Descendentes de William Ernest Scutt ca 1902-1968

Até à 12nda geração

William Ernest Scutt, William ca 1902-1968
Nascimento · cerca Abril 1902 · Battersea, London
Baptismo · a 15 de Maio de 1902 · Battersea, London - St Stephen
Casamento · cerca Agosto 1924 · Croydon, Surrey · com Lily May Habgood
Morte · em Agosto 1968 · possivelmente 66 anos · Croydon, Surrey
[Western Times, Devon, Tuesday 13 January 1920. Alleged Murder. Two Borstal Youths Charged with Killing Warder at Rochester, yesterday, two youths, Frederick James Cullendar, alias Smith, and William Ernest Skutt, were charged remand with the wilful murder of Edward James Adams, warder at the Borstal Institution on January 2nd. Walter Cottam, inmate, stated that he occupied the cell nearest the officer's desk. In the evening January 2nd heard a bang and the rattle keys. He looked through a glass box in the cell door and saw Smith pass by with another person, whom he believed was Scutt. Plans the corridor the punishment cells the institution and the spot where the deceased warder's watch was found, were produced, and the evidence given at the inquest Principal Warder Parsons was repeated. The Bench committed both prisoners for trial the Assizes the murder charge.] [Derby Daily Telegraph, Fri 20 Feb 1920. Death Sentence on Youth. For the murder of James Adams, warder at the Borstal Institution near Rochester, Frederick James Cullenger, alias Smith, 18, was sentenced to death at Kent Assizes, Maidstone, on Thursday. The jury strongly recommended him to mercy on account of his youth. William Ernest Scutt, another Borstal boy charged with the murder was acquitted. They were alleged to have killed the warder by hitting him on the head with a scraper. Smith said he committed the murder at the instigation of Scutt, who, however, denied having anything do with it.] [ - Murder of a Borstal warder, by Diane Nicholls. The atmosphere suddenly became tense as the police car passed the slow-moving funeral cortege on a cold winter afternoon. One man was on his way to his last resting place and two teenaged boys were going to Maidstone to stand trial for killing him. The dead man was Edward Adams a 53-year-old warder at Rochester's Borstal Institution. He was known as a kind man and an efficient officer. In the car under police escort were two of Adams's charges. One boy was to be acquitted of murder, but the other was to hear the door of the condemned cell slam behind him. The grim meeting of the killer and the corpse took place on the Rochester-Maidstone Road on a freezing January day in 1920. It happened five days after Frederick James Cullender had bludgeoned Adams, snatched his keys and escaped, leaving the warder lying in a pool of blood. In a way, Adams was killed because of his own kindness. He must have felt sorry for the boy who had been put in a separate cell at Borstal to await trial by the visiting committee. The lad, who was known by his alias Smith, had a bad record. He had been convicted of larceny and shop-breaking the previous June and sent to Borstal because of a long list of previous convictions. Institution life had done nothing to improve his conduct and during his time there he had had several punishments, including a birching. At the time of the murder he was awaiting trial for smashing Institution property. Adams could not have known that the boy had spent three days plotting his escape down to the last detail. When Smith began to create an ear-splitting din in his cell Adams allowed him outside into the corridor to help with the cleaning. The time was 7pm on Friday 2 January, and Smith's plans were going according to schedule. For he knew that he had plenty of time before a more senior warder s hourly check. And he was also sure that the alarm bell had been tampered with so it would not work if anything went wrong. He crept up behind Adams as he sat at his desk writing his reports and smashed a hard wooden scrubbing brush down on the back of his head. The warder's hat failed to cushion the blow and Adams slumped to the floor. Smith went through his pockets for his keys, grabbed a long-handled sweeping brush and ran into the darkness. He opened the door to the yard, scaled the wall with the help of the broom and fled across country. His escape route took him through Borstal village to Wouldham and then off to Burham, keeping close to the river. Police throughout the county and London were alerted at 7.30pm, but two Snodland officers, acting on a hunch, finally cornered Smith, huddled in a cart-shed, at midnight. The two men guessed that Smith had crossed the river by the ferry at Snodland and found their quarry at Burham Court Farm near the old church. Smith s plea was the cry of the hunted: For God's sake, let me go. But the burly arm of the law stopped his dash for freedom and he went quietly into custody at Malling police station. He appeared in court at Rochester Guildhall the following Tuesday. With him in the dock was his fellow inmate, 17-year-old William Ernest Scutt, who had been arrested at Borstal earlier that morning. The two were remanded in custody and were being taken to Maidstone jail when they met the funeral procession coming towards them on its journey from Borstal to St Margaret's Cemetery. Warder Adams, a former sailor, had been a popular and respected man as the crowds at his funeral testified. The coffin, covered in a Union Jack, was borne on a gun carriage. A firing party and sailors from HMS Pembroke headed the procession and 70 prison warders followed. WARDER ADAMS'S INDISCRETION COST HIM HIS LIFE. At the inquest, Adams's body was identified by his only son Barry, a civil servant, who lived at his parents home in Avenue Terrace, Borstal. The governor said that Adams, with 13 years experience of being a warder, had acted in a highly injudicious manner in allowing Smith out of his cell. But he had not broken any rules he had merely acted with indiscretion. The inquest began at 2.30 in the afternoon in the bitterly cold gymnasium at the institution. Seven hours later the coroner wrote down the last words of evidence by candlelight and the jury retired for 22 minutes. The verdict was wilful murder against Smith and the jury asked for its criticism over the lack of regulations governing Borstal discipline to be passed on to the Home Office. The trial, before Mr Justice Avory, at Kent Assizes, got off to a bad start. The hearing had already begun when Scutt's counsel arrived late and asked for a separate trial for his client. After taking advice from prosecuting counsel Mr Justice Avory turned down the request. Both defendants looked pale as the hearing continued in the crowded courtroom. Smith's reddish beard had grown and Scutt badly needed a shave. The prosecution took the line that Scutt, who was first on the scene when Smith escaped, could not be innocent or he would have given the alarm. Two kits of civilian clothing had been stolen from a storeroom at the institution and a bundle of Scutt's personal belongings had been found in Smith's cell. Smith had claimed that he planned the escape with Scutt, but the other boy strenuously denied this. It looked probable that Smith had conspired with someone but the prosecution were unable to prove that Scutt was involved. The jury retired at 5.15pm and returned to the crowded courtroom just nine minutes later. The unanimous verdict was that Smith was guilty of murder. Scutt was acquitted. Mr Justice Avory asked Smith if he had anything to say in mitigation. But the question was wasted for the boy had turned in the dock to watch his companion being released and he remained silent. According to tradition, Mr Justice Avory put on the black cap. His lordship said Smith had acted recklessly and had only been concerned about his own escape. The thought that he might have killed the warder had not troubled him. Smith remained impassive as he listened to the words of the death sentence and said nothing as he was led from the court. The execution was fixed for Tuesday, 9 March, but was postponed when Smith appealed against his sentence. The hearing appeal was refused on 8 March. It seemed as if the only way out of the condemned cell was by the hangman s noose. But news came the following Saturday 13 March, that Smith had been granted a reprieve. The Home Secretary notified Smith's mother, who lived in Bermondsey, that the death sentence was to be commuted to life imprisonment. Throughout all the hearings Smith had maintained that he had not intended to kill. He either did not fully understand all the proceedings or he was able to remain self-composed. His only statement was made at Rochester Police Station shortly after his arrest when he claimed that he and Scutt had planned to knock Adams out, get his keys and two sets of civilian clothing and escape over the wall. But the boy was branded as a vicious killer who deliberately murdered the man who had been kind to him. Conditions at Borstal were fairly harsh in those days and many boys tried to abscond. The institution was built in 1902 by convicts working at Chatham Dockyard and the stone buildings provided little comfort during winter temperatures. It is easy to guess the thoughts going through the mind of a young inmate in that cold institution who had been birched once and now probably faced a harder punishment. Only one man will ever know for certain whether the boy intended to kill: Frederick James Cullender alias Smith.] [W E S - 66yr.]

