers 1578-1837 / IGI J148321
- [baptism]: IGI J148321
- manželstvo: England & Wales, Quaker Birth, Marriage & Death Registers 1578-1837 / Mary Henry
- úmrtie: St. Pancras 1 241

1-1 (Ann Sweetapple 1785-1843)
- manželstvo: England & Wales, Quaker Birth, Marriage & Death Registers 1578-1837 / Mary Henry

- spojenia 2, friends 2