Potomci od Douglas George Gilbert Scutt

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Douglas George Gilbert Scutt, rojen [on (day month year)] 6. decembra 1903, Brighton, East Sussex, umrl v februarja 1985, New Forest district, Hampshire (živel(a) 81 let). [Zapisek 1]
približno februarja 1928, Portsmouth, Hampshire, se je poročil z Laura Eveline Hares, rojena približno novembra 1905, Portsmouth district, Hampshire, umrla [Zapisek 1-1], ločena.

približno novembra 1946, Brighton district, East Sussex, se je poročil z Gladys Ivy Mugridge, rojena [on (day month year)] 8. aprila 1919, Brighton district, East Sussex, umrla [on (day month year)] 3. februarja 2001, Romsey district, Hampshire (živel(a) 81 let) [Zapisek 1-2].

Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).


1 (Douglas George Gilbert Scutt 1903-1985)
ORegisters of Seamen's Services states b:1902 Dec 06. Official Number: M36472.

- rojstva: Steyning 2b 250 (1st.Q.1904) / Registers of Seamen's Services [1902 Dec 06]
- poroke 1: Portsmouth 2b 799
- poroke 2: Brighton 5h 287
- smrti: New Forest 0285 20 0485

1-1 (Laura Eveline Hares ca 1905-)
- rojstva: Portsmouth 2b 481
- poroke 1: Portsmouth 2b 799
- poroke 2: Portsmouth 6b 1000

1-2 (Gladys Ivy Mugridge 1919-2001)
- rojstva: Brighton 2b 252
- poroke: Brighton 5h 287
- smrti: Romsey 24B 74

- povprečna starost ob smrti 4, prijatelj 4