Fontes • nascimento : Wandsworth 1d 551 / Derby Daily Telegraph [1920 Feb 20] • casamento com Lily May Habgood : Croydon 2a 671 • morte : Croydon 5a 612

&ca 1924 Lily May Habgood, Lily, Scutt ca 1899-1968
Nascimento · cerca 1899
Casamento · cerca Agosto 1924 · Croydon, Surrey · com William Ernest Scutt
Morte · em Maio 1968 · possivelmente 69 anos · Croydon, Surrey
L M S - 68yr.

Fontes • pessoa : Croydon Advertiser • nascimento : BMD (Deaths) • casamento com William Ernest Scutt : Croydon 2a 671 • morte : Croydon 5a 793

  1. Sylvia Joan Scutt, Joan, Derery 1925-ca 2003
    Nascimento · a 10 de Julho de 1925 · Croydon, Surrey
    Casamento · cerca Novembro 1942 · Market Harborough district, Leicestershire · com John Deery
    Morte · cerca 2003 · possivelmente 78 anos · Croydon, Surrey
    J D lived at 59 Croydon Grove in Old Town, and in Beulah Grove, Surrey, and in 2001 living at Vanguard Close, Croydon, Surrey.

    Fontes • pessoa : Croydon Advertiser • nascimento : Croydon 2a 441 / Croydon Advertiser • casamento com John Deery : Market Harbro 7a 55 / Croydon Advertiser • morte : Ronald C. Scutt

    &ca 1942 John Deery †1968
    Casamento · cerca Novembro 1942 · Market Harborough district, Leicestershire · com Sylvia Joan Scutt
    Morte · em 1968

    Fontes • casamento com Sylvia Joan Scutt : Market Harbro 7a 55 / Croydon Advertiser

    1. Shirley A. Deery, Shirley ca 1943
      Nascimento · cerca Novembro 1943 · 80 anos · Mount Harbro district, Leicestershire
      Living in Australia.

      Fontes • nascimento : Mt. Harbro' 7a 25 / Croydon Advertiser

    2. Ellie M. Deery, Ellie ca 1945
      Nascimento · cerca Agosto 1945 · 78 anos · Rother Valley district, WR Yorkshire
      Living in United States of America.

