Potomci od Hugh Scutt

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Hugh Scutt, rojen približno 1725, krščen [on (day month year)] 6. aprila 1729, South Stoke, West Sussex, umrl [on (day month year)] 10. avgusta 1793, South Stoke, West Sussex, pokopan, South Stoke, West Sussex (živel(a) verjetno 68 let). [Zapisek 1]
[on (day month year)] 24. aprila 1753, South Stoke, West Sussex, se je poročil z Elizabeth Linnegar, rojena približno 1724, umrla [on (day month year)] 1. aprila 1784, South Stoke, West Sussex, pokopana [on (day month year)] 3. aprila 1784, South Stoke, West Sussex (živel(a) verjetno 60 let) [Zapisek 1-1].

[on (day month year)] 5. januarja 1786, South Stoke, West Sussex, se je poročil z Sarah Boxold, umrla v oktobra 1795, South Stoke, West Sussex, pokopana [on (day month year)] 11. oktobra 1795, South Stoke, West Sussex [Zapisek 1-2].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Hugh Scutt ca 1725-1793)
Gravestone: "In memory of H S who died August ye 10th 1793 aged 68 years". [James F. Scutt noted in South Stoke Church Records 1793 Jul 29.]

- rojstva: Gravestone
- krst, poroke 1: CMB 1553-1812 SofG
- poroke 2: IGI M07111-1
- smrti: South Stoke Cemetery / Sussex Burials
- pogreb: South Stoke Cemetery

1-1 (Elizabeth Linnegar ca 1724-1784)
Gravestone:"In memory of ELIZABETH the wife of H S who died April ye 1st (1784?) aged 60 years".

- rojstva: Gravestone
- poroke: CMB 1553-1812 SofG
- smrti: gravestone
- pogreb: CMB 1553-1812 SofG / Sussex Burials

1-2 (Sarah Boxold †1795)
S S - widow.

- poroke: IGI M07111-1
- smrti, pogreb: CMB 1553-1812 SofG / Sussex Burials

- povprečna starost ob smrti 5, prijatelj 5