      Fontes • nascimento : Rother V. 9c 1087 / Croydon Advertiser

    3. Maureen R. Deery, Maureen ca 1946
      Nascimento · cerca Novembro 1946 · 77 anos · Rotherham district, WR Yorkshire
      [Maureen R Deery & Moreen R Deery stated here (sic).] [Living in South Africa.]

      Fontes • nascimento : Rotherham 2c 1056 [2x] / Croydon Advertiser

    4. John P. Deery, John ca 1947
      Nascimento · cerca Novembro 1947 · 76 anos · Rotherham district, WR Yorkshire
      J A P living in Newcastle, Northumberland.

      Fontes • nascimento : Rotherham 2c 963 / Croydon Advertiser

    5. Peter E. Deery, Peter ca 1950
      Nascimento · cerca Maio 1950 · 74 anos · Rotherham district, WR Yorkshire
      living in Thailand.

      Fontes • nascimento : Rotherham 2c 840 [Scott] / Croydon Advertiser

    6. Desmond M. Deery, Desmond ca 1953
      Nascimento · cerca Maio 1953 · 71 anos · Croydon, Surrey
      Casamento · cerca 1977 · com ------ ------

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 95 • casamento com ------ ------ : Croydon Advertiser

      &ca 1977 ------ ------
      Casamento · cerca 1977 · com Desmond M. Deery

      Fontes • casamento com Desmond M. Deery : Croydon Advertiser

    7. Sylvia J. Deery, Sylvia ca 1953
      Nascimento · cerca 1953 · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 95

    8. Geraldine M. Deery, Geraldine ca 1955
      Nascimento · cerca Maio 1955 · 69 anos · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 174 / Croydon Advertiser

    9. Christine M. Deery, Christine ca 1956
      Nascimento · cerca Agosto 1956 · 67 anos · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon Advertiser

    10. Sharon P. Deery, Sharon ca 1957
      Nascimento · cerca Agosto 1957 · 66 anos · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 110 / Croydon Advertiser

    11. Derrick D. Deery, Derek/Derrick ca 1960
      Nascimento · cerca Agosto 1960 · 63 anos · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 213 / Croydon Advertiser

    12. Andrew Deery ca 1963
      Nascimento · cerca 1963 · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon Advertiser

  2. Dennis W. Scutt, Dennis ca 1930
    Nascimento · cerca Fevereiro 1930 · 94 anos · Croydon, Surrey
    Casamento · cerca Agosto 1949 · Spilsby district, Lincolnshire · com Enid L. Langley
    Divórcio · cerca 1952 · com Enid L. Langley
    Casamento · cerca Agosto 1959 · Croydon, Surrey · com Evelyn F. Rogers
    D W S & E F S living in 2002 in Croydon, Surrey.

    Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 2a 434 • casamento com Enid L. Langley : Spilsby 3b 1260 • casamento com Evelyn F. Rogers : Croydon 5g 202 / Electoral Roll 2002-03

    &ca 1949 Enid L. Langley, Enid, Scutt/Moxon 1929
    Nascimento · em Maio 1929 · Spilsby district, Lincolnshire
    Casamento · cerca Agosto 1949 · Spilsby district, Lincolnshire · com Dennis W. Scutt
    Divórcio · cerca 1952 · com Dennis W. Scutt
    Casamento · em Maio 1969 · Pontefract district, Yorkshire · com Harold Moxon

    Fontes • nascimento : Spilsby 7a 889 • casamento com Dennis W. Scutt : Spilsby 3b 1260 • casamento com Harold Moxon : Pontefract 2c 1262 [2x]

    1. Geoffrey Neil Scutt, Geoffrey ca 1950-2007
      Nascimento · cerca Fevereiro 1950 · Spilsby district, Lincolnshire
      Casamento · em Fevereiro 1972 · Spilsby district, Lincolnshire · com Patricia Ann Jardine
      Divórcio · cerca 1988 · com Patricia Ann Jardine
      Casamento · em Abril 1994 · Spilsby district, Lincolnshire · com Catherine K. Forman
      Morte · a 27 de Dezembro de 2007 · possivelmente 57 anos · Greater London

      Fontes • nascimento : Spilsby 3b 611 • casamento com Patricia Ann Jardine : Spilsby 3b 1002 • casamento com Catherine K. Forman : Spilsby 626 Apr 0933 / Electoral Roll 2002-06 • morte : PC Se19 / England & Wales Death Index 2007-13

      Patricia Ann Jardine, Patricia, Scutt/Clarke ca 1955
      Nascimento · cerca Agosto 1955 · 68 anos · Surrey (North West)
      Casamento · em Fevereiro 1972 · Spilsby district, Lincolnshire · com Geoffrey Neil Scutt
      Divórcio · cerca 1988 · com Geoffrey Neil Scutt
      Casamento · em Junho 1995 · Lambeth district, London · com Trevor Clarke
      Separação · com Trevor Clarke

      Fontes • nascimento : Surrey N.W. 5g 806 • casamento com Geoffrey Neil Scutt : Spilsby 3b 1002 • casamento com Trevor Clarke : Lambeth 241 Jun 0795

      1. Jason Neil Scutt, Jason ca 1970
        Nascimento · cerca Novembro 1970 · 53 anos · Louth district, Lincolnshire
        Casamento · cerca 1990 · CANADA or FRANCE? · com Solen le Lannou
        Testemunhas : Reigis Benard, Francoise ------
        Divórcio · cerca 1999 · com Solen le Lannou
        Casamento · em Dezembro 2004 · Bexley district, Kent · com Claudia J. Cardoso Monteiro

        Fontes • nascimento : Louth 3b 1256 • casamento com Solen le Lannou : • casamento com Claudia J. Cardoso Monteiro : Bexley 220 Dec 0449 098 RADD / Electoral Roll 2006-2014

        &ca 1990 Solen le Lannou, Scutt
        Casamento · cerca 1990 · CANADA or FRANCE? · com Jason Neil Scutt
        Testemunhas : Reigis Benard, Francoise ------
        Divórcio · cerca 1999 · com Jason Neil Scutt

        Fontes • casamento com Jason Neil Scutt :

        1. Chloe Scutt, Le Lannou-Scutt 1997
          Nascimento · em Outubro 1997 · 26 anos · Hitchin & Stevenage district, Hertfordshire

          Fontes • nascimento : Hitchin & Stevenage 5341A 5A

        &2004 Claudia J. Cardoso Monteiro, Claudia, Scutt
        Casamento · em Dezembro 2004 · Bexley district, Kent · com Jason Neil Scutt

        Fontes • nascimento : Electoral Roll 2006-2014 • casamento com Jason Neil Scutt : Bexley 220 Dec 0449 098 RADD / Electoral Roll 2006-2014

        1. Athena Cardoso Scutt, Athena, Montiero-Scutt 2002
          Nascimento · em Novembro 2002 · 21 anos · Lambeth district, London
          Athena Montiero-Scutt also noted.

          Fontes • nascimento : Lambeth 2411E E130 208 1102 & Lambeth 2411D D143 150 0105 [2005 Jan]

        2. Gypsie Monteiro ca 2003
          Nascimento · cerca 2003 · London?

          Fontes • nascimento :

      2. Stephen Scutt ca 1975
        Nascimento · cerca Fevereiro 1975 · 49 anos · Louth district, Lincolnshire

        Fontes • nascimento : Louth 7 2125

      3. Madaline Scutt 1976-1992
        Nascimento · a 20 de Setembro de 1976 · Louth district, Lincolnshire
        Morte · em Dezembro 1992 · 16 anos · Bromley district, Kent

        Fontes • nascimento : Louth 7 2045 • morte : Bromley 1292 11 1110

      4. Penny Patricia Scutt, Penny ca 1980
        Nascimento · cerca Maio 1980 · 44 anos · Louth district, Lincolnshire

        Fontes • nascimento : Louth 7 2228

      She was previously married. G N S & C K S living in 2002-06 in London SE25.
      Catherine K. Forman, Catherine, Nicholson/Scutt
      Casamento · em Abril 1994 · Spilsby district, Lincolnshire · com Geoffrey Neil Scutt

      Fontes • casamento com Geoffrey Neil Scutt : Spilsby 626 Apr 0933 / Electoral Roll 2002-06

    &ca 1959 Evelyn F. Rogers, Evelyn ca 1931
    Nascimento · cerca 1931
    Casamento · cerca Agosto 1959 · Croydon, Surrey · com Dennis W. Scutt
    D W S & E F S living in 2002 in Croydon, Surrey.

    Fontes • família : Ronald C. Scutt • nascimento : Ronald C Scutt / Electoral Roll 2002-03 • casamento com Dennis W. Scutt : Croydon 5g 202 / Electoral Roll 2002-03

    1. Dennis W. Scutt, Dennis, Rogers ca 1953
      Nascimento · cerca Maio 1953 · 71 anos · Croydon, Surrey
      Casamento · cerca Fevereiro 1974 · Croydon, Surrey · com Kaye Rees
      Born as Rogers and later the surname was changed to Scutt.

      Fontes • nascimento : [Croydon 5g see D54] & [1954 Dec 5g 140] • casamento com Kaye Rees : Croydon 5g 1266 / Electoral Roll 2002-14

      &ca 1974 Kaye Rees, Scutt
      Casamento · cerca Fevereiro 1974 · Croydon, Surrey · com Dennis W. Scutt

      Fontes • nascimento : Electoral Roll 2002-03 • casamento com Dennis W. Scutt : Croydon 5g 1266 / Electoral Roll 2002-14

      1. Sarah Scutt, Clarke 1976
        Nascimento · em Maio 1976 · 48 anos · Croydon, Surrey
        Casamento · em Fevereiro 1995 · Croydon, Surrey · com Jal C. Clarke

        Fontes • nascimento : Sutton 15 0546 • casamento com Jal C. Clarke : Croydon 225 Feb 249

        &1995 Jal C. Clarke, Jal
        Casamento · em Fevereiro 1995 · Croydon, Surrey · com Sarah Scutt

        Fontes • casamento com Sarah Scutt : Croydon 225 Feb 249

        1. William Peter Clarke, William 2000
          Nascimento · em Maio 2000 · 24 anos · Haywards Heath district, West Sussex

          Fontes • nascimento : Hayswards Heath 69A 7811A 056

      2. Mark Scutt ca 1980
        Nascimento · cerca Maio 1980 · 44 anos · Croydon, Surrey

        Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 11 2261 / Electoral Roll 2002-03

    2. Pauline M. Scutt, Pauline, Giorgi 1954
      Nascimento · em Agosto 1954 · 69 anos · Croydon, Surrey
      Casamento · cerca Agosto 1977 · Croydon, Surrey · com Nicholas M. Giorgi

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 188 • casamento com Nicholas M. Giorgi : Croydon 11 2075

      &ca 1977 Nicholas M. Giorgi, Nicholas
      Casamento · cerca Agosto 1977 · Croydon, Surrey · com Pauline M. Scutt

      Fontes • casamento com Pauline M. Scutt : Croydon 11 2075

      1. Tracey Victoria Giorgi, Tracey ca 1979
        Nascimento · cerca Novembro 1979 · 44 anos · Croydon, Surrey
        (did she marry an Adams?)

        Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 11 2214

    3. Wendy June Scutt, Wendy ca 1962-
      Nascimento · cerca Agosto 1962 · Croydon, Surrey
      Casamento · a 21 de Julho de 1984 · Croydon, Surrey · com Franco Monopoli

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 44 • casamento com Franco Monopoli : Croydon 0784 11 1754

      &1984 Franco Monopoli 1959
      Nascimento · em 1959 · 65 anos · Brindisi, ITALY
      Casamento · a 21 de Julho de 1984 · Croydon, Surrey · com Wendy June Scutt

      Fontes • casamento com Wendy June Scutt : Croydon 0784 11 1754

      1. Hayley Louise Monopoli, Hayley 1989
        Nascimento · em 1989 · 35 anos · Croydon, Surrey

        Fontes • nascimento : Maria Stride

  3. Keith W. T. Scutt, Keith ca 1931-ca 1934
    Nascimento · cerca Maio 1931 · Croydon, Surrey
    Morte · cerca Maio 1934 · possivelmente 3 anos · Croydon, Surrey
    K W T S - 3yr.

    Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 2a 445 • morte : Croydon 2a 571

  4. Maureen M. Scutt, Maureen ca 1932-ca 1934
    Nascimento · cerca Junho 1932 · Croydon, Surrey
    Morte · cerca Abril 1934 · possivelmente 22 meses · Croydon, Surrey
    M M S - 1yr.

    Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 2a 526 • morte : Croydon 2a 567

  5. Cynthia Eileen Scutt, Cynthia, Terry ca 1933-
    Nascimento · cerca Agosto 1933 · Croydon, Surrey
    Casamento · cerca Agosto 1953 · Croydon, Surrey · com David A. Terry

    Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 2a 448 • casamento com David A. Terry : Croydon 2g 257 • morte : Ronald C. Scutt

    &ca 1953 David A. Terry, David
    Casamento · cerca Agosto 1953 · Croydon, Surrey · com Cynthia Eileen Scutt

    Fontes • família : Ronald C. Scutt • casamento com Cynthia Eileen Scutt : Croydon 2g 257

    1. Diane H. Terry, Diane ca 1954
      Nascimento · cerca Fevereiro 1954 · 70 anos · Croydon, Surrey
      Casamento · cerca 1976 · com ------ Belcher

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 86 • casamento com ------ Belcher : Ronald C. Scutt

      &ca 1976 ------ Belcher
      Casamento · cerca 1976 · com Diane H. Terry

      Fontes • casamento com Diane H. Terry : Ronald C. Scutt

    2. Paul D. Terry, Paul ca 1958
      Nascimento · cerca Fevereiro 1958 · 66 anos · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 216

    3. Sandra M. Terry, Sandra/Sandie, Stevens ca 1963
      Nascimento · cerca Fevereiro 1963 · 61 anos · Croydon, Surrey
      Casamento · com ------ Stevens

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 248 • casamento com ------ Stevens : Sandra T Terry

      & ------ Stevens
      Casamento · com Sandra M. Terry

      Fontes • casamento com Sandra M. Terry : Sandra T Terry

    4. Nigel Alan Terry, Nigel ca 1967
      Nascimento · cerca Maio 1967 · 57 anos · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5a 1378

  6. Daphne D. J. Scutt, Daphne, Holder ca 1935-
    Nascimento · cerca Fevereiro 1935 · Croydon, Surrey
    Casamento · cerca Agosto 1955 · Croydon, Surrey · com Alan J. Holder

    Fontes • família : Ronald C. Scutt • nascimento : Croydon 2a 766 • casamento com Alan J. Holder : Croydon 5g 63 • morte : Croydon Advertiser

    &ca 1955 Alan J. Holder, Alan
    Casamento · cerca Agosto 1955 · Croydon, Surrey · com Daphne D. J. Scutt

    Fontes • família : Ronald C. Scutt • casamento com Daphne D. J. Scutt : Croydon 5g 63

    1. Michael A. Holder, Michael ca 1956
      Nascimento · cerca Fevereiro 1956 · 68 anos · Croydon, Surrey.

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 119

    2. Susan A. Holder, Susan ca 1958
      Nascimento · cerca Novembro 1958 · 65 anos · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 107 / Ronald C. Scutt

    3. Linda C. Holder, Linda ca 1961
      Nascimento · cerca Novembro 1961 · 62 anos · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 203

  7. Anthony Robert Scutt, Anthony ca 1936-ca 1936
    Nascimento · cerca Janeiro 1936 · Croydon, Surrey
    Morte · cerca Fevereiro 1936 · possivelmente um mês · Croydon, Surrey
    A R S 1m.

    Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 2a 806 • morte : Croydon 2a 887

  8. Pamela M. Scutt, Pamela, Simmons ca 1936
    Nascimento · cerca Janeiro 1936 · 88 anos · Croydon, Surrey
    Casamento · cerca Agosto 1956 · Croydon, Surrey · com Edward G. Simmons

    Fontes • família : Ronald C. Scutt • nascimento : Croydon 2a 806 • casamento com Edward G. Simmons : Croydon 5g 313

    &ca 1956 Edward G. Simmons, Edward
    Casamento · cerca Agosto 1956 · Croydon, Surrey · com Pamela M. Scutt

    Fontes • família : Ronald C. Scutt • casamento com Pamela M. Scutt : Croydon 5g 313

    1. Mandy Simmons ca 1956
      Nascimento · cerca Novembro 1956 · 67 anos · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 117

    2. Kevin Simmons ca 1959
      Nascimento · cerca Agosto 1959 · 64 anos · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 197

    3. Geoffrey Simmons ca 1961
      Nascimento · cerca Fevereiro 1961 · 63 anos · Seaford, East Sussex

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 55 / Ronald C. Scutt

    4. Melvin Simmons ca 1962
      Nascimento · cerca Agosto 1962 · 61 anos · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 41

    5. Pamela Simmons ca 1964
      Nascimento · cerca Maio 1964 · 60 anos · Croydon, Surrey

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5g 38 / Ronald C. Scutt

  9. William George Scutt, William ca 1937
    Nascimento · cerca Maio 1937 · 87 anos · Croydon, Surrey
    Casamento · cerca Fevereiro 1971 · Croydon, Surrey · com Margaret A. Budgen

    Fontes • família : Ronald C. Scutt • nascimento : Croydon 2a 919 • casamento com Margaret A. Budgen : Croydon 5a 1311

    &ca 1971 Margaret A. Budgen, Margaret
    Casamento · cerca Fevereiro 1971 · Croydon, Surrey · com William George Scutt

    Fontes • família : Ronald C. Scutt • casamento com William George Scutt : Croydon 5a 1311

    1. Robert Scutt 1972
      Nascimento · em 1972 · 52 anos
  10. Ronald Charles Scutt, Ronald 1938
    Nascimento · a 27 de Setembro de 1938 · 85 anos · Croydon, Surrey
    Casamento · cerca Fevereiro 1962 · Croydon, Surrey · com Rita J. White

    Fontes • família : Ronald C. Scutt • nascimento : Croydon 2a 909 (4th.Q.) • casamento com Rita J. White : Croydon 5g 43

    &ca 1962 Rita J. White, Rita, Scutt
    Casamento · cerca Fevereiro 1962 · Croydon, Surrey · com Ronald Charles Scutt

    Fontes • família : Ronald C. Scutt • casamento com Ronald Charles Scutt : Croydon 5g 43

    1. Neil R. Scutt, Neil ca 1963
      Nascimento · cerca Novembro 1963 · 60 anos · Warlingham, Surrey
      Casamento · em Dezembro 1995 · Croydon, Surrey · com Tracey Rose Castle

      Fontes • nascimento : Surrey N E 5g 761 • casamento com Tracey Rose Castle : Croydon 225 Dec 0436 139 RAE / Electoral Roll 2002-03

      &1995 Tracey Rose Castle, Tracey, Scutt
      Casamento · em Dezembro 1995 · Croydon, Surrey · com Neil R. Scutt

      Fontes • nascimento : Electoral Roll 2002-03 • casamento com Neil R. Scutt : Croydon 225 Dec 0436 139 RAE / Electoral Roll 2002-03

      1. Kieron Neil C. Scutt, Kieron 1992
        Nascimento · a 31 de Julho de 1992 · 31 anos · Warlingham, Surrey

        Fontes • nascimento : Surrey S E 0892 17 1573

      2. Abbey Jane R. Scutt, Abbey 1994
        Nascimento · em Janeiro 1994 · 30 anos · Croydon, Surrey

        Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 2251A A 67B

    2. Stephen J. Scutt, Stephen ca 1965-ca 1965
      Nascimento · cerca Agosto 1965 · Croydon, Surrey
      Morte · cerca Agosto 1965 · Croydon, Surrey
      S J S - 0yr.

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5a 1441 • morte : Croydon 5a 776

    3. Tina Jane Scutt, Tina 1967
      Nascimento · em Maio 1967 · 57 anos · Croydon, Surrey
      Casamento · em Junho 1998 · Croydon, Surrey · com Gareth O. Howell

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5a 1489 • casamento com Gareth O. Howell : Croydon 225 Jun 0332

      &1998 Gareth O. Howell, Gareth
      Casamento · em Junho 1998 · Croydon, Surrey · com Tina Jane Scutt

      Fontes • casamento com Tina Jane Scutt : Croydon 225 Jun 0332

    4. Darren Edward Scutt, Darren 1971
      Nascimento · em Maio 1971 · 53 anos · Surrey (South East)

      Fontes • nascimento : Surrey S E 5g 1073 / Electoral Roll 2002-03

    5. Marcus Kieron Scutt, Marcus, Walker ca 1974
      Nascimento · cerca 1974 · Croydon, Surrey
      M K S changed his surname to Walker and later back to Scutt.

      Fontes • nascimento : 1974 41275 797

  11. Michael J. Scutt, Michael 1939-ca 1939
    Nascimento · a 24 de Dezembro de 1939 · Croydon, Surrey
    Morte · cerca 24 de Dezembro de 1939 · possivelmente nascimento · Croydon, Surrey

    Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 2a 1587 (1940 1st.Q.) • morte : Croydon 2a 1361

  12. Peter David Scutt, Peter ca 1939
    Nascimento · cerca 24 de Dezembro de 1939 · 84 anos · Croydon, Surrey
    Casamento · cerca Fevereiro 1961 · Croydon, Surrey · com Sheila Boyle
    Divórcio · cerca 1989 · com Sheila Boyle
    Casamento · em Junho 1990 · Swansea district, Glamorgan, Wales · com Jennifer A. Richards

    Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 2a 1587 (1940 1st.Q.) • casamento com Sheila Boyle : Croydon 5g 183 • casamento com Jennifer A. Richards : Swansea 0690 27 1096 / Electoral Roll 2002

    &ca 1961 Sheila Boyle, Scutt
    Casamento · cerca Fevereiro 1961 · Croydon, Surrey · com Peter David Scutt
    Divórcio · cerca 1989 · com Peter David Scutt

    Fontes • família : Ronald C. Scutt • casamento com Peter David Scutt : Croydon 5g 183

    1. Karen S. Scutt, Karen, Bond ca 1963
      Nascimento · cerca 18 de Abril de 1963 · 61 anos · Chester district, Cheshire
      Casamento · em Março 1984 · Croydon, Surrey · com Gary Bond

      Fontes • nascimento : Chester 10a 331 • casamento com Gary Bond : Croydon 0384 11 1030

      &1984 Gary Bond
      Casamento · em Março 1984 · Croydon, Surrey · com Karen S. Scutt

      Fontes • casamento com Karen S. Scutt : Croydon 0384 11 1030

      1. Steven Bond 1985
        Nascimento · a 30 de Novembro de 1985 · 38 anos · GERMANY?

        Fontes • nascimento : Ronald C. Scutt

      2. Terry Bond 1987
        Nascimento · a 18 de Maio de 1987 · 37 anos · GERMANY?

        Fontes • nascimento : Ronald C. Scutt

      3. Scott Bond 1989
        Nascimento · a 15 de Dezembro de 1989 · 34 anos · GERMANY?

        Fontes • nascimento : Ronald C. Scutt

    2. David P. Scutt, David 1965
      Nascimento · a 1 de Março de 1965 · 59 anos · Cheshire (West)
      Casamento · em Setembro 1985 · Horsham district, West Sussex · com Amanda Botting

      Fontes • nascimento : W Cheshire 10a 1107 • casamento com Amanda Botting : Horsham 0985 18 1740 / Electoral Roll 2003

      &1985 Amanda Botting
      Casamento · em Setembro 1985 · Horsham district, West Sussex · com David P. Scutt

      Fontes • nascimento : Burke's Peerage / Electoral Roll 2003 • casamento com David P. Scutt : Horsham 0985 18 1740 / Electoral Roll 2003

      1. William David Scutt, William 1987
        Nascimento · a 13 de Julho de 1987 · 36 anos · Crawley, West Sussex

        Fontes • nascimento : Crawley 0787 18 1295

      2. Emma Louise Amanda Scutt, Emma 1989
        Nascimento · a 28 de Julho de 1989 · 34 anos · Crawley, West Sussex

        Fontes • nascimento : Crawley 0889 18 1489

    3. Joanne Casey Scutt, Joanne ca 1966
      Nascimento · cerca 3 de Setembro de 1966 · 57 anos · Croydon, Surrey
      Casamento · cerca 1990 · Surrey? · com ------ Hunt

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5a 1426 • casamento com ------ Hunt : Ronald C. Scutt

      &ca 1990 ------ Hunt
      Casamento · cerca 1990 · Surrey? · com Joanne Casey Scutt

      Fontes • casamento com Joanne Casey Scutt : Ronald C. Scutt

      1. Thomas Hunt 1992
        Nascimento · a 1 de Agosto de 1992 · 31 anos · Dorking, Surrey?

        Fontes • nascimento : Ronald C. Scutt

      2. Jack Hunt 1995
        Nascimento · a 27 de Março de 1995 · 29 anos · Dorking, Surrey?

        Fontes • nascimento : Ronald C. Scutt

    4. Steven James Scutt, Steven/Stephen ca 1967-
      Nascimento · cerca 1967 · Croydon, Surrey
      Casamento · em Agosto 1993 · Carmarthen district, Carmarthenshire · com Ann M. Davies
      Divórcio · com Ann M. Davies
      Casamento · cerca Julho 1998 · Swansea district, Glamorgan, Wales · com Lisa P. Hayward
      SCUTT, Steven James, 45 Hill Top, West Bromwich, West Midland and carrying on business as Travel Shores, 116 Corporation Street, Priory Square, Birmingham, West Midlands. Court:BIRMINGHAM COUNTY COURT. No.of Matter1937 of 2007. Date of Bankruptcy Order7 November 2007.

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5a 1258 • casamento com Ann M. Davies : Carmarthen 0893 24 0770 • casamento com Lisa P. Hayward : Swansea 897 Jul 1040

      &1993 Ann M. Davies, Ann, Scutt
      Casamento · em Agosto 1993 · Carmarthen district, Carmarthenshire · com Steven James Scutt
      Divórcio · com Steven James Scutt

      Fontes • nascimento : Electoral Roll 2002 • casamento com Steven James Scutt : Carmarthen 0893 24 0770

      1. James Dean Scutt, James 1991
        Nascimento · a 24 de Dezembro de 1991 · 32 anos · Swansea district, Glamorgan, Wales

        Fontes • nascimento : Swansea (1992) 0192 27 2746

      2. Kirsty Ann Scutt, Kirsty 1994
        Nascimento · em Junho 1994 · 30 anos · Swansea district, Glamorgan, Wales
        (K A S b:1993?)

        Fontes • nascimento : Swansea 8971C C124

      &ca 1998
      marriage twice recorded and with same designation
      Lisa P. Hayward, Lisa, Morgan/Scutt 1968
      Nascimento · em Setembro 1968 · 55 anos
      Casamento · cerca Julho 1998 · Swansea district, Glamorgan, Wales · com Steven James Scutt
      Hayward is her maiden name. (twice recorded and with same designation.)

      Fontes • nascimento : Electoral Roll 2010 • casamento com Steven James Scutt : Swansea 897 Jul 1040

      1. Joel Nathan Scutt, Joel 1999
        Nascimento · em Julho 1999 · 25 anos · Swansea district, Glamorgan, Wales

        Fontes • nascimento : Swansea 8971B B149

    5. Geraldine Terry Scutt, Geraldine 1969
      Nascimento · a 16 de Outubro de 1969 · 54 anos · Croydon, Surrey
      Casamento · em Julho 1988 · Carmarthen district, Carmarthenshire, Wales · com Peter Watkins
      Divórcio · cerca 1996 · com Peter Watkins
      Casamento · em Julho 1999 · Swansea district, Glamorgan, Wales · com ------ Humphreys

      Fontes • nascimento : Croydon 5a 3022 • casamento com Peter Watkins : Carmarthen 0788 24 0855 • casamento com ------ Humphreys : Swansea 897 Jul 1074

      BMD (Remarriages)
      Peter Watkins
      Casamento · em Julho 1988 · Carmarthen district, Carmarthenshire, Wales · com Geraldine Terry Scutt
      Divórcio · cerca 1996 · com Geraldine Terry Scutt

      Fontes • casamento com Geraldine Terry Scutt : Carmarthen 0788 24 0855

      1. Cindy Watkins 1987
        Nascimento · a 22 de Agosto de 1987 · 36 anos · Wales?
      2. Carl Watkins 1989
        Nascimento · a 19 de Abril de 1989 · 35 anos · Wales?
      3. Mathew Watkins 1992
        Nascimento · a 1 de Março de 1992 · 32 anos · Wales?
      4. Jamie Watkins 1993
        Nascimento · a 26 de Agosto de 1993 · 30 anos · Wales?
        1995? Aug 26.
      5. Carla Watkins 1995
        Nascimento · a 7 de Novembro de 1995 · 28 anos · Wales?
      &1999 ------ Humphreys
      Casamento · em Julho 1999 · Swansea district, Glamorgan, Wales · com Geraldine Terry Scutt

      Fontes • casamento com Geraldine Terry Scutt : Swansea 897 Jul 1074

    &1990 Jennifer A. Richards, Jennifer, Scutt
    Casamento · em Junho 1990 · Swansea district, Glamorgan, Wales · com Peter David Scutt

    Fontes • casamento com Peter David Scutt : Swansea 0690 27 1096 / Electoral Roll 2002

Ferramentas estatísticas 

image: bad # of params (0 instead of 1)image: bad # of params (0 instead of 1)image: bad # of params (0 instead of 